American Entertainment 1982

: Single chapter recommendation

 Single chapter recommendation

I rarely recommend books, and it’s even rarer to recommend books by single chapter. Mainly because I’m lazy and annoying. Damn it, some readers may know that my son has barely been able to relax in the past year, which has caused my own updates to fail. If I don’t have time, I won’t have time to help promote books.

But this book still needs to be recommended, and it is recommended as a single chapter. Even in order to open this single chapter, I specially coded several text updates to compensate all readers.

 Book title: "Rebirth of Hong Kong Island: Unlicensed Story", author: Pu Xiangzhenren.

The last time I wrote a chapter to recommend a book to this guy was back in 16 or 17 years. I didn’t know this guy at that time, but I just saw the beginning of the book "The Overseer" where he stood on the street and redeemed his finger for redemption. , I went to Longkong and made a separate post. As for why I didn’t add a single chapter to the work at that time, it was very simple, because I had no works under my name at that time...

Seven or eight years have passed in the blink of an eye, and the author has transformed from a stranger to a good friend who can almost be said to wear the same pants as me.

At that time, I watched "The Warlord" because of the atmosphere of Tianjin that hit me. My home is not far from Tianjin, and I was familiar with the Tianjin gangsters who relied on self-mutilation to become kings and hegemons, which was completely opposite to the national gangsters. It was not easy to see someone writing about Tianjin. I was quite excited about the story, thinking that the author was an outsider who collected information and wrote about the Republic of Tianjin, just like me, a Hebei native, writing about Hong Kong.

Only later did I find out that this guy was born and raised in Tianjin, which is only an hour's drive from my home. His identity is a serious storytelling successor and cross talk artist who has studied as a teacher and performed on stage, and spent time in teahouses and other places on Saturdays and Sundays. .

In the first seven years of my life, I stayed with this guy for six years. We moved from Nanjing to BJ together, and then went home separately. It can be said that in those six years, I spent more time with him than with my wife and children. Even more. This guy doesn’t drink well, but he’s a down-to-earth man who would risk his life to accompany a gentleman. If you want to drink, I’ll accompany you. My favorite thing to do is to order a few dishes, get two bottles of wine, and have a chat with him after I’m done. Start drinking, and then you can listen to him tell stories that you have never heard before, from history to mythology, from the West to the East, from unofficial history to serious dramas, from **** to mature women...

I often heard in cross talk jokes that a cross talk actor or storytelling artist has a grocery store in his belly. I thought it was just bragging. After meeting him, I realized that story telling artists do have too much knowledge. Anyway, as far as I am concerned, chatting He can tell me everything in a clear and logical manner. I would like to say that someone from a certain club in Beijing asked for the storytelling book he had saved in his hand, which may be suspected of helping him brag. But in my opinion, this guy no longer needs my help. He's already awesome.

Those hundreds of drinks convinced me that this guy telling stories by your side is definitely more attractive than writing stories in code. Really, even if he reads a newspaper and then talks about a certain news with you, it can make people listen. He is a master storyteller.

Another reason why I can get him to drink hundreds of times is that this guy likes Hong Kong movies and TV series as much as I do. We talk about those old Hong Kong movies very much, starting from Shaw Brothers’ long-dead Li Hanxiang and Chang Cheh, and we talk about them until now. Wang Jing and Qiu Litao, who are still showing off their residual enthusiasm, talked about TVB's The Condor and ATV's Tiancanbian to the recent hot news queen of Hong Kong dramas, from Xiao Fangfang, Zheng Peipei and Shao Yinyin to Guan Zhilin, Qiu Shuzhen and Li Jiaxin, and then to the current Miss Hong Kong who is in the spotlight in Hong Kong Island. Ugly girl.

I remember a few years ago when "Anti-drugs 2" was released, I went to the cinema to watch the movie with Pu Xiang and Lei Yue (this is another Hong Kong movie lover and Hong Kong author). After watching the movie, we came out and complained about how ugly it was. Basically, Pu Xiang questioned how the plot was unreasonable, how the characters acted mentally retarded, etc., and then expressed his personal opinions on how to improve and design a better and more reasonable plot. Finally, when I walked all the way to my residence, I discovered that this guy was just talking about it. The plot is more exciting than the plot of the movie. If it is shot according to this guy's idea, the finished film may be more popular.

After I went back to start a book last year, this guy finally started a book this year. As early as half a year ago, he talked to me about writing a story about a Hong Kong lawyer. He chatted with me for many hours over voice calls about the plot. It took me half a year to collect all the information that could be used to create this book. Although they are both senior fans of Hong Kong film and television dramas and have a close personal relationship, their styles are actually different. I prefer a fast-paced and neglected growth. It is best to watch the hottest Hong Kong movies that "fuck the plot and give it to me". And he prefers classic Hong Kong dramas that accompany growth and bonding. I have also pondered this issue. It may be related to his personal growth as a teenager. He is a typical city kid. Let’s put it this way, he watched it early When I got cable TV, played games on demand, and watched various TV series and movies, I was a rural child living in a town. I could only skip classes every now and then to watch movies in the video hall in the town, and rely on selling among my classmates. Various pirated Hong Kong film CDs earned me the money to pay for night stays in video halls. This may be the root cause, and it also leads to differences in creative ideas. When I started a book in the past, I basically didn’t consider the growth of the characters and the completeness of the story. So when I started the book, it was not Being forced to revise the outline temporarily is 404. He cares about the growth and completeness of the story. A book has a very complete outline and direction before it is started.

 I say so much, mainly because I want to express that as an author, this guy has a reliable character and has never had a bad ending or eunuch. The book is perfect. Even 404 will only happen with a small chance after finishing the book, so readers can rest assured to read it.

Talking back to the content of this book, this is a story about an unscrupulous lawyer who is reborn and takes advantage of his lust... no, it is a story about justice. Before his rebirth, he used to be one of those high-ranking villains. After his rebirth, he used magic to fight magic. , those gentle scum making trouble in Hong Kong, only he can deal with them, because he was a scum before his rebirth, and he was also a scum after his rebirth, but this time, he did not have the license issued by those similar people.

I have listened to him talk about many cases in it, and I have given him some ideas for many plots. Even if the outline of the final villain had not been changed, I could have talked about it and participated in the design work. If he had followed the instructions we talked about It took me about an hour to finish writing this book. I think it will be a very exciting story.

But Qidian seems to have changed the recommendation rules now, and he hasn’t gotten through Qidian for many years, so I decided to write a single chapter to recommend it to him. After all, Qidian is so cruel now. No matter how wonderful the story is, if you don’t read enough at the beginning, The editor will suggest you start a new book, and will never consider how exciting the subsequent story of this book will be.

 So, if there are readers who like to read novels about Hong Kong Island, on behalf of Puxiang, I sincerely invite you to take the time to read it.

 "Rebirth of Hong Kong Island: Unlicensed Story".

I also thank you all for reading this single chapter to push the book. He couldn't make a report. After a few updates, put it out in one breath.

 Finally, I wish all readers a happy family and all the best in 2024.

 (End of this chapter)

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