American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 279: Call from an old friend

Chapter 279 A call from an old friend

 David Kennedy's off-site campaign was obviously very timely. On the third day after the televised debate, the news appeared on Miami TV stations.

The Coast Patrol of the Miami Police Department intercepted two stowaway cargo ships that were converted from American offshore fishing boats carrying Cuban stowaways while reporters followed them. Through the reporter's lens, the two stowaway ships could be seen. When called to stop the ship for inspection, the crew on the ship armed the Cuban stowaways with guns and forced them to jump into the sea. They used the Miami Police Department Coast Patrol to distract the police force to rescue these stowaways and looked for opportunities to escape.

However, after the helicopters of the Miami Police Department's Air Patrol locked onto the ships, the two stowaway boats were finally successfully intercepted and gave up absconding. All the crew members involved in human trafficking on board were arrested. The police rescued 253 Cuban stowaways at sea, but soon Unfortunately, thirty-one of them have drowned, including seventeen women and six children. It is unclear whether there are other people who fell into the water. The Miami Police Department Marine Patrol and the Florida Coast Guard are still continuing to search for survivors. Volunteers composed of Jeff Lavin and retired National Guard veterans also participated in rescue activities.

Facing the reporter's interview, Jeff Lavin, who had just finished searching in the sea area, said with a tired face: "Now I am not interested in talking about the election and race. Rescue is the only thing I care about. I do hate those who caused the 18th district. There are illegal immigrants from Cuba who have security problems, but we cannot ignore lives. These people are innocent. The real evil is the bad guys who deceive them, describe Miami as a paradise, and lure them onto this road to death."

The identities of the owners of the two fishing boats were also discovered. It is understood that the two owners and crew members were Cuban-American citizens who had previously smuggled themselves to the United States as Cuban refugees and later obtained legal status. They charged each Cuban stowaway For a fee of up to 1,500 U.S. dollars, the Cuban relatives repeatedly conspired with relatives in Cuba to contact the stowaways, collect fees, and then use sailboats to transport the stowaways to the waters near Florida, the United States, and then use two modified fishing boats to transport the stowaways. Stowaways on sailboat transferred to Miami.

During the search and evidence collection at the police station, it was discovered that the two Cuban boat owners who ordered the abandonment of the stowaways, causing the tragic death of many stowaways from drowning, actually made multiple donations to the campaign committee of Republican Ileana Leti. The reporter also found Ili A photo of Yana Leti posing intimately with two boat owners.

David Middleton, the operations commander of the Miami-Dade County Police Department's Marine Patrol in the TV news, was facing the camera and talking to reporters: "We must take more actions to prevent this tragedy from its roots. to combat human trafficking and smuggling. This year alone, there have been many cases of stowaway boats capsizing or stowaways being forced to jump into the sea in the waters under our jurisdiction. We need to invest a lot of police force and funds in various rescues..."

David Kennedy pressed the switch on the remote control and turned off the TV. In front of him and Tommy, stood David Middleton, the leader of the Marine Patrol who was talking eloquently on the TV. He had blond hair, a tall figure, and wore a Wearing a fashionable casual suit, he said with a humble smile:

“Mr. Kennedy, if Illyana Leti continues to insist, the police will later investigate and find out that the criminal received financial help from CANF when he purchased the two fishing boats.”

David Kennedy stood up from the sofa, picked up the wine glass and poured the other party a glass of wine, and then looked at Tommy: "David, a good young man from Massachusetts, comes from my hometown, starting from his grandfather's generation. He took the advice of the Kennedy family and worked for the Boston Police Department, but when he became an adult, he came to Miami to work for me. He did a pretty good job. He is twenty-nine years old and is already the commander of the Marine Patrol. Do you know his nickname? ? Ace Special Agent, as long as it involves police work, there is no problem that he cannot solve. I think he should be promoted to captain before his thirtieth birthday."

 “Thank you, Mr. Kennedy.” The operations commander named David Middleton said.

Noticing that Tommy did not respond and had no desire to talk to the other party, David waved his hand: "Remember to bring your wife and children to my house for dinner on the weekend."

