American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 185: black radio enthusiast who loves to learn

  Chapter 185 The Black Radio Enthusiast Who Loves Learning

  The three brothers of the Big Jack family, Bernard, Stanley, Josh, and several other members of the Compton Executioner, stood in front of the big man Martin with puzzled faces at this moment.

  Mr. Page next to Martin held a stack of certificates in his hand, looking at the names on each certificate, and the person whose name he read stepped forward to take the brand new certificate from Page.

  As the head of Jack's family, Bernard was the last to get a certificate with his name written on it from Mr. Page.

Bernard is a tall and strong black man with a thick beard on his chin. He has a strong inverted triangle figure, which makes him give people a kind of aggressive momentum just standing there. In fact, it is true, and now In Compton, both the Lame Gang and the Blood Gang have to give Bernard face.

It's not that he is amazing in combat. Of course, Bernard is indeed capable of fighting, but that's not the point. The point is that after he joined the army and retired, he was trained as a prison guard and then became a member of the Los Angeles Men's Central Prison under the Los Angeles County Police Department. a prison guard.

   It was only later that he took the blame for his boss and was dismissed and imprisoned for three years. He lost his job as a prison guard and returned to the streets of Compton.

  Some people may be curious, why does a former prison guard who has been in prison make the Blood Gang and the Cripple Gang scruples? Prison guards are not scary, of course, what is scary is the Los Angeles County Police Department, the institution where Bernard once worked.

  Across the United States, the Los Angeles County Police Department is the largest law enforcement agency with 9,700 badged officers.

At the same time, it is also the largest police department in the administrative jurisdiction of the United States. It is responsible for a jurisdiction of 4,057 square miles. In addition to the Los Angeles county jurisdiction, in the Los Angeles area of ​​California, there are 42 small cities and population living areas that do not have police departments. The work was entrusted to the Los Angeles County Police Department.

  The most important point is that the Los Angeles County Police Department is responsible for operating, maintaining and managing all prison systems in the entire Los Angeles area, and it is also the largest prison system in the United States.

   As many as 40 large and small cities, more than a dozen prisons, detention centers or correctional institutions need to be directly managed by the Los Angeles County Police Department, so although it has as many as 9,000 employees, it is still severely understaffed.

In order to ensure that the work of the police department can be carried out in an orderly manner, the chief of the Los Angeles County Police Department, the Jew Sherman Bullock, came up with a genius idea, that is, to select trustworthy gangs in various jurisdictions and cities who are willing to cooperate with the police, and rely on their gangs to cooperate with the police. Help, to do the work of understaffed cops.

   In this way, there is no need to pay extra labor costs, and it can ensure that someone will do the trivial work.

At that time, there were more than 300 gangs active in the Los Angeles area. The police officers of the Los Angeles County Police Department carefully selected 30 of them, and ensured that there were 30 gang members in all parts of the jurisdiction, including all prisons. active.

  The dozens of sheriffs, sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, and wardens under the Los Angeles County Police Department are each responsible for connecting and commanding a gang to ensure that they have enough manpower to start their work.

In just a few years, this kind of black-and-white cooperation has allowed the number of police officers with gang status in the Los Angeles County Police Department to reach 17% of the total number, that is, there are seventeen out of every one hundred police officers in the Los Angeles County Police Department. Have gang status.

  The first 30 gangs also continued to annex and expand, leaving only 18 gangs today. Although the total number has become smaller, they are more powerful.

(PS: In order to avoid readers thinking that I am exaggerating, let me first explain that these materials are not fabricated by me. The Los Angeles County Police Department actually exists in the police station. The United States is so free. The police chief can also serve as the gang boss Compared with others, Lei Luo is not worth mentioning. After all, Lei Luo still has to run away, and the righteous policeman who reported the Los Angeles County Police Chief's involvement in gangs was directly driven by his former police colleagues in a police car to his door and shot. The shooting at the door of his house made him shut up, and the investigation was finally closed. The incident happened again in 2012, but the director who set up this black-and-white cooperation mechanism has passed away. In the end, it took 8 years. By 2020, he was in charge of connecting with a certain gang. Now the new director who became the second-generation target was charged with obstructing justice in the end, sentenced to three years, and finally released in two years.)

  Bernard Jack, when he was a prison guard, was one of the eighteen deputy gangs of the Los Angeles County Police Department. The main members were concentrated in the men's central prison. Senior members of the Compton executioner.

No matter how aggressive the Blood Gang and the Cripple Gang are in Compton, they must give enough respect to the three Big Jack brothers, because once they decide to kill or become enemies with the Big Jack three brothers, then the blood gang or the Cripple Gang with a large number of prisons will be killed. If you are a middle brother, you will get double revenge from Bernard's former colleagues and gang brothers.

  "Radio transmission license?" Bernard took the certificate from Martin, read the text on it, and then raised his head to look at Martin in confusion: "What is this thing for? Mr. Hart?"

