American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 304: Multiple choice questions in political science

Chapter 304 Multiple Choice Questions in Political Science

 “Me? F*ck!” Glenn glared at Dennis angrily.

Dennis looked puzzled: "Why are you so angry?"

"Dennis, you **** asked me to be used as collateral, and then asked me with an innocent face why I'm so **** angry?" Glenn stared at Dennis with an alien look: "This is not at West Point, either. This is not Turkey, where I can safely walk back to base if I get lost, this is **** Lebanon!”

 “What about Lebanon?”

"How about it? Lebanon is simply the door to the earth! The dirtiest, smelliest, and worst place!" Glenn laughed at Dennis' innocent tone: "In such a country where the south is invaded by Israel and the north is controlled by Syria, and then A country where various armed forces are still fighting a civil war! You want me to be a hostage to armed terrorists? I don’t even know which organization my informant belongs to, whether his beliefs are pro-Israel, close to Iran, or Get close to Syria.”

“I believe they believe in Franklin’s head as we do,” Dennis said:

"And I'm helping you. Do you understand? This is an opportunity. Glenn, you are one reward away from winning promotion. Think about it, an African-American officer exchanged himself for civilians. What would happen if this news spread back to the country?" Such a shock, you will become a more **** famous black person than Martin Luther King, and West Point will even build a bronze statue in your honor.”

“I refuse, why don’t you keep this precious opportunity to yourself, I don’t want to be Martin Luther King, and I don’t want to build a bronze statue, and I don’t want to die in Lebanon.”

"I've given you a chance and you've failed, Glenn, you can only **** follow me and lick my **** with your black lips! You can't even think about being on the same level as me." Dennis heard Glenn He refused and cursed angrily:

"Okay, because of your coward, let's adjust the plan and tell your informant that I will bring the banknotes to deal with him in person. You don't need to use them as collateral, but you must make sure that when I solve the banknote problem, The other party is not lying to me with false news, otherwise I will hang you at the gate of the peacekeeping base, blast you to pieces with a truck-mounted machine gun, and then blame your death on the Syrian army. Don’t worry about anyone doubting it, Israel People must be willing to be eyewitnesses to prove that they saw Syrian armed forces kill you."

Glenn was used to being scolded, so he smiled sarcastically: "Call your good brother Tommy and ask for a loan in the name of getting a big woman's belly?"

"It's just fifty thousand dollars. Do I need Tommy to help me prepare it? Get out and do what you have to do! Nigga! Just wait for the **** money to appear in front of you!" Dennis said viciously to Glenn. Cursed:

"A hundred years ago, no white man would pay for a product like yours that was priced at three dollars! Only the kind-hearted Mr. Dennis Herbs was willing to take care of you! And the way you **** repay him is by rejecting him! You Rejecting the good, real nigga-friendly guy! F*ck!”

Before leaving, Glenn looked at Dennis and asked without any emotion: "So, how are you going to make the banknotes appear in front of me?"

 “Call Tommy,” Dennis breathed out.

"I knew it."


“Is this all your high school friends experienced in Lebanon?” Condoleezza Rice, a political science professor at Stanford University, sat in her seat and asked Tommy opposite with a smile.

Tommy shrugged: "I left out some of it, like some things that weren't very interesting."

"It doesn't matter. I am curious about everything. Maybe I am interested. Who knows." Rice asked his assistant to prepare another cup of hot coffee for Tommy, and then made a gesture to Tommy to please continue. At the same time, he adjusted his sitting posture to indicate that he would listen more carefully.

Tommy took a sip of coffee and said helplessly to Susan's favorite professor: "Of course it's no problem."

The other person is only thirty-six years old. Although she is completely black, she is more polite than 99.99% of the white people on the planet. This is all due to her father's training in her since she was a child.

Susan likes Rice, not without reason. In fact, many Stanford students admire Professor Rice. Before the age of nineteen, this woman was very well protected by her father and had no idea what racial equality was. No. Cares about politics and has been working hard to become the greatest black pianist in the United States under the supervision of his father.

When she was eight years old, black people throughout the United States were busy demonstrating and marching for equality. Neighbors and relatives invited her family to take to the streets, but her father's choice was to guard the streets with a gun. Drive away those black people at the door of your home, because their slogans will affect your daughter's piano practice.

She also asked her father why he didn’t go to demonstrations with everyone. His father asked her to concentrate on practicing the piano and told her that black people cannot gain real respect through group activities such as appeals and demonstrations. To gain respect in a world that is now unequal and will never be equal in the future, you need to redouble your efforts to make yourself stronger, so strong that white people will separate you from the black group and respect you.

That respect is not because they pity you for being a black woman, but because you deserve it.

As for those black people who don’t want to work hard and just want to go to the streets and shout a few slogans to get people to respect them, it will only be counterproductive.

