Black Dragon Kingdom

Chapter 177 Currency in Circulation

Gold coins and silver coins can not only store beliefs generated during circulation, but are also the cheapest and most suitable for the five-color dragons.

As the dragons became stronger and stronger, they robbed, robbed and robbed desperately, and the problem of genetic degradation was indeed solved.

Humans, elves, dwarves, and various other intelligent races face evil dragons, the evil kings who can reach the top of the legend after grabbing enough gold and silver coins as adults, and can also summon younger brothers to fight with them.

Where is the time to enjoy?

Ordinary intelligent creatures, nobles, and extraordinary powerhouses, in order to defend their own property, and also to allow their descendants to survive the robbery.

All of them have become rational, no longer thinking about problems with emotion, but thinking about problems with reason.

In other words, to be able to pass on, they all use reason to think about problems, and those who think emotionally with their lower body were killed when they were robbed by evil dragons hundreds of years ago.

They are all desperately improving their own strength, trying to find ways to make their offspring stronger.

In this case, the problem of genetic degradation is not only solved, but the genetic levels of various intelligent races are still rising.

Originally, it took one hundred resources to reach the top of the legend, but after hundreds of years of being ravaged by the five-color dragons, only eighty or even seventy resources were needed to reach the top of the legend.

In addition, more beliefs are provided, and the quality has also improved a lot.

The gods saw that the five-color dragon was so easy to use, not only their own race became much stronger, but their income also increased a lot.

As a result, they vigorously promoted silver coins and gold coins as currency in circulation.

Some intelligent races and countries that don't want to be robbed by giant dragons originally strongly opposed it.

But as the country that was robbed by the dragon every day became stronger and stronger, he was gearing up for himself, and his saliva was drooling all over the place.

They sincerely used gold and silver coins as currency and let the dragon come and rob them.

It is better to lose some population by being robbed than to destroy the country.

In ancient times, the five-color evil dragons maintained the stability of the world in their own way, allowing the world to develop steadily.

Now, the humans on the mainland have driven away the five-color evil dragons, and no one comes to rob them every day.

It seems that peace has been achieved, but in fact, they are slowly sliding into the abyss.

The human gods above were unable to invest their own power because of the fading magic power tide. They could only watch helplessly, but there was nothing they could do.

According to the records in the inherited memory, in the hundreds of thousands of years of the dragon's history, humans were not the only ones who drove the dragon away from the mainland.

The goblins under them now were at the same level as elves, humans, and dwarves a hundred thousand years ago.

Like humans, they drove the dragon out of the continent, and aimed their knives at other non-goblin races by the way, killing other intelligent races to the brink of extinction.

The entire continent has become their territory, dominating the entire world for fifteen thousand years.

As for fifteen thousand years later.

Looking at the appearance of the group of goblins who are with goblins and kobolds today, you can see how miserable they are.

Ace, use clothing to accelerate the genetic degradation of the human world, the two of us have no objections.

But how can you fool that group of humans!

As far as the size of the three of us is concerned, no matter how you look at it, it's not easy to fool.

Eliza shook her own dragon claw, and then looked at her own shadow, which covered a large area.

Elena looked at Ace in a daze. Today she really opened her eyes. Although there were many things she didn't understand, the part she understood shocked her heart greatly.

Facing Ace who is about to speed up the demise of mankind with a wave of his hand, she is a little timid.

His heart was too dark, she had resisted him so many times before, if Ace used those tricks on her.

Wasn't she sold and had to count the money for Ace?

It was brutal.

Don't worry, this time, the human beings on the opposite side will definitely make us limping, and let the other party go back with a lot of clothing books.

Ace said confidently.

In order to completely defeat human beings, become the overlord of the entire continent, unify the entire world, and make all the people under the sun his territory, he will use 200% of his strength.

Elena said cautiously: I won't become smaller, I won't be able to pretend to be a baby dragon.

Eliza will definitely get smaller, and the baby dragons will be one by one.

Elena subconsciously thought that Ace asked her to pretend to be a baby silver dragon again, and her tone was a little disgusted.

Ace shook his head and said, I won't let you fool them.

I used this trick a few times before. If I use it too much, the opponent is not a fool.

This time, we're going to trouble each other!

Baby Yinlong has been cheated so many times, his parents must go find trouble, otherwise it's too unreasonable.

After all, Yinlong is not a soft persimmon.

Elena has a dragon face and embarrassment, isn't this turning her into a baby dragon, but this time he wants to pretend to be a wronged baby silver dragon, what's the difference from before?

The previous few times of fooling her were all her one-stop performances, pretending to be very good at fooling her, and letting the human beings on the opposite side fool her, and exchanged gold coins for those clothing books.

In the picture, the adult silver dragon that Ace and Eliza are inflated into is also included.

This time, the two of them turned into adult silver dragons, and they went to Xingshi to inquire about their crimes. She, the baby silver dragon, must be indispensable.

Finally, Ace started to discuss with the two little dragons.

According to his deduction, the fifty or so clothing books that he was deceived in the past few times were all deceived by the daughter of a great nobleman.

With the opponent's power and ability, relying on those clothing books, he definitely made a lot of money.

Not to mention anything else, when the first piece of clothing in the clothing book is the most beautiful in ten thousand years, it is a sky-high price.

In this world with gods, each of the most beautiful outfits in ten thousand years will be blessed by the gods.

After being blessed by the gods, it will have extremely special extraordinary functions, and some abilities are incomparable even if it is a legendary weapon or even a semi-divine weapon.

Therefore, he was sure that the other party had already made a lot of money.

The three of them must dig out all the money earned by the other party, and make a good fortune.

This time, the three little dragons jointly created a strategy that focuses on force and supplements words.

Silver dragons are not five-color evil dragons who like to dominate alone, they live in family units.

Behind a silver dragon, there will basically be a large group of elders. It is not reasonable to offend a silver dragon. The silver dragon can completely ask its own elders to seek justice together.

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