Avatar, the spirit of knowledge

Chapter 23: Chapter 23: Terra & Molecules

[Solon POV]

Studying knowledge is a hobby I had from before getting born.

It was always so much fun. Learning something new filled me with satisfaction.

But the moment I obtained the record I got infinite knowledge about the world. There was nothing new to learn, nothing to discover. I had everything I ever wanted in the palm of my hands, but I had nothing at the same time.

It was sad, my dream became true, very early in my life, but it wasn't what I wanted.

I didn't want to be given the knowledge, I wanted to obtain it myself.

That was the reason I wanted to learn about the other concepts from my siblings.

The moment I learnt about molecules, it was like my wish came true. Their existence proved that there was knowledge that the record didn't have. Knowledge I had to find out on my own.

In my excitement, I forgot that touching the concepts of other spirits was forbidden. I touched the concept of elements, and due that small mistake I was meeting a concept-level spirit that wasn't one of my siblings.

The spirit of elements, Terra.

[A month after finding out about molecules]

[Third POV]

Solon was sitting next to the three trees with Terra sitting right in front of him. Both of them were drinking white tea.

"So... Can you tell me the reason you touched my concept without any kind of notice?" Terra a woman the size or the tea cup with small wings on her back asked.

"There is no reason, it was a mistake made due to my excitement" Solon replied while looking directly at Terra.

"Your act of using the concept of the elements in order to manipulate the earth for whatever reason, has had a lot of effects in my job. Since you used my concept I lost my absolute control over it for a small amount of time."

"What does that mean for the world as a whole?" Solon asked with interest since he lost the ability to know everything that happens after he decided against using the record to do anything but his duty in order to avoid depending on it.

"Nothing too important. You just increased my workload by a little bit for the next decade of so." Terra said calmly.

"I apologise for this. However there is nothing I can do to change what has already happened."

"You can actually." Terra said with a small smile.

After seeing that smile Solon understood that the whole point of this conversation wasn't his mistake but this single moment.

"Tell me. What do you want from me?" Solon asked aware that Terra's request would be quite troublesome to complete.

"I don't require something from you right now. How about we say that you owe me a favor."

"Very well, however this favor won't be hurting my siblings in any way."

"We have a deal." Terra said with happiness in her voice.

After saying that Terra teleported away leaving Solon in his place with the tea he served her.

'Well, that's what Chronos called Karma, is it not?' he thought amused but cautious about this favor.

Immediately after he informed his siblings about being out of reach for a while and went back to studying molecules.

[Unknown location]

[Third POV]

"So? Did you manage it?" asked a deep, menacing, and resonant voice

"Yes, we will have Solon's vote during that time. Then we can finally get rid of these creatures." Terra said to the spirit in front of her.

"Solon is currently studying something. None of us know what, however he sounded extremely excited about his findings. We will call the council during the next harmonic convergence."

"Good, just remember our agreement." Terra said seriously and teleported bact to her realm.

After she left silence followed for a small amount of time and then the same deep voice started talking aloud to itself.

"We are close, just 9 thousand years left and the goal can be achieved."

[Solon POV]

After Terra left I immediately went back to studying molecules. They were fascinating, They are different but at the root they are the same. Created by what I called atoms.

Atoms were the second smallest existence I could find. They were the most primal form of everything material. They were created by particles so small no one other than concept-level spirits could sense.

There were 3 kinds of particles, protons, electrons and neutrons. Each of these particles had it's own characteristic that set it apart from the others.

Protons had the ability to stick with other particles of the same kind as well as neutrons in order to create the core of an atom. They were what you would call the leaders. They decided what the created atom would be while preventing it's collapse.

Electrons on the other hand worked as guards for the atom. They prevented any kind of particle from getting inside the atom and bringing imbalance. The managed that by going in circles inside outside the atom and repeling with their charge other electrons and atoms.

Lastly there are neutrons. I am not yet aware of their work. What I am aware of, is the immense energy they stored inside them.

On another note, my findings about, molecules, atoms and particles were written inside the record. This has led me to believe that I don't have to exist solely to protect and take care of it, but I can increase the amount of knowledge it possesses.

[Third POV]

While studying particles and their abilities, a new-crazy for the time- idea came to Solon.

'Wait! So far I have been studying the particles of the earth. If the earth is created by these, then shouldn't other things be created by a different kind of molecules? Does that mean that if I study each tree on it's own I would find a different kind of knowledge?'

The moment this idea passed through his head he immediately left his research and started using his sesnes to scan a tree near him.

"There are different molecules than the earth." He said aloud to himself unaware that a crazy smile started appearing on his face.

~~~~{chapter end}~~~~

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