American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 303: One for one, fair trade

Chapter 303: One for one, fair trade

 Major Robert threw a folder at hand to Dennis, then picked up the coffee cup on the table and took a sip:

"The Federal State Department formulated an action plan called Justice Assistance in 1984. This plan is mainly to combat global terrorist activities against the United States. It hopes to collect real information clues at a high price to combat those terrorists and protect the lives of American nationals overseas. Security and U.S. interests, safeguarding U.S. national security, the effect is pretty good. Currently, there are about 20 people who have earned more than 10 million in bonuses from the United States by providing true and reliable intelligence."

Dennis flipped through the information in his hand and asked: "So, my army elites and I, who are suffering from severe syphilis, mental retardation, amblyopia, hearing loss and other occupational diseases, are responsible for collecting valuable information in this area. Intelligence to help the Army earn some extra money from the State Department?”

"The members of Congress said that it is the bounden duty of soldiers to maintain national security, so it is their duty for American soldiers to provide intelligence and are not eligible to receive bonuses." Robert put down his coffee cup and took out another Windsor Camel cigarette flown from the United States and lit one. He looked at Dennis calmly:

"The information in front of you is the information on the bounties placed on people in Lebanon under this plan. It is divided into two categories, one is terrorists and the other is kidnapped. No matter which type, as long as someone provides accurate information about his whereabouts, After the United States sends troops to capture or rescue the target, it can pay the other party a bonus."

Dennis closed the documents and looked at his superior: "Soldiers can't collect bounties, so what's the point of staying in Naqula? Colonel, I saw those poor guys yesterday. If the Pentagon expects these goods to help Israel Invading Lebanon, with all due respect, I could drive a dozen wild boars onto the battlefield with better combat effectiveness than them.”

"The United States will not help Israel fight the war, but this temporary micro military base in Naqula is an attitude that can make Israel feel that the United States stands with their Jews and the Christian armed forces in Lebanon." Robert said slowly Dennis said:

"Those miscellaneous soldiers appear here because the Army believes that these people will never start a war, let alone take the initiative to cause trouble with Lebanese terrorists. Each of them is a rotten coward who only knows how to stay in the blue zone. Being a waste waiting to die, but there are advantages to being a waste without being a hero, that is, when our officials negotiate peace with Israel, they can confidently say, hey, I support you. We have a military in Naqula. The base is always ready to help you fight when the situation is bad. Then let the Israelis see our attitude and continue to buy our arms at high prices to pay protection fees."

Dennis looked down at the information in his hand, then looked up at Colonel Robert, and finally turned his head toward the window: "I did nothing, and Major Marshall threw me here to get moldy? Who knows when the war will end."

 Lebanon currently does not have a complete political power at all. Six-tenths of the country is controlled by the Syrian army and the supported regime, and four-tenths are controlled by Israel and Lahad.

The UN peacekeepers have to stay in the Israeli safe zone like Naqula and can only do some work to maintain the basic living order of the refugees. If they dare to go north to the front line of the confrontation between Israel and Syria to mediate on the spot, both sides may confront the peacekeepers at the same time. Fire, don't doubt it, both sides can do this.

After all, from 1982 to the present, more than a hundred peacekeeping troops have died on the Lebanese battlefield. Even the specific murderer cannot be identified. Both Syria and Israel have blamed the other side for this.

"I don't want to talk about what you did under Major Marshall, but this is your work arrangement in Naqula. Take this information and go back to urge those losers to report to the Lebanese waitress in the bar or the hospital in the blue zone. The female nurse inside and the refugees in the refugee camp asked for information if they knew the guys in the information. No one expected these guys to get any information, so just treat it as a walk. If intelligence could be collected, of course, in the end Well, if not, it doesn’t matter, no one is expecting it anyway,” Robert said to Dennis.

Dennis stood up, saluted the other party and was about to leave. When he reached the door, he suddenly stopped and turned around: "Sir, what good will it do if we rescue the hostages or capture the terrorists?"

"Hostages and terrorists are your benefits, Lieutenant. If you capture terrorists or rescue hostages listed on the list, you can return to your country to receive awards, and maybe say goodbye to your overseas service career." Lieutenant Colonel Robert's smile was full of sarcasm. He said: "Just do nothing and stay for a year or two. Just in this way, your file will be shining. If your connections hadn't called me, you wouldn't have gotten this much." Comfortable location.”

Dennis picked up the folder in his hand and shook it: "Will my guys also be rewarded together?"

"If they are obedient and get an honorable discharge, then their discharge file may mention that they participated. The advantage is that it will make it easier for them to apply for security guards or firefighters in department stores after they retire. The probability." Robert shook his head and gave the answer.

