Abyssal Road Trip

41 - What are you going to do now?

“Why did you want to kill more Nox?” Lêdhins asked.

“I’m jealous of their wonderful looks,” said Julia, providing him with a smile that lit up with the mischief in her eyes. Julia flipped to her feet and almost laughed at the look on Lêdhins face.

You told me not to tell you secrets.

“Shall we move along?” Julia asked.

“As long as you calm down Viper,” Lêdhins said, coldness frosting his voice.

{{Yum Yum. He’s so cold, so vicious. I’ve been naughty papa spank me.}}

((He’s been here for so many years and survived. But has he lived? ))

Don’t think it’s just the danger why he doesn’t want to talk more like too many festering wounds.

PTSD? So many people with their hells.

How is he sane? Heck, am I? Maybe functionally.

Julia raised a questioning hand and flexed her fingers towards him. When Lêdhins’ gaze noted her action, Julia drew in a breath of the surrounding air to speak. Lungs filled with moist dankness that held a promise of continual decay. The tunnels so close to the grotto that was so alive yet promised less than death’s peace.

“What I fight, I need to kill. Suppose I kill something and join in your fight. Would you stop fighting?” asked Julia, wanting to check on his rules.

“It would be a competition to see who gets the most kills,” said Lêdhins, his serious tone not echoed by bared teeth.

“You’re already way ahead on the kill count. For now,” said Julia, giving him a smile lacking mirth.

“Hold off on the next Ascend, as long as you can,” said Lêdhins, his tone unrelenting.

“The effect from the extra shards?” asked Julia.

Lêdhins’ nod and frown spoke volumes in themselves.

“Indeed. The more shards you can compress during the process, the stronger you become at the other end,” said Lêdhins.

I let slip a secret naughty me. I should have just asked, But why papa?

“What happens if you lose hold of them during the compression?” Julia asked, remembering how it felt like she was herding cats.

“That would be unfortunate,” said Lêdhins, his tone merely dry.

“Hurry, Let's go.”

“You express ‘calm’ well when you focus on it. Work to get your body to keep that expression even when fighting.”

Resting calm face, not resting bitchy face.

“I’m a natural,” said Julia, pretending to flex her arm.

“No, you’re not.”

“You didn’t have to point out the new boobs,” said Julia, trying to draw a reaction other than dry discontent from him.

“Viper,” Lêdhins said, annoyance showing in his eyes again.

Yes, Grumpy Bum. Well, at least that wasn’t discontent.

“You want to see my war face?” asked Julia

“No, you don’t know what war is,” Lêdhins said, shaking his head, the frown still not having left his face.

“True. So Ternòx, is it supposed to mean earthen night or something?” Julia asked the thought of war here sobering her.

“Demons don’t have the most vivid names except for tortures. Many bestial Demons crawl out of the earth, and dark places on this plane. Various types of Nox among others,”

How do the Nox keep spawning from the earth if they can make it back to safety?

((Everything is fleeting here. Including alliances. ))

Their safety, is it fleeting? We are in the Abyss.

A mental touch felt the stillness within the Ki pool and invited it to rise and drift. Its acknowledgement was immediate and with it misting through her form, they headed out.

The screaming of ‘Danger Sense’ was the only warning; there hadn’t even been a sound. Falling backwards into a roll let the rock take the spike's impact with no fleshy ornaments attached.

[Danger Sense [B](1->2)]

The roll completed, Julia came to her feet, ready to leap again. Lêdhins looked at her flatly and put his Mattock away. Rock fragments that had been on the spike dropping to the passageway floor as it vanished.

“Thoughts are showing on your face again. But at least you listened to your gut that time,”

Standing close to the impact point, she patted her chest.

“If not, I would have needed some work done,” said Julia.


Julia wasn’t sure if they intended the low response as a sigh or a groan.

“Why during our chat didn’t ‘Danger Sense’ go off. I mean at all?” Julia asked.

“The Black Knight class, from mixing Fighter and Assassin. An assassin has a power called ‘Silent Kill’ it prevents ‘Danger Sense’ from triggering. Also ‘Perception’ from picking up on sounds, from attacking, and the kill’s dying noises.”

“But you have Stormblade, isn’t that a prestige of Fighter and Wizard.”

