American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 310: new life

Chapter 310 New Life

Computer professionals in the entire United States or the world are disgusted by Tommy Hawke. This **** treats the official merger of Germany and Germany, a major historical moment of this century, as an advertising feast like the Super Bowl, live broadcast on VOX News Network Compaq laptops often appear on the screen, and AmigaOS installed on the laptops.

 Obviously everyone knows that this **** is advertising, but you can only call AmigaOS disgusting, but you cannot directly point out that it is an advertisement, because that would constitute defamation.

As the Berlin Wall was officially demolished, a large number of German people poured into West Germany. They had no West German marks, no legal status in West Germany, and no telephones. They had been blocked by the wall in East Germany for decades. They were almost the same as those in West Germany or other places. Relatives have lost contact, children don’t know where to continue their education, and the elderly don’t know where to buy their usual medicines. How to solve all this?

The American Peace Corps, which has been taking root in West Germany for decades, is here to serve you.

Although many countries define the American Peace Corps, an independent volunteer organization, as an American espionage organization, and even the American Peace Corps does not deny that they provide the U.S. federal government with certain information about their countries, it has to be said that even if everything is for Intelligence or cultural penetration, but the superficial work is done very well.

The Peace Corps of the United States has been officially in operation since 1961. Sargent Shriver was the founder and first director. The original target was actually Africa, which was heavily influenced by France. It hoped to send a large number of recent college students who were absolutely loyal to the United States to Africa. Various countries engage in voluntary work, such as teaching English in local schools, or engaging in medical, religious and cultural work, etc., gradually affecting the nationals of those countries in terms of culture and language.

The first batch recruited 7,000 outstanding American university graduates. Originally, Sargent hoped that at least half of the first batch of volunteers would be black, so that it might be easier to integrate into African countries where blacks are the majority. However, at that time, the United States The status of black people is low, and few black people can become college students. It is difficult to find a few black college students. When they heard that they were going to Africa to help their ancestors, the black college students chose to reject Sargent without hesitation.

In the end, almost all of the 7,000 people were white, and 40% of them were brainwashed. The white Virgin Mary girls who wanted to go to poverty alleviation and education were deceived by Sargent and Kennedy into going to Africa. As a result, within three years, nearly 3,000 Peace Corps members A female volunteer encountered more than 2,000 sexual harassment cases in Africa.

The most exaggerated case is that a female Peace Corps volunteer from the United States was supposed to deliver the baby for her partner's wife, but the wife's baby had not yet been born. When the mother's water broke and she was officially delivered, the American female volunteer was raped by all the men in the family. hurt…

 Most volunteers truly believe that they are doing selfless and great work. They will teach the locals English, teach them more advanced agricultural knowledge, and even treat locals for free, similar to ascetics in religion.

He was voluntarily respected as the godfather by thousands of local villagers. There was even news that a young man was kidnapped by his father for scolding him behind his back and was directly kidnapped to the church and ordered to shoot his son to death in front of the godfather. This shows that he was local prestige.

The lower-class Germans living near the military camps have exactly the opposite impression of the United States. This may be because the Peace Corps does not have poverty alleviation work options in West Germany.

Many female relatives of the President of the United States have volunteer status in the Peace Corps to show the importance they attach to these volunteers. Today, the Peace Corps has sent more than 100,000 American "volunteers" to more than 50 communities it feels are in need of help. nation.

Even though this has happened many times, the two parties in the United States have rarely unified their thinking. Over the years, they have firmly promoted the Peace Corps volunteer program around the world, and it has gradually developed from Africa to South America, Asia, Europe, and even in the past two years, it has Break into some Soviet Union countries that are not firm in their stance.

After graduating from college and joining the Peace Corps, he was sent to Colombia to teach local people agricultural knowledge. As a result, my brother started from scratch. He used the meager funds given to him by the Peace Corps to buy several cheap weapons locally, distributed them to the villagers, and led the villagers to fight away other people. A group of drug traffickers who exploited the villagers led the villagers to turn over and become bigger and stronger. They taught the locals how to grow coca leaves rationally, how to use chemical fertilizers to increase production, and how to standardize the processing of coca leaves into caffeine. They successfully made the Americans Successfully enjoying higher-purity caffeine has also allowed Colombian villagers to live a good life, killing two birds with one stone.

