Adventure Time : A True Journey

Chapter 45: 43. The portal in the sky and monsters spotted

Rattleballs easily moved through the area, his familiarity showing with each jump and step he took.

Movement that made Jake fall off or stumble only to be quickly corrected were easily accomplished by him and this got Finn curious.

"Rattleballs, how long have you been here. " Finn asked, not sure if the robot himself was aware of such a concept such as passing of time.

When you were immortal as he expected the robot to be, Finn believed time became irrelevant.

"Long enough young Finn, long enough." Rattleballs spoke sadly, his tone gentle with a hint of melancholy.

And Finn only shook his head, there was not much he could say to that.

How should he start comforting a fanatic of a robot whose biggest desire was accomplishing everything its creator desired. Finn had no clue at. Did Rattleballs even need his comforting?

And that was why Finn decided to not ask any more such questions. It made the situation awkward.

" Yuck." Jake said with a disgusted face, his leg coiling in disgust as he had stepped on something disgusting.

Finn was lucky that he would not have to walk around in the junk kingdom by himself and hitching a ride on Jake's back. If not, he would only feel shivers down his back whenever he stepped on something questionable.


This also allowed him to get a wide view of the Junk kingdom and with no surprise, there was junk everywhere. Junk structures and surprisingly some collapsed buildings here and there.

"Rattleballs, what do you think of this place." Finn asked again, ignoring the funny look Jake was giving him. Was he signaling him to not ask any more awkward questions? Most probably.

Rattleballs thought about the question, a contemplative air about him.

" It is a peaceful place. Not much happens around here. Apart from the odd visitor that passes by every now and then and the strange monster that comes through that portal in the sky. Nothing much happens that I can't manage. " His voice was calm as he spoke about his normal days in the junkyard.


This placed had become a good place for Rattleballs, it had allowed him to be able to suppress his violent nature and find peace in simpler things, such as throwing eggs and gardening.

Rattleballs did feel some excitement every now and then when he handled those monsters that came from that sky portal, they were strange and new. Strange in a way he had not seen them anywhere in the places he had traveled to Ooo and new in that they brought some excitement into his otherwise normal life.


 But they could have been from elsewhere, Rattleballs did not care much.

Finn nodded along to what Rattleballs had said until he reached the part of the portal and an excitement built up in his heart.

What did Rattleballs say, a strange portal that appeared in the sky and was spouting out monsters every now and then!

If Finn had ever had of one, he was sure that that right there was a dungeon. And by the fact that Rattleballs said it spouted out monsters every now and then, it sounded like one that had yet to be cleared!

It was faith, Finn would have shouted but he quickly restrained himself. That would be an unprofessional thing to do. So, he did a small celebration in his head for the information.

" Rattleballs could you tell me about this portal and the monsters it's spouting. " Finn asked quickly, how could he let go of such a juicy piece of info.

Rattleballs seemed to see through his intentions with the knowing look he gave Finn, but this did not diminish the beating excitement in him.

"Hahaha, sure Finn. I'll tell you all I know. "Rattleballs laughed freely and begun his explanation.

"The portal to my knowledge, appeared not a long time ago, I'm not sure how long ago but I would say 10 to 15 years ago, I don't remember exactly. But since it appeared, every now and then it would spit out some strange monsters, which would normally start wandering the junkyard, mostly doing nothing or they would attack the other residents here who got too close to them. "

Finn was not that surprised by Rattleballs referring to 15 years as a short time. Why would a sort of immortal being care about the passage of time? And whether the time the robot said was accurate or not was another matter of debate.

But to know that the portal was not a recent event did not do his heart any good.

" I've been handling most of the monsters as they normally attack trashy and his family and they also act as good practice for me. "

Rattleballs returned to his silence movement when he finished his explanation.

" Could you show me where the portal is when we're done with the parts I asked for. " Finn asked quickly, capitalizing on his earlier question.

" Finn, no dungeon diving for now. " Jake grumbled worriedly as his brow furrowed.

Yes, he was also curious about the portal, but his worry overpowered such curiosity.

There was no way Finn was going dungeon diving... Without him.

Yes Jake's main worry was that Finn would try to run off and do something such as dungeon diving without him, that was impossible. He couldn't let his best bid do such a thing without him.

Jake thought about all the gold and treasure they would get and only nodded further at his own thoughts.

