Chapter 44: 42. Agreement reached
" The princess... sent you. " There was a hesitation to Rattleballs voice. A weakness and a hope that Finn had managed to hear.
And that was the main reason Finn had kept those words as his last piece to end the fight.
He was sure that Rattle balls would stop immediately no matter how angry he was.
It was in his programming. And Finn was sure that of give the chance, the robot would go back to Bonnie, as the original show had proved.
" Huhh." Jake breathed a relieved breath and loosened the hold he had over the robot. Seeing Finn's words had worked. He was less worried about the robot continuing the fight.
Jake was curious though when the princess had said such words. Was it during when Finn was talking up Lady Rainicorn or was Finn just bluffing.
Finn gave Jake a quick wink and Jake held back a laugh and quickly looked away.
Had Finn really fooled a robot!! Hilarious.
" Are you telling the truth. " Rattle balls practically teleported next to Finn. Holding Finn up slightly in a tight held
But Finn had managed to slightly are the extreme speed the robot had exerted to instantly arrive to where he stood. It was humbling.
Finn could see the panic and excitement in Rattleballs eyes, a strangely humane expression that made Finn feel slightly bad for the guy.
" Yes, she sent me. She also told me how regretful she was for what she had done. " Finn was bluffing but that did not matter much
Finn already had a general idea about Rattleballs way of thinking and his emotional response.
From the original show, he had shown that despite his' betray' of Bonnie, he was still 100% loyal irrespective of whether the princess would abuse that loyalty or not.
And for rattle balls for someone who desired the princesses acceptance, any word that could potentially imply such acceptance would seem like the gospel to her.
And Finn adding the part of how regretful of how the princess feet was an added bonus of showing Rattleballs that he was also equally aware of what the princess had done and the only place Finn could have gotten such information was only from the princess herself.
And to Rattleballs, his words were only the confirmation he needed to believe him.
Finn was equally surprised to see tears start to fall from the robotic face of the robot.
A gesture that quickly tig at Finns heart strings as he patted the tall robots buck gently.
" What a truly wonderful day it is today. " Rattleballs shouted in joy. Laughter mixed in with his crying face, before he started coughing violently.
" Jake, come over and help here. " Jake had been of to the side, poking a stick at the now green small bob of the monster they had fought.
He was entranced by how the stick dissolved the the green bon as he once again picked up a new one to continue the process.
" What do you need me to do Finn. " Jake run over and asked immediately, his guard all but gone as he saw how Finn was talking to the robot amicably.
" Why don't you help out our friend here with his problem. " Finn motioned to the coughing robot and Jake quickly understood.
" How can I help you Mr. RB. "Jake asked easily and Rattleballs finally went on how to explain how a gumball had unfortunately needed up getting stuck in one of his crevice a long time ago.
The next couple of steps was Jake using his stretchy powers to easily push the gumball back into the container of Rattleballs torso.
" Haha!! Thank you friend. I feel like a new gamble kid already. Your help is deeply appreciated. " Rattle balls said as he pulled Jake into a strong hug lifting him of the ground.
Finn could see how the mood had lifted but his plan was still underway.
" Rattle balls, the The princess sent me to assign you two tasks. " Finn said and that instantly attracted the gumball machines attention.
His stance was instantly sharp as his vibe turned formal.
" My will is to obey the princesses will. " Rattle balls kneeled and said what Finn believed was something like a moto of sorts and he went on.
" First of all, you are to maintain your current position in the Ooo's Junkyard. As the knowledge of your existence may cause unrest in the Candy Kingdom. "
" I shall obey all commands." Rattleballs voice was flat but Finn could hear the resolve behind them.
Finn had been curious about a lot of things about the adventure time show, and one of them had been why the princess had done something as stupid as weakening a part of her own army. That was clearly efficient despite their defects.
Yes, while the show did say the Rattleballs were violent in a sense, that was something that could have easily been handled if Bonnie had tried to, so why had she given up the Rattle balls for another more troublesome group such as the banana guards.
Finn did not know, but he could think of such a reason.
The princess could have done it possibly due to political pressure from the other kingdoms.
Yes Finn did reason that the show was a kids show and such complex situations would not occur but, the current world Finn was in was clearly not completely the same as what he remembered.
The main thing Finn could understand about the different kingdoms from the show was that the candy kingdom was the strongest kingdom compared to the rest.
The Gumball guardians and Bonnie's own intelligence being a major part of this.
But this did not mean the other kingdoms were weak. Just simply not as strong as the candy kingdom.
Finn reasoned that despite this fact, the other kingdoms did not protest because they were used to the current standing but the introduction of another equally threatening aspect to the candy kingdoms strength broke this illusion the other kingdoms were in
They probably saw how the candy kingdom had once more grown stronger and left them in the dust and had possibly come together to negotiate to the princess about this. Maybe even the threat of war was passed around.
Finn believed the violent nature of the Rattleballs was nothing more than Bonnie's excuse to decommission the rattle balls without falling under the threat of the candy kingdom.
And the princess had done something even more better in how she had made the banana guards next which proved to be more inefficient and troublesome than the rattle balls. A fact which Finn believed had possibly put the other kingdoms worry to rest and perhaps also showed the kingdoms that the candy kingdom was weaker.
If this all was potentially true, Finn believed Bonnie to be more intelligent and scheming than he thought of her. And that thought only made him desire her more!
But it could also be his own wild imagination and nothing more.
" The princess also gave you a second command. To train me up till a point I am ready to take over the mantle of Ooo's hero champion. " Now this was Finn's own goal.
Rattleballs had shown from the show to at least be a good teacher and from Finn's knowledge, he was also a good ally to have.
" As the princess commands." Rattle balls said once more and finally stood up straight.
" I'll make sure your able to satisfy the princesses expectations child. Haha! " Finn felt a shiver down his spine at the robots evil laughter.
He could already imagine the world of pain he was in for in the future.
" Trashy and family, come meet our new friends. " Rattle balls shouted and the surrounding garbage piles started to shift and crumble as other green bobs started moving in their direction.
Leaving a trail of burnt ground as they moved.
Finn from his wide observation had counted at least 50 of this acid bon beings and that sent a hidden shiver down him.
If this creatures had chosen to ambush them completely, wouldn't they have been overwhelmed.
" Finn, this are all my friends. " Let me introduce you to them. Rattleballs went on to introduce them with each name he had given them and from how he could see the green blobs jumping around, he reasoned they could somehow understand each other.
Finn would have been happy to continue with all that was happening but he had another goal he had yet to achieve.
" Rattle balls, do you know anywhere I can find computer part or other mechanical and robotic parts. Something like the Moos robots. " Finn asked curiously and give how Rattle balls had stayed in the junk pile, he was sure he knew of such a place.
" Oh, that was what your looking for. Please follow me. Trashy, you and the rest stay behind here."
Rattleballs moved quickly through the junk hills and piles as he headed in a direction deeper into the garbage kingdom.
Finn was getting more curious about how big the place actually was.
..........Adventure Time......
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