These volunteers cannot make profits locally. Their food, accommodation and basic living expenses are all allocated by the US Congress to the Peace Corps. All this is to convince those countries that Americans are sincerely helping them without asking for anything in return.

When the intelligence came back, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration even felt that this was a deliberate frame-up by drug dealers to evade the charges, because many drug dealers in this gang had been arrested before, but no one had ever mentioned this man's name.

 So generally Germans who are well-educated and have spent time with Peace Corps volunteers have a very good impression of the United States because of their indoctrination, thinking that it is a real Garden of Eden where everyone is civilized and polite.

However, the life of the Peace Corps in West Germany is not as difficult as that in Africa or South America. The total number of Peace Corps members in West Germany is about 2,300, and they are basically engaged in cultural dissemination, education, and youth development and counseling. To put it simply, In almost all universities, middle schools and primary schools in West Germany, there are American Peace Corps volunteers teaching, so that West German students can understand the United States, understand Americans, and understand American culture.

If the Drug Enforcement Administration's undercover hadn't witnessed this plainly dressed and upright old man standing on the church pulpit, giving a meeting to the backbone of his gang in the church, teaching them how to transport goods to the United States, and how to escape from the unknown in a new city in the United States. They set up a sales network and asked them not to forget their hometown after making money to settle in big cities, and to raise funds to build hospitals, schools, and roads. However, the drug lords, big and small, whose photos were hung on the whiteboard in the Office of the Drug Enforcement Administration are frightening. Like the disciples of Jesus, they sat in the audience and listened respectfully. No one believed it was true.

If the Peace Corps had not believed that this scandal would seriously affect its international image and had been unwilling to license it to several film companies, Hollywood would have adapted this legendary experience into a movie.

The dual aggression of the American Peace Corps and the American army caused contradictions in the Germans' perception of the United States. On the one hand, the devout ascetic volunteers of the American Peace Corps showed their good virtues of not being greedy for fame and fortune and selfless dedication; On the one hand, there are the feathered beasts of the US military, which can produce thousands more single mothers in West Germany a year.

It’s not like there are no weird geniuses. A few years ago, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration conducted careful investigations and finally discovered that a Colombian drug lord they were targeting was actually a puppet. The man behind the scenes who really controlled the entire network turned out to be a man in his thirties. U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer.

And this American man who took the initiative to apply for an extension to leave the Corps and continued to shine in the Peace Corps for many years actually abided by the Peace Corps regulations and did not share a penny of the villagers' money earned from drug addiction. He still lived on the meager funds allocated by the Peace Corps. , lives in a wooden house built by the villagers and himself, travels in a tattered pickup truck, still gives regular English classes to children, spreads the faith of Christ, and occasionally buys discounted air tickets to visit relatives in China during holidays, and brings back a bunch of donations from church members in China He distributes his old clothes to the poor. He is neither greedy nor corrupt, and he is like a saint.

How could the Peace Corps be absent from such an important historical moment? A group of East Germans who had been carefully selected before East Germany even demolished the wall were warmly welcomed by the Peace Corps when they entered West Germany. Vox News The Internet followed and reported throughout the process, and the Peace Corps helped those people find accommodation, contact schools, provide small amounts of cash, etc., and most importantly, find relatives who had been missing for many years.

Then VOX's global paying subscribers were forced to pinch their noses to watch AmigaOS ads. That was when the Peace Corps members turned on their computers, opened their browsers, and entered a message board that Suzy had set up in advance to help those East Germans. People left messages looking for relatives abroad.

In fact, the relatives of the East German people started to contact them in advance as early as when Susie asked people to select actors. The display in the news is a reflection of efficient technology and American humanistic care. It usually doesn't take long for someone to reply to those who are looking for relatives. Leave a message and tell them your phone number and address, and then VOX reporters quickly take pictures of the East German people holding long-distance phones and bursting into tears. Smart people can tell that this is fake at a glance, but fortunately, there are many emotional fools in the world. Use these warm news to let those fools remember AmigaOS and Midas, a graphical web browser developed by the Linac Accelerator Center of Stanford University. Server software, remember the European American Peace Corps message board website.

