Alice the Evil – [ダークファンタジー異世界]

Chapter 63 : Three Demon Commander

"For the casualty report, we only lost about 9 undead and 4 mid-level demons in 2 battles, namely the battles against the Orc and Ogre races," Aurelle stated.

"There were no equipment or gear losses, as we immediately scavenged gear from the fallen troops after the battles ended,"

"For casualties on the Orc side, it's around 25, and 27 for the Ogre, mostly comprising main combatants, so their combat strength is significantly reduced after this battle," Aurelle added.

"That's all from me, no other losses to report aside from what I mentioned, thank you, fufu ~" Aurelle concluded.

"Oh, excellent, your performance in Operation: Azaroth Awakening was very commendable, applause!" Alice exclaimed.

Alice and all her Servants clapped for a few seconds, and then Alice continued speaking.

"Within the next 10 days, you will be able to control the entire northern Abyssal Forest. Therefore, I announce that Operation: Azaroth Awakening is complete," Alice declared.

The Servants' expressions showed happiness at receiving praise from Alice. It was indeed a commendation for them, akin to a parent praising their child for achieving something significant.

"All these reports are also compiled very well, so next, we will discuss the steps we will take next,"

In short, Alice and the Servants discussed for almost an hour to plan their next steps.

"First, for the construction of Azulon City, I assign it to Exypno and Aether. I chose Exypno because of her high intelligence and Aether because the area around is a forest," Alice said.

Aether and Exypno immediately nodded their heads as a sign that they could carry out Alice's orders. Alice herself currently had no idea how to establish a city or what was needed to do so.

"Second, I order the implementation of a new military operation, which is to clean up the remnants of cult bases throughout Marquess Reinhard and take over all scattered cult bases. I name it Operation: Dornen, with Boo as the leader,"

"Boo, utilize all forces with high mobility for this operation. Due to time constraints, we must take over cult bases before they abandon them. I want this operation completed within three days,"

Boo then nodded his head briefly.

"Third, I order a full mobilization of forces for Operation: Azaroth Typhoon. This operation aims to gain full control over the entire Abyssal Forest territory, including dungeons,"

"I choose Arina as the leader of this operation, with Aurelle as the deputy. I want this operation to utilize all Azaroth forces to expedite and subdue all races in the Abyssal Forest,"

"Lastly, I want to order all Servants to freely use Azaroth treasures to summon troops as needed, without needing my permission, and use them according to your needs,"

"I will monitor all your performances while overseeing the Abyssal Forest. After Boo completes his operation, she will be tasked with guarding the entire Abyssal Forest,"

"Alicia will, as usual, remain our secret weapon and will be tasked with guarding Azaroth,"

"And yes, we must move as quickly as possible," Alice said.

"Are there any objections? You can voice your opinions," Alice asked.

All the Servants shook their heads.

"Very well, if there are no objections, then this meeting is adjourned. Prepare yourselves because all your tasks will begin tomorrow,"

"You can use anything in Azaroth as you see fit. I entrust that to all of you, my Servants," Alice said.

"Yes! We understand, Alice-sama, and we will not disappoint Alice-sama," all the Servants spoke simultaneously.

"Good... Alicia, stay here, the rest of you can prepare everything for tomorrow's tasks, and you can also discuss," Alice concluded.

After the meeting, the Servants decided to start preparing for their tasks tomorrow, except for Alicia, who only had the task of guarding Azaroth.

The entire table had also been removed from the throne room, along with files and other items, so the throne room returned to its original state. For now, Alice was still sitting on her throne with Alicia standing beside her.


Alice was quite tired, she also swore that she would sleep very soundly after this. Alice was not physically tired, but mentally exhausted. During the previous meeting, Alice had to think hard to have the charisma of a leader.

The Ancient Liches also stood on both sides of the carpet as there would soon be guests coming to see Alice. The guests were the leaders of the four races that had been conquered and had already sworn allegiance to Alice, namely the Orc, Ogre, Ghost, and Butterflies races, as well as three demon commanders who served during Operation: Azaroth Awakening.

The seven demon commanders were currently the result of summoning from an item called the [Mythical Item: Scroll of Seven Great Demon], which was one of Re:Create guild's treasures. In the Monsterland game, the summon duration of the seven demon commanders was only about 2 hours, but in this world, the summon duration became permanent.

This was also the first time Alice met the three demon commanders; the seven demon commanders also had a level of 150, but of course, their ranks were lower than Alice's Servants.

After waiting for a while, the two doors of the throne room opened, and seven people appeared, three demon commanders in the front row and four race leaders in the back row.

(So this is Leviathan, Asmodeus, and Belial.)

Leviathan, standing about 2.5 meters tall, had a head like a sea serpent with a very wide mouth, almost half of its head. Leviathan's teeth were also very sharp like a shark's, and it had green eyes like a monster with vertical pupils.

There were fins on both sides of Leviathan's head, functioning like ears, and Leviathan didn't have human-like ears. Leviathan's body was covered by armor with a combination of blue-green and red colors. Its head was blue, and its fins had a mix of green and blue.

There were many spikes on Leviathan's shoulders originating from its armor. Leviathan's skin was entirely covered in hard scales like a fish, but it had a red color. It also had a tail with fins at the end resembling a fish.

Leviathan's entire body was armored, except for its head and tail. In the Monsterland game, Leviathan also became a secret Mini Boss with the nickname "Sea Gladiator."

Unlike Leviathan, who had a sea monster appearance, Asmodeus looked human, very much so. He had a human-like body, standing 2 meters tall, wearing a white suit like a nobleman. Asmodeus had jet-black hair and bright red eyes.

