Black Dragon Kingdom

Chapter 176 Difficulties in the Rise of Civilization

Because the aesthetics of human beings are normal, which one is beautiful and which one is ugly can be seen at a glance.

In order to obtain better living conditions, without the influence of other factors, women will inevitably pursue beautiful clothing and various jewelry to make themselves more beautiful.

In fact, even if Ace does not disperse clothing into the human world, the human world will slowly eliminate those strong and unsuitable for human aesthetics according to inertia.

The clothes that Ace gave were just shortening the process that took thousands of years to be eliminated to a few tens to one or two hundred years.

Elena and Eliza looked at Ace silently, both a little speechless.

Needless to say, Ace, they can judge what will happen in the human world by just thinking about it.

In the past, there were their giant dragons, and one or two hundred giant dragons took their younger brothers to the human world to rob them from time to time, regardless of whether they were male or female, if they were not strong, they would die.

In order to ensure the inheritance of their families, ordinary people and nobles, even if they like those extremely beautiful women, but in the face of the huge threat of the dragon, in order to ensure their own lives and to pass on their bloodlines, they will Rationally choose to marry those women who are extremely strong, so that the offspring of your family will grow very strong and have stronger power to protect themselves.

When Ace fought with the northerners, most of the millions of human troops were over 1.8 meters tall. Even female fighters had quite a lot of muscle, because they were constantly suffering from white dragons. Their robbery, for the sake of the inheritance of the race, can only choose the best way to survive, so it can become like that.

The same is true for human beings in other lands. When faced with one or two hundred evil dragons that rob them from time to time, as long as their brains are not dizzy, they will choose the right choice.

But now the evil dragon has disappeared. In the past seven or eight years, except for some cities along the east coast, the human world has not been robbed by evil dragons for a long time.

Without the mountain of the evil dragon, the human world has begun to return to the right track, and beautiful, beautiful, and all kinds of bright cultures have begun to be bred by human civilization.

They no longer put all their energy on improving their strength as before, and art began to flourish.

In ancient times, gold coins and silver coins were not actually the currency of the human world, or even the mainstream currency of this world.

At the beginning, the currency of this world was a crystal coin, which was minted after melting the crystal.

Gold and silver are just two common mineral deposits that can occasionally be used in magic, not much different from iron and copper.

However, when the five-color dragon came to this world, the gods of the human family began to notice this race.

Likes passing gold coins, drowsiness, salty fish, and a little crazy.

Although they paid attention, they encountered a kind of trouble at that time. After human beings entered the civilization period, their genes began to deteriorate continuously.

As a last resort, for their own benefit, they provoked wars in the human world one by one, and selected the outstanding ones through the wars.

However, this is not a long-term solution. Human beings are a race that longs for peace, and it is impossible for them to engage in endless wars.

And as they provoke more and more wars, the aspirants among human beings have less and less sense of their gods, and some even think that gods are the root of war and massacre, which greatly affects them. Faith in the human world.

However, they can't stop humans from launching wars. The world's overlords, elves, dwarves, goblins, and other miscellaneous races, there are many.

Human beings need a steady stream of excellent people to become strong in order to survive in this world.

The deterioration of their genes will reduce their ability to digest supernatural resources. Originally, one hundred supernatural resources can make a strong person reach the top of the legend. After the genes are degraded, they need one hundred and twenty, one hundred and fifty, or even Two hundred copies, one thousand copies.

No amount of extraordinary resources could withstand such a waste.

So at that time their main focus was on their race.

The perception of five-color dragons is similar to that of metal dragons and ordinary monsters.

They like to snatch the gold and silver coins that pass by, so why don't I use gold and silver coins as currency?

It is not impossible to use crystal coins, iron coins, and copper coins.

After being robbed by the five-color dragon several times, many human countries abandoned the two currencies of silver coins and gold coins, and did not use them as currency.

After all, coins made of crystal, copper, and some extraordinary minerals are also shiny, not much worse than gold and silver coins.

At that time, the reputation of the five-color dragon was the same as that of those monsters who liked to destroy. Although the various intelligent races hated it, they didn't take it seriously.

Don't mess with them, they don't bother to talk to each other.

At that time, the five-color dragon was called the five-color dragon, not the five-color evil dragon.

The strength of the five-color dragon is also due to insufficient gold and silver coins. It cannot absorb too much belief, and its soul strength is not enough. After adulthood, it can become a third-order, just like the frost giant.

After adulthood, their strength is weak, and their reproduction speed is naturally much faster, and their own group has multiplied to hundreds of species in thousands of years.

And at this time, the dragon gods of five five-color dragons appeared on the stage.

The genetic deterioration in the human world is not limited to humans, dwarves, elves, goblins, and other miscellaneous things have a good reproduction speed, and all intelligent races with civilizations have it.

At this time, the five dragon gods discussed with the gods above and told them that as long as your race is willing to use gold coins and silver coins as the main currency, the five-color dragons can help you solve the problem of genetic degradation.

The gods were dubious, but agreed, isn't it just a currency exchange? It's a small matter, if what the Dragon God said is useless, wouldn't it be all right to change it back?

So with the joint efforts of all the gods, the whole world began to use silver coins and gold coins as the main currency, and silver coins and gold coins began to circulate throughout the world.

Then, the five-color dragons started shaking, and they stopped being salty.

They became bully kings one by one, and went to the area where the intelligent race existed to rob every day when they had nothing to do, making the intelligent race in the whole world miserable.

After robbing enough gold coins, the legendary road was opened by the five-color dragons. One by one, they quickly climbed to the top of the legend with the help of gold and silver coins that passed through, and then continued to rob, no matter how much they robbed, they couldn't rob enough.

As for why only the circulation of gold and silver coins can help the five-color dragon reach the top of the legend, this is because not all materials can store the beliefs generated during the circulation process.

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