American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 292: Do black lives count?

Chapter 292: Do Black Lives Matter?

“When we consider New York Mafia loan sharking as a serious crime, KeyBank is charging low-income people five times the interest rate of the New York Mafia.”

"And what's even worse is that once users are lured, they will be unable to escape until death. I don't know how they designed such a cruel mechanism, a continuous sitting mechanism, five black people in a group, and one black person cannot repay on time. , the other four black people will also have their funds frozen. If they want to unfreeze, they must either let their defaulting member repay the loan, or they themselves will bear the loan for the other party. This is equivalent to KeyBank forcing the borrower to act as their debt collector for free. , Under normal circumstances, there will be exactly two gang members among the five black users, ensuring that the three will not dare to default on their debts."

“KeyBank calls their loan sharks small-amount community entrepreneurship loans, which are mainly used to support low-income groups whose credit scores were previously ruined due to the widespread credit card issuance trend, so that they can have a chance to change their destiny, but in fact, they rarely lend money. For groups of other skin colors, it is mainly concentrated in the lower-class black group, which currently covers California, Texas, Washington State, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Nevada, Florida, and even Indiana.”

"Perhaps you still think that when low-income black people get loans, they will overdraw, consume and then default on the credit cards, just like they did in the days when credit cards were widely used. No, no, no! KeyBank has changed the way it plays, just like Dick always fights with pubic lice. In the major cities of the above-mentioned states, within two hundred meters of the KeyBank sign, you can definitely find a community youth entrepreneurship support center. Do you know what I mean? There are dedicated people responsible for teaching low-income black people how to control the follow-up. KeyBank will not admit any connection with this kind of youth entrepreneurship support center, but the fact is that the person in charge of the center must have a close relationship with the local person in charge of KeyBank, but we cannot find evidence of the connection between them."

"We hired a local black young man to try to participate in the loan and understand the whole process. The loan was very, very easy. He filled in the information, proved his identity, then five people jointly guaranteed it, and had a meeting. The whole process took about forty minutes, and then he got it. Fifty yuan or a hundred yuan, if your information is good, you can even get more. In short, the smoothness of the first half gave us the illusion that KeyBank is a charitable organization and does not care whether the other party can repay the loan."

"But soon came the second half of the nightmare, the Entrepreneurship Support Center. When you got the loan, you participated in a KeyBank meeting and agreed to a clause, that is, you must compulsorily participate in the Entrepreneurship Support Center coaching courses in the local community. You can Don't take the advice of the coaching class and insist on using the loan to do what you want to do, but you must go to class for your first loan, one hour a day for three days in a row, if you refuse you will not be able to get the loan, and KeyBank can Declare you in default and repossess your loan.”

“The Entrepreneurship Center will not encourage them to do bad things, but will give them a bunch of ideas, such as knitting handicrafts, small food family workshops, waste recycling, wholesale small commodity sales, etc. formal options, but in fact, if you join the Entrepreneurship Center, you will immediately You will be lured by another group of classmates inside. Those classmates are most likely to be local black gang members. They will lure you who have a loan to take out the money as principal and invest in their illegal and criminal activities, and then give you a share of the money they earn. , or to be more generous, directly tell you how to be a street hemp distributor and let you explore the market. They are responsible for providing supply. In short, they will try their best to let you use the money obtained from KeyBank to engage in high-profit and high-risk business."

"A young black father with four children, under the pressure of a loan that is even more exaggerated than a loan shark, it is obvious what choice he will make. Almost no one can resist this temptation. Do you think those gang classmates are all black men? No , they are all hot black girls, young black men at the bottom, they will be stunned when they see them, and after being easily instigated by them, they will take the initiative to expand the drug market and make money."

"KeyBank does not make high-risk, high-profit dirty money itself, but chooses to borrow money from black people. Therefore, when the police catch a black person, they cannot pin the blame on KeyBank, but KeyBank can put the bill on someone who has already gone to jail." On the black man’s head.”

“The most exaggerated thing about the Entrepreneurship Center is that it also opened free taxation courses for black people like us. When I entered the classroom with fifty yuan, I was stunned, WTF!”

"They teach people how to complete their tax returns and promote that paying taxes is a sacred duty of citizens. Do you think that dirty money will be deposited in KeyBank with great fanfare? No, you have no idea how the money becomes clean. There is no doubt that it should be too Entrepreneurship centers teach black people.”

"KeyBank gives higher deposit interest rates to customers who make money from loans to start businesses, in order to entice them to deposit money in their bank. The difficulty of withdrawing the money after depositing it is probably more difficult than it is for the customer to successfully be elected as the President of the United States. So In the eyes of KeyBank, customers are not assets, they are **** consumables, and they don’t care about long-term efficiency. I just want to **** your blood dry, and then you can die. Anyway, there are plenty of black people, and this is my experience."

