Abyssal Road Trip

40 - New Rules

Play with his Full ‘Use’ Name. He said most Demons think the world is flat. If know they’re planets, then they should be globes. Right? But the Kingdom’s folk didn’t have that knowledge either.

His ‘Use’ name is all Analysis gives me on him. Other powerful Demons, it hasn’t even given me that.

Lêdhins was all that Usd’ghi spoke to him using at the store. Why would he think I'd know the lot. It's only because of Analysis, that I know it. No one else seems to know about that skill. Really?

Dös Lêdhins Fy

DOS? A Microsoft reference? A Technically correct but useless answer?

Is he joking?

Wait. Since he quoted Pink Floyd, what if I ignore the special letters or treat them as the closest English ones by shape?

Nah, it still doesn’t work. There aren't enough whole words from that.

There it is Dös Lêdhins Fy

But why would you put a perfect anagram in your name?

The keyword is there. And he knows about gaining instant knowledge, hinting at skill points?

Hidden, but with extra letters: O. S. L. S. F. Y.



Sol is the sun. What does Sols mean?

FY, did he put fuck you in his name? Or is it Sol and FYS?

Hidden Sol FYs is that for Fuck Yous? I've got a Hidden Sun? The light shines out his arse? He wishes.

Seriously, is he hidden as well, and now tells me the conversation will never happen. MEN!!!!

He quoted Floyd, but he’s an old-timer in the Abyss. How did he get here?

Was he screwing with me with the ‘Use’ name? Did he keep trying to push those ‘Use’ names on me? How?

“We need to talk,” said Julia, her tone firm.

Lêdhins just stopped, and she could see the top of his head ducked under a jutted rock.

“No, we don’t,” said Lêdhins, his tone almost tired but firm.

“Half the children?” Julia asked, finding herself unable not to know. His agreement with the Usd’ghi has been rubbing her conscious raw since she'd seen their hand sign agreement.

“So you got more than agreed?” asked Lêdhins, clearly amused.

“Yes. I saw you agree to give her half the children in hand sign. So spill. If your name means what I think it does ‘Floyd’.” said Julia, the name in English only came out with an effort of focused will.

“There are a few word games I played. Had to piece it together from BrÍn names to avoid making it obvious. Took me a while to find Abyssal names that would get translated the right way in my Profile. Even if they sound different in this tongue. Right now, you’re making things dangerous. You don’t know if we’re completely free of scrying, and neither do I. Not for sure. We’ve got a retrieval job near here. Someone’s hit a caravan taking Soul Gems back to the grey fields.”

“Soul Gems, but Souls are energy,” said Julia, remembering the containers of light wheeled away when the processing completed.

“After harvested Souls have emotions extracted, the Souls get crystallised, never seen how Usd’ghi does it. She takes them to a room in the workshop, just a box of glowing stuff. Then comes out with a gem-like thing.”

“Why would Usd’ghi care? And what does that have to do with the children?” Julia asked, her tone impatient even to her ears.

Wow, just give away that kids are a soft spot. Scream your weakness.

“Fine, at least you’re shifting to a safe topic, stupid Git,” said Lêdhins, the frustration in his voice easing slightly. He turned to look at her.

“Because she hasn’t got the payment for delivery of them. Well, her cut of the coins of the Damned, from processing the emotions is one thing. Cunning hag makes extra that most don’t know about. Upon delivery of the Souls to the grey field, the Titan’s servants provide a payment. The Soul Gems of children. Well, the Titan’s servants provide the most resources for their delivery. Plus, someone decided they could mess with her? Seriously?”

“What’s special about the kids to the Titan?” asked Julia.

“Kids get harvested into the Abyss because of the greed of parents. Morons offering their child to a Demon for material crap or a chance at power. Other ways for particularly evil fucks, but most kids aren’t dealing with Demons even if so. As for why Titan doesn’t explain, he just sets the prices paid.” said Lêdhins.

"If they’re her shipment, why is she expecting only half for you retrieving them?”

“Well, she usually coughs up all the reward for the shipment. Just to ensure the raiders get the chop. I’ll get their ‘Use’ name when I kill them. Most Demons can’t quickly learn another’s ‘Use’ name. It’s a handy talent I have. Then she’ll arrange for hunters to find them on their home plane. The ultimate destruction of a being is a significant discouragement. This time she wants half the children since the shipment had a lot. Some big deal not gone as planned, and the mortals had to pay full price for their failure.“

“What happened?”

“Didn’t ask, don’t care. Not like I can change anything in either case. With the number of kids likely some important ceremony to a Dark Power didn’t go as planned. Speak none of their names in the Abyss, especially the chaotic ones. They can hear their name spoken on these planes.”

“How can you not