American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 184: time is calling me

  Chapter 184 The times are calling me

   Rhode Island, Warwick, Hope Hill neighborhood, Tavern.

  The TV screen that has been hanging above the bar for many years has now become a hole. At this time, through the hole, you can clearly see the wreckage of the electronic components inside crackling and flickering from time to time.

The culprit, Wilson, the best employee at the Hawke Shipbreaking Yard for many years, blasted the TV screen with a single shot, then threw the shotgun to the bartender and bar owner Keith, and then stood in the middle of the bar, looking around at this moment with clear, stupid and fearless eyes All looked at his drinkers, opened their hands in doubt, and asked everyone: "What's wrong?"

   "Good job! Wilson!"

   "Help Wilson serve a cup of high-end goods! Please!"

   "That's what I want to do! Blow that guy's head off!"

  In the bar, a group of rough white men applauded after the initial astonishment.

"I'll give you a new TV, Keith, I swear, and I promise it will be more advanced than your second-hand one that was killed by angry Wilson, with a bigger screen." Colin bowed his head and took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth Lit it up, glanced at the barmaid Jenny who was bending over to clean up the scraps of parts, and then said insincerely to Keith behind the bar who was hanging the shotgun back to the inner wall of the bar.

   After putting away the gun, Keith turned around and took a bottle of whiskey from the wine cabinet, poured a glass for Colin and pushed it in front of him: "You have to be clear, Colin, compensation is not the same as a gift. You are compensation, not a gift."

"Of course it's a gift. Everyone can see that it was Wilson who destroyed this TV that was older than you. It wasn't me. I did it out of kindness." Colin took the wine, shook his head, and insisted that he was generous the act of giving.

"why wilson go nuts cuz your baby boy showed him shit, Nigger Boss, that's what tommy did, you sure he's your kind? God, how many can a **** knock down Big white man? Stop kidding, let that **** come to my bar, don’t need a few, just me, and I can send him to **** only for niggers.” Keith handed the drink to Colin, and Too lazy to talk to him, turned around and went to work.

  Colin sighed, drank the whiskey, then walked to the landline and dialed his son: "Tommy?"

   "Dad, after watching the pilot episode, have everyone's emotions been mobilized?" Tommy asked with a smile on the other side of the phone.

"Very good, forty minutes long, forty minutes, the swearing in the bar has never stopped, and finally Wilson saw the end of this episode, the black boss brought a black rogue lawyer, relying on legal loopholes to enter the white territory alone, relying on When he beat up a white man in self-defense, rescued a black girl and was perfectly exonerated, he couldn't help but pick up Keith's shotgun and smashed the black man's face and the TV screen." Colin smoked a cigarette, his tone full is puzzled:

"Son, you made me a **** public enemy in the eyes of the Hill Hope neighborhood. I said to them, my son Tommy made a TV series. It was very good. Invite them to appreciate your talent, and then, they see In the TV series you filmed, **** seem to be as smart as humans, and even know how to bring a lawyer and understand legal loopholes...Damn it, we white people don’t understand, how can **** understand?”

Tommy's voice was filled with a contented smile: "Very well, as I expected, I had people try it out in Baltimore, Philadelphia, some small A-level TV stations with a small black audience, and the reaction was similar to that of you guys. It’s the opposite for white people, and black audiences think the show is so good.”

"Son, I'm pretty sure I saw you being taken out of your mother's belly by a white nurse. You never had a chance to touch black people when you were born, so what happened to you in California?" Colin exhaled smoke, Said to Tommy: "And how could the white man be as vicious and stupid as in the **** you filmed, but there are some plots that everyone seems to have known before."

"I don't understand the white elite, and I have no right to speak, but I guarantee that the images of white people in that show are the prototypes of the characters I provided. There are such white people everywhere in Warwick, Dennis, Pam, Tommy, Colin , Tony, Wilson, Maureen, Hull..." Tommy said triumphantly when he heard his father ask, "I am paying tribute to everyone in my hometown."

   "Where did we in our hometown offend you, son, and want you to pay tribute in this way?" Colin asked a little puzzled after hearing Tommy saying that he would pay tribute to everyone with familiar details:

"So the idiot son of the white villain goes to defecate outside the gate of the city hall every day, just to pay tribute to Dennis? There is also a guy who shows half of his ass, thinks he is very attractive, but actually looks stupid and ugly, and he does not know it to seduce women Old guy, the image comes from your dear father? Son, you have so much respect for your father."

