Alice the Evil – [ダークファンタジー異世界]

Chapter 62 : Report From Operation : Azaroth Awakening

"As an introduction, Arclens City can be considered Alice-sama's stepping stone to expand her influence into the human world," said Arina.

In short, Arina began to explain the events in Arclens City in detail, starting from the illness of Marquess Reinhard's child, who was healed by Alice. Then there's the cult organization worshiping the demon named Poxiranha, up to Alice summoning Death Giradeer in the middle of the city from the cult leader's corpse.

"Next, I will report on some of the things we obtained from the cult base in Arclens City," said Arina.

"Firstly, we acquired loot, totaling 195 gold coins, 3,456 silver coins, and 124,789 bronze coins from the cult base in Arclens City,"

"Secondly, we obtained various information from the human experiments conducted by the cult, their method involved mixing Poxiranha demon blood with humans to create superhumans, but many of them failed and died, while some successfully transformed into monsters,"

"Thirdly, besides using Poxiranha demon blood, they employed various methods to create superhumans, such as forced interbreeding between humans and other races, and forcibly injecting DNA from other races into humans,"

"Fourthly, we found 178 individuals had become experimental subjects, but 129 of them died, and the rest turned into monsters, the corpses of the deceased humans were stored to be resurrected as undead as per Alice-sama's orders,"

"Fifthly, the cult base in Arclens City is quite expansive and will serve as our base there, currently guarded by Beelzebub and Behemoth, both of whom are at level 150,"

"Sixthly, we obtained information about all the cult bases in Marquess Reinhard's domain, totaling around 12 bases, excluding the main base in Arclens City,"

"Seventhly, for attacking other cult bases, we will await the orders of the supreme leader, Alice-sama,"

"Furthermore, regarding the important incident on that night, the Lunarian Goddess suddenly appeared and attacked me," said Arina.

Immediately, the expressions of all the Servants changed to surprise upon hearing Arina's words.

"I managed to withstand her attack, but unfortunately, I'm only a tanker so it's very difficult to counterattack. As a result, the armor I currently have is severely damaged, so I won't be wearing armor temporarily when fighting,"

"Then, Alice-sama used a God Item to enter the dimension of the Lunarian Goddess and defeated her directly,"

"For the details of the battle, they will be shown in the mirror that will appear in front of you," said Arina.

Arina then snapped her fingers, and a mirror instantly appeared in front of all the Servants. The mirror then displayed the details of the battle when Arina fought against the Lunarian Goddess, followed by Alice fighting against the Lunarian Goddess.

The mirror only showed what was in Alice and Arina's memories. In short, after everyone watched the details of the battle, Arina had finished reading the report she had prepared.

"That's my report, thank you," said Arina.

Arina then sat back down.

"Yes, I'd like your opinions on the report, criticism, suggestions, or anything else, starting with Boo, then Aurelle, followed by Exypno, then Aether and Alicia," said Alice.

"Ugh!!!! Who's the Goddess that dared to disturb Alice-sama, huh!? I could devour her right away!!!" Boo exclaimed angrily.

"Alice-sama! I have an opinion to fight against the Lunarian religion because the Lunarian Goddess has declared war by attacking you. If that damn Goddess appears again, I'll devour her instantly!" 

"That's my opinion! Huh!" Boo said.

"Ara ~ fighting against the Lunarian religion is still too rash. I suggest we start investigating the Lunarian religion; it could be our biggest enemy in the future,"

"I also want to ask, aside from controlling the cult and dominating the entire Marquess Reinhard's territory, what other benefits do we gain in Arclens City?"

"That's easy, Aurelle. We baited the Lunarian Goddess to show her existence, and from that battle, we gained quite a lot of valuable information. Then we can assess how strong the cult members are," Exypno answered Aurelle's question.

"Oh, Alice-sama, where is Marquess Reinhard now?" Exypno asked.

"Marquess Reinhard, well, he died after I tried to force information out of his mind after fighting the cult leader in Arclens City," Alice replied.

"I also drew some conclusions from Arina and Alice-sama's battle against the Lunarian Goddess. The role of the Lunarian Goddess certainly is an Assassin and Magician, and the Omni Skill is likely one of the trump cards of the Lunarian Goddess,"

"Yes, I admit that skill is very dangerous, as evidenced by when Alice-sama reflected that skill with God Judgement, the skill immediately obliterated the Lunarian Goddess, although I'm sure it was just a special clone, or perhaps a clone inheriting 30-50% of her power,"

"No wonder Arina's armor was nearly destroyed, even though it was protected by [Origin Skill: Golden Maneki Neko] when hit by that Omni skill,"

"That's my opinion," said Exypno.

"If the Lunarian Goddess can create many clones, perhaps we need a sizable force of karma races because the karma skill passively reflects attacks with a 25% chance,"

"Yes, although currently the karma race is limited to karma elves, maybe thousands of years from now, we will have tens of thousands of new karma elves resulting from interbreeding,"

(Oh yeah... Karma elves can reproduce, they are also classified as elves.)

"That's too long, Aether," said Alice.

"Forgive me, Alice-sama, that's just my opinion, no need to dwell on it," said Aether.

"I can obliterate that Goddess with a combo skill provided by Astolfo-sama and Neptune-sama, although that combo skill will immediately enter a lengthy cooldown phase," said Alicia.

Arina also appeared to be jotting down each Servant's opinion. Alice also took notes on the important points from each of her servant's opinions. Alice was truly pushing herself because this meeting was very important, especially with the existence that could threaten Alice or her subordinates.