" Don't worry Jake, I wasn't thinking of going. And if I was, you'll be there to keep me safe. Right? " Finn made sure to satisfy Jakes ego as he proposed such a thing. And a rub under Jakes chin only made him agree further with Finn's words.

" Right! " Jake said happily and Finn was sure his tail was wagging happily at the scratches.

" No need to worry young adventurer. The portal is in route with where I want to show you. In fact, it's up ahead."

Rattleballs said and he suddenly zoomed forward, his sword drawn as he disappeared from his original position.

" Don't lose him Jake."

Jake quickly followed and it did not take them both long to quickly reach where Rattleballs was finishing off a strange monster.

There were two kind actually. one had a purplish sort of human physique and at the same time it looked like a bulky robot. It had transparent glass tubes run through its body as a sort of purple energy run through these tubes. Its body was somehow deformed with purple blobs of sphere perforating from its back and highly concentrated on it's back. It looked painful to the eye.


The other was a green kind of zombie with a malnourished decaying looking body. It was hunched over with long disgusting limbs and green glowing crystal growing along its body and concentrated on its back.

Finn's attention was quickly attracted upwards, as Rattleballs balls had said was the portal itself. It's blue circle shape making it become invisible from a distance. And perfectly acting as a sort of camouflage in the blue sky.

Now that Finn got a close-up view, Finn could easily identify it form the wave-like patterns that went through it simply by existing. It strangely had a water like effect.

His attention quickly returned to the fight that was happening in Rattleballs direction.

Fight was the wrong word because what was happening was nothing more than a slaughter.

Mikael could count 4 green like monsters and 2 purple monsters with strange purple glowing protrusions of energy on their backs.

In the short moment that Finn had looked up at the portal, Rattleballs had dispatched of two of the green monsters and they were now spilled over in green blood.

Mikael had caught onto something interesting happening as the two green like zombies died. Their bodies released a sort blue sphere that was absorbed by the other monsters nearby.

This made the monsters more ferocious from what he was seeing, a sort of boost to their power.

The green zombies now visibly increased in speed as they sprinted towards Rattleballs, the two purple ones took their distance spawning a purple energy which they launched at Rattleballs running path.

(Boom) (Boom)

The sphere on contacting the ground exploded the ground, making Rattleballs halt as the green zombies suddenly experienced a burst of speed a sort of green energy surrounding it as it swung it's arm wildly at Rattleballs on reaching him.

Finn was not worried at all and Rattleballs did not disappoint.

He easily dodged the two attacks from the zombies, ducking under their attacks and retreating slightly. He let the two green monsters exhaust their attack after which he exploded forward, his blade seemingly vanishing into multiple flashes and swings and the next thing Finn saw was the two green zombies busy apart once more, their limbs falling apart into a green mess.

Finn was paying close attention, and he obviously noticed how once more the blue sphere rushed to the two remaining bomb purple guys. The energy sphere in their backs seemingly spiked as they roared in what he believed to be jubilation.

Rattleballs had already noticed this and he had sprinted ahead, shortening the distance

between them in an instant.

In a strange development, one of the two rushed forward, providing cover for the other one in the back.

Finn could see a purple sphere starting to grow in the hands of the one that stayed back, but this one was slowly growing. Becoming bigger than all the other ones.

The one that had rushed forward started to glow purple, the purple energy within it seemingly growing chaotic as cracks started to break on his body, a purple light breaking through.

Rattleballs instantly noticed what was happening and in a motion Finn instantly noticed, his body crouched into the noticeable technique of the shadowless strike.


Finn's vision sharpened suddenly, everything becoming clearer in his eyes.

Rattleballs instantly sliced through the about to explode purple guy as his speed only increased further.


Rattleballs had appeared behind the purple monster that was charging up an attack.

The world seemed to stop. Even the purple monster seemed to stop as his growing attack came to a halt.

Suddenly a visible line appeared on the body of the purple guy, running vertically from top to bottom. Even the energy it had gathered looked to be sliced in half. And then the purple guy moved slightly. And the energy bloated and deformed.

( Boom!!!)

It imploded on itself wiping out the purple creature along with it.

Rattleballs resheath his sword, the wind from the explosion tussling the cloak he wore.

Both Finn and Jake had stars in their eyes, their mouth open in shock and amazement. The fight barely lasted a minute!

"" So cool."" They mumbled at the same time.

........ Adventure Time...

Another chapter finished.

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