Hearing what his father said, Tommy comforted: "Don't be like this, I love you and everyone, it's fake, it's all for fooling people and making money, you can play another episode of "Looking for Dad in America" ​​for them ", liven up the atmosphere, I promise, this show is black and white, many white people think it's more funny than a talk show after watching it."

"I love you too, just because I love you, and my advice to you is that it's best not to go back to Warwick for the last six months if you have nothing to do, lest everyone see you upset and drag you to the alley to beat you up, and you lose the Hawke's house And the face of the Hope Hill community, oh my god, you who came out of the whitest neighborhood, actually filmed a show touting niggers, I'll try it, and show it to them when I get a new TV, bye." Colin nags Finished, then hang up the phone directly.

   Seeing that other drinkers were looking at him at this time, Colin smacked his lips depressedly, and then said:

"Tommy just said, I'm very sorry for letting everyone see a piece of shit. He sent the wrong video tape. To apologize, he asked me to buy everyone a round of wine for him. It's like a blood pressure spike after watching that TV series. Buck comp, and Wilson, you get two rounds."

"I'm still thinking that Tommy can't go too far. It turns out that his worker sent the wrong video tape." Hearing Colin's explanation, Wilson nodded suddenly: "I should have thought of it a long time ago. Ready to speak out advice."

   "What suggestion?" Colin came over, sat down next to each other and asked.

  Wilson took a sip of wine into his mouth: "Let you and Tommy go to a big hospital for a paternity test. I just gave birth to him with dark skin, but you kept painting Tommy with white paint to hide it."


"My dear old man must be very disappointed in me. When he hung up the phone, he just said goodbye, and he didn't even want to say a word about Tommy or dear son." Tommy put down the phone and looked at Earl who was opposite- Rush said with a smile: "People in that place can't accept the black people defeating the white people."

Earl Rush was wearing a bright blue casual suit with a gold and white shirt inside. Instead of a tie, he wore a tiny gold chain, which made him a black man, but looked more fresh and fashionable , he did not echo Tommy's words, but picked up a stack of documents at hand and handed them to Tommy:

“It’s about small A-level TV stations in cities like Baltimore, Philadelphia, Miami, New York, Chicago, etc. that focus on the black community. They also aired the pilot program we prepared on the TV station, and many viewers called them to ask about the official version. When it comes online, they'll love it, but the only problem, they think the best way to work together is a JSA joint sales agreement, not the LAM local marketing agreement we'd like."

These two professional terms mentioned by Earl Rush are the second cooperation method commonly used by various TV networks in the United States to expand their networks. There are other agreement methods, but most TV stations will choose these two when joining TV networks for cooperation. .

The JSA joint sales agreement, in a simple understanding, means that BT TV station provides programs, and the other party is responsible for broadcasting, and the profits earned are divided according to the ratio determined by negotiation. This kind of agreement is generally only insisted on by the top three TV stations in the local ratings The way of cooperation, the small A-level TV stations in the materials are now proposing to cooperate with BT TV in the form of joint sales, obviously because in their eyes, although BT TV has money to produce its own programs, it is just a rookie who has just stepped in. Old bird, of course the lion opened his mouth.

The LAM local marketing agreement is also simple to understand, that is, BT TV station rents out the rent and rents the other party's entire TV station full-time or time-sharing. It has nothing to do with the other party whether to sell advertisements or make money. That is, the other party’s TV station is the landlord and rents the TV station to BT TV station like a house. There are only two issues to consider, one is the rent, and the other is It is a rental method. Time-sharing rental means renting to BT TV at a certain time every day, like an hourly room, and full-time rental means the entire 24 hours, all of which are owned by BT TV.

  Generally, small TV stations that can’t make ends meet are willing to choose this method to cooperate with TV networks, so that they don’t have to do anything every year, and they will have a stable income. Even the staff can be reduced by half to save money.

"A-level TV station? Do you want to use the JSA agreement to cooperate?" Tommy took the information handed over by the other party, and while flipping through it, he laughed out loud: "Earl, why are you talking to those half-dead small TV stations of yours? What about black folks? You're not a beggar, man, you're a savior who saves them from hell."

  A-level small TV stations are actually low-power transmitter TV stations. Generally speaking, due to limited power, the coverage of this kind of TV station is only 25 to 30 kilometers, that is, it only covers audience groups in several communities.

