American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 278: black elite martin

Chapter 278 Black Elite Martin

The subsequent debate ended with Ileana Leti trying to explain to the Cuban voters in front of the camera that she did not know whether the person she was helping was involved in the bombing. Just when everyone thought Orlando Bosh was a genius. When his husband prepared the biggest bombshell tonight, Jeff ended his speech with a sentence that exploded in the studio:

"Thank you to the host, thank you to the audience, thank you to the veterans who have always supported me, thank you to my wife Jessica who cares about me even though I am injured and hospitalized at the moment, thank you to my sister Gina, and my children, thank them for always being with me I, I will continue to fight for the greatness of the 18th District, uh, and, thank you to the Jacob Blaustein Foundation for the Advancement of Human Rights in New York for sending me the check, thank you all."

That check from the Jacob Blaustein Foundation for the Advancement of Human Rights in New York was what sounded like a bombshell to all politicians paying attention to this debate.

This foundation is a subsidiary of the American Jewish Committee. It is nicknamed the Jewish coin purse in American politics. Whichever politician speaks out to combat anti-Semitism and works hard for Jewish rights, the American Jewish Committee will be grateful to that person for his or her contribution on behalf of the Jews. For his contribution to human rights, the way to express gratitude is to take out a check from his coin purse and send it to him.

Almost most members of both parties in the U.S. Congress have received pocket money from Jews, but generally speaking, you have to actually publicly express your sympathy for Jews as a member of Congress after you have your own independent congressional office. After a class speech, pocket money will be delivered to your door. But now, a Miami pipe repairman, before he has entered Congress, has received a donation check from the coin purse of the American Jewish Committee?

Jeff LaVine wouldn't dare lie about his Jewish organization in front of television cameras, which means he must be absolutely telling the truth when he says he received a check from the Jacob Blaustein Foundation for the Advancement of Human Rights in New York. , but this is completely inconsistent with Jewish behavior. Jews will not invest in a fool like Jeff Rush who has been manipulated and has not been officially elected.

Coupled with the fact that this guy broke the news that Ileana Leti lobbied the United States to issue a green card to Cuban terrorist Orlando Bosh, almost everyone in the Florida political arena is thinking about the same question.

Who is Jeff LaVine, or in other words, who is the behind-the-scenes player behind his muscular body.

Martin tiredly accompanied Jeff through all the procedures after the TV debate, including kissing the supporters' cubs, shaking hands with the supporters who donated the most, giving a short speech, taking photos, etc., and after sending all the reporters and After that, the veteran supporters did not immediately go back to the hotel to have a good sleep, but rushed to see Tommy.

To be honest, during his time in Miami, there was a time when he felt that he had captured the thoughts of his boss Tommy, but now he felt that it might just be his unilateral fantasy. The cruel reality was that he felt that he had captured the thoughts of his boss Tommy. I don’t know anything about the idea.

Tommy was swimming in the swimming pool of the South District villa where his mother-in-law provided him with temporary accommodation. Page lazily leaned on a folded parasol by the pool and looked around when he saw Martin walking towards her. , Paige said expressionlessly: "Colin just called me and asked me when Tommy would fire his black godson named Martin. Every time Colin calls and chats with me, he mentions you more times than Tang The meters are much higher.”

“Besides firing me, do you and my white godfather of the Ku Klux Klan have any other topics to talk about?” Martin also looked at Page with a straight face, unwilling to be outdone.

“Yes, Colin asked me how much money he would have to donate to the Florida Police Foundation before they would be willing to accidentally kill a black man who had humiliated him.” Page replied stiffly.

Martin took out two beers from the refrigerator next to him, opened them, and handed one to Page: "Thank you for your honesty, and thank you Godfather Colin for your kindness. I thought he would ask how much the flight to Miami is. If the flight is If there is a discount, he will fly over and kill me in person."

After being together for so long, Martin has become accustomed to Page's speech style. Most of the time, this old guy is not a bad person. In other words, he is only a bad person when he electrocutes himself. At other times, he is easy to get along with, even if the words in his mouth are cold and vicious. , but Martin knew that this old guy did not hate and be hostile to all black people like Father Colin. Old Page just simply hated black people who caused chaos and violence and refused to be obedient.