"Looking at this information, Compton Community College Youth Entrepreneurship Center mentor consultant, Stanley Jack, three brothers, known as the Big Jack Brothers, he is the second son of the Jack family, and he is also a member of the Compton street gang Compton The leader of the executioners, as a gang boss, Stanley Jack actually serves as the honorary counselor against campus gangs at Compton Martin Luther King High School, and is an outstanding black social activist awarded by the California Chapter of the National Association for Colored People. This is simply dark humor."

“Outstanding black social activists like this are actually like black slave traders, who kidnapped 800,000 or more low-class black people with loans for KeyBank.”

"To put it simply, KeyBank is like the slave owner of the year, and the entrepreneurial center is their overseer. Black people are the slaves who are constantly being exploited. It is difficult to imagine that in 1989, when civilization was highly developed, someone targeted the bottom black people in the United States and circumvented Relevant laws have designed a completely new slave-holding mechanism in the new era."

Tommy sat in front of the TV, watching with relish as several financial investigative reporters who had joined the Washington Post and hired undercover investigators sat in the guest seats of the Fox News commentary program and talked about their previous experiences. The legendary experience of investigating the shady secrets of KeyBank in the past six months.

A white FBI agent sat in the side seat next to him, while Dorothy, the housekeeper, was trimming the cat's nails not far behind Tommy. Just now, the little guy accidentally hooked up Tommy's shirt. There is a silk thread, and Page is sitting on a chair in the further corner of the living room, inconspicuous, but just enough to observe the entire living room.

Not long ago, due to the various crimes listed in the investigation report of KeyBank, which caused an uproar, the black Congressman Mike Bradley announced the establishment of an investigation and oversight committee, which will lead the relevant federal agencies to investigate KeyBank. It is said that the Congressman was accused of KeyBank. This act of blatantly exploiting low-class black people as slaves was shocked, and he vowed that if everything was true, he would make KeyBank, an evil organization, disappear from the United States.

In the eyes of these people, KeyBank is committing heinous crimes. It forces black people to commit crimes, helps KeyBank complete high-profit investments, and then launders the dirty money and sends it back to KeyBank with interest. All crimes are attributed to black customers, and KeyBank seems innocent. Like an angel.

At this time, the plainclothes white agent sitting next to him turned his gaze from the TV camera to Tommy's face, and said politely and gently: "Mr. Hawke, what do you think of KeyBank's crisis and KeyBank's lending methods? It’s from your perspective as an investor in KeyBank.”

The FBI's visit was not to investigate or collect evidence against Tommy Hawk, or even if it were to collect evidence and investigate, it would be a long time later. The FBI's visit at this moment was mainly to understand the general situation of KeyBank through Tommy Hawk. Then write a report on what you learned during the visit and report it to the investigation committee, so that the committee can decide whether to increase efforts or quietly shrink in the future.

"If all this is true, I mean the system designed by KeyBank, how much the designer should hate the black community, it is simply impossible." Tommy withdrew his gaze and looked at the man who was about the same age as himself. The young FBI agent glanced at the recording device on the table again, and deliberately and thoughtfully moved closer to the other party's recorder so that the other party's recording could be clearer:

"I did invest in KeyBank, but I actually do not participate in daily management. Just like my other investments, I believe that professional matters should be left to professional people. Jim Manz is the head of administrative affairs at KeyBank. I I am relatively familiar with him, and I invested in KeyBank because of my friendship with him. According to what I learned from my chat with him, this system was actually designed and invented by an economist named Muhammad from Bangladesh or some other country. Jim discovered this economic model when he was traveling. At that time, this method was very popular with the people in Bangladesh. After Jim learned about it, he felt that this model could also help the lower class people in the United States. I was moved by his kindness, so I invested in it. His KeyBank, if according to what those people on TV said, why did Muhammad from Bangladesh hate black people? Persecute black people? Slave black people? This is completely unrealistic."

“You know Mr. Jim Manz very well?” The detective kept nodding slightly in response as Tommy spoke. When Tommy finished speaking, he immediately continued to ask the next question unhurriedly.

Tommy nodded: "Wow, we have known each other for a long time. He is a good man and loves this country. Did you know that he once risked being discovered and shot in order to help the United States complete an investigative report on ordinary people in the Soviet Union? Having lived in the Soviet Union for a while, he deserves to be put on the altar compared to these reporters who investigated KeyBank. I have never seen anyone who loves this country more than him. About him, you can go directly to New York and ask him in person. I can help you contact him."       "We understand that your girlfriend, Ms. Otilia Farrell, also worked at KeyBank before." The agent continued to ask.

