Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 667

Chapter 21 .Alleria’s Secret Story

After Turalyon saw his wife’s drastically changed expression, he knew that what Dick was saying was true.

But he is not the protagonist without IQ in the blood of dogs. In fact, his first reaction was to grab the hands of his wife. For Alleria, his trust has surpassed everything. He whispered,

“Are there any difficulties?”

Alleria shook her head. As the eldest daughter of the Windrunner, as a hero who grew up in the war, even after the secret was revealed, her reaction was much calmer. She looked at Dick and then at her own. Husband, after pondering for a moment, he said,

“Yes, I have been in contact with the power of the void. Two months ago, I tracked down some mysterious ghosts, in the deepest part of the ruins of Mac’Aree, surrounded by those crazy draenei souls, ruling In the official seat, I found those phantoms working for a “governor” who wanted the darkness to erode Argus. In the process, I got some…well, some special people’s help.”

The elves also didn’t conceal it, telling the truth about his own experience.

“He is like a phantom, but unlike ordinary phantoms, he can use the power of darkness and shadow at will. I met him in the process of tracing those weird phantoms, and he took me to another world. It is a world hidden in reality, but more real and deeper than reality…that is…”

“Shadow Realm, right?”

Dick’s eyes narrowed, he looked at Alleria and said the taboo-like vocabulary, “It is a world that is completely the same as reality, but it seems that everything is composed of shadows, a cold Yes, desperate, but with another kind of life, another kind of power, where have you been?”

Alleria nodded, which made Turalyon who was standing next to her face a trace of tension. From Dick’s cautious attitude, it can be seen that the place his wife has been to is not normal. .

“Why don’t you tell me? Alleria…”

Turalyon held his wife’s hand, and he could feel that hand became a little cold, “I can face all this with you!”

“No, you can’t!”

Dick shook his head and said in a low voice, “The light on you is so bright. With you, Alleria is destined to not be able to embrace the shadow… Actually, you should be thankful that you have been with your wife. ,otherwise…”

Dick’s eyes looked at Turalyon, making the latter shudder.

“Otherwise, you will lose her forever.”

After speaking, he turned his gaze to Alleria again.

“Twin World Walker tempts you to embrace the darkness, right? He tells you that you can use the power that is spurned by others in order to fight the devil, and he also tells you that he will teach you to use that power, right?”

Alleria’s state was a little weird at this moment, it seemed that she was guided by some power in Dick’s language, she whispered,

“That person…that virtual spirit, he told me that I have a demigod heart.”

“He asked me to accept Shadow, and he told me that that would make me further away from my destiny.”

“I came into contact with it, and I felt my mind drifting… drifting in that ubiquitous shadow.”

“He told me that only my thoughts belonged to me, and he let me accept that power and control that power instead of being controlled by it…”

“He is my mentor… He is called Two-World Walker. Yes, I’m curious, how did you know this name?”

Alleria looked at Dick, and the green in her eyes had turned into a deep shadow, like a waking monster.

“Turalyon, get away!”

Dick said in a low voice, and then tapped his left hand. The invisible force rushed to Alleria, and finally formed four silver chains in the air, entangled the limbs of the elf, but in the next moment, a shadow The flames bloomed around Alleria’s body, burning on Alleria’s body like Dick’s order angel form.

In just a few seconds, this outstanding Quel’Thalas spirit completely transformed into another form.

Her whole body turned into a dark skin, which was dark, but deeper than darkness, similar to deep purple.

Together with her leather armor, they all transformed into this seemingly abnormal state. The silver-white chains that entangled her limbs were corroded and jumped out of the light spot. Her face, under the infusion of that kind of void energy, It became a scary existence, and that hair.

The golden hair turned pale at this moment, and the void energy infected her and strengthened her. The breath of Alleria, who was originally only a hero, swelled rapidly, and finally reached the peak of the epic. The dark storm is here. The sacred place surged, swallowing all the stars around it.

It was like a demon king slowly walking out of the end of the world.

“The Holy Light is on! This…this…”

Turalyon looked at all this in amazement. He didn’t understand how his wife, who had been with him, could become like this. What was more surprised than him was Sylva hiding in the space behind Dick. Nas, at the moment when she saw her elder sister had become such a human and ghost, she jumped out of that space.

“Sister…what are you!”


Dick spread his hands outward. Whether it was Turalyon or Sylvanas, Ulduar’s original power pushed them back. At this moment, this star dome hall became Dick and the void. The battlefield of transformed Alleria.

