American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 272: Get ready to show off your muscles

Chapter 272 Getting ready to show off muscles

After seeing his wife Jessica walking into the operating room before, but now being wheeled out by the nurse in a wheelchair, with the plaster on her left leg weighing enough for a sculptor to shape a statue of David, Jeff's His brain was a little unable to react. He looked at the nurse pushing Jessica and wanted to ask several times, but he hesitated.

 The main reason is that Jessica's appearance is too scary. It doesn't look like she came to the hospital for a bruise on her calf, but more like she suffered a comminuted fracture and may not be able to stand up again for the rest of her life.

Jessica looked more lucid than Jeff. Wearing a hospital gown, she held the armrests of the wheelchair with both hands and comforted her husband: "Don't worry, Jeff, the doctor has taken care of me. The injury is not serious." , in about two months I will be able to move as freely as before, without any sequelae.”

It wasn't until the nurse pushed Jessica into the luxurious single ward and there was no one else in the room that Jeff turned to look at Tommy, who had just arrived ten minutes ago: "Tommy, this is deception, Jessica is just The car crashed into a bench on the side of the road. There are some bruises on the calf. Doctors will not lie. If you ask anyone, you will know that Jessica is lying. She is not injured at all and looks so serious. Why should we lie? ?”

"I can answer your questions. First, this is a private hospital. My father-in-law's friend is the owner of this hospital. The doctor who treated Jessica is his student, and the insurance company was not contacted for this treatment. Pay the bill, so everything is controllable. For example, a bruise turns into a bone fracture. The problem of bone fracture is magical. It can be very mild or severe. Whether it is serious or not depends entirely on the doctor's mood. For example, if you are a poor man, because If you drink in a bar without paying the bill and get beaten by the bartender until you have a broken bone, go to a public hospital for treatment. The doctor may prescribe you a few weeks of painkillers and then let you go." Tommy sat on the sofa in the living room of the ward, flipping through the hospital's instructions. The patient provided entertainment magazines for entertainment and said:

"But in a private hospital, as long as you are willing to pay, even a problem like a bone fracture can be treated like an amputation. We are not lying. You can tell everyone that Jessica has a bone fracture, but the doctor You have the right to decide how to treat. For specific questions, let those who are curious ask the doctor. He will tell those people for you why the cast on Jessica’s leg is heavier than yours. And don’t worry, the cost of the treatment will not be borne by you. Come pay.”

"I can pay for the treatment myself, Tommy. I'm not worried about the cost, and you don't need to pay for it for me..."

"NoNoNo~ It's not me who pays this fee. My father-in-law paid it for you. He promised the owner of this hospital to buy a yacht next time and give him a reasonable discount." Tommy put down the magazine and walked to Jesse Ka squatted down in front of the wheelchair, patted the cast on Jessica's leg, smiled at the other person and asked: "How do you feel, Jessica?"

Jessica turned away with a sullen face, obviously not wanting to see this **** Tommy: "The nurse who put the plaster on me must not have a boyfriend. She is jealous of me. I injured the calf of my left leg, but Tommy, look at it now , that crazy woman just used plaster to make me a pair of pantyhose, but you didn’t tell me that my husband was participating in the election, and besides being injured, I also had to abstain from sexual intercourse.”

Who would have thought that her husband and his two smartest buddies were just registering to run for office as if they were playing a game in an attempt to spread the flat-earth theory, and then suddenly it would be like this?

After Jeff met Tommy, everything changed. Not only did Jeff become like an abnormal normal person, but she was now about to become a psychopath. She didn't understand, it was just an election, why should she sit on it? The wheelchair also came with a pair of plaster stockings that could help me abstain from **** as a gift from the nurse.

"I know you have always wanted to have another daughter. Don't worry that this thing will affect you and Jeff's pregnancy of a new life. Your exclusive medical team will help you take it off every night and have a good sleep. As long as you promise to put it back on at dawn. , and if you cooperate, I can let the two dogs fostered in the country come to the hospital to accompany you. This private hospital allows patients to bring pets to the hospital for treatment." After Tommy said that, he stood up and looked at Jeff:

“You think Jessica being in a wheelchair is a deception to everyone, don’t you?”