Drinking beer, after Tommy finished swimming and walked out of the pool holding on to the handrail, Martin put down the beer and said: "Boss, the Jews did not send any donation checks to Jeff's campaign action committee. No one knows better than me who he donated to. Who is it? This is a big problem. If the reporter calls the Jewish Committee in New York after nine o'clock tomorrow morning to confirm, the lie will be exposed immediately. Why let Jeff lie?"

Hunting it from the end of the TV debate until now before asking Tommy, Martin felt that his patience was already very good. You know, his boss asked Jeff to tell everyone a big lie in front of the TV camera!

Tommy did not rush to answer Martin's doubts, but took the bath towel handed by the maid and wiped his wet hair. His mother-in-law originally gave all the servants in the villa a long holiday and asked Tommy to hire like-minded people. Short-term servants took care of him during the holidays, but Tommy finally chose to let the old servants stay and work. He didn't want his mother-in-law to think that he would really do something unknown with other girls in this villa. Tommy couldn't do the kind of thing like living in a villa provided by his mother-in-law, but sleeping with other women behind her back and Otilia.

Even if he needs to meet his needs, he will go to the Four Seasons Hotel to get a suite and slowly select high-end girls, maintaining the most basic respect for his mother-in-law and family.

It wasn't until he sat on the recliner and his hair was dried by the maid with a hair dryer that Tommy looked at Martin with a glass of red wine to help him sleep: "Jeff didn't lie, Martin, don't be so nervous, although the Jews did not give him any campaign action." Committee for the donation, but it wouldn't be wrong for him to thank the Jews for sending him the check, I mean of course the Jews wouldn't donate to a fool who believed in the flat earth theory, but the Jacob Blaustein Foundation for the Advancement of Human Rights in New York did give Jeff I sent a check, it has nothing to do with politics, so I didn’t send it to the election office you are responsible for, but sent it to his home mailbox.”

"Ma'am, can you give me a cocktail or something? It's best if the alcohol content is a little higher. I want to sleep more peacefully tonight." Martin first told the maid about the drinks he needed, and waited for the maid to go away. After only Page was left nearby, he continued to ask Tommy:

“Jeff personally received a check from the American Jewish Committee? Sounds more exaggerated than the donations his campaign action committee received?”

Tommy looked at the back of the maid who was walking away and said in an understatement: "Jeff once helped an old Jewish couple and their grandson on Coral Street. For this reason, he messed up his original plan for the day, a rally. Fundraiser, remember?”

Martin's expression was dull for two seconds, and then he nodded: "Remember, when the old woman who killed her son was shooting with a gun, I was the one who protected you, boss, but you don't seem to remember to help me raise my salary."

"You protect me? How is it possible? I just remember that you kept inciting me and said that Page betrayed me and now is a good opportunity for us to kill him. As long as I give the order, you will immediately kill that evil old guy in Page for me. ." Tommy said to Martin with a smile.

Martin immediately turned his head to look at Page and found that the old guy remained motionless as he dozed off against the parasol, with no intention of taking out the electric shock device. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and said to Tommy, "OK. I won’t mention a salary increase, and you shouldn’t mention to Page what I said that day.”

 “Deal.” Tommy nodded understandingly.

Martin then went on to ask: "But what does that old Jewish couple have to do with the Jewish Council? There is no connection between them except that the old Jewish woman has some Jewish blood in her body."

Even though Martin has only been working as a campaign manager for a short time, he already knows a lot about these very large racial social organizations in the United States. After all, those very large organizations, like Tommy's Crossroads Foundation, are behind a certain or a group of politicians. The funder is just a lot bigger than Tommy and what he is doing at the moment.

For example, Tommy can only control Jeff LaVine, a pipe repairman in Miami, but the American Jewish Committee has branches in 25 major cities in the United States, 13 overseas branches around the world, and global Jewish communities in all countries have established cooperative relationships, and that organization has not only influenced American political power, but has even extended to other countries.

