Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 666

Chapter 20 . Turalyon’s Thousand Years Story

The process of Velen imparting Shaman’s beliefs to Hatton is difficult. It is undoubtedly very, very difficult for a holy light creature that has been sincere but has lost faith to re-accept another belief.

But Velen knows very well that even if Hatton didn’t say it clearly, the broken people of the Crokuhn tribe must be difficult on the spiritual level. After all, the draenei have experienced this process personally. Without a belief to support them, the broken ones are very difficult. Those who are prone to become lost are terrible creatures that once wandered in the land of Outland, the kind of haunting, almost no mental support, like a barbarian, with the limbs to the extreme, and the terrible creatures covered with sarcoma.

Yes, in this magical world, inner beliefs can change the external image. It sounds amazing and terrifying, but this is a fact that cannot be ignored.

After the Krokuen tribe 25 thousand years later, they need a new kind of inner support, instead of relying entirely on the slight warmth transmitted by the Holy Light Legion. After being swept by the dark power, the Holy Light is no longer suitable for them. Tolerance All shamanism is more appropriate.

The most important thing is that Nobundo, the great shaman of Draenei, is Velen’s best friend. Once the shamanism is implanted in the hearts of the Krokuen tribe, when the two forces really start to come into contact, the two tribes’ Shaman will become the best bond between each other.

You see, Velen is not ignorant of these political tactics, he just disdains to use them.

Compared to Velen and Hatton’s contact, at a later time, the meeting with the old brother and relatives ended, Turalyon and Alleria, who were dressed in casual clothes, were invited to the Star Dome Hall.

Under the leadership of those respectful and sincere earthen servants, the Turalyons walked through the road surrounded by astral projections and starlight. Everything about Ulduar surprised the two of them. They were still in Azeroth. During that time in the world, they didn’t know that under this seemingly peaceful world, there was still such an existence hidden…a Titan City, it was not like what Azeroth should have.

“This is the real secret hidden under the world…So far, no more than 20 mortals can be invited into this great city.”

When turning into the depths of the vestibule, the earthen servants stepped back, the manager clerk holding the rock book, and the cat queen Orlia took over the job of leading the way. This newly decorated guardian walked in a mortal manner. In the front, she followed two docile obsidian cheetahs under her feet. After returning to normal, the eyes of these cheetahs changed from a dangerous crimson to a pale blue like a star.

It was like a real work of art, and the clerk herself was wearing a sky blue robe. Except for the stone body, she looked no different from ordinary people. Even the beating of her eyes was extremely vivid. .

Oulia walked in front quietly, Turalyon and his wife followed her, and the human general suddenly asked.

“The manager here, Mr. Dick, is he human, or is he an extraordinary creature like you?”

This question stopped Oulia’s footsteps, and then moved forward again.

“The Guardian was once a human being, but now he is far more noble than any creature in this world. What flows through his body is something that is thousands of times heavier than mortal blood… but I don’t I would deny that his inner part is actually more like a human being than a stone creature like us.”

Oulia stopped in front of a very delicate carved door. She stood sideways and looked at the Turalyon couple with those insightful eyes, which contained a deep meaning.

“But the more this happens, the more he appears to be great…well, I know you have a lot of questions, but now is the time to meet, go in, the leader from a foreign land, to meet the greatest in this world exist.”

After that, Oulia’s body disappeared in Ulduar’s corridor like a starlight projection, silently, as if she had never appeared before, as was the obsidian cheetah under her feet. .

Turalyon and Alleria glanced at each other and saw the prudence in each other’s eyes. Turalyon stretched out his hand and pushed open the door. The stone door was not as heavy as he thought. In fact, he just slightly extended his hand to the door. Parting to the sides, sliding slowly, Turalyon and Alleria walked in.

It was a land shrouded in starlight, as if the stars of thousands of worlds gathered here, bright and gorgeous, like a cushion of flowing light from the stars, they walked into it, it was a starlight corridor, There is darkness on both sides, darkness from the starry sky, light from outside the world.

In front of them, Dick was turning his back to them, beating a weird instrument. He didn’t look like a great and respected world manager, a great man with the power to change the world.

“Oh, here you are… Oulia is a responsible but literary secretary and manager, what he says from her mouth is often carried… I mean , A stronger literary atmosphere, so don’t care about her praise. I have come all the way from the human world. You can think of me as an ordinary human being, General Turalyon, and Ms. Alleria.”

Dick turned around, spread his hands slightly, and two chairs appeared behind Turalyon and Alleria.

“Please sit down. Before you came, I had a long talk with Zela. I am very curious about your experience of fighting for 1,000 years. If you don’t mind, you may wish to satisfy my curiosity.”

Turalyon looked at Dick. He was observing him. This person’s attitude is kind and his appearance is not outstanding. Even in Alleria’s eyes, it can be called “banal”, but the important thing is not this one. Face, but those eyes, those eyes that contain tens of thousands of stars, those eyes are like the tides that wrap the entire world and this star field. When looking at those eyes, Turalyon even feels It’s suffocation.

That’s enough, it’s enough to prove Dick’s power.