The 'kills' guess he’s only been in the Abyss. Wouldn’t consider Demons victims.

“I levelled Fighter a second time,” Lêdhins said, watching as she gathered herself.

“What came first?” asked Julia.

Stop eye-fucking me.

{{Yeah. All these empty promises. Wiggle at him.}}

[Sense Motive (2->3)]

Is that why you’re doing it? Bet it’s not. You’ve also got a one-track mind. Only got yourself to blame if you get black balls now.

“My first Prestige Class was Black Knight,”

“So I was in danger?” Julia asked.

“Yes," said Lêdhins, with no hesitation in his response.

Great. Don’t know if that’s a lie.

Let’s assume it wasn’t. So how many levels of Fighter does Lêdhins' have? 100? More?

Julia simply followed when he moved on.

The sound of a crack found Flight holding Julia suddenly near the ceiling. The section of wall near where her feet had been, now showing a pair of long mandibles extended from it. A spray of blood across the floor, showing that instinct still needed improvement.

[Danger Sense [B](14->15)]

Wow, okay. Lêdhins needs to give me the axe more often still. So many things want to de-feet me. Ouch!

#That’s yours. In case you’re wondering# Lêdhins’ hand signs looked amused.



Okay, one big arse Demonic beetle with lots of unknowns. Corrupted Shadow Nox.

#It has a hole#

Lêdhins flicked back, before pointing at the beetle, forcing its way into the passage.

Julia shifted forms before Blink moved her, it was a little while later before she crawled out of the hole.

“Why didn’t you Blink back up?”

“I’m just old-fashioned,” Julia said, a tight smile fixed to her lips.

[Acting (4->5)]

Julia looked back down and tried to keep the sight of the Night Elf Soul clawing at the rock from her visage. The experience notification tasted bitter in her awareness.

[Combat Summary:


Corrupted Nox Shadow x1

Killing blows: 1

Solo kills: 1

Demonic Shards Gained: 0.1

Experience distributed between classes:

Blood Monk: 0

Wizard: 0

Succubus: +1,480]

“What do you see there?” asked Lêdhins.

“Ask me no questions I’ll tell you no lies,”

“Tell me a lie,” Lêdhins said, challenging her.

“You sweep me off my feet. You’re so charming,” said Julia, fluttering her eyelids vapidly.

“Not even trying,” said Lêdhins, his voice a scolding growl.

“Well, it was only partly a lie. You lifted me off the ground, such a sweetie,” Julia said, keeping her tone bright and empty-headed.


“Bad doggie, sit, sit,” said Julia, affecting a posh tone.

[Acting (5->6)]

Seriously, you’re a dick as well ‘System’.

“What was its level?” Julia asked.

“Forty. What was with the skull popping open that way?”

“Form changed to a pebble. Blink carried me into its nose. I then spiked in there to stay put. Waited till my power took and then grew. Pop.”

“Bit of a cheesy kill.”

“Critic, it’s dead. You want some whine with it?” Julia asked, annoyance in her voice.

“Need to raise your combat skills, not just kill things,” said Lêdhins insistently.

“Yeah, I know. Let's move along,” Julia said, looking away from the hole.

“Feet? Things?” asked Lêdhins, pointing behind her, before Julia could close the distance.

Julia shrugged and pushed her clipped feet down into the hole with the remains. She was trying to ignore the now enfolded Soul compressing.

“There I have both feet in its grave,” Julia said, planning to give him another empty-headed smile. Ki handled the urge to scream. Its stillness enveloping her as the rock had done the Soul.

[Acting (5->6)

Shoulder suddenly brushed against the wall, the sound of metal hitting rock followed her sideways dodge.

[Danger Sense [B](15->16)

Blink [J] (3->4)]

“Better,” Lêdhins said, the axe reappearing on his belt.

“So we’ve covered about a half cycle so far?” asked Julia, watching for further moves. Her 'Time Sense' apparently appreciating her effort when Lêdhins nodded.

[Time Sense [Ap](12->13)

“Thinking about the job. Think up something slutty to wear. Want you to act your way in the front door. They’re in a small settlement, so you’ll want your aura off. Then again, it’s your decision.”