“Understood, goodbye, sir.” After Dennis finished speaking, he took the folder and walked out of Robert’s office.

When he returned to the platoon station, Dennis threw the folder to Glenn, took out a cigarette and lit one, and said to Glenn who was looking through the folder: "We have to use our brains and get out of this hellish place as soon as possible."

 “Are you going to help the local government crack down on a gang that smuggles weapons or drugs again?” Glenn said without raising his head. Dennis let out a breath: "We want to go back to China and enjoy a real life. Glenn, use your brain to see if it is possible to find some of the hostages or terrorists above. If you can find them, Robert promised me that you can Let’s go back home and receive the award and never come back to this **** place again, just ask your informants who were working in Beirut to trick the French.”

"Those guys have a big appetite. They only accept US dollars every time, not Lebanese pounds. Most of the cash we earned before was spent buying information from them to avoid attacks. I mean, even if they have information, I'm afraid they won't Just like before, just use a few hundred or even a thousand yuan to spend." Glenn said while looking through the list.

Dennis said with certainty: "Let's see if there is any news first. If the other party has clues, money is never an issue. Do I look like someone who will default on my debt?"

Glenn did not deny what Dennis said. He had to admit that after knowing Dennis for so long, Dennis had always had the virtue of never defaulting on his debts, whether it was gambling with his classmates at West Point, bets with other comrades after serving in the service, or even doing things with other people. A shady small business will never default on its debts. This is why the Lebanese militants I knew in Beirut were willing to negotiate business with them and sell them some gossip. In wartime Lebanon, few people could do this. Pay the money in one hand and deliver the goods in one hand.

Glen's work efficiency was very fast. As soon as Dennis finished his hard nap in the afternoon, Glenn appeared in front of him.

Turning a blind eye to the mess on the bed, he said: "I contacted the Lebanese people I often dealt with before, but most of them didn't have much information to provide. After all, they all live near Beirut and have no idea about the news in the Israeli-occupied areas..."

"Just say **** it~Glenn~" Dennis jumped out of the bed naked, took a sip from the water glass on the table, counted out a few US dollar bills from his wallet and threw them to the woman who sat up from the bed. She was a Korean. A former United Nations staff member, she had a brief love affair with Dennis during her nap time.

South Korea had previously dispatched nearly 300 staff to Nakula at the suggestion of the U.S. Command in Korea. There were only a few military personnel. They were mainly responsible for medical assistance and cultural exchanges. The most gratifying thing for everyone is that South Korea is very kind. Surprisingly, nearly half of the 300 people sent were female medical workers. Apart from being slightly more expensive and having to marry an American soldier to get a green card, they had almost no shortcomings and were gentle in character.

Glenn waited for the woman to dress up and leave amidst the whistles of a crowd of heroes, and then continued: "But it's not like I got nothing. There was a guy who said he had information about an American hostage, but the price was very high. He wanted Fifty thousand dollars, US dollars, cash, but we have no way to verify whether he is telling the truth or lying. After all, this guy has lied before and cheated some pocket money from us."

"Where can I find 50,000 dollars in cash to pay him in this **** place? Fifty thousand dollars is enough to buy food for the refugees in the refugee camps in Naqula for a whole day. I'm going to tell Major Robert now." The clue requires 50,000 yuan in cash activity funds. He will probably be arrested as a fraudster." Dennis heard Glenn's words and scratched his hair with both hands: "50,000 yuan, is that American hostage the current president? By the way. , how much can we, the old, weak, sick and disabled men, contribute if we contribute our salaries?"

Glenn blocked Dennis's idea of ​​raising funds with one sentence: "Don't think about it. I understand that everyone has loans from their hometown to repay, such as house loans, car loans, alimony, etc. I think you let them follow you." They have no business fighting on the battlefield, but if you say you take them back to kill Jimmy Carter, they will definitely rush to sign up."

“Okay, then how can we make sure that the information in the other party’s hands is authentic and reliable, and that they are willing to deliver goods first and pay later?” Dennis opened the door naked, stood in the corridor and looked at the environment, and muttered.

Glen shrugged behind him: "There is no way, I have considered everything I can think of."

Dennis slowly turned his head, looked at Glenn, and raised a finger: "Wait a minute, I just thought of a way where the other party is willing to pay first and then pay later."

"What method?" Glenn frowned. He didn't think Dennis could think more comprehensively than him.

Dennis looked at Glenn's dark and honest face: "We can send you to act as collateral, Glenn. In this way, if they are worried that we will default on the debt after getting the information, they will still have you in their hands, even if we rescue the hostages in the end. They still have you as an American officer in their hands, one for one, a fair deal."

 (End of this chapter)

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