Chapter 40: Chapter 40: That’s A Deal!
Isabella and Jack were now face to face with the second eldest of Big Mom's sons, Katakuri, and they had to think of a way out.
"You're not supposed to be here." Katakuri told them.
"Oh, we just made a mistake, we…" Isabella started to say.
"I'm not interested in whatever your excuse is. Based on where to are I can more or less figure out what you were up to." Katakuri said cutting her off.
"There's no point in trying to talk our way out of this Isabella. He can probably see through it." Jack said. "Just get out of here I'll take him on."
"Are you sure you'll be able to handle it on your own?" Isabella asked.
"No offense but you would just be in my way if you stayed. So get going." Jack said definitively.
Meanwhile I was having dinner with Big Mom to finalize our marriage pact. "So your best daughter is Smoothie, you won't marry her off. I can understand that, Galette is your second best. Your third best is Amande, all three are very impressive." I said.
"Smoothie's a wifey, them other twos alright." Yuma said between bites of food.
"All three are wifey material." Big Mom responded.
"Amande's good, but I wouldn't pay no 12 thousand foot wedding cakes for her." He continued.
"And what would your price be?" I asked with a smile.
"Well. If I was inclined to be generous. And I don't know why, I would be inclined to be generous. I'd say 9 thousand foot wedding cakes." He said.
"Let me get one thing straight." Big Mom said as she got more serious. "It wasn't me who came to you to marry one of my daughters."
"Sure wasn't." Perospero added.
"It was you who came to me to marry one of my daughters."
"Sure was."
"Now if I wanted to marry Amande off for that much, I could do so any day of the week. It was only your RIDICULOUS offer of 12 thousand foot wedding cakes that made me even consider it."
"Well I must say Mademoiselle Linlin, you certainly do possess the power of persuasion." I said as I pensively stroked my chin. "Very well! Sold!" I said enthusiastically.
Big Mom made a toast to celebrate our finalized negotiations. "However, that is quite a lot of cake. I have a baker, a very persnickety man named Tuttle." I said after a long pause. "I'd like to have my chefs hash out the details and we can come back in say, 7 days?"
"7 days? I say magnificent." Big Mom said as she raised a glass. "To Charlotte Amande, or should I say Buster Amande?" She said as everyone cheered.
Just as she was finished speaking, Katakuri walked into the room. "Mama, we need to talk about desert." He said as he got close to whisper in her ear. "Meet me in the library."
The two got up to leave and had a private conversation. "What's so important that couldn't wait Katakuri?" Big Mom asked.
"They ain't after no pirate gals, theys after that Ponyglyph." He replied.
"What do you mean? He just engaged Amande." Big Mom said confused.
"Did he pay you yet?"
"Well, no but…"
"Then he ain't engaged nothing."
"Alright fine, but if he was after the Ponyglyph, why the whole song and dance about the marriage?"
"You wouldn't have paid no never mind to some upstart pirate wanting to see your Ponyglyph, but those 12 thousand foot wedding cakes, that made you real friendly didn't it?" He asked. "Thank you Katakuri, you're welcome mama."
"If it was a snake in the grass, it would have bit me." Big Mom said scratching her chin. "Those time wasting sons of-" She said as she slammed her hand on the table.
The two later returned to the dining room. "Well, Katakuri brought something to my attention that I think you all might be interested in seeing." Big Mom said as she drug Isabella tied up into the room. "Apparently we caught this one and another trying to steal my Ponyglyph!" She said as her soldiers entered the room and held us at gun point.
As I tried to make a move, she grabbed Isabella making it clear that I shouldn't try to move.
"Mr. Gaileo, when you first entered my territory a few days ago you yourself said that for the right woman you'd be willing to pay what some may consider is a ridiculous amount. To which me myself said "What is your definition of ridiculous?" To which you said "12 thousand foot wedding cakes." Now, considering y'all have sailed a whole lot of miles..." Big Mom then aggressively grabbed Isabella's head and smashed her hat sword into the ground. "went through a whole lot of trouble..."
Isabella started whimpering in Big Mom's grasp and I was struggling to restrain myself from making a move because I knew they had us surrounded.
"and done spread a whole lot of bull to steal my pretty little Ponyglyph with this lovely little lady here. It would appear that she in fact is the right woman! And if y'all wanna leave Whole Cake with her alive, the price... is 12 thousand foot wedding cakes." She continued. "And if y'all think my price for this woman is too steep, what I'm going to do is.. TAKE THIS SWORD HERE, AND BEAT HER ASS TO DEATH WITH IT! RIGHT IN FRONT OF BOTH YA'LL! THEN WE CAN EXAMINE THE INSIDE OF ISABELLA'S SKULL! NOW... WHAT'S IT GONNA BE GAILEO? HUH? WHAT'S IT GOING TO BE?"
"May I lift my hands off the table in order to remove my billfold?" I said nervously, to which they seemed a bit confused because they didn't ask for any money.
"Oh, shoot. I guess that's as far as that bit goes." I said. "Oh, well."
"Bankai!! Kokujo Tengen Muyo!!!!!!!" I howled as Tengen Muyo's blade cut into the room we were in and took Bug Mom's head off.