American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 271: You better really be able to

Chapter 271 You better really be able to

When Martin hurriedly pushed open the door of Tommy's office and rushed into Tommy's office, Tommy was sitting behind the desk, flipping through a document in his hand, and Louise Deville leaned over slightly and stood behind Tommy. , pressing her chest against Tommy's arm, running her fingers over the document, seeming to be helping Tommy point out a few words that needed attention.

"The Republican Cuban woman has taken action. She is participating in the party's primary election today, so she is going to use Jeff, who performed well enough on TV yesterday, as a stepping stone to improve her own TV appearance." Martin tried hard. Ignoring Louise's gesture, he walked to Tommy's desk and spoke.

Tommy threw the information in his hand on the table: "I am still thinking about how to proceed and from what angle to blame the spread of AIDS in Florida on Cuban smugglers."

“That was the question three minutes ago, boss. The current situation is that multiple communities have broken out...” Martin heard that Tommy was still studying how to throw dirty water on the Cuban smugglers, and immediately talked about the news he had just received.

“Veterans and homeless people beat up Cubans under the guise of being influenced by Jeff LaVine.” Tommy said: “Louise just told me about this.”

 Martin sat down in his seat and glanced at Louise: "Hey, girl, this is an important meeting for the senior management of Hart Consulting Company. Don't you think you should avoid it as you are in the new employee inspection period?"

"Let me tell you, if you always keep a cold face to him, he will definitely turn on you." Tommy politely took his arm out from Louise's chest muscles and joked: "Martin is a simple big boy. There is a clear distinction between love and hate. By the way, ask the administration to bring us two cups of coffee when we go out. If you prepare it yourself, maybe Martin and I will be more moved."

 Louise stood up and walked out of the office. When the woman left, Martin leaned on the desk and rested his chin on the tabletop: "Boss, we were framed. Jeff and I definitely did not let those veterans... do those things."

"You and Jeff have framed others, and others can naturally frame you. You can't ask that only you can be unscrupulous in this world." Tommy leaned back and put his feet on the table, just enough for Martin to put his He gave his goody-two-shoes a dying look.

"Jeff has never done this kind of thing, and we can't let Jeff admit that he has anything to do with those veterans in this matter, but... no matter how it is cut, it may make the veteran group... have some dissatisfaction with Jeff." Martin said He raised his head from the table and said with a headache.

During this period, life as Jeff's campaign manager was so smooth that Martin felt that he was sure to win the election. Even when Tommy went to deal with those messy sects, he was left to deal with all the trivial matters of Jeff's campaign. , he also felt that he handled it in an orderly manner. Even before today, he felt that his job as a campaign manager was very good. He was born to do this kind of job, and he was about to be on the news page of the "Miami Post" and was about to become a real big shot.

 Until the news broke that **** veterans were beating up Cubans.

When he heard the news, he suddenly realized that his brain was not like Tommy's, who could come up with various solutions to emergencies at any time when needed. He was just a **** miller and had no decision. The ability to grind how much flour always requires Tommy to tell him how many guests are coming to the manor, how much bread needs to be prepared in the kitchen, and how much flour he, Martin Hart, needs to provide.

 He could not think of any subsequent solution except that he understood that Jeff could not have anything to do with the veteran beating the Cubans.

 But he knew that if anyone in Miami could come up with a solution at this time, it would be his boss Tommy.

"You know that denying Jeff's relationship with those veterans will make the veteran community unhappy with Jeff, but you are still prepared to do this?" Tommy was a little confused about Martin's thoughts, so he picked up a mint and gave it to With it in his mouth: "Why did you make this decision if you felt you shouldn't do it?"

Martin looked at Tommy and didn't understand why the boss didn't understand his thoughts. He spread his hands helplessly: "Intentionally hurting others, boss, a group of drunkards, drug addicts, and homeless people who were former soldiers, beating up Cuba in front of everyone on the street. Of course, it is impossible for Jeff to have anything to do with this kind of thing. I am not talking about the reaction of ordinary white people, only the black group. If Jeff does not cut off his relationship with these old bastards, I am afraid that black people will not consider voting for he."

“You think this is the fault of that Republican woman Illyana Letty.” Tommy’s plastic wrapper of mints balled up into a small ball and then flicked toward the decorative painting on the wall.

That is a fake decorative painting, Picasso's classic "Women of Algiers".

Tommy felt a little sorry.