“You are too careless! Alleria.”

The fingers of Dick’s left hand flicked in the air, and a bright, beating silver light and thunder sword fell into his hand. He looked at Alleria, who had broken the silver-white chain of order, and shook it. Turn your head and say seriously,

“The void is ten thousand times more dangerous than you thought, but you jumped into it…reckless and brave!”


Alleria spoke, but in this form, her voice spread to all directions, like a muffled thunder. The distorted and hoarse voice made her husband and her sister frown. .

“I just borrow it, I just want to help Turalyon, I just want to help the Light Legion…”

“But you can’t even help yourself!”

The long sword in Dick’s hand swung forward, and the silver cross star burst in front of Alleria. At this moment, the power full of order completely invaded the void domain around Alleria. This kind of her The force that had never seen her suppressed her beyond her imagination.

After Alleria got the power of the void, no matter what kind of demon it was, she would be easily beheaded in her hands, facing this kind of advanced means far beyond the power of the world, whether it was fire or frost. Will be suppressed to the limit.

But only this time, she was positively suppressed for the first time.


A wound appeared on Alleria’s arm, and Dick’s brow wrinkled again, the power was weakened too much.

“It seems that the void has treated you as a new chess piece, and the power of the void in you will soon be transformed into chaos…no, it has already begun to transform.”

“If you still have self-consciousness, Alleria, embrace order!”

A sun spear appeared in Dick’s hand. The moment the compressed order appeared, Alleria felt a great threat. She retreated quickly, holding the bow and arrow in both hands, but just When she wanted to shoot the arrow, a pair of warm arms hugged her from behind.

Corroded by the void is definitely not a simple thing. The Holy Light seems so helpless under this kind of power, but even if the flesh and blood are corroded, Turalyon’s expression is still gentle, and he hugs his wife with his arms. , At this moment, the violent void wantonly tore his flesh and blood, and his flesh and blood flew wildly.

“Come back, Alleria, come back! Don’t leave me alone!”

Turalyon’s voice passed into Alleria’s already confused mind, restoring the elf’s mind to a trace of clarity, and she struggled hard.

“No… let me go… Turalyon, don’t touch me… I am… I am evil… leave!”

“Think of your relatives, think of your children!”

Dick strode out of the stars, the sun spear in his hand was getting hotter, he looked at the elf awakened from the sinking of the void, he said loudly,

“The void is not terrible, but don’t hug it! Come back, Alleria, don’t let it control you! You are free!”

“Can’t…can’t fight…I, I’m so painful!”

Alleria’s face that has been infused with void energy is full of hideous and distorted faces. Struggle and confusion flashed through her black eyes.

“I can’t…it whispers in my ear…it brings me closer…closer…”

In the next moment, Alleria’s voice suddenly became deeper, and a higher level of existence replaced her struggling soul.

“I looked into the abyss, there was nothing there, but if the darkness and chaos are just a lie, who is whispering in my ear!!”


As soon as Alleria’s hands pulled the bowstring, she was controlled by another black shadow. Sylvanas looked at her sister who was about to lose, she shouted,

“Wake up! Bastard, Alleria, think about Altora! Think about me, think about Vereesa, you bastard, are you going to abandon us?”


Alleria’s black eyes throbbed at this moment, and she looked at Dick.

“Help me…help me…please…”

“Chaos and order… can never be reconciled.”

Dick took the sun spear and quickly stepped forward, like a pikeman with two guns in his hands. He looked at Alleria, like a priest who spread the word.

“Remember! No one can save destiny! We can only rely on ourselves!”


The spear full of order pierced Alleria’s heart, but it did not kill, and there was no wound on her body. The silver-white spear pierced her body, but it seemed as if it had pierced her. Some kind of higher presence in the body.

The darkness began to mourn, and the power of the void quickly collapsed at this moment, but it was unwilling to admit defeat like that. It roared and rushed towards Dick. The paladin’s face remained as usual. He stretched out a finger and gently tapped on the power of darkness. In front of,

“Go back where you should go!”

“Wherever order goes, there is no place for chaos!”

“Go back and tell your master that I am the line between it and the world. After that line, there is nothing but death!”


The silver light occupies everyone’s eyes at this moment, as if a sun burst out in front of everyone, the next moment, everything dissipated, as if nothing had ever appeared.

In the distant Argus Star Territory, in a certain space in the void, a white-robed two-world walker stared at the big hole in his chest with a stunned look. The destructive power instantly wiped out all of his existence. erase.

He… provoked existence that should not be provoked.

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