Tommy didn't hesitate and spoke calmly: "Yes, but she doesn't get paid. It's just a charity activity. When people in Africa are short of water, she helps dig wells. When people in Eastern Europe are short of food, she helps deliver food. She is a A kind angel, but later she realized that just providing material help is not enough. People need to wake up and learn to change themselves, so she began to try to provide some legal help in those African countries. She left KeyBank and is now more focused. We conduct theoretical research on law and hope to spread it to those people.”

"Thank you for your cooperation and candor. I know that you can actually arrange for a lawyer to be present, and then the lawyer will answer my questions." The agent straightened his suit and sat up straight, and said with some restraint: "So, basically these are these simple questions. , if there are other questions later, the FBI will make an appointment with you in advance."

Then he started to pick up the recorder to check whether the recording inside was clear. Tommy, who was bored, took the remote control and switched the program, switching the TV channel to BT's Los Angeles local news station, which was broadcasting real-time social news. A black undercover investigator who appeared on the Fox Channel and was hired by a financial reporter was shown on the BT TV station covered in blood and lying on the ground. He was being surrounded by police for taking pictures, and the murderer was making blood gang gestures at the camera.

"Four white reporters never considered that their actions would kill this poor black man, so why did they bring him on camera? Don't they know how high the risk is? In their eyes, don't black lives count? Accompanied by lawyers, the family members of the black deceased complained to the camera in tears:

"You said KeyBank was a slave owner, but the slave owner didn't kill him! But you people who investigated this under the pretext of justice killed him! Why did you take him for an interview! Why did you lie to him that he could become a famous person? Characters! The reality is that you have become a well-known justice reporter in the United States! And my son was killed!"

That shrill cry made the detective couldn't help but turn his head and glance, and then immediately lowered his head and continued to listen to the recording of the recorder.

"That black man is so miserable. He was talking about it on the last TV station, but on another show, he has been killed." Tommy shook his head with regret on his face and tutted regretfully.

When four financial reporters secretly investigated KeyBank, they hired several local black people to experience the entire loan repayment process of KeyBank. They thought that everything would be fine if the employees did not participate in illegal crimes, nor participated in gang conflicts with anyone. The result was that the newspapers and The KeyBank scandal broke out on the Fox TV network. These black men who accompanied reporters on a news commentary program to talk about the loan process appeared on the Fox TV network throughout the entire process and talked about their loan experiences to the audience. Fox News has no bottom line and it is not a day or two. , the black people themselves did not ask for it, and of course they would not hide those ugly faces.

The consequence is that in less than 24 hours since yesterday's commentary program was aired, four of the five black people who showed their faces have been killed by black street gangs. The murderer said that the murders were because these guys who betrayed black people ruined everyone's chance to change their destiny. , without KeyBank, the life of poor black people will only be more difficult.

"Yes, that black man is really miserable. I don't understand whether a black man's life counts in the eyes of some people." After the agent confirmed that there was no problem with the recording, he put away the recorder, stood up and stretched out his hand to Tommy, speaking gently. smiling, ready to shake hands and say goodbye.

He has a small tattoo on the palm of his hand. It is a habit of most military service members to tattoo the badges or logos of the units they have served on the palm of his hand or on his wrist.

At this moment, his outstretched hand also had **** bent.

“That’s the emblem of the Navy.” Tommy glanced at the tattoo and said with a smile, “I’ve seen a similar tattoo.”

The agent glanced at his tattoo and said with a smile: "After graduating from the Naval Academy, I served in the Office of Naval Intelligence for three years and then joined the FBI after retiring."

“I wish you all the best in the FBI, sir.” Tommy smiled and stretched out his hands in the same gesture as the other person, shaking them together.

The other party nodded: "If you see Mr. Captain with similar tattoos, just say hello to him, Mr. Righteous Man, and say goodbye."

Tommy stood on the terrace, watching the agent walk out of his Eagle's Nest, open the door, get in the car and leave, he smiled and said loudly: "Paige, call Earl for me, he should know how to use that senior black man Mike Bradley and those **** killed by reporters are making a fuss. I really want to see with my own eyes how the "Rainbow", a black non-profit organization led by Earl, which has a large number of low-class niggas, can teach these people not to take the lives of black people. It’s the same thing as a bastard.”

At this time, Dorothy came over and handed the orange cat with its manicure to Tommy, and asked happily: "Has Mr. Tony been promoted to captain?"

Tommy took the cat and stroked its smooth fur with his hands: "No, that was his nickname when he played house in the fraternity in college."

 (End of this chapter)

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