Chapter 3: The Knight Noire
Lia, finally letting the awe struck Myles out of her embrace, gently stands out of the bed and looks in the direction of the hole the wall. Suddenly the broken pieces of the wall start shaking on the ground. They move into place like pieces of a puzzle and suddenly the wall looks good as new. Myles gulps. Lia sighs, she holds her hand up to her forehead to concentrate and suddenly the room is lined with what appears to be purple light. "There, now we have privacy." she says airily. This makes Myles a little nervous. He unconsciously pulls the blanket over his bandage covered body. Lia giggles. She slowly crawls onto the bed inching ever closely to him, she stops when they are in whispering distance. Myles' heart pounds violently in his chest, flustered, terrified and anxious he manages to stutter out, "Wh... wh... what a... are you going t... to d... do." He gulps after he lets the statement out. Lia giggles again and leans in for what appears to be a kiss, Myles closes his eyes in submission. Their foreheads touch instead of their lips, Myles lets out a relieved and slightly disappointed sigh.
Lia giggles and suddenly there is gentle purple light between their heads. Myles opens his eyes after the phenomenon. He sees a familiar ceiling, the same thing for the window and the alarm clock. He sits up on the bed. "Guess it was a dream after all." He says to himself in a disappointed tone. He buries his head in his right palm. "What a crazy dream." he whispers. He looks at the clock again. It is 1 am on a Saturday morning. He then proceed to the shower. Under the cold wash Lia's eyes plague his mind. He slams his fist into the wall and breaks a tile. This doesn't shock him because he has spent most of his life training to be strong. "It was just a dream." He says to himself quietly. His mind clear Myles continues his routine and ends up jogging to his neighbourhood's park. At the park he notices a new path way, and then takes it. The path eventually leads to a well lit tunnel which he stops in front of. Myles smiles to himself, "They sure do work fast." referring to the new revolutionary build bots as he proceeds to run into it. After just when he sees the end of the tunnel it goes completely dark. Myles screams but he can't hear his voice, he can't feel anything either. Suddenly he hears Lia's voice. "That must be it." She says softly in his head and suddenly they are back in the purple light lined room sitting opposite each other. Myles stares at her relieved, shocked, and rattled. "There is more you need to see." Lia leans in again, this time Myles leaves his eyes open and looks at the dark skinned beauties face as her head touches his. He is interrupted by the light again. This time it was different he wasn't himself. He had no control of the body he was in, it was Lia's, he was seeing things from her point of view.
"Wait does that mean...." Myles thinks before his thought almost immediately gets interrupted by that of Lia's. The landscape looked nothing like those he saw in his memories. The most apparent change was that Lia looked smaller. She was being held by what appeared to be humanoid monsters, she let out a small but powerful shriek and suddenly like clockwork the surrounding area is engulfed in black flames and a dark figure in strange clothes at least to Lia, crimson eyes, black curly hair, standing at six feet two inches and his menacing presence that startles Lia's assailants. He stretches his arm out, spreads his palm wide open and then clenches his fist. Just then all of them spill blood and fall. Soon after he faints. Lia rushes to his aid. She carries like a groom with his bride and well in this case a bride with her groom. It ends there and they are back facing each other. Myles looks at Lia with new eyes. His opinion of her however remains the same, simply perfect. "You are the one I fell for, well, part of you~" she whispers and smiles at Myles with teary eyes.
Myles was star struck; how could a girl like her love a guy like him and why. It didn't really matter because he liked her too but it was too early for him to call it love. They just met after all. Lia interrupted his thoughts with, "This part of you I have never known, I am sure I would love it too. I hope it does the same for me." She pulls away from Myles and as she walks away she opens her mouth. "For as long as it takes." looking over her shoulder and in a defeated voice. Soon after the room door closes behind her, the purple light disappears. Myles is left alone with his thoughts. He realized he had been away from home for two years. He wondered how his parents and sister were taking it. He jumped out of the bed and got dressed. Something felt off though, not only did his track suite look different, it looked new and it also felt lighter and it fit perfectly even though he was taller and had more muscles than before it was as if it was growing with him..
As soon as he was dressed though he was greeted by a purple haired girl a bit shorter than him, her eyes were closed and they looked sharp, her body was voluptuous, her skin was tan and looked delicate she was rather cute, but she had a rather stern look on her face. She pokes Myles. "We are leaving and so you need to leave the room." she says with a rather gentle surprisingly and soft and gentle voice. Myles responded by heading towards the door but she held him back. "That will take too long." She then threw him through the wall. Myles is now falling from a 800 meter height. Myles, even while falling from the side of what appeared to be a cliff riddled with windows is strangely calm. He crosses his arms and takes a breath. As it turns out the calm is Myles' brain's way of dealing with his predicament. The purple haired girl jumps after him and reaches out to both him and the side of the cliff, suddenly all the windows disappear and what appear s to be a vile appears in her hand. Myles is pulled towards the lady, she holds him by the collar. The speed of their fall reduces significantly and it almost appears as if they are flying. Now relatively safe Myles passes out due to mental exhaustion. The recent events were a little too much for him to process all at once. "What? No open your eyes you'll fall." The purple haired girl yells at Myles. Terrene, another one of Lia's sisters, relies only on criole and thus doesn't share their strength, in spite of this, she boasts of an indestructible body, a high affinity for criole use and control. It just so happens that Myles, has a plethora of criole, but for some reason she couldn't touch it unless indirectly, but only while his mind was conscious. In order to make someone else fly like her, she would either manipulate the criole inside or around them. Terrene put away the vile and went beneath the falling Myles. Since she can't stop his fall she would slow and break it. It would hurt but she is indestructible after all.
She looks down to the ground beneath them, its dark. Terrenes eyes were always closed, but she saw more than the average person, demon, angel or demon kin. A criole cluster, they were usually found in places with low activity by beings, Terrene shrieks. The criole cluster will do her no harm, but it made her more sensitive to stimuli. The sound wakes the unconscious Myles. He was confused as to how they hadn't hit the ground yet, they had been falling for two minutes. He notices the rattled Terrene holding on to him but she was beneath him. "Is, she trying to protect me?" He thought, if she was, it made him feel bad. He could feel her hear race on his back. Myles gently released himself from her embrace and pushed her away. Terrene watched as he fell, she was speechless. "Wait criole clusters mean... MONSTERS" Terrene thought in horror, powerful monsters, were usually attracted by these clusters because they used them to create sub-mons, they were monsters created by the powerful ones to find food and do their biding. Without contemplation she immediately flies in after him.
It is dark, quiet and cold. Myles lays on the floor broken. His body is a mess.