But probably because I think this kind of atmosphere is not suitable for conversation, Dick’s left hand waved lightly, and the bright stars all around were extinguished in this lesson. As if receiving some kind of order, the light calmed down.

Let this space return to its original state. They are like standing on a blue water curtain. The light curtain is as peaceful as a layer of the most beautiful water surface, where Dick has walked, and even brought it up. With slight ripples, the lower part is darker azure blue, and the top of the head is slightly brighter. The starry sky displayed in various ways makes it look like a place where Azeroth should be.

It seems to be hidden under the world, but higher than this world’s more advanced existence.

Turalyon sat on the chair, and he saw the sword-shaped crystal floating in the air behind Dick, which looked like jade rather than jade, and was blended into it by a huge amount of holy light, and had an opaque luster.

Heart of Light, Mother of Light… Commander of the great Light Legion, Zera.

“Don’t worry, Turalyon… tell him what you know, he deserves to know it all.”

So Turalyon breathed a sigh of relief, and he looked at Dick, who was leaning on the instrument, as if he was really curious about Turalyon’s story.

“I… it was only an accident that I went to Argus.”

Turalyon began to tell his story, “In my already somewhat chaotic memory, I tracked Talon Gorefiend all the way to the edge of Shadowmoon Valley, where I had a fight with that cruel guy. Life and death confrontation, that is a cruel lunatic. In the last time, he even detonated his own existence to try to kill me, but at that moment, the void around us rippled.”

“It’s like a tunnel, shrouded me in it.”

The human general’s expression became more subtle. He seemed to recall the feeling, “It’s like going through a portal, but when I woke up, I was already standing on the demon-ravaged land of Argus. I strenuously killed the demon that was attacking me, and found a direction casually. Finally, under the guidance of Zera’s voice, I joined the Holy Light Legion.”

“In the beginning, it was not easy to integrate into the group of powerful but unruly holy light warriors. They were in a frenzy of killing demons at the time. I admit that they are very powerful, but They don’t seem to have a clear idea of ​​what they are doing, uh, I mean, plan! They have no plan, and in my opinion, they were like headless flies and firefighters at the time.”

Turalyon pursed his lips, and almost unreservedly told his own experience, which was inspired by Zela and Dick’s perception, yes, after entering here, the Turalyons Soon Dick regarded Dick as an old friend, which was abnormal, but it was the most instinctive action of these creatures who were born in the world of Azeroth.

“They shuttled through the rifts in the world, wherever there were demons, they would go wherever they were, just to fight against. Later, with the support of Zera, I became the commander of the Light Legion, and I began to plan goals for the Light Legion. The tactical plan is to pass through the world’s rift to prevent the demons from invading the new world. Sometimes it is successful, but more often, we can only do our best to rescue a part of the survivors.”

While speaking, Turalyon closed his eyes.

“When I followed them into the battlefield of demons for the first time, I saw their ferocity and their power, and I realized that the orcs, those opponents I thought were the craziest before, were simply not worth mentioning in front of the demons. , They are the biggest cancer and enemy in this universe.”

“But every time I fight those demons, there will be a question in my heart. Can we really win? The Holy Light Legion and the Burning Legion are hardly the same level of existence. We do our best to do things. Maybe it’s not as good as the casual wave of the demon commanders.”

“But thanks to fate, it sent my wife to me when I was most confused.”

Turalyon took Alleria’s hand and said to Dick, “And you, if Azeroth is really strong enough for a cross-stellar expedition, then we can unite and attack the Legion. , Attack Argus, yes, Argus is only the base camp of the Burning Legion in this star field, but as long as it is destroyed, we have enough time to regain those invaded worlds and integrate ours before the reinforcements of the Burning Legion arrive. power!”

Turalyon stood up, clenched his fists, and a flame called hope burned in his eyes.

“When they come again, we will have enough power to completely drive them out of this star field, yes! We can do it!”

“As for the year 1000…”

Turalyon waved his hand with a smile, “It’s just because the time flow of each world is different. After frequently crossing the world’s rift, it is difficult to say whether I have fought against the demons for 1,000 years, but… I think there should be. , And I feel that I am just like an elf now. After experiencing these long and weird things, my perception of time is getting slower and slower. I can’t imagine that this world has only passed 11 years…”

“Papa Papa”

Dick clapped his palms and praised,

“Very good, General Turalyon, you are the first person in the world of Azeroth who can take the initiative to see our future direction. Your 1,000 years have not been in vain. In fact, I came to you to talk about unity. Combat matters, but…before that, I have two questions.”

“First… the destiny that Zella showed you… is wrong!”

Turalyon’s face changed drastically at this moment, but from Zera’s calm perception, he told him that this sentence was true… Before Turalyon could react, Dick’s eyes turned to Ole again. Leah,

“Second, I don’t know if you know it, but your wife, the patriarch of the Windrunner family, Alleria… She has some secrets from you. It’s not a good thing to have contact with the void, Alleria Ms. Ya, your behavior has violated the most essential balance!”

At this moment, Alleria’s expression also became horrified.

Her greatest secret was revealed.

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