After officially choosing to major in music in college, she discovered that her musical talent, which was previously praised by black neighbors, was not worth mentioning here. She decided that she could not become the greatest black female pianist, so she considered changing her major. While auditing courses in other majors, she accidentally heard Professor Joseph Korbel’s international politics course and heard about the differences and confrontations between the two ideologies of the Soviet Union and the United States, which interested her very much.

 Later, when she was taking a class at Stanford University, she told the students below that she just had an idea at that time and simply wanted to discuss it with the professor. If there were black people in the Soviet Union, would they also be oppressed, discriminated against, or even deprived of the right to vote? Then I got out of hand and entered the door of political science.

Although she only started studying political science in the second half of her sophomore year, she still graduated on time with excellent grades. When she graduated, she was already a member of the FBK Flat Hats, the oldest academic honorary fraternity in the United States, and the vice president of the University of Denver chapter of the ACO Equal Rights Sisterhood. , Secretary General of the LSF Campus Volunteer Brotherhood.

 It is not strange to have the identity of three major fraternity organizations. What is strange is that it was 1974 and she was a black woman.

After getting a master's degree in political science, she directly entered the Federal State Department's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs as an intern to start her career. However, because she hated President Carter at the time, when the internship ended, she gave up her good job and went to Moscow State University to study Russian. Instead, he joined the RAND Corporation while working on his Ph.D.

When the eighteen-year-old Tommy was busy reselling cigarettes to make money in 1982, the twenty-six-year-old Rice received his doctorate and was hired as a researcher by the Center for International Security and Cooperation at Stanford University. In the same year, he became an assistant professor of political science at Stanford University. , in 1985, he spoke at a national military control expert seminar held at Stan University. Some ideas attracted the attention of President Ford's national security adviser Brent. Later, the other party began to pay attention to Rice's research and political ideas. President Bush took office. Blunt invited Rice to become President Bush's Soviet expert.

This thirty-six-year-old black woman currently has two formal jobs, one is teaching political classes to Stanford students, and the other is teaching political classes to the president.

And she can also complain in a formal setting that because of working for the president, she has not yet completed teaching courses at Stanford University at the normal pace and obtained a tenured teaching position.

Tommy also likes this woman. She looks less like a black woman and more like a white man. She is probably the gender and skin color inversion of Charles.

“Well, actually after fifty thousand yuan, something small happened, something not worth mentioning.” Tommy was silent for a moment, looked at Rice, and asked a tentative question:

“For example, an American lieutenant, with his useless soldiers, wearing the uniforms of the French peacekeepers, robbed the vault of an Iranian bank in Tire, Lebanon, in the name of rescuing Israeli hostages.”

Rice was stunned for a few seconds after hearing this, and then held his forehead with his hand: "So two days ago, in the southern Lebanese city of Tire, pro-Iranian terrorist organizations faced pro-Syrian terrorist organizations and various refugees controlled by the French. Fighting broke out in the camp, resulting in thousands of refugees. The world is analyzing why Iran violated the ceasefire agreement. The reasons include the destruction of Christian militia groups supported by Israel in Tire, the interception of supplies by pro-Syrian terrorist groups and even the United Nations peacekeeping forces. Trying to cross the line, etc., the real reason is..."

"Yes, Dennis took 50,000 yuan instead of buying information about the hostages. Instead, he bought another piece of information about a bank, and then robbed the bank. He divided part of the gold he robbed, and the remaining money was enough. He used it to buy the real information about the hostages."

"I want..." Rice turned his head slightly and took a breath, then resumed his sitting position and continued to look at Tommy, trying to keep himself calm: "France is our ally, they have intelligence agencies, they will find out sooner or later, this It will affect the image of the United States and Mr. President in the world. Your high school classmates will be court-martialed. I have never heard of any country’s army robbing banks on the pretext of saving people.”

"The situation is like this. Dennis's condition is very simple. If the president wants the CIA to finally use intelligence to rescue the hostages, then...wipe his **** for him. The loot has been distributed to his platoon members. Those guys asked to return to the country and retire. They don't care. Is it an honorable discharge? Anyway, what he did in Lebanon is enough for retirement, but he hopes to be commended by the president in person." Tommy sighed:

"If the president thinks they are a bunch of trash, Dennis will report the intelligence to the Pentagon's Army Intelligence Agency in accordance with formal procedures. This will keep the president out of the matter. The Pentagon will be responsible for how to deal with Dennis and the trash, and the hostages can be rescued, of course. , the domestic people will also understand that the CIA intelligence system that the president was previously responsible for is a piece of shit, and he can't do anything overseas."

“Political science, this question is not too difficult to choose, it is whether Mr. President chooses face or votes.”

 Rice ignored Tommy's chatter, but quickly let his thoughts get out of the pile of words, and asked Tommy with a smile:

 “Having said so much, what do you want?”

 (End of this chapter)

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