The Servants then seemed to chat among themselves, expressing their opinions, some of them engaging in Q&A sessions, but all fell silent when Alice began to speak.

"Next, the detailed report on Operation: Azaroth Awakening from Exypno," said Alice.

Exypno then began to look at the report she had prepared earlier and started reading.

"For the introduction, Operation: Azaroth Awakening is a special operation ordered by Alice-sama to conquer all creatures in the Abyssal Forest,"

"The leadership system in this operation, I, Exypno, as the leader of this operation, with Aether and Aurelle as deputies. Aether is responsible for the logistics of the troops, and Aurelle is responsible for the equipment and casualties of the troops,"

"In this Operation, the troops are divided into 3 divisions, Division 1 led by Leviathan, Division 2 led by Asmodeus, and Division 3 led by Belial, each division consists of 20,000 troops combined between undead and demons,"

"The overall troops are medium-level undead and demons, while elves and dryads are only used as support troops, such as guarding logistics and reconnaissance troops,"

"This operation has been ongoing since June 27th, until July 7th, or today, which means the entire operation has been running for 10 days, and within that time, the entire central and northern parts of the Abyssal Forest have been fully conquered,"

"Four races have been successfully conquered, namely the Orcs, Ogres, Ghosts, and Butterlies, while many other races and creatures in the southern part of the Abyssal Forest have not yet been conquered, including unexplored dungeons,"

"We have sent several reconnaissance troops to those dungeons, and according to the information obtained, the dungeon consists of 100 floors,"

"Throughout the northern part of the Abyssal Forest, many outposts have been established for patrol locations in case of intruders, and we have also deployed troops in orc, ogre, butterfly, and ghost villages as security guards,"

"The detailed number of troops will be presented by Aurelle later,"

"Ghosts and Butterlies races can be conquered without bloodshed, while for the Orcs and Ogres races, we had to fight. Of course, we minimized casualties, but the population of both races decreased by about 15% due to battles, and fortunately, we were able to force them to surrender,"

"I also have a suggestion for Alice-sama, I suggest creating a city near Azaroth, later this city will become the home of all creatures living in the Abyssal Forest,"

"In addition to being a residence, this city will have many functions, namely facilitating the mobilization of Abyssal Forest creatures, preventing hunger and thirst, and we can concentrate security in the city to maximize security,"

"Another advantage is that we can reduce casualties in case of war because everyone lives in one city, and we only need to defend that city. Later, a very large temple will be built in the city to worship Alice-sama,"

"In winter, Alice-sama also doesn't need to worry if their numbers decrease due to food shortages or cold because they all live in one city,"

"That's my report and suggestion, thank you," said Exypno.

Alice was very impressed with Exypno's report and suggestion. Alice also didn't want her worshippers to diminish due to hunger, winter, war, and others, so building a city was a very good idea.

Suddenly, Alice remembered Germany's plan during World War II to make Berlin the world capital if they won the war. This made Alice even more determined to establish a city near Azaroth.

"I agree with Exypno's suggestion to create a new city, are there any suggestions for the name of the new city?"

"Azagard!" said Arina.

"Azuroth," said Aurelle.

"Celestial!" exclaimed Boo.

"Azulon," said Exypno.

"Azerith," mentioned Aether.

"Azurlisia," added Alicia.

After hearing all her Servants' suggestions, Alice then tried to choose one of the Servants' suggestions.

(Who should I choose... They all look good except Boo's,)

(Azulon looks very cool and good, I'll choose Azulon then,)

"I will name this city Azulon, this city will later become the world capital after we dominate the entire world!" declared Alice firmly.

All the Servants then applauded for a few seconds after Alice made the announcement.

"Any other opinions?"

All the Servants shook their heads, indicating they had no further opinions on Exypno's report. Alice also made a note that she would later establish a new city named Azulon City.

"Next, Aether's report,"

"For the introduction, the main need of the soldiers beside the undead race is food, so I have designed everything to meet all the troops' needs,"

"When Operation: Azaroth Awakening was launched, I had already designed a logistic route that would connect Azaroth with the troops, of course all logistic supplies come from Azaroth,"

"The food stock stored in Azaroth is very abundant thanks to Alice-sama's hard work, and of course that is temporary until they enter the harvest season and also when their livestock has increased enough,"

"The total food consumed in this operation for 10 days is as follows: 202.5 tons of bread, 162 tons of meat, and 81 tons of vegetables,"

"Our food stock is still very abundant, but of course, I suggest that we establish agriculture and animal husbandry later for future food needs,"

"For the total food consumed each day, the details can be asked to Ivara, oh yes, the total food is rationed as follows,"

"Each person receives 250 grams of bread, 200 grams of meat, and 100 grams of vegetables, and it is given 3 times a day, that is the standard food that we have set for now, it also includes the demons preparing the food, and also elves and dryads serving as support,"

"The total food is also given to 27,000 people, and the remaining troops are undead who do not need food, thus saving food,"

"For sanitation, because this is a forest that will be Alice-sama's territory, we maintain cleanliness by directly burning waste so as not to leave any residue,"

"As for drinking, the troops generally take water from the many rivers in this forest, each river's cleanliness has been maintained even before Alice-sama arrived in this world,"

"Unlike humans who need to boil water before drinking, elves, dryads, and demon races do not need to boil the water,"

"We use all the Shellepant to transport supplies, and it is very effective because Shellepant has balance, good speed, and strong power,"

"That's all from me, thank you," said Aether.

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