“Or I could find another way in.”

“You get the most insights when challenged. However, you want to approach it. It’s your problem. You need to be inside before I hit the place.” Lêdhins said, the tone of voice making it clear he would not figure it out for her.


“In case any of them have a teleport option and try to leave with the goods.”

“Souls,” Julia said, giving him a look.

“Goods,” said Lêdhins, not relenting any ground.

“Souls,” Julia insisted.

“Whatever makes it more stressful for you.”

“I’m not fucking anyone.”

“Then you’d best act your way through the situation, so you don’t have to. Or come up with another approach. But you get inside first.”


“Well, there’s that option again,” said Lêdhins.

“No,” Julia said, her tone firm as her stomach still twisted in knots at the thought.

Is he a dick on purpose?

[Sense Motive (3->4)]

“Tell me about the city where we met,” Lêdhins ordered.

He’d told her a bunch of stuff. Now he just randomly would demand answers, and sometimes they weren’t even details he'd covered, only implied. Seeing and thinking in patterns of Chaos was part of the joy. Julia had to think over and shift thru the spray of information he’d provided. When she got any wrong, they went over them again, and again. So far, the Lore skills he had been straining were giving their approvals.

"The city Ùeqräkas, named by a Demon Lord, after himself, of course, that used to control the plane. Before his destruction in the battles of the Four, the Unbound control the plane at present. The harvest of the river Sæepêgmib, or the drowned in the old tongue, get gathered by work crews. They then use husks as a resource for construction and dining in the city.”

“What Souls are 'the drowned'?”

“The damned from the river are many, mostly those whose deeds are too wide-ranging to go to one for specific behaviours. Just living a life saturated in the evil for which they felt no remorse. In the Abyss, their Souls feel as if they are continually drowning. When husks get stripped of all but bone, the Souls remain bound, wailing from eternal placements. Why didn’t they change the name?” Julia asked as she completed the summary.

“Of what?”

“The city. If the Unbound groups control the plane now, doesn’t it chomp on them it’s still called after a Demon Lord?” Julia inquired.

“How would you get any to agree on what to call it?” Lêdhins asked. Julia could sense the sudden amusement from him.

[Sense Motive (4->5)]

My goodness, the stick came out of his arse at last.

“Well, point,” Julia said, giving a helpless shrug.

“Are Souls used elsewhere, instead of just in the buildings?”

“Some particularly evil ones might have their bones cast into the Blood Sea. It will transform them into minor Demons. Because of their unfocused evil, they seal most into the building’s walls.“

“Format of City government?”

“Five groups yank it about randomly between themselves. The Sisterhood is queen bitch at present.”

Talking in the passageways; risk attracting a monster’s attention. Not an issue as he was hoping for fights. Julia needed to practice after all.

“Name the weakest group in the city, and why,” said Lêdhins, snapping out the next random question.

“The Courtesans or whores, they are too busy selling information gathered instead of using it to get power for themselves. Though they have ears and other things everywhere, oddly enough. They’re also not on the Council.”

“Strongest after the sisterhood?”

“The Coven of Hollow Stars, current ‘head’ is a granddaughter of Usd’ghi. A hag by the name of Kril’ghi will probably keep the position until she’s stupid enough to cross her, then she’ll die like her mother.”

Yeah, cause I so wish I had known she was a power behind the throne earlier. Fucking Naz’rilca.

Any Hag I run into with the same suffix is one of Usd’ghi's descendants. The shorter the front prefix, the closer to the line’s founder. So many Hags under her covens. I’ve got hooked by the wrong individual.


“The Free Traders, their caravans bring resources back from all around Hrz’Styrn and other planes, including this one. Many of them carry key resources needed by the Alchemist, Enchanters, and other crafters.

“Enchanters are?”

“Useless as a group, too divided by their self-interest. More inclined to work against each other. The Alchemists group keeps them from self-destructing on each other.”


“Because the Alchemists like wealth.”

“Right, walk.”

“Yes sir,” Julia said, waving a mock salute his way.

“The Sisterhood?”

“A bunch of homicidal bitches, who need to sit on spikes,” Julia replied.

“Well, at least you weren’t sarcastic this time,” said Lêdhins, his tone dry.