"Tommy, you keep telling me to do the right thing. I don't think it is the right thing. We are men. Men can solve all problems by themselves. They should not let their wives... Like now, I can face all the problems. Opponents, I have the courage to face them." Jeff said to Tommy seriously.

He has changed a lot since he met Tommy and Martin. Before, he could only read some Bible stories in front of children, but now he can speak skillfully in front of the TV camera. Before, he could only show his face. A harmless smile, but now he can keep a straight face for dozens of minutes just to make himself look very serious.

He even learned to use more aggressive language to criticize his opponents through Martin's repeated threats with electric shock devices. He can change, but that doesn't mean he is willing to do so in his heart. He just wants to not disappoint those who support him. , coupled with Martin's constant reminders, try to force yourself to do this.

But now, his wife is actually in a wheelchair just to cooperate with him in his candidacy. Jeff feels that this is completely unnecessary. He can face those opponents by himself. There is no need for Jessica to use her pitiful appearance to deceive sympathy. , that will only make him feel guilty, because for so many years, anything outside the family, no matter how hard or tiring the work, has been handled by Jeff as a man and the head of the family. That is what a man should do, no matter how hard it is. Whether her job is fixing pipes or running in an election, it shouldn't change Jessica's life.

His Jessica should be humming songs and doing housework at home, or going to the backyard to play with the dog, or driving the children to the supermarket for shopping, instead of sitting in a wheelchair with an unhappy face like she is now.

"Do you have the courage to face your opponent head-on? Do you really have it? Jeff?" Tommy smiled and looked at the big, good man in front of him and asked.

 Jeff nodded: "Of course."

"Very good. Just before I rushed to the hospital, many vicious incidents broke out in the 18th district where veterans beat Cubans. Those veterans said at the police station that they were influenced by your TV primary debate. Something happened." Tommy told Jeff the news he had received.

Jeff was stunned for a moment, and asked after more than ten seconds: "No, God, were those who were beaten seriously injured? I... I mean those veterans who beat people, were they all influenced by me?"

"It's not serious, but there are many witnesses. It doesn't matter whether the injury is serious or not. Just like Jessica's injury, it can change at any time as the situation develops. What matters is the attitude of the voters towards you, and you have the courage to face it... "Compared to Jeff's shock, Tommy still had the same nonchalant expression and said gently.

Jeff interrupted Tommy: "Of course I have the courage to face those veterans. I want to ask them clearly why they did this. I..."

"Instead of facing those veterans who injured people, I need you to have the courage to face the injured directly. You need to go to the hospital to visit the injured Cubans." Tommy corrected Jeff's words.

The expression on Jeff's face was a bit embarrassing. Although he had never said anything to incite veterans to hurt others, his speeches since his candidacy have been directed at Cuban smugglers. His image in the minds of Cuban-American voters is almost the same as that of white racists. , he went to face those Cubans who had been hurt, and he didn’t even know what to say. He had nothing to say except sorry.

Thinking of this, he asked: "Do I want to apologize to the veterans on their behalf? I am willing to do so." "Yes, you have to apologize and say that you are very, very sorry. You have no knowledge of this happening, but you are completely Understand why veterans do what they do,” Tommy said.

Jeff didn't object, but Jessica, who was sitting in a wheelchair next to her and kept her ears pricked up, reacted: "You want Jeff to admit that he was involved in the veterans' beatings? He will be torn into pieces by the Cubans! He can't go see him. Those Cubans!”

"Shh~ calm down, Jessica." Tommy raised his index finger to his lips and made a quiet gesture to Jessica: "You are hurt, don't talk."

"I don't want to attend my husband's funeral in a wheelchair. Tommy, when are you going to let us go? I don't want to be a widow in a wheelchair." Jessica said dissatisfied.

Tommy pushed Jessica to the door of the separate bathroom in the ward with a wheelchair, and asked Jessica to face the bathroom: "Use this time to learn how amputee patients go to the bathroom, Jessica."

