Black Crimson

Chapter 4: The Knight Noire 2

"Hey shouldn't they be back by now." Rai the black haired lady from earlier says quietly to her sister Kaelen so Lia doesn't hear, she also puts up a sound barrier just in case. Rai-Ella oldest of the sisters, proficient in physical strength and skill as well as criole manipulation. Her regal presence and and elegance giving her the air of royal authority. Wearing a gentle smile she gave of a motherly warmth, Kaelen tamed by her sister's presence. "He's with Terrene, he'll be fine." They both look over to Lia, leaning on what appears to be a giant metal egg. Hovering over the ground and staying perfectly still. A glass window the went around the strange object opened up and covered more in what appears to be the front of the object. A pair of strange beast standing in front of it, they seem to be held in place by a line of light drawing into their magnificent armor. A sight to behold, they were half the size of the egg but they were still huge standing four legs at 60ft and a width of 35ft each. Their powerful legs having scales and sharp claws. They generally look like wolves rather than dragons. Even with their fierce looks they give off a rather calm and gentle air.

"Why is it soo dark?" Myles asks himself internally; he knew it would be dark but not pitch black. "Maybe letting myself fall in a random hole in the ground was a bad idea." Myles thinks about Terrene and why she was going to throw her body away for him. HIs memories from the past 2 years weren't clear, but he was sure she didn't like him. She saw him as something beneath her sister. She always seemed bothered when Lia embraced him, at first he thought she was jealous, but he also remembers her jumping back and taking a fighting defensive stance when he almost mistakenly touched her. At the time he was nothing but a meat sack of instinct hormones and simple thought something like an animal. Thinking about that Myles was now concerned as to what exactly Lia found attractive about him. __ _ _ __

A low growl interrupted his thoughts, suddenly he could see again, it was some type of dog beast it looked like an oversized mouse rather than a dog though. It didn't seem to notice him so Myles tried to stay calm. In an attempt to move his body Myles realized that he couldn't move or feel anything and then he saw it, his beheaded body being fed on by a giant comically large headed beast. Myles not knowing how to feel about this, closed his eyes and prayed. He noticed he was rather calm about the situation and questioned his sanity. 

"Myles you are an idiot, why did u do that." Terrene says quietly to herself as she lurks searching for Myles. "I would have been fine, does he really not remember anything?" she recalls a time when she stood in the way of guire metal spear capable of injuring and even killing her kind heading towards Myles. It shattered on contact with her skin. The spear was one of the technologies used in the angel extermination, Kaelen found a box on full of it on the planet they were exploring at the time and threw it in rage. Fortunately Lia wasn't there to see what happened, or that would have been the end of the planet. 

While watching the beast feed on his body Myles notices something strange; the beast didn't touch his clothes. Ignoring the blood and saliva on it the suite was in good shape. "Is the beast picky with its food?" Myles joked in his head. "How am i joking about this, I have lost my mind." Myles is fed up with having to watch any longer, even though he is just a head now he wants to live. He remembers the feeling when Terrene made him float, in an attempt to replicate it he shoots off and lands directly on the beast. "Ok I guess I need practice." He braces himself for the beast to react but it completely ignores him. Myles is both relieved and disappointed.

"What was that?" Terrene hears the movement of the mouse dogs in the distance, she quietly moves closer to investigate. "Wow." She says in a plain voice as she watches the spectacle of the head Myles escaping the teeth and claws of the dog mouse beasts. She sniggered putting her hand over her mouth. "Wow." She again said plainly. Myles finally notices her. "Hey! Are you really gonna stand there and watch?"------

"Yes." she says plainly.

Myles is surprised he could even speak. He notices his neck had grown back without his notice. "Can you grab those?" he says pointing his nose to his suite. She pulls the messy suite toward herself and hovers it next to herself. As she expected and planned for, the big headed one notices her. It snarls at her and immediately the small mouse dogs' attention are moved to her.

She looks at Myles meaningfully and runs away. Her glow follows her. It takes a while for Myles' eyes to adjust to the darkness. He turns around and looks at the beast. "For an animal with such a big mouth, you take your time." Myles leaves the beast behind. His head now has shoulders and a chest; his healing speed has increased, he needs to find Terrene quickly.