“I know, right? They’re such lovely Succubi.” Julia said, her voice almost bouncing with excitement.

“And there is the sarcasm again.”

Can’t ask why I ended up in the River when I Ascended. As I’m pretty sure my Home plane should be secret. Even if Usd’ghi likely knows it.

He’s not said anything of the Sisterhood sigil. Yet that doesn’t mean he's not seen it.

*Sometime later*

[Abyssal Lore [Ap](5->6)]

Fucking my fair lady. It’s amusing when you’re watching it happen in a Movie. Not when it’s happening to you. Bloody training.

Plus, this is so not deportment.

“Spread your legs wider.”

“You’re a perv.”

“Having your knees together will not challenge your acrobatics. Try it again.”

“Why don’t I catch myself with Flight? Why am I even practising falling off a ledge?”

“That will not help your acrobatics, and if you get it and ‘Fly’ high enough, you'll merge them. Pretend you’re being knocked off a ledge by an enemy. Catching yourself with Flight straight away leaves you where they can hit you. Complete the fall, adjust as you go.”


“Now do it again, you’re wasting time. And keep your face calm, composed, oh white one,”

Fuck my fair lady.

“You’re just watching my arse when I fall back off the ledge, aren’t you?” asked Julia.

“And if I am? You still need to fall from an unbalanced position and recover,” said Lêdhins.


Get your hand off me.

“I’ll fuck you so hard your cock will drop off,” her sultry voice purred. The excited escort fondled what he’d already paid for, moulding breasts with his attentions.

Gah these lines. They’re not Playdough. Easy on the girls.

“Get her inside first. Then you and the rest can fuck her, while not on watch. Boss wants things kept secure.”

“Fine, fine,” her escort grumbled, and a hand slapping arse elicited a giggle.

Get the Succubus inside first, and then you can try to fuck her.

Bloody Lêdhins. Slutty outfit indeed. The local equivalent looks like a y string that barely fits.

These outfits are dental floss, that’s all I have to say, dental floss!

The building exterior had turned out to be just blank stone walls, with the only exception to their blandness being scuff marks from the winds. Erratic gales in the cavern, scouring dirt and dust over stone, frequently and hard enough to leave marks. ‘Mana Sense’ had been clear enough to show her the wards. Lêdhins’ review of them and other buildings with her had helped her level Arcane. It had also revealed they’d had set them to prevent anyone without a passkey from entering via Teleport or Blink. Since that had been the case, operation ‘hooker 'R us’ was a go.

The building's interior was a maze of stacked crates, most were intact, but a few broken ones showed a mix of general goods and valuables alike. When the door closed behind them, a long tongue ran along a white neck. Fingers roamed over nipples suddenly forced bare. The situation made Julia glad it would be soon. The level up approved the stealth of her approach, at least.

[Dark Sight [B](6->7)

Stealth [J] (4->5)

Perception [Ap] (30) -> [J](1)]

Great, his hand has shifted off me. It’s time to go.

Her ride was suddenly lighter by one tiny hair ornament. Julia meanwhile was in among a stack of looted ingots, nestled and quickly out of sight from the Succubus and her John. Line of sight is such a subjective term. There had been nothing between her and the shadow she’d used to see. It wasn’t Julia’s fault the form had no eyes to see, and it still worked. Let alone how she thought since this form had neither head nor brain. The thieves' wards while blocking incoming Blink or Teleport would not stop either from occurring within. While they had set them to stop the basic Change Self, Lêdhins had declared they hadn't added the right forms to stop her version.

But it changes me!!! Pretty sure he thinks it’s Shapeshift.

So now I bet I’m wrong and he knows what it is. Boo!!!

Queue one stealth theme.

Can I just sleep here for a bit? The last six days have been murder. Four or five cycles my arse. Days, Cycles, Days. Demons and their terms, it’s the same thing.

No such luck. There will be no rest for the wicked, you know. And no sleep till bedtime.

When’s bedtime? Never!!!

Training, travelling and fighting, sometimes all three at once. The trip had been a busy one.