The most exaggerated advertisement came from Zoe’s live interview with Hans-Joachim Meyer, the last Minister of Education of East Germany. In order to get the East German Minister of Education and Minister of Arts to help with an advertisement, Tommy needed to ask The American company MCI, which provides telecommunications services in West Germany, opened a dedicated line to enter East Germany, and also purchased several of the other party's collections of art and a total of 20,000 volumes of books published by the other party, because the other party was worried about the family's livelihood after the merger. After all, After the merger, he may lose his job and no longer be the high-ranking Minister of Education.

This is already the most senior figure that Tommy can publicize, because this position can barely be regarded as the Qingshui Yamen. Those more popular ones include the Prime Minister, the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, the Minister of Economy, the Minister of Labor, the Minister of Construction, the Minister of Energy, and the Minister of Health. Wait for the last generation of senior cabinet officials to look down on Tommy's gift. After all, many American industrialists have long been eyeing the East Germany, a market that is about to open its doors. Major companies such as General Motors, Chevrolet, John Deere, Johnson & Johnson, etc., have long since After the fall of the Berlin Wall last year, they began to generously use various methods to show goodwill to those big figures in East Germany who wanted to make a final profit, and to seek various interests in East Germany through the time-sensitive rights in the hands of the other party.

The only people Tommy can get in touch with and negotiate cooperation with are poor characters that big companies look down upon, such as the Minister of Education, the Minister of Sports, the Minister of Family and Women, and so on.

Minister of Education Hans said in a live interview that his biggest headache at present is that with the merger of the two Germanys, a large number of primary and secondary school students in East Germany will have to suspend classes, because the German Joint Education Commission jointly established by the two Germanys has not yet given a unified Regarding the subsequent curriculum arrangements, East German children and teachers do not know what courses to take starting tomorrow, where the textbooks are, and where the teaching aids are. Moreover, according to the previous plan, a group of students graduating from high school this year were supposed to go to universities in Moscow and other places, but Now it is obviously necessary to take into account the wishes of students who want to go to university in West Germany or other non-Soviet countries, but are not sure whether their previous high school grades will be recognized.

Then, another American actor arranged by Charles, Al Gore's personal friend, former president of Tennessee State University, and current U.S. federal undersecretary of education, Ted Sanders, appeared. He asked his secretary to call VOX News website, asked VOX to help him contact Zoe, and had a phone call with Zoe, saying that after watching the news, he discussed the current problems in East Germany with the Minister. The Minister and he were very willing to show the goodwill of the United States, and the United States The Ministry of Education is considering providing transnational higher education certification and pre-certification to East German students who are at risk of suspension or even dropping out of school. This means that as long as these East German high school students pass the certification, their results will be recognized by major American institutions. After recognition, The other party can apply to study in the United States and may be admitted to an American university.

Then he sent the tedious textual information on certification requirements in the United States to Zoe in Germany through emails one by one. Zoe asked her assistant to print it out and gave it to Hans. Hans was very moved. Choking up tears, on behalf of the students, I thanked the United States for its help and the magic of American technology. I asked Zoe why that laptop could do all this. Finally, I envy the children in the United States who are so lucky to be able to use such convenient technology. Spread news and knowledge.

 Then Zoe was equally emotional and immediately contacted Vox headquarters. Vox headquarters expressed its willingness to purchase a thousand laptops with AmigaOS installed as gifts to the other party. The Peace Corps members present also expressed their willingness to open a computer training school.

At this point, the commercial ends. The reason why this interview is an advertisement is that on the surface, the help provided by the United States sounds good. After all, the deputy minister of education of the world's largest country made the call personally during the live broadcast, so it is impossible to deceive people. , but in fact those words have no effect. They are just taking the opportunity to move a wave of American people who watch the news.

 Other than a fake email that appears to have sent a bunch of materials required for transnational education certification, there is no formal commitment.

As for when the certification will be passed, it depends on the mood of the Minister. However, the tone and attitude of the Undersecretary of Education during the live phone call made it seem like East German high school students can come to the United States and enjoy free universities as long as they fill out a form. Life has only made the viewers in front of the TV have a better impression of the United States.

With a little understanding, you will understand that even American high school students have to take out loans to attend college. How can a group of guys from East Germany easily enjoy such benefits, let alone who knows if there are East German spies among them.