After Page handed out all the certificates in his hand, Martin looked at the puzzled people in front of him: "You are all wondering why you have become **** with certificates now? It's very simple, because how many people in Los Angeles My personal favorite TV station, I want to work with them and make money with them, but they don't appreciate it, they just want me to *their***, they don't have enough respect for me, a **** from Miami, I When people **** my dick, they will ask them to go for a physical examination first, they don't pay attention to hygiene, this is a blasphemy against me."

   "I can take someone to help you teach those guys a lesson, Mr. Hart." The youngest son of Jack's family, Josh, the most enthusiastic on African Star, said when he heard Martin's words.

Mrs. Jack dragged her fat body out of the kitchen, holding a tray with freshly baked pies in her hands. The old lady walked up to Martin first, beckoning him to taste her cooking skills, and at the same time looked at her son with dissatisfaction. Josh: "Listen to Mr. Hart, Josh, don't fight and hurt people, and learn how to become a high-ranking man with Mr. Hart."

  Martin took a bite and first praised the old lady's cooking skills. After Mrs. Jack put down the pie with pride and went to the kitchen to prepare other food, he continued to say to several people:

"You guys aren't street **** anymore, Josh, get it? I spent a lot of money getting you a real license, and there's a couple of expensive PA transmitter systems out there in the car, not for you to help I kill and set fire, just like your mother said, you have to follow me and learn how to be a gentleman."

   "Okay, Mr. Hart." Josh nodded seriously when he heard Martin's words.

Seeing Josh's sincere nod, Martin said with relief: "You are good scholars among black people. You have been studying broadcast signal transmission and reception hard recently. For example, Josh, you are one kilometer away, and Bernard is here. Your receiver can Received the footage sent by Bernard, of course, you can’t practice at home, you have to go to practice near the transmitters of those TV stations, and practice every day during prime time, so ... it is legal broadcast signal interference.”

The second child, Stanley, was the calmest of the three brothers. At this time, he understood the meaning of Martin's words and expressed his own understanding: "That is to say, we use external equipment to allow viewers watching those TV stations to see The footage we sent?"

"Yes, the transmitter power and call sign outside are more advanced than those TV stations, but I have to reiterate that I gave it to you because you are eager to learn and want to become media technology talents among black people, not to deliberately hijack those TV stations. Poor TV station's broadcast signal!" Martin looked at the people with a righteous face, and swallowed the pie:

   "You are here to acquire knowledge! You are here to learn broadcasting, and you are here to change the television industry in the United States. You are the promising ones among black people!"

"How about playing some small movies for everyone to watch for free?" Josh figured out Martin's thoughts at this time, grinned, and asked excitedly to his companions: "I would like to contribute my favorite personal collection, "Little Red Riding Hood" And the Big Black Wolf, the story of a white girl and her grown-up grandmother fighting a black werewolf."

Martin frowned: "It's very bad to spread this kind of small movie. It's easy to arouse the audience's boredom, and it will make people suspect that you deliberately hijacked the signal to play the small movie. It's to trouble the TV station. My suggestion is that you can spread the song. You It’s normal to use signals to spread songs with friends, because you have a license, and it’s the most normal thing to communicate and spread songs in private.”

   "What song? A black song?" Hearing that he could only spread music, Josh was a little less interested. He thought that the audience on the TV station could enjoy his collection of videos.

    Martin said: "Given that the main audience of those TV stations is black, my lawyer, Earl Rush, carefully selected a few songs about black people and let you play them on a prime-time loop."

   "Okay, which ones?" Bernard asked as he folded the license and put it in his slacks pocket.

  Martin turned his head and looked at Page: "Mr. Page, introduce the name of the song, and then hand over the prepared music video to them."

   "They are "Nigger, Nigger", "MoveThemNiggersNorth", "NiggerHatin'Me", "SomeNiggersNeverDie"..." Page held a cassette and read the titles of the songs on it.

  Before Page finished reading, Josh and a few young black men went crazy, lifted up their T-shirts, and cursed at the same time: "Old guy, you are fucking..."

   "Don't get excited, Josh, this is indeed the title of the song." Stanley immediately stopped his younger brother who was about to run away on the spot: "This is the representative song by the white racist folk singer Johnny Trahan."

   "Uh, there's another song, "Who Like a Nigger?"." Page finished reading the last song without changing his face, and then stopped completely, dismissing the appearance of several people showing their pistols at their waists and preparing to run away.

   "WhoLikesaNigger? WhoLikesaNigger? Is this the title of a **** song?" Josh lifted up his T-shirt, revealing the gun holster around his waist, and walked around the room frantically:

   "Are you kidding...why are we playing these songs? That lawyer of yours is a **** racist, Mr. Hart?"

"He is black. He asked you to play and exchange these songs to let you remember that the road to racial equality is a long way to go. Always use this kind of music created by white trash to remind yourself, stay angry and keep working hard." Martin looked at Josh , said seriously.

  Stanley laughed: "These songs, not only we will be angry, I am afraid that the black audience of the TV station will also be angry. Maybe the next day...the TV station will be in big trouble."