"Ok you have had your fun." Terrene says in a plain voice. She stops and looks at the mouse dogs and with one wave of her finger, they are heads are cut clean off. "Hmm...." she looks down disappointed; she expected more. ---------

She hears a swoosh behind her, something was watching her. It had to be strong at least she was hoping it would be. "Ah!" Terrene lets out a small tiny soft moan, she wasn't hurt but she felt something; Terrene seldom felt pain so when she could feel pain she was vulnerable. She was sensitive. She took a defensive stance and stayed alert. Whatever she was against was smart and it was not alone.

Myles, still searching for Terrene was a torso with arms now his hands however haven't appeared, and the healing seems to have stopped. "why does it feel like my abilities are messing with me?" Myles asks himself looking at his handless arms. "I need to find Terrene she's good at this stuff.. also she's got my boxers."

"Aaaah!" Terrene shrieks as a small dog with teeth like that of a piranha munches on her arm. Another bites her leg, at this point tears are flowing down her eyes. She drops Myles' and tries to escape. "No no no." She says out of breath as she finds a hole and jumps into it. She covers herself off and crouches crying in the hole.

"Where did she g--?" Myles is interrupted by the piranha teeth dogs, his right hand has grown back but he was still missing his left hand. He punches one off the dogs. The punch breaks all its teeth and sends it flying into a wall, cracking and staining it. The other dogs jump to attack him at once but with an impressive speed, he does the same to them. One of the dogs hit the closing of the hole Terrene hid in. Myles notices her and rushes over to her. Just as he helps her out, his entire body is returned.

"Wow." Terrene says in a plain voice but her face was red. Myles hadn't noticed yet; he was distracted by Terrene. This was the first time he had seen her show any emotion other than disgust and annoyance. He finally noticed she was staring down at him. Th e shock he got when he looked down almost made him pass out, he covered her eyes and asked her for his clothes. "Ummm, I don't know I dropped them, you look good without them though." Terrene answers in a plain voice. Their little exchange is interrupted by a really loud roar and heavy blows from that miss them just barely. Terrene shudders; she is scared of the pain. "Myles, no no I don't want to feel it." with a small tinge of emotion. Without thinking Myles mounts her on his back and runs away. The owner of the tentacle soon follows; it was the Giant head dog and it was soo fast and why did it have to have tentacles they both thought as Myles dodged every one of its attacks.

Apart from the new healing from nothing but a head ability he had a clear increase in strength speed and agility, his stamina was also really high too. He couldn't run forever though. "Hey do you remember where you dropped it." He asked Terrene frustrated. Terrene was lost she seemed to be pre occupied with something. Her face was red again and her grip on his chest was a little more than necessary, she had a faint smile on her face. Myles, disappointed, gave up on trying to get to her and just kept running.

"Argh!" he was hit by a dog which seemed to be made of metal. It seemed to have come out of the tentacles of the big head dog beast. Myles was sent flying and ram into a wall. Terrene however was pushed off before he hit the wall. The force with which he hit the wall was enough to knock him out and form a crater. The big head dog's attention shifts to a shivering Terrene. Her face is blank but she is terrified, not of the monster itself however, but of the pain it would cause her. A tear escapes from her eye and just before it could drop from her face, there is a loud bang. The beast has been sent flying. It was Myles, his crimson eyes glowing, his face gloomy and blank, his haired flowing as if submerged in water his body however covered in hot black flames. Terrene is disappointed but happy he is okay. The beast doesn't seem to have given up yet. It shoot a barrage of metal dogs at the two, Myles expertly dodges the dogs aimed at him and destroys the ones heading for Terrene. Even with most of the dogs he dodges dying some survive and attack Terrene. His flames burn hotter and he throws balls of red flame at them, being careful to avoid Terrene. He turns to the big head dog and appears in front of it, he swipes his hand upwards and suddenly it is cut in half. His flames go out and he turns to Terrene, he picks her up and jumps up through the rocks to the surface. "Ooh, my hero~" she says blankly with a tinge of playfulness. Myles seemingly ignored her. Finally at the surface Myles gently puts her down and passes out. Terrene puts his head on her lap and smiles. She holds out her hand and Myles' clothes come flying. She cleans them with a spell and clothes Myles.

"I'm sorry little sister Lia but I want your black night for myself." she says to herself as she smiles at the sleeping Myles.

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