Similar advertisements continued to appear in the next few days, including but not limited to a large number of photos of East German beauties put on the website in the name of finding relatives, looking for relatives who had gone to France, Italy, the United States and other places, and then That website also allowed the East German Minister of Family and Women to help with the platform. To be honest, the website was more like a transnational matchmaking website than a matchmaking website. The body shape, height, and contact information were all posted.

Then the love story between an unaccompanied East German beauty who had just arrived and a gentle, kind and helpful American Peace Corps male college student was reported in the newspapers in the United States. The parties even went back to the United States to register their marriage in a high-profile manner.

These constant news suddenly made Americans realize that AmigaOS is much more practical than ordinary game consoles. Buying an AmigaOS will give you the opportunity to marry a gentle and virtuous East German beauty who is not picky about ordinary American pastoral life. Many rural Americans With this wonderful idea, young white people or young people from the urban bottom bought AmigaOS and MCI telecommunications services just to log in to the family-hunting website. The subsequent chain reaction even caused people in other Soviet Union countries to see the faces of young East German girls. After living a happy life, I realized that technology can change my destiny, so I started to spontaneously learn how to use AmigaOS and Stanford Midas browser, and tried to log on to the Internet to change my life, but it was very difficult because those countries basically did not have access to the public nodes led by the United States. As for the Internet, we may have to wait until the First Lady of the Soviet Union and the First Lady of the United States are settled before we have the opportunity to access the Internet.

 Those American users who initially entered the Internet world just out of curiosity to experience it, only to realize that quitting it may be more difficult than quitting smoking after they have simply mastered surfing skills.

Open the Midas browser, and the software will pop up a navigation page. Although there are not many websites on it, the categories are complete enough, ranging from art and culture, world situation, political news, to supermarket discounts, celebrity lace, and pimp prices. As long as you If you have hobbies and want to find people to communicate with, you can find the place you should go. There is always a message board on the website where someone will be willing to discuss with you why a roadside girl charges 50 yuan for a single trip in Queens, New York, but not in Brooklyn. The reason for the single charge of 70 yuan.

 There are always fans from two different cities leaving messages on a BBS website to discuss the performance of their favorite singers when they hold concerts in their own cities.

·AmigaOS sales began to gradually pick up after attracting users’ attention with historical events.

When the latest one million computers sold in the United States, 44% were purchased by home users, and AmigaOS installation accounted for an astonishing 63%, Microsoft decisively gave up its overseas layout in the United Kingdom, and together with a group of companies, asked the U.S. federal government Congress and the federal Department of Education submitted a detailed report on Stanford University's malicious holding of patents related to graphics browsers that allegedly hindered the development of the industry.

 The content can be summarized in one sentence. Stanford University must hand over the key to the Internet. The Internet is free.

Stanford will definitely lose this game, but if it delays slowly, it will probably take two or three years. It is obviously impossible for Microsoft to not be able to wait that long. It, or they will definitely do some very covert actions to enter the market as soon as possible. For the Internet gate, for example, find a few small overseas companies, and a few small domestic companies, regardless of patent rights, develop browser software and provide it to users for free.

However, it is no longer Tommy's job to deal with Microsoft, because he also formally announced his resignation from his current position at the board meeting on the day Microsoft submitted its report to Congress, retaining only his directorship and equity, and completely handing over the management of the company to Susie and Jason, the shareholder, agreed with Tommy's decision through the company's sales data during this period. After all, Suzy has been at the front desk during this period, and sales have continued to rise.

Tommy likes Susie's decisiveness and unscrupulousness. Susie has already considered the tricks commonly used by Microsoft and has arranged countermeasures. In fact, it is very simple. It combines some graphical browser patents held by Stanford University and the company with some more cutting-edge ones. The patents are bundled and licensed to military research and development institutions under the Ministry of National Defense. If those companies infringe the rights, wait for the special forces to kick them out on the grounds of harming or leaking military secret technologies. If the military finds out that those companies are According to Microsoft's instructions, those in the Pentagon know better than Susie what extortion is.

As for Tommy Hawke, there are more important things waiting for him, and the Hawke family is about to usher in a new life.

 (End of this chapter)

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