"That's none of your business. You just need to understand that it's completely legal for licensed broadcast signal enthusiasts to transmit sound images in a small area. You didn't intentionally hijack the signal. Your power is just suppressed."

""Who Likesa Nigger?" You don't need to listen to the song, just hearing the title of the song has already made black people angry enough." Big brother Bernard put his brother Josh's shoulders: "Do as Mr. Hart tells, he will not treat you badly us."

"Of course, if you deal with them, you have the opportunity to become the minority shareholders of those TV stations. If Josh is willing, he can play his cherished "Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Black Wolf"." Martin turned and walked out like a **** man. Go, but after walking a few steps, he returned to Josh:

   "Uh... Also, first lend me that video tape to enjoy."


  BHH is a small television station located in the unincorporated town of El Camino, Los Angeles.

   Just listen to its full name Black-Hip-Hop and you will know that this is a TV station that mainly plays black hip-hop rap music.

  El Camino is an unincorporated town in Los Angeles County. The so-called unincorporated town refers to a densely populated community that has not established a city or town at the official government level.

El Camino has a population of 12,000, nearly 80% of whom are black. They are mainly engaged in heavy physical work in the building materials industry in nearby Lawndale City. It is considered to be a lower class in Los Angeles County than Compton. Black Lives Matter.

  The most popular TV station here is not CBS, ABC or NBC, but this small TV station BHH, which was founded in 1983 and took root in El Camino.

  The person who founded this TV station was Chapman Tanger, known as the godfather of hip-hop in El Camino.

Chapman-Tanger is the only elementary school music teacher in the district. He founded BHH in his spare time. At the beginning, he mainly played some East Coast hip-hop music and the videos of students singing that he recorded in the school. of parents can watch their children perform on TV.

However, with the rapid spread of hip-hop music from the east coast to California, more and more black Californians began to like this music style, and because the creation did not seem to be too difficult, a group of hip-hop music soon emerged in El Camino Singers, because they are not well-known and have no other channels to spread their creations, so they simply recorded a demo, got it on BHH, asked Chapman-Tanger to help play it on BHH, and then let the black people in the community give comments.

As for some excellent works, Chapman will also recommend them to black record companies he knows as much as possible through his identity as a music teacher. Over the years, El Camino has also produced more than a dozen singers, although there is no real The big hits and purples, but it can be regarded as changing the fate of living here.

After those singers make money, they will turn their heads to sponsor Bole Chapman's BHH, and let the black people in the outside world know about this small TV station. Many small black businesses will also place advertisements on BHH, so after so many years, relying on With 10,000 stable viewers, not only did BHH not close its doors, but it has grown steadily. Relying on advertising fees and sponsorships, BHH is quite ready to become bigger and stronger.

   At least until tonight, Chapman Tanger thought so.

  Because the TV station is not big, he works as host, producer, editor, etc. alone, and black youths from five communities follow him as assistants.

   Originally, tonight’s prime time, according to the normal program schedule, was its signature program "SoulSchool", which was an interview with a hip-hop singer, and also played some classic works of the guests.

Especially tonight's guest is the singer Big10 who went out of El Camino back then. It can be said that many BHH audiences are watching how this black guy has changed step by step from a sneaky **** to the gold-clad man he is today. musical genius.

  So before the show even started, Chapman-Tanger was certain that tonight's ratings would be astonishingly high due to the appearance of Big10.

   As it turns out, Chapman-Tanger was only half right.

   On a van five hundred meters away from the BHH transmitter, looking at the equipment that had been debugged, Bernard spat out the cigarette in his mouth and grabbed the walkie-talkie: "Josh, are you ready to receive?"

   "It doesn't seem to matter whether I'm ready or not, the audience should be ready." Josh said with a smile over there.

  Bernard saw that the time pointed to 19:30, and decisively pressed the button of the transmitter.

El Camino, more than 3,100 families were watching the appearance of hometown singer Big10 in front of the TV. Watching Big10 appear on the TV with a microphone in hand, before they could show a relieved smile, they found that the other party sang It is not a rap song, but a country folk song, it seems that the sound does not belong to the Big10.

   But this kind of accident did not prevent them from being stunned by the singing voice coming from the TV, and then swearing.

  Because this beautiful and light-hearted folk song is sung like this:

   "Who the **** likes a nigger? My daddy asked me that? Who the **** likes a nigger? They're so lazy they sit on a dunghill and eat potatoes..."

  Just after completing the signal hijacking, Bernard was sure that the ratings of BHH TV station tonight must be frighteningly high.

  Because he was in the van, he heard countless shouts of anger, which sounded chaotically in the surrounding buildings.

   "It seems to work well." Bernard looked at his younger brother Stanley in the front driver's seat, and said with a smile, "Mr. Hart is really a businessman."

  Stanley pressed the brim of his baseball cap: "We're just broadcasters who love to learn, Bernard, and we're not doing anything."

  (end of this chapter)

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