Martin glanced at the decorative painting. He didn't understand the connection between the name of the painting and the content of the painting. He even thought that there were normal humans on the painting, and said with certainty:

"Who else could it be? Today is that woman's party primary. Veterans beat Cubans outside the TV station. I can already guess what that woman will say. She will definitely take the opportunity to unite all Cubans. Under her banner."

"What do you think will happen to Jeff if he doesn't handle this matter well?" Tommy did not deny his opinion, but continued to ask introductory questions in a calm tone. Martin exhaled: "The election failed."

“The first thing you think of me when this happens is that you think I’m a little clever, right?” Tommy smiled and looked at Martin.

 Martin rubbed his face vigorously: "It's not just cleverness, Boss, now is not the time for you to show your humility. It's just the two of us, what should we do?"

“That painting, what did you see?” Tommy raised his finger and pointed at the decorative painting on the wall and asked.

Martin joked absentmindedly: "Nuclear contamination after human beings were bombed by atomic bombs?"

"There is also one hanging in your room, which is another version of the same work. I guess you have never appreciated it seriously." Tommy smiled and said: "Ottilia said to me, appreciate Picasso's paintings. Observe from multiple angles, three-dimensional, perspective, deconstruction. In fact, I want to say that my girlfriend can use three-dimensional, perspective, structure and other methods to appreciate a painting. If she knows how to use the same method to observe politics, **** it. How good, then she is really a perfect angel, so you have to learn to think about problems from multiple angles, Martin, if Jeff doesn’t solve this matter perfectly, how could it be so easy to lose the election?”

"Isn't it?" Martin heard Tommy's seriousness, turned around and looked at the painting again, observed it for a few seconds and then looked back: "I still stick to my opinion, I think Otilia likes this painting Painting, probably because the painting is an ugly woman, she doesn’t have to worry about you doing something to the painting, Boss.”

Tommy cleared his voice: "You think politicians are too kind, Martin, let's put it this way, if Jeff doesn't handle this matter, he will be suspended from the Democratic Party's membership and membership by the Democratic Party's office on the grounds of bad racial discrimination. In other words, even if he ranks first in the primary election, it will not help, because the Democratic Party will not let him continue to run on behalf of the Democratic Party. If Jeff quits the Democratic Party out of anger and runs as an independent individual, he will Without the support of the Democrats, how many votes can be captured from the hands of the Democratic Rona and the Republican Ileana Leti? There are a total of 100,000 people in this district, and there are nearly 50,000 members of the two parties. What is left? Among the half of ordinary voters who are not affiliated with either party, more than half are of Cuban descent, and both Republicans and Democrats are waiting for Jeff to get into trouble and become a laughing stock if he makes one wrong move."

“So we cannot admit that this matter is related to Jeff. We will hold a press conference immediately to explain it clearly.” Martin emphasized.

Tommy took off his feet and sat up straight: "Before you came in, I had already called the staff around Paige and Jeff and asked them to do some preparations."

Martin breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that Tommy was arranging for Jeff to hold a press conference to complete the separation with the veterans and deny that he had any contact with the veterans on this matter. At this moment, he finally had a smile on his face:

 “How to prepare a speech, as much as possible…”

 “What speech?” Tommy looked at Martin doubtfully and asked.

 Martin also stared at Tommy in confusion: "The speech for the press conference."

“I didn’t say I was going to hold a press conference.” Tommy spread his hands.

The relaxed smile that appeared on Martin's face immediately disappeared: "But you just told me that you called the staff around Page and Jeff to ask them to make some preparations."

"The Cubans arranged by Paige frightened Jessica and she was injured in a traffic accident and was hospitalized. Jeff and the staff generously went to the police station and got some applications for activities and rallies to interact with veterans for public welfare." Tommy's eyes were innocent. Looking at Martin: "I never said anything about holding a press conference."

A drop of cold sweat broke out on Martin's forehead: "The veterans have just beaten the Cubans, and you asked Jeff to rally with them? Boss, are you planning to let Jeff lead the veterans to launch a special military operation to destroy the Cubans in the 18th District? Are they all going to swim back to Cuba?"

"There is no need to drive Cubans into the sea, but you have to understand one thing. When both Republican and Democratic opponents accuse you of inciting veterans to discriminate against Cubans, you'd better be able to do it." Tang Mi said to Martin:

“Otherwise when they realize you don’t have enough control over the veteran community, you’ll be dead.”

 (End of this chapter)

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