  In big cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York, this small TV station is living in dire straits.

Because broadcasting spectrum is increasingly scarce in big cities with many TV stations, the most common problem many small TV stations encounter is that if they cannot guarantee that their programs can be broadcast 24 hours a day, if they stop pushing, then When viewers want to watch the program of this TV station the next day, they may find that yesterday’s channel has actually become another TV station, and the TV station they watched yesterday has gone to nowhere.

  This is because its frequency spectrum is allocated to UHF large-scale TV stations by the system, so it can only be relocated to another new public frequency for external push.

  In big cities, to be a die-hard viewer of this kind of A-level TV station, you must be mentally prepared to turn on the TV every day and search for the signal of the TV station first.

  In a small place, because the land is sparsely populated, there are not many large TV stations, so the A-level TV station can barely survive by publishing all kinds of strange advertisements for local businesses, such as various magical medicines, farm tools, and car repair shops.

Earl selected A-level TV stations in big cities with enough blacks, which were funded by blacks. The characteristic is that although the audience often cannot find the channel the next day, because there are financial backers who pay for the advertising fees, Make sure they don't starve and close their doors, but don't try to get rich and barely make ends meet.

As for why some donors are willing to help, it’s very simple. These A-level TV stations are basically equivalent to local black community TV stations. Lost dogs in the community may appear on TV, and they often hold activities where black people in the community are guest TV stations. Blacks have a strong desire to express themselves. By letting them appear on TV for free, they can basically win over hundreds of die-hard viewers who watch the show at a fixed time. The funder of these TV stations is also a partner of a black local congressman, and the congressman can use these community TV stations to get those viewers to support him.

   "In addition to contacting TV stations, have you visited those black communities?" Tommy asked Earl after reading the information.

Earl picked up his coffee and took a sip: "I visited part of the interview. Recently, the programs of FOX TV network have been very popular with black people, and those small TV stations have been hit. The two most popular programs of FOX in those black communities, "America's Most Wanted" "Criminal" and "Women in Prison", as you can imagine from the name, are in line with the tastes of my compatriots at the bottom. FOX relies on beautifying street gangs and life in prison to attract the attention of the bottom audience. This is why the three major TV networks are very dissatisfied with FOX Because of that, it lowers the tone of the television industry."

   "This trick works well, and after FOX uses these programs to attract attention, it sells half-truths and half-false news to the audience." Tommy pressed the remote control and turned on the TV next to him.

  It is an interview with an economic talk show on FOX. The host uses a lively and interesting rhythm to invite experts to explain what is called Reagan economics and how the economic environment of various industries was relaxed during President Reagan’s administration.

"The lower-level audiences don't know how to tell the truth from the fake. They don't even know that Reagan will leave office a year and a half after he took office. During the years he was in office, the minimum hourly wage of Americans has not been raised at all. , has become the largest debtor country in the world, let alone what the **** expert in front of the TV is saying at the moment, the means of deregulation and reform of aviation, automobile transportation, railway, communication, natural gas, banking and other industries are all President Reagan's Credit is an outright lie, which is the effort made by Carter during his tenure. After watching the programs they want to watch, the audience will hear this kind of lie immediately. Over time, they will subconsciously feel that Reagan, the Republican president, is not bad. So this guy has done so many serious things." Tommy looked at the screen:

"It is not lowering the style of the TV industry, but lowering the historical status of the TV industry. Before FOX, all TV networks were neutral, at least on the surface, so if the two parties want to explain to the public My own idea is to supply the three major TV networks, but FOX has stood up since the day it was born. This is the reason why the three major TV networks are really dissatisfied with FOX, but there is nothing they can do, because FOX does They lined up to bash it when they made a shameless TV show like The Sun, so they can't just turn into the same shameless FOX as it would be to throw in the towel and have an outsider teach them how to make it More engaging TV."

   "So, you think they need a rising star in the American TV industry with enough money and enough shame to stand up?" Earl looked at Tommy and asked with a smile.

  Tommy said solemnly: "I can't let the country I love, the people I love, be instilled with lies by a hillbilly from Australia. The times are calling us, Earl, this is our mission."

"Tell my black compatriots that they may be willing to believe you. I am not in the scope of your brainwashing, Tommy." Earl made a stop gesture, signaling Tommy to stop instilling these things in himself. Words used to fool compatriots.

