American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 293: Transfer money in the name of freedom

Chapter 293 Transferring money in the name of freedom

At the beginning, Rep. Mike Bradley didn’t understand why, as a black man, he was boycotted, cursed, and scolded by black compatriots when he clearly wanted to speak out for black compatriots.

Those angry black people appeared near his home and his children's school, saying all the insulting words against black people that no white people had ever said to him or his family. They actually asked themselves why they were deprived of their usury loans. The right to continue to exploit.

The FBI's preliminary investigation report submitted to the committee showed that shockingly, many black people engaged in illegal businesses after taking out loans, and then died on the streets. Moreover, the FBI reported to him that they encountered resistance when investigating the situation of KeyBank's top executives, and those people showed considerable Severe resistance.

Seeing the **** news, Mike Bradley expressed his request for the FBI to continue to conduct in-depth investigations, apply for a search warrant if necessary, and formally launch a judicial investigation into KeyBank.

 In retrospect, it was at that time that he stepped into a **** trap.

The day after the response, KeyBank stated that it was under pressure from the investigation and announced that it would cooperate with the investigation, consider suspending the small community entrepreneurship loan business, and disclose all relevant information of KeyBank to the public.

Coupled with the recent incident where four black undercover investigators investigating KeyBank were shot dead by black street gangs because they appeared on television to be interviewed, a large number of lower-class blacks began to feel angry. Their thinking was very simple and they had already joined News Corp.'s "Washington" Those four **** white reporters from the Post and the New York Post killed black people, which is equivalent to News Corporation killing black people.

And Mike Bradley is a traitor to black people by preventing them from getting the money from KeyBank.

 As for the Fox TV network, which should bear the main responsibility, why are there no black people causing trouble? Because the boss, John Kruger, who had just returned to his old business, reacted quickly. It is said that he was furious because of this incident and directly announced that he would fire all the employees of the news commentary program, conduct a thorough purge, and then establish a new news program. Review the show and pledge to prioritize hiring people of color.

 The most important thing is that the Fox Television Network announced that it will donate a sum of money to the Colored Equality Foundation for the families of black people who died.

 Comparing the two, News Corporation, which reacted arrogantly, forced KeyBank to stop lending to black people at the bottom, and Congressman Mike Bradley, who thought he was righteous, became the chief culprit in the eyes of black people at the bottom.

At this time, KeyBank also disclosed executive information in a timely manner. The truth was completely different from the information obtained by previous investigative reporters. KeyBank was not at all what it had vowed to the investigative reporters. It was led by Jim Mantz, Tommy Hawke, Stephen - Founded by Penn and others, it was jointly initiated by the chiefs of five Indian tribes. Tommy Hawke and Stephen Penn were just investors. Jim Manz only accepted employment from the Indian tribes and held a very small share. , the executive president who presides over KeyBank’s daily affairs.

After seeing the photos of the five chiefs wearing feather decorations, the FBI immediately approached Mike Bradley and asked whether to continue the investigation. As long as Mike Bradley gave a formal answer, the FBI was willing to go through fire and water for him and bring the five chiefs to justice. Indian tribe leader brought to justice.

The moment Mike Bradley saw the information voluntarily disclosed by KeyBank, he knew that things were starting to go wrong. If he knew that KeyBank was founded by Indians, let alone he would not investigate, the four reporters would not investigate either. All we can say is that he and the four reporters were tricked, and someone maliciously led them to get involved in this investigation.

Who dares to investigate the assets of Indian tribes? No one, at least until the capitalists find more suitable white gloves than the Indian tribes, dares to do so.

They are a more sensitive race than blacks. All Indian affairs are under the sole responsibility of the Indian Affairs Office specially established by the federal government. If you want to check the Indians, you must start from the only Indian Affairs Office. That means that all white capitalists borrow Indian Affairs. All the dirty things done in the name of people will be exposed, including oil fields, minerals, factories, casinos, banks, ranches...

Even if he announces that he will only investigate KeyBank and will not cause trouble to others, will the bosses who use Indians to hold large oil fields, large mines, and large casinos really believe it?

Indians are moneylenders, black people are moneylenders, and I and the four self-righteous investigative reporters are **** fools, offending both groups. There is no way the FBI did not get this information during the first investigation, but they had no choice. Reporting to myself as soon as possible is just to put myself on the line.