Dark Sight plus Blink took her from place to place through the warehouse, Analysis letting her pick up the security details, and the numbers alone weren't reassuring. Dozens that were similar in level or slightly lower, eight of them were high enough that Julia couldn't get many details. Depending on how the plan went, the most concerning were the three where no information at all came back. Finally, she located the target in a sub-basement. The crate marked with Usd’ghi sigil still packed, analysis quickly confirming the contents to be Soul Gems. Though some looked more like natural pearls than gemstones, the analysis showed those to be the children. The crate had quickly emptied into her Inventory, storing so many individual items forced it to level up again. That the Analysis of the gems showing they were all followers of Set was unsettling for Julia.

Some big deal went astray? Did it have anything to do with the High Altar I stole?

All these children had no chance. Maybe they have a better next life. At least they’re not marked like the adults as a follower of Set. Does it need them to commit as an adult?

Is that why the children’s Souls get a higher reward? Are they uncommitted? A Blank slate still?

With one of the Messenger’s Loop from her inventory, it’s Flit spell for the day consumed, Lêdhins had his signal. A few moments later, the fighting began. Or at least she suspected that the massive bang had signalled his arrival.

Lêdhins can undoubtedly make an entrance.

Julia braced herself while enemies ran past the door. The screaming from upstairs echoed through the warehouse. The rows of goods they had stored in this place had made searching it interesting. Yet now their effect seemed intended to distort screams and cries. When a key started turning in the lock, Protean slipped her out of view, blending flesh flat against the stone floor. When the door finally opened, Dark Sight let her see the Heat in the eyes of the BrÍn that entered. The axe he was carrying smashed down through the now empty crate.


Lots of unknown, you can play with them Lêdhins, all I get is his species.

Maybe because I already know it, bloody Analysis.

Even without ears, his scream of rage was unmistakable. It vibrated across Julia's skin like a living thing, clawing at the thin stone form she had assumed. The BrÍn ripped the steel door from its hinges and smashed it against the far wall. Rage and fury filled its screaming, as its thudding footstep sent it racing toward the stairs.

Would you care to fill out our shop survey before you leave? No. Alright then, have a fine day.

So not fighting with him, I’ll give him to the count of ten or twenty. Then I’ll find a playmate.

At least I got the goods first.

[Thief Class option available. Do you wish to select this class? You have one available class slot.]


Have fun Lêdhins. Maybe I could have a nap here?

Fine, I know what you’d say already. You need to get your combat skills up, Arse.

Flowing out from under the remains of the door that rested partly on her assumed form. Julia turned on Telepathy and felt for the nearest mind. From above, she felt panic, anger and lots of rage. But closer still, were beacons of fear that merely hoped to escape unnoticed. The Succubus who had given her the lift within seemed torn. Two options were appealing the most: running away or staying to fuck whoever won. She was getting off on the blood that was already spilling.

Still don’t understand how Protean folds my gear into my form.

Maybe it’s that thing about storing extra mass. Still, at least I don’t have to muck about when shifting forms.

Slipping out of the room and moving unnoticed along the row of crates was easy enough. If Julia made any noise, no one immediately reacted to it over the fighting above. The feel of a mind drew her to a room, where sudden scrambling noises were coming from within. Their emotions and instincts of danger were telling them to run. Instead, they shoved more loot into their storage pouch. When their instincts screamed, they ran. Julia crouched and waited by the door. Their steps were blurring with quiet speed. There was no sound to judge, but there was no need. As she watched through their own eyes and hers. At the instant they crossed the threshold, she checked them and then struck.


[Name: Cypey Tùgùc

Demon Species: Cambion (Succubus Halfbreed)

Class: Thief / Bandit

Level: 10 / 15

Health: 250

Mana: 0

Defence: 24

Melee Attack Power: 42

Combat Skill (s): Short Blade [J] (3), Short Bow [J](15)

Situational Modifiers: Armour penetration applied on back and flanking attacks]

Crouched as she was, Julia lashed out with a fist, striking sideways across their leading knee. The Ki strike ruptured bone and tendon as their weight bore down on it. Blackness grabbing tight, Mana was burning Abyssal flesh. Their unbalanced mass drove them into stacked crates, as the joint of their knee gave out.

[Successful surprise attack on victim of theft. Thief Class available.

Ki Strike, Armour breached success: 59 Damage - Broken Leg Joint - Condition hobbled applied. Non-critical location, no extra damage applied.