  Tommy also laughed, and turned the topic back lightly: "You have finished the first round of contact and selected the intended partner, right? Next is the second round of contact."

   "Get in touch with the rich black benefactors behind those TV stations?" Earl nodded understandingly: "I did collect some people's information."

   "No, Earl, why did you appear here?" Tommy shook his head, indicating that Earl had guessed wrong, and then asked Earl.

  Ear said frankly: "Because the price you gave is attractive enough."

"No, the times are calling you. You are here for the equal rights of black people. You gave up your job as a lawyer to help black individuals. You came here hoping to help black people through the media. The Black Panther Party no longer exists, but there can be a more A moderate black organization may be called a soft-sounding name like Sunshine Rainbow. Don’t fight for political rights, don’t get entangled in public policy. This organization is to help black people fight for welfare and economic support, and to receive equal education Opportunity." Tommy said to Earl solemnly:

  "We need to use the influence of the TV station to get the support of the black people at the bottom, and then use the black people at the bottom to conquer more TV stations and complement each other."

"The three major black organizations should not give me much support, because too many large and small organizations have chanted such slogans, and the black people at the bottom are close to numb to these slogans, and they think they are all empty words." Earle thinks Tommy thought all this too easily, so he shook his head and gave a contrary opinion.

   "Self-reliance, education, voting rights, affirmative action, promoting employment..." Tommy obviously understood these slogans, and at this moment he uttered a bunch of words, but he stopped suddenly:

"Because those who put forward these slogans are not the bottom blacks, but the elite blacks. Why are the bottom blacks numb to these slogans? Because they have been shouting for decades, but it is useless, and the bottom blacks don't think it is useful to study and receive education! "

   "So, you know what black people want at the bottom? A white guy, better than me?"

   "Yes, this organization opposes President Reagan's work welfare initiative, and all low-level black people will support you." Tommy looked at Earl with twinkling eyes, and said this sentence.

  Ear was lowering his head to light a cigarette. Hearing Tommy's words, the cigarette in his mouth fell down, burning a small hole in his trousers!

  He didn’t even bother to check his clothes, slapped his cigarettes away, and stared up at Tommy: “I know that all black people at the bottom will support me, but I will never lose the trust of the elite black group. You are pushing me into the abyss.”

The Work Welfare Initiative is a government program proposed and advocated by the Republican Party. As the name suggests, if you want to receive social welfare, you must contribute to society. For example, if a low-level black single mother wants to receive weekly relief funds, she needs Only those who participate in social voluntary labor for a fixed period of time every week are eligible to receive it.

  This initiative has been advocated not only by the Republican Party, but also by the black elite group, because they do not want the bottom black people to remain lazy, cunning, and blood-sucking moths of social welfare, and want to reverse the stereotype of black laziness through this initiative.

Of course, black people at the bottom do not want this government plan to be promoted. Think about it, you can receive relief or subsidies without doing anything every week, but now you have to accept arrangements and do more than ten hours of physical labor every week to get it. How could they agree to those reliefs and subsidies.

  So if this organization puts out a flag to promote against the work welfare initiative among the blacks at the bottom, Earle believes that the blacks at the bottom will support him, but that is useless, because he loses the support of the more important black elite group.

The black elites do not want the black people at the bottom to continue to degenerate. They help the black people at the bottom fight for the right to receive education and find various job opportunities. They hope to minimize the impact of work benefits on them and let them learn to live by labor instead of working every week. Relying on American social welfare fleece to discredit the black group.

"A black man brings up the idea that the elite black community will alienate him because he is a traitor to the black community, but what about a good white man? What about a good white woman? She is full of motherhood and doesn't want those low-level black single mothers to take care of five With six children at the same time, she has to work ten hours a week to get relief money? What do you think of her starting this organization? But all the sacrifices she has made, the rewards cannot be given to her a white person, it must be There needs to be a black man to enjoy the fruit." Tommy looked at Earl Rush sharply:

   "Do you still feel that there is an abyss ahead?"

   "New World asked me to marry a black wife..." Earl Rush looked back at Tommy and spoke softly.

  Tommy nodded: "Marry a single mother from the bottom class, stand beside my fiancée, and wait to inherit the sweet fruit."

   "I understand now, you are right, Mr. Hawke..." Earl Rush let out a long breath: "The times are calling me."

   Six thousand words~ It’s a bit late~ But I finally coded out the number of words for two more~



  (end of this chapter)

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