McBradley is not an idiot. He knows that his political life is over. Some people are dissatisfied with him and want to expel him from Congress. As expected, it is time for someone to expose the dirty information about himself.

Soon, Earl Rush, a California Democrat, black lawyer, and president of BT Television Network, revealed through BT Television Network that Mike Bradley had previously visited South Africa and met privately with the leader of a terrorist organization defined by the U.S. government. Received a gift worth $2,900 from the other party and failed to report it to the government.

And he keeps saying that he speaks for black people. In fact, the two black nannies in his family are all black Peruvian illegal immigrants. As a U.S. federal representative, he hired illegal immigrants and violated federal law. What’s worse, he keeps saying that he speaks for black people. He actually paid social security tax, also known as nanny tax, for two illegal immigrants with US dollars.

The FBI, which had obeyed Bradley's words at the hearing and stated that it would continue to investigate KeyBank, turned around and took back Mike Bradley's two hapless black Peruvian illegal immigrant nannies for investigation. Tax authorities and immigration agencies later became involved.

Subsequent investigation found that Bradley paid two illegal black people a weekly salary of 150 yuan and provided simple food and accommodation, but let them do the work of four people, including gardeners, cooks, nannies, and drivers. If according to the U.S. Employment standards, the minimum weekly salary for a trained professional nanny should be two hundred and fifty dollars. This congressman only paid three hundred dollars per week, but forced an illegal immigrant black man to complete the work of four people with a total compensation of one thousand dollars. .

McBradley, before he had time to hold his second hearing on the KeyBank investigation, was first scheduled to attend a hearing before the Congressional Judiciary Committee to explain his actions to Congress.

From the moment the Californian black man named Earl Rush accurately broke the news about his meeting with the leaders of the black freedom-seeking organizations in South Africa, Mike Bradley knew that someone was deliberately trying to cause trouble for him, except for **** How can a president who has been the director of the CIA obtain such details of his private meetings abroad?

Just because he has been calling in Congress to boycott the president's policies on South Africa, and just because he calls attention to the release of Mandela, the president, who is closely related to the white South African plutocrats, is ready to take the opportunity of investigating KeyBank to discredit himself and leave Congress.

The nanny incident was just a reminder to him, telling him that it would be decent for him to resign now, otherwise the other party could use the attention at this moment to release more dirty information about him, so Mike Bradley simply held a press conference At the meeting, he apologized to the people in public, then announced his resignation and left the Congress sadly. There is one less target for black people to besiege, leaving only the New York Post and the Washington Post, which took over the four investigative reporters who killed four black people, and the Murdoch News Corporation behind them.

In fact, the response of the two newspapers was not slow. When KeyBank asked five Indian tribal chiefs to appear, they immediately realized the problem. The public relations department immediately stated that it would donate to the Indian Cultural Preservation Association and will donate money to the Indian Cultural Preservation Association in the next two years. Increased coverage of Native American communities and immediately terminated the contracts of four white investigative reporters.

However, no matter what was done, it was wrong. Four investigative reporters were fired. Earl Rush turned around and called on the Black Journalists Union, the Black Printing Workers Union, and the Black Newspaper Delivery Workers Union to strike in support of the four who had been fired. The incident scared four investigative reporters who were seriously depressed. The reason was that investigative reporters should not be responsible for all this. The real problem was that their employers forced them to do this. Murdoch's news has always been like this, sensationalizing and gaining attention, and then discovered When trouble comes, they push employees out to die.

The strike began in the early hours of the morning when a group of black printers sabotaged the printing presses, preventing the publication of that day's New York Post and Washington Post.

At the same time, because a large number of black people went on strike and surrounded the newspaper building for demonstrations, newspaper executives had to use helicopters to land on the apron on the roof of the headquarters building to enter and exit the headquarters building. Moreover, the interrupted printing work could only be temporarily entrusted to a company in Oklahoma at a high price. The American Newspaper Production and Research Center will print it on your behalf, and then fly the printed newspapers back to New York and Washington for distribution.

The holders of KeyBank, five Indian tribal chiefs, donated money to various striking unions in the name of KeyBank, thanking them for everything they have done to stand up for the oppressed Indians.