Among all the commanders, only Asmodeus had a human-like appearance.

Next was Belial, although his body was humanoid, his face was quite terrifying. Belial had eight eyes on both sides of his face, each with four black eyes with yellow pupils.

However, what makes Belial quite terrifying is its vertical mouth, which extends from the bottom of its face to near its hair. The mouth can open very wide, making it seem as though Belial's entire face only consists of its mouth.

Belial also wears black armor with spikes, covering its entire body except for its head.

On the far left, there is the leader of the orc race, standing about 3.5 meters tall. Unlike other orcs with green and brown bodies, this orc leader has a blood-red body, and muscular physique, and wears a black leather vest with gold trimmings.

There are many gold earrings on both ears of the orc leader. The leader's name of the orc race is Nag.

Meanwhile, the leader of the ogre race has a large body, standing about 5 meters tall. However, that is not its original size because before entering Azaroth, the leader of the ogre race was lent an item that could shrink its body size.

There is nothing special about the ogre race except for its body size and its quite strong regenerative abilities.

Next is the Ghost race, as the name suggests, this race is ghosts. However, the ghosts of this race have a quite long history and do not come from all living beings who have died.

In short, there used to be a group of humans living in the Abyssal Forest, but an evil wizard decided to absorb all their souls, and all those souls were stored in the wizard's staff.

One day, the evil wizard was defeated, and all those souls were freed from the staff of the evil wizard. However, after being freed, they were very confused about what to do, so they decided to live and settle in the Abyssal Forest forever.

This race cannot be killed using physical or magical attacks but can be killed using attacks that can kill the soul. It can be said that this is one of the best races as spies or observers because of their very high mobility. The form of this race is like a normal human, except they do not have a physical body.

Next is the Butterlies race, different from ordinary butterlies, this race has the same nature as piranhas, which will immediately prey on their opponents in groups. Butterlies also can transform into humanoid forms and appear as beautiful women with butterfly wings.

Yes, this can also tempt adventurers, so adventurers will be led to the Butterflies' lair and then eaten up within a few seconds, leaving only their skeletons.

Here are the names of the race leaders:

- Nag is the leader of the orc race

- Glezir is the leader of the ogre race

- Menos is the leader of the Ghost race

- Carnelia is the leader of the Butterlies race

After everyone arrived before Alice, all the race leaders and demon commanders immediately knelt while bowing their heads.

"I, Leviathan, along with the other demon commanders and race leaders, have come to face the supreme leader, Alice Vasilissa-sama," Leviathan said.

"Hmmmm.... Raise your heads,"

Everyone facing Alice immediately raised their heads and looked towards her. However, the four races looked at Alice with great fear, trembling because Alice's aura emitted was truly terrifying.

And this is also the first time the race leaders have met their goddess, Alice Vasilissa.

"The four race leaders, come a little closer," Alice said.

With trembling bodies, the four race leaders began to walk and kneel again in the front row.

"I don't want to beat around the bush, so I'll get straight to the point. Have you decided to make me the Goddess you worship?"

"Ye-yes... We have sworn that Goddess-sama is our Goddess, and we will faithfully worship you," the four race leaders said simultaneously.

"If I were to kill you now, are you ready?" Alice asked.

"Our lives and deaths are in the hands of Goddess-sama," Nag said.

"If Goddess-sama wants to take our lives, then we will gladly accept it, but I want our race to live prosperously," Glezir said.

"It's impolite to make requests to Alice-sama," Asmodeus said angrily to Glezir.

"Be quiet, Asmodeus," Alice said.

"Yes, it would be the greatest happiness if we could die because we have lived for thousands of years in this world," Menos said.

"If Goddess-sama desires my life or anything from me, I am ready to give it," Carnelia said.

"In that case, Belial, stand in front of me," Alice said.

"Yes!" Belial said firmly.

Belial then stood in front of Alice. In front of Alice's throne, there were also a few steps, but Belial only stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"Use long-range magic to kill those four,"

Belial was certainly surprised by Alice's command, but Alice's command was absolute, so there was no reason to refuse Alice's command. Meanwhile, the race leaders could only bow their heads and were prepared to be killed.

A magic circle appeared in front of Belial, and it immediately shot four spikes toward the four race leaders, Nag, Glezir, Menos, and Carnelia. The race leaders seemed resigned, as they had no way to escape.

Suddenly, there was a strong shockwave. Belial was certainly surprised because his magic attack could not harm the four race leaders. On the other hand, the race leaders were still unconscious and waiting for their execution.

"What?" Belial exclaimed in confusion as his magic attack was suddenly neutralized.

Belial immediately turned to Alice and Alicia, and Alicia was seen straightening her hand, proving that Alicia managed to neutralize Belial's attack.

"That's enough, Belial. Race leaders, raise your heads,"

Belial's unleashed attack was terrifying for the race leaders, but they were still very confused because they were not dead and still alive.

"I just want to say that I can take anyone's life anytime. I already believe that you will be my loyal followers. But... If any member of your race betrays me, punish them very cruelly and bring their corpse here,"

"As a Goddess, I will give a blessing to you for worshiping me as a Goddess,"

[Ultimate Skill: Mega Luck Booster]

Instantly, the four race leaders were enveloped in a momentary light. Alice then stood up from her throne.

"Anyone who worships me will receive goodness, and anyone who opposes me will receive badness,"

"Yes! We are grateful to have received your blessing, Goddess-sama, and we swear to continue worshiping you until the end,"

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