Energy drain - critical willpower success - Health drain 82, Stat penalty applied (Quickness), the passive effect applied.

Mana Damage (armour bypassed): 10]

No! Stop combat notifications!

Their fall didn’t take them far. Battle trance fell over her as they toppled—knowledge of where they would land clear. Progress blocked by the crates. They struck hard; the cargo rocked as their body twisted in pain. Hands were grabbing towards the broken joint as they screamed. Julia flowed to close the distance. As they curled to bring their knee towards their hands, she stomped down hard. One hand was already by the side of the knee, bracing the broken joint. And together they shattered between her foot and stone. When a second stomp crashed down towards its scream, and Ki crushed through flesh, bone, brain, and rock. Their screaming mouth and fending hand; both stilled.

Julia grabbed up the thief’s pouch, stored it, and went. Blink breached the distance to the closest target. An elbow strike hit hard, even as their panicked thrust stabbed home. As their blade slid into Julia’s flesh, her return drove them into the wall. Sent reeling with the effects, they lost their weapon. Only to come back with grabbing hands. Their dark red skin seemed to soak the light. Yellow eyes were shining with hate above a now lopsided jaw. They grasped at nothing as Julia Blinked again. Only for her blow to drive their lunge forward and sent them across the stone.

A thrown knife flew into the Bracer’s magic and fell. Her spear pulled from inventory, Julia struck in return. Yet not at the thrower, but the fallen foe. A lunging thrust was stabbing deep as it tried to turn. Its motion twisting it on the broad fighting tip and opened it wide. Blood spilling in a pool, its stench and the Demon’s viscera rank odour filled the air. Its scream rang louder still, and while it writhed, she moved. Her spear withdrew with twisted force. The broad blade was turning the already ragged cut into an open pit. The injury it had given Julia had already sealed, now it’s wound gushed in return.

Julia braced only to stab again deep beneath ribs. Its screams stilled even as a whip-like tongue lashed out. The cabled organ cracking across her wrists and wrapped to bind hands to the shaft. Its acidic saliva hissing against air and wood, yet her flesh was untouched. Blink shifted her position again and left the spear behind. Now next to the toad headed demon, its tongue guided her arm’s path into its maw. The sudden weight as arm shifted into a steel safe and drove it to the floor. Jaws forced wider than they should go, bones, and joints cracked and popped. The Ki laden steel driven with force crushed it into the floor.

{{Play time, bunny hop, please. Or at least kill everything}}

((If this is their home, they'll rejoin the wheel. ))

Three down, another three to go down here. So killing time and then join the upstairs action.

Using Analysis on the dead to learn their names, Julia moved onwards. Ki and shifting form quickly saw her venturing upstairs, only dead left below. Stacks above had toppled when not just destroyed; as the battle raged between the massive BrÍn, and others swirled to try for advantage. Yet the lack of magic made it seem as if Lêdhins was playing with his food, to prolong the fun. Claws and eyes grew on her back to guard the rear, a lightning cloak set into place as she came in sight. As Domain turned on, her 'authority' pulled plenty of attention. A large group of the weakest looked her way, along with two of the unknown she'd seen before. When they moved, Julia slipped back down the stairs, intent on funnelling them.

Demons beckoned by her aura, fought with weapons, claws, and their gaping maws. One alone could Blink past with their own power only to catch her weight, too surprised to Blink free. Empowered by Flight and Ki, the extended claws on her back, pierced through flesh and stone with ease. As others rushed to take advantage, she shifted into a springing lance and drove up the stairs to drive through the quickest. The battle in the tight confines didn't go all her way, even as her form flexed and shifted. Claws would still find purchase when attacking with speed or from an unexpected direction. But those too slow in striking would find only air, as paths in the flesh opened and closed untouched.

Though still Julia got pushed to the base of the stairs by their weight of numbers. The blood streamed down the stairs yet carried more of theirs than her own. Blackness had drunk to restore her losses, as the fighting pushed steadily downwards. When the funnel opened to allow them a chance to pass, she retreated into the stacks to play tag. Blink moved her between the rows of cargo, as one after another they spread out and fell. The last two, bearing many wounds, yet marked with too many unknowns, thought her pinned till she Blinked away again. Clear of the floor above, flight held her wingless next to a confused yet taunting Succubus above. The screams of battles between the BrÍn drew to a close.