 What is another name for the American Jewish Committee? Jewish Senate of America, Center for Global Jewish Advocacy.

Those low-profile American Jewish millionaires continue to donate money to this organization, and then select high-profile, sociable Jews to stand in front of the stage to manage the committee, and manage this huge wealth according to the wishes of those Jewish wealthy people, such as The current chairman of the committee is Alfred Moses, a former elite lawyer at a white shoe firm, the chief strategy officer of a global strategy consulting company affiliated with IBM, the special legal advisor to Jimmy Carter during his presidential term, and the vice chairman of the board of directors of a Jewish financial company on Wall Street.

Such a large and well-known organization will be associated with two old guys from the countryside. Don't be kidding, even if the old woman has Jewish ancestry, it is impossible for that association to take a glance.

"That's not a donation check, it's a check for compensation. Thank you Jeff for helping the old Jewish woman and speaking out for the old woman's anger, even at the expense of messing up his own rally. The check amount was only more than 700 yuan. Originally, I It was hoped that Gina would find a Jewish boyfriend, and then rely on her boyfriend's Jewish identity to cooperate with the farce and get a check and Jewish support from the Florida Jewish Community Mutual Aid Association. But Jeff was lucky, Stephen just happened to show up, and his family was completely Jewish, his grandfather even served as vice president for a time, so he called the Jacob Blaustein Human Rights Foundation in New York and told the truth about Jeff's help to the Jews, and that the old woman's family conditions were very poor. , there was no way to compensate Jeff. After the other party verified that the old woman did have Jewish ancestry and Stephen's influence, he paid Jeff more than 700 yuan on behalf of the old woman to make up for Jeff's flyers, banners, and labor costs. Expenses, that's the whole thing." Tommy said to Martin: "Jeff didn't lie, and the Jews didn't donate. Jeff just thanked the check. He was busy campaigning and couldn't work recently, so he was short of money. The value of that check The compensation check of 700 yuan was a real help in times of need for him, so he specially thanked me, is there any problem with this?"

Martin opened his mouth, then shook his head: "Jeff did not lie, but don't you mind that everyone tonight guessed that check as a donation check. Among the voters in the 18th district, there are probably white people with Jewish ancestry. There are 12 percent who don't care about Jeff, but they will definitely believe the American Jewish Committee."

"It's not of much use. If Ms. Letty can still be elected, I will immediately go back to the countryside of Rhode Island to inherit my father's business of breaking ships. In fact, the only advantage is that its name can make many people prepare to do something against Jeff tonight." Guys with dirty tricks need to calm down for about two to three days. If David Kennedy really feels that he is still the uncrowned king of Miami, it is best to get the off-court support activities done within three days." Tommy explained to Martin.

 He ​​hopes Martin can learn more, because he will still have many similar tasks to solve in the future. Martin is a black man, and he needs a black man who is used to obeying his instructions.

Martin then asked another question: "One more question left, Boss, Orlando Bosh, that guy... I mean how do you know about that Cuban woman and her terrorist concubine? All reporters tonight I asked Jeff the same question. The editor-in-chief of the Miami Post called me specifically and hoped to arrange an exclusive interview for me again tomorrow. In order to make up for my regret last time, he promised to send a blond white female reporter tomorrow. Come see me, if I’ll give him some scoop.”

At this point, he looked at Tommy with twinkling eyes. Whether he can take a step further with the female reporter tomorrow depends on whether his boss supports him.

“You want me to tell you tonight, and then you use this news to communicate with female reporters in depth tomorrow?” Tommy smiled and looked at Martin.

Martin adjusted his tie with his hand, smiled proudly, and gave Tommy a look that you need to understand: "Boss, you know, I should also consider marriage now. After all, when my father was my age, I'm seven years old, I mean, a white female reporter in Miami, maybe barely worthy of me, but I need your support."

