Anime Lottery System

Chapter 41: Chapter 41: 2 vs 3!!!

Of course when I say my sword swing took her head off it was just a figure of speech. The strike was solid. It hit her in the head and sent her flying, which freed Isabella. Tengen Muyo's strike took the top off of Whole Cake Château.

"Do you know where Jack is?" I asked Isabella now that she was safely back in my hands.

"He fought with Katakuri for a bit then two more of them showed up. Jack fought as hard as he could but he was overwhelmed by the two of them." She replied. "He was beaten but he managed to get away. I'm not sure where he is now."

I assumed she was talking about Daifuku and Oven. If they were here then that meant that the Big Mom Pirate's heaviest hitters were all here on the Island. That being the case escape wasn't going to be easy. One on one I think the top officers of my crew could beat the top officers on Big Mom's crew, but the problem was that we were outnumbered so heavily. It would be impossible to get a one on one fight.

"Yuma! Get everyone out of here!" I shouted as I tossed Isabella towards them and Celeste caught her. "I'll hold off these two, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you guys handle the rest."

"Of course, don't worry about us. We'll handle it." Yuma said as he led the rest of my crew away.

"Ha! You don't really think that you stand a chance against me by yourself do you?" Big Mom asked as she had gotten up. It appeared she hadn't actually taken much damage from my attack earlier.

"You shouldn't underestimate him mama, I'll help you." Katakuri said as he stood beside her.

"You really think I'd need your help against a brat like him?" Big Mom asked almost insulted by Katakuri's concern.

"I don't know, for some reason I have a bad feeling about him. I'd rather be careful just in case." He replied. "Though I usually prefer not to fight two on one."

"Don't feel too bad about that. It's not really 2 vs 1." I said as drew Zabimaru.

"Bankai! Hihio Zabimaru!!!"

"With my three beast swords it's really more like 3 vs 2. So if anything you're clearly at a disadvantage." I said with a confident smile.

"You cocky brat!" Big Mom said as she swung her sword at me, but it was blocked by Tengen Muyo. I used Tengen Muyo to handle Big Mom. Even her massive size was dwarfed by Tengen Muyo. I just needed it to hold her off long enough for me to defeat Katakuri.

I fought him using Zabimaru and immediately started overwhelming him with blows that started to push him back.

"Being able to see what'll happen next doesn't help much if you can't stop it am I right?" I said as I continued to push him, I then suddenly had a gash open on my shoulder.

When Tengen Muyo took damage it transferred to me as well. However, this was actually a pretty good thing. As the damage was transferred to me, my adaptation ability activated every time Tengen Muyo took a hit, but since it was heavily armored the damage was significantly less than if it had hit me myself. Therefore, I was adapting to Big Mom's attacks pretty easily.

"It seems like that giant samurai mama is fighting is connected to him. Which means that he's controlling it while fighting me. It's an impressive feat no doubt." Katakuri thought. "I'm impressed you can keep up with fighting the two of us, but how much longer do you think you can keep this up?" He asked me.

"As long as it takes!" I said as I gave him another slash.

The fight was going pretty good for me but I needed to finish them off quickly to get back to help the others escape. They were surrounded by Big Mom's crew, and they were struggling to break through.

Tengen Muyo was able to fight Big Mom to a stalemate, and Katakuri wasn't as easy to put down as I hoped he would be. I was confident I could win, but it was taking too long I needed to get back to the others quickly.

"Bankai!! Soo Zabimaru!!!"

"This is a special technique I developed while I was training with Char and Rayleigh." I said as I had Zabimaru in on my right hand and held Samehada in my left and held Tenken with my teeth. "Three Beast Sword Style! March of 1000 Ogres!!!!"

My attack sent countless slashes across the area that we were fighting in and completely demolished the place. Big Mom and Katakuri had been completely blown away by the attack and weren't moving. I was pretty sure Katakuri was down for good but there was no way I could beat an Emperor of the Sea that easily.

Big Mom got up and her Haki started shooting off of her like lightning bolts. Additionally she also had actual lightning bolts and her hair was on fire.

"You little brat!" She screamed as she lifted her sword. I've had enough of this! I'm going to crush you in a single blow!"

"I agree I'd rather get this over with sooner rather than later. It's best if we both use our strongest attacks and see who comes out the victor." I replied as I released Tenken's Bankai and dropped Samehada.

"Ikoku Sovereignty!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed as she swung down her sword at me.

"Snake King's Fang!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I howled as our slashes met each other.

The clash of blows created a shockwave that could be felt across the island. Whole Cake Château was completely reduced to nothing but rubble. When the smoke cleared only one of us was left standing. And the one still on their feet, was me!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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