"How can you fly without Wings on your form?"

Fuck! I am supposed to need wings. Darn it.

As the Lieutenants returned above, Lêdhins ended his playing at last. Even while toying with him, the underlings had died, and he'd grown weakened and bloodied. Wresting their axe away, Lêdhins ended them with it. Grounding his war mattock, he shook blood and brain from the axe.

"Didn't touch either of those. So they're all yours, Succubus." Lêdhins said, looking upwards towards the pair.


“Which is yours?” Julia asked, head tilting as if she was addressing the other.

As the Succubus' mouth opened in denial, Blink moved Julia again. The taunting cries turned to rage as thrown weapons speared towards the other’s wings. Julia appeared behind the rearmost of the two clawed hands ladened with the last of her Ki struck in deep. A twist and a pull dragged out the tendons and flesh from behind its knees. The substantial trees of its legs unbalanced, it dropped as if felled. Shoulder checking to ensure it fell forward, Julia lashed out to take a fresh sample from its groin. Blood pulsed as claws rendered, and a shift ensured it landed face-first into a bed of bristling spikes.

Two on one, at last, ended with bloodied Succubi facing each other. One smiled coldly as the other raged. Yet even enraged, she hesitated to leap, on seeing the other's wounds seal so quickly.

“A death or make coin?” Julia asked her wintry smile, not faltering.

“What like the last job you offered?”

“No, just straight-up coin for fucking.” Julia replied, her tone unconcerned.


“He will have black balls by now,” Julia said, tilting her head towards Lêdhins while keeping her eyes on the other.

Lêdhins laughter filled the air, and the other relaxed as Julia continued.

“Fighting gets him in the mood to fuck. More than you’d have earned here if you hump him till he’s dry,” said Julia, gesturing to the fallen foes.

“Deal, though coin in advance. And a bonus for being your decoy.”

“Once we’re done haggling. Though no hard feeling, I had expected you to dodge them, not attack.”

"Sure, you did. I can tell you didn't care either way, and my blood was up. We could both fuck him, three is more fun at once."

"It's alright. So double what I paid you before?"

"Let's discuss this further. He looks like he could go for cycles."

She's right. I didn't. Demon or not, I still used an intelligent individual as bait without a second thought?

{{Who cares, should kill her.}}

((Give it no thought it deserves none. It is intelligence, yet its malice gives it no reason for consideration. ))

Some considerable time later, Julia was still downstairs. Ears blocked, she could still feel the air vibrating with the screaming from above.

Gosh, she has lungs on her. At least she was suitable for Haggling practice. The rest was just TMI.

“How long is this going to take?" Julia asked, with only the dead to hear.

She looked at the prompt that she’d left sitting in her awareness since the fighting ended.

[Intelligence species killed for payment.

Assassin class unlocked.

Assassin Class available.

Thief Class available.

Do you wish to select one of these classes before experience distribution? You have one available class slot.]

This is a journey of centuries, not years. It will take so long, and likely a range of skills.

Every kill of Bestial and Least has only given me one-tenth of a Shard. The Lesser Tier kills, and above I’ve gotten one shard.

Will lesser get into the same state once I get to the next Tier? Will I get any from Bestial and Lesser at that point?

Fuck, getting from Named to Lady will take so many kills, let alone before that.

Thoughts on the graceful Basteti from Eyrarháls and her combination of Ranger with this option, at last, decided her.

Yes. Assassin.

[Experience points distributed

Monk: 6,976

Monk Levelled!

Wizard: 1,918

Wizard Leveled!

Succubus: 4,124

Reduced share awarded to the newly unlocked class.

Assassin: 1,400

Bonus experience awarded because of the difficulty of foes in the initial contract: +2,000

Assassin Leveled!

Assassin Level 2

Select preferred attribute for Class (Strength vs Quickness)

Melee Attack Power adjusted for class (59 -> 60)

Stealth gains 8 points from Assassin.

Stealth [J](5->13)]


Combined with the fights we had travelling here, I levelled Monk. Still a darn gamer girl.



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