Middleton wisely put down his wine glass and turned to leave. When the other person left, David looked at Tommy, who was still staring at the other person's disappearing back but remained silent, and said dissatisfiedly: "I didn't introduce anyone else to you. I know, this child is here because he is a loyal and reliable knight of the Kennedy family, and you must give him enough respect, just like I always respect Mr. Page beside you."

Tommy understood David Kennedy's dissatisfaction. Just like what the other party said, David didn't want to introduce a bunch of politicians to get to know him and show off how many connections he had used in this matter. He wanted to Tell Tommy that this young man named David Middleton appears here because of the trust of the Kennedy family and the other party's family. This guy has worked for the Kennedy family for three generations, so Tommy can rest assured that the smuggling case will definitely not happen. Any problems will arise.

Ileana Leti will not have a chance. The President's Office stated the next day that it had no knowledge of Orlando Bosh's involvement in the bombing. It only followed the federal government's relevant Cuban Refugee Resettlement Act and granted the other party's identity normally. The judicial department It also said that when the other party of the CANF Association submitted the application, it did not state that it had participated in terrorist activities.

Putting pressure on the CANF Association and Illyana Leti, David Kennedy's off-campus election campaign actually told CANF that either Illyana Leti should withdraw from the election with dignity, or let the police investigate CANF Suspected of financing smuggling activities.

Now that Orlando Bosh has been detained again, the investigation is into whether he concealed his previous involvement in the bombing from the US government during the process of obtaining residency. David Kennedy's negotiation method is that after Ileana Leti withdrew from the election with dignity , he can ensure that Orlando Bosh commits suicide with dignity.

 This will make everyone look decent.

But the reason why Tommy didn't want to talk to David Middleton was not because he didn't respect the other party, but when he learned from David Kennedy that Ace Commissioner, David Middleton, Miami, and the police were... After labeling him, Tommy just wanted to say something to David Kennedy about his poor judgment in choosing his followers. No wonder he couldn't make it in Massachusetts, the hometown of the Kennedy family, and was sent to Miami to open up new territory.

If there are no major accidents, this guy named David Middleton will become a well-known serial killer in the United States. He is a typical criminal personality and will be burdened with four life sentences without parole and two death sentences. But the problem is , this guy was sentenced to death in 1995, but until 2022, Tommy was shot in the head by a black man, and he was still not dead.

The most exaggerated thing is that not only did he survive, but he also wrote an autobiography "From Cop to Serial Killer" in prison, which became a bestseller. Hollywood bought the rights to the book and prepared to make a movie about his experience.

This guy is very good at selecting targets. He only kidnaps poor girls. Almost all of the female victims are entertained in low-end nightclubs and come from ordinary families. In addition, before committing a crime, he will record the names, home addresses, and victims of the female victims in the name of investigation. The girls were worried about his retaliation if they called the police, so no female victim dared to leak the information. However, even if the victim reported the crime, accusing him of rape, kidnapping and assault, the jury ultimately acquitted him of the first two charges and only admitted that David Middleton had assaulted the girl. In addition, no other victims reported the crime or testified in court, and were eventually convicted. Sentenced to five years in prison, he was released early after serving two years in prison. After his release, the guy was fired from the police force, moved out of Florida, worked as a repairman, became addicted to drugs, and blamed himself for being in this situation. The victim woman had clearly promised not to report her, but she then called the police and deceived him.

So he began his career as a serial killer. When he was a policeman, he only raped but did not kill. However, after he was released from prison, when he committed another crime, he chose to kill and silence him afterwards, and no longer believed women's lies.

There were three **** murders in which he could be identified as the murderer, but there were many other murders in which he was suspected but could not be convicted due to insufficient evidence. After he was arrested and sentenced to death, many Miami police officers Only the women who were hurt by him dared to speak out.

As David Kennedy said that this guy was his, Tommy understood why the judge and jury in the Miami court convicted rape, kidnapping, illegal confinement, assault, etc. even though the evidence was conclusive in the first crime. , only convicted David Middleton of assault, allowing him to be released from prison in two years.