Countless American newspapers and television stations called this strike the Wapping Incident in the United States. Everyone was paying attention to one question, which was which American political figure would step forward and play the role of the British man who helped Rupert Murdoch Thatcher, who was beaten by military police to force the unions to surrender.

What disappoints Americans who like to watch the excitement is that from the beginning to the end, no politicians were seen standing up to speak out for News Corporation.

Because of rising costs, the two newspapers lost US$270,000 and US$420,000 respectively for every day News Corporation printed and distributed newspapers. They either continued to spend money transporting newspapers from other places by air and relied on helicopters for travel, or they paid compensation to four people who were seriously depressed. Investigative reporters suffering from mental illness are required to pay sky-high compensation, as well as meet various exaggerated conditions put forward by the union, such as reducing computer platemaking and printing, guaranteeing the creation of 1,000 additional jobs for printing workers, increasing salaries and benefits, etc.

 The striking workers continued the strike for three months because the union paid for the strike and no politicians stepped forward to dissuade them.

The final outcome was that federal news agencies came forward to coordinate, and in the name of ensuring the distribution of well-known American newspapers and workers' rights, they organized and arranged for McCall's Company, whose management accounted for 67% to be black, to acquire the New York Post and the Boston Herald. It ended by arranging for Tide Newspapers, whose top executives to be 62% black, to acquire the Washington Post and several other local tabloids, ensuring the addition of a thousand printing jobs for people of color.

Through the BT TV network and the Rainbow Organization, Earl Rush, who led a large number of lower-class blacks to stir up the whole incident, became a hot favorite of the California Democratic Party.

In March 1990, the reward for giving up a big piece of fat finally arrived. A supplementary provision regarding the definition of network information in the U.S. Communications Act was passed by Congress, marking the official arrival of the information age.

KeyBank announced that in view of the great controversy, the board of directors has discussed the absolute and complete termination of the controversial small community entrepreneurial loan business. However, the enthusiasm for serving the people at the bottom will not disappear. KeyBank is planning to launch a new product that is more in line with the spirit of freedom in the United States and more in line with the general public. A brand-new public welfare project that reflects global values ​​and is more in line with the American dream.

At the same time, Stephen Bean’s **** variety show “The Apprentice” finally began to prepare for broadcast after more than half a year of reshoots, editing and internal review.

The day before the broadcast, Stephen specifically called Tommy to tell Tommy to watch on time. By the way, he mentioned the thoughts of KeyBank shareholders: "Although the shareholders did not object, they were actually very dissatisfied with Jim's announcement to terminate the small loan business. This The rate of return on this kind of loan is simply astonishingly high, and the government won’t investigate the Indians anyway, and even if it does, it can be blamed on the five chiefs, and no one understands why it should be terminated.”

“We need to give real money to the black people for this project. If I hadn’t gone on strike for the black people to help me, do you think I was someone willing to lend money to them?” Tommy asked matter-of-factly.

Stephen said in confusion: "Although we pay the principal, the other party will pay us interest, right?"

"Yes, this is the focus of our upgrade of this model. Before, we used money to lend money to those **** and asked them to pay high interest rates. Now, taking advantage of the opportunity of people questioning our loan sharking, we just announced that we will not Instead of providing loans, let black people lend money to themselves and then pay us interest,” Tommy said.

 “What do you mean?” Stephen asked.

"Jim and his team of economists are studying a project called Shuidichi. To put it simply, we no longer use our own money to lend money to black people to sell hemp grass. The black people collect their own money and give it to us, and we use it to help them Transfer it to the Entrepreneurship Center, and the Entrepreneurship Center will lend it to other **** who are interested in high-risk entrepreneurship. We will do nothing this time, no loan sharks, no loan sharks, we are simply kind-hearted and want to help niggas, and transfer them to them in the name of freedom. Some money." Tommy asked the servant to help pack his clothes:

"You can ask Jim about specific questions. He should be able to tell you everything more clearly. I'm busy packing clothes."

“Shouldn’t you be sitting in front of the TV now, waiting to watch my variety show? Where are you going to go on vacation with Otilia?” Stephen asked doubtfully.

Tommy said: "No, I'm going to San Francisco to ask Jason to move his butt, sit on it myself, and let the guys in Silicon Valley see what Tommy has done during this time and what he is going to do next."

 (End of this chapter)

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