"You obviously don't have enough brains now to have a reporter girlfriend, Martin, let's put it this way, that woman is not planning to empty your body, she is only planning to empty you of your answers, turn around and leave after she succeeds, and then publish you in the newspaper To tease you like an idiot, you have to pretend that you are the mastermind behind Jeff, and let the other person desperately try to dig you out, but get nothing. Do you understand? This way she will continue to contact you, and this way she will be in the process of digging you. , the clothes are getting less and less, and the distance between me and you will be getting closer and closer, you can say whatever you want, because there is only one truth, and that is that you don’t **** know, so no matter what you say, you don’t have to worry about getting into trouble.”

The maid came back with the prepared cocktail and handed it to Martin. Martin took the cocktail and looked at Tommy: "Is that so?"


"Why do I feel more like you just made up an excuse because you don't want to tell me the truth." Martin said suspiciously.

Tommy's cell phone rang, and he put down his glass to answer the call. Martin couldn't hear the voice on the other end of the phone, but he heard what Tommy said: "David, of course it's not me, I'm not interested, it's Martin-ha Special, yes, you have never met him in person. Yes, Jeff’s campaign manager, Orlando Bosh and the design of Jewish checks were all made by him. He is a powerful character among black people. I didn’t expect Martin either. His connections are designed to be so exaggerated. How do I know? When I met him, he only said he was from Miami, but when I invited him to be the vice president of the BT TV network, what I saw was that he was in Los Angeles and New York. A lot of energy, yes, many black people in Los Angeles bought into his account, uh, by the way, I remembered, Martin knew a few black officers, they were very close. When he was on vacation in New York, he paid for those officers. Bills, inviting them to spend money in various luxury clubs in New York. How do I know what branch of the military those officers are and whether they work for the Inter-Services Intelligence Agency in the Pentagon? Do you think that even if it is true, he will tell me such a secret to a white man? ? He is just doing some work for me, he is not my believer!"

As Tommy spoke, he smiled and looked at Martin, who was already dumbfounded: "Do you have any friends who have encountered some little trouble in politics who want to get to know this black elite? I can convey, no problem, good night."

Hang up the phone, Tommy said to Martin: "The day Jeff is elected, I guarantee that you will become an even more impressive black man than him."

"But I don't understand anything." Martin came back to his senses. His boss's words were obviously intended to push him to the front. As Jeff's popularity grew, reporters and the public would also understand the people around him. The brain trust team, obviously, Tommy is ready to put himself in this role, but the problem is, he has no idea what Tommy wants to get.

Tommy looked at Martin seriously: "Do you know what I did when I didn't understand anything?"

 “What?” Martin said, shaking his head.

"Let everyone believe that I seem to know everything and can do everything. First listen to why they want to know you, and then consider whether you want to be friends with them, but I think that in order to show sincerity, they should let You meet girls who are prettier and easier to penetrate than female Post reporters.”

 “So, can I go deeper?” Martin asked tentatively.

“No, if you do that, Paige will talk to you about what is BBQ.” Tommy stood up and walked towards the bedroom. Before leaving, he patted Martin on the shoulder:

“But I see your hard work during this period, and Page will tell you what the reward is. Good night.”

Tommy returned to the bedroom, and Paige also opened her eyes, flexing her muscles and preparing to go back to the guest bedroom to sleep. Martin stopped Paige: "Paige, what is the reward the boss gave me?"

Page took out a room card and handed it to Martin: "A luxury apartment in Los Angeles. The key is in Sophia's hand. You have to wait until you return to Los Angeles to get it. In addition, there is also this room card. At this moment, Four Seasons Miami There are five high-end girls in the hotel room. If you are willing, they will show up every night for the next week to spend the night with you."

 “Oh!” Martin showed an ecstatic expression, took the key card and hugged Page.

Page pushed his arms away and walked towards the bedroom: "Before thanking me, I think you'd better thank Tommy first, and then Stephen, Alan and Zach. They all tried for you, but didn't Pay the bill and leave this opportunity to you.”

“F*ck! I’m the campaign manager of this team and I’m last in line for something like this? Two smart guys like Zach and Alan are ahead of me? I feel insulted! "Martin's joy disappeared on the spot, and he yelled at Paige's back frantically.

Page said without looking back: "If you think this is an insult, you can just go over and pay the girls bills and tips without touching those women."

 (End of this chapter)

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