"I'm not disrespecting you, I just think this guy's name sounds familiar." Tommy looked at David Kennedy: "Stephen and I had a lot of fun at the beach with some girls who like to dance. There was a girl When I was with me, I mentioned something, saying that a policeman named David Middleton kidnapped her late at night and forced her to do certain things. I hope the David Middleton the girl mentioned was not the guy you introduced. .”

David Kennedy first dismissed Tommy's words: "How is it possible? You have seen him. If that kid needs a woman, there is no need to force him. Look at his figure, look at his face, just walk into a certain place." Just go to a bar, take off your shirt, and have countless girls jump on him and have something to do with him."

 But after he finished speaking, he saw that Tommy was still expressionless, and he showed an incredible expression. Although he still insisted, his tone was a little loose: "This can't be true."

"It's better not to be true, otherwise one day it really comes out. I can't imagine how passive you will be. He is your subordinate and helps you do a lot of dirty work. You can't stay out of it. You know he is just a piece of shit. Give him a helping hand so he doesn't spill some of his little secrets," Tommy told David.

"I'll find out, if it's true..." David Kenny stood up, walked to the phone and dialed a number. He gave a few instructions to the other party. After hanging up, he said to Tommy:

 “I’ll castrate that **** for his wife.”

Outside the door, Page walked in, stood behind Tommy and said in a low voice: "A gentleman named Charles Salmon called. He said that if it is convenient, he would like to have a drink with you in Washington, with SSD's name."

After hearing what Page said, Tommy nodded expressionlessly, then stood up and hugged David Kennedy, who was still thinking hard about his happy family and his loyal subordinate who worked as a policeman during the day and as a criminal at night. , and then said goodbye.

After walking out of David Kennedy's law office and getting into the car, Tommy picked up his cell phone and dialed Susan's number: "Choose a mulatto girl to stand up and tell the American people bravely what posture Fox used to ravage her." Pass her and ask lawyer Delia Keys to accompany her to appear, and BT TV Network and VOX News Network will arrange various exclusive interviews."

Without waiting for Susan to ask, Tommy hung up the phone and called Jim Manz: "How are those financial reporters doing digging into KeyBank's shady story? Very good, let Wolf Tucker put pressure on them to terminate their work and create opportunities for them to Reporters jumped on the FOX network with half-finished investigative reports, and we had to make sure that when we started fighting each other, both sides looked like they were holding each other's balls."

“Are you going to the airport?” Page asked, holding the steering wheel with both hands, waiting for Tommy to hang up the phone.

Tommy shook his head: "No, I want to see Jeff take out a medicine ball and a solid wood board when he was elected to give a speech, and then I go to see Charles. I have to make sure that Jason doesn't There is a way to beat me. Speaking of Jason, how is his business lately?”

"I think... until Jeff pulled out a medicine ball and a solid wooden board in his inaugural address to Congress, you and the other group were not as attractive as him." Page said with a smile: "He called me the other day and asked me Remember to show off to you. He and Susie designed a **** underwear. The men in the city went crazy. The women’s business was 30% better than usual. He and Susie were preparing to register a patent and sell it in batches to all brothels in the United States. and private clubs.”

"What kind of underwear can make a woman's business 30% better than usual? Clothes that have no covering effect at all?" Tommy's face was full of suspicion: "Are you sure that guy is not bragging?"

"I'm definitely not bragging, because George, who happened to be on a business trip in San Salamento, tried it." Page said a little speechlessly: "Jason and Suzy designed a cleverly designed centaur **** costume that women can wear. After it is done, it will be a beautiful centaur. While the man can ride on the woman's back, the woman can also turn her head at a perfect angle to help him ****."

After hearing this, Tommy was stunned for a while, and then he rubbed his face vigorously: "Otherwise, we consider going to the airport and flying to San Saramento to experience riding on the back of a centaur girl and enjoy it* *What does it feel like? F*ck! How could Stanford University cultivate a scum like Jason! I studied computer science for four years just to help Korean men cheat fat women into getting married and get green cards, and to help Korean women dress up as centaurs. Being ridden?"

 (End of this chapter)

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