Leaving Jessica in a daze in the bathroom, Tommy walked back and continued to Jeff: "I asked someone to specifically check the time. The beating by the veteran occurred three minutes after Jessica encountered a traffic accident. Although it is a bit exaggerated, it is It can barely be used as an excuse. You have to tell the injured Cubans that this was an accident. It was probably because the angry veterans did this in anger after learning that Jessica was maliciously forced to stop and injured by Cuban smugglers. You apologize on behalf of the veterans, and then you say something disgusting to Cubans."

“Do you think they will forgive me because Jessica was injured?” Jeff frowned, scratched the back of his head with his hand, and asked with some suspicion.

"Of course not. If they haven't had their **** castrated by Castro and are still men, they should give you some advice. Of course, if they don't dare, Page will also arrange for people to act for them, such as Throw paint on you to humiliate you, and then you have to show them your power." Tommy thoughtfully said to Jeff: "You can choose a color you like first, and I will ask Paige to order someone to prepare it. .”

"My power? What power do I have? Are you and Martin?" Jeff asked in confusion.

Tommy looked at Jeff: "Veterans from four cities are driving to Miami to participate in a campaign rally held temporarily by the Crossroads Foundation, the foundation I established. I am the founder of seven Christian branch denominations in Florida and also They will come to help you stand up and give a speech at this rally to help you win votes. This is part of the power you show after being provoked."

“Isn’t it just me who gives speeches to canvass votes?” Jeff was even more surprised when he heard that Tommy had arranged for others to hold rallies for him to canvass votes.

Tommy walked to the door of the bathroom, pushed Jessica back who had been greeted several times by his family, and said: "You don't need to attend, this is a show of muscles, this matter can't be Illyana Leti This is the internal behavior of the Democratic Party towards you. They don’t believe that you have the ability to be successfully elected, or they think that you have nothing but a mouth, so they are looking for trouble for you. You are not required to attend this time. The rally is about proving to them what you have besides your mouth.”

“Then why do we need seven founders of Christian denominations to speak to the veterans?”

"First, it needs to be clarified that this kind of rally has nothing to do with you at the public level, even if the whole world knows that they are your supporters. Second, I believe that if the founders of the seven sects give speeches in turn, those veterans with low academic qualifications will If we can still have self-awareness, there is only one possibility. He is definitely a Soviet communist spy lurking in the United States." Tommy looked at Jeff:

"Just to let everyone see clearly, if anyone in the **** Democratic Party thinks that you are really just a plumber, you can let countless veterans who have been on the battlefield, whose hands are stained with blood, and are now brainwashed, replace them. You ruined everything the Democratic Party had in this district and gave it no chance of winning in this district for the next thirty years."

 “Then what do I do?”

"During the rally, you took Martin, team members, and some reporters to the Miami Police Department and stated that you would donate a sum of money to the Miami Police Foundation. You told them that a large number of veterans who had experienced the Vietnam War talked to you and hoped that you I can help them communicate with the police station. They don’t want any reward. It’s purely for the simple reason of patriotism. They are willing to spend more than ten hours a week as vigilantes and cooperate with the police to crack down on the crimes of illegal immigrants in the 18th district.”

“This is such a good idea!” Jeff’s eyes lit up after hearing Tommy’s words: “Veterans are willing to spend time as vigilantes every week? This will definitely be of great help in improving security in the constituency!”

“Jeff, even I understand what Tommy is saying!” Jessica said irritably in the wheelchair pushed by Tommy when she heard that her husband actually thought that Tommy had thought of a good idea:

"He wants to tell those in the Democratic Party that if they don't give you a reasonable explanation and compensation for falsely accusing you of inciting veterans to beat Cubans, Tommy will let those brainwashed veterans support you and the Democratic Party. Beating and even killing Cubans in the name of the United States.”

Tommy nodded and said to Jessica: "Jessica, you are as wise as Jeff's Hillary."

  Then he raised his head and looked at Jeff: "That's pretty much it. If the Democratic Party dares to let you be eliminated in this district, you will let the Democratic Party be eliminated in this district."

I have to have my tooth extracted at dawn. Although the pain is not unbearable, I can’t ignore it completely. It’s just the kind of pain that makes me unable to concentrate. It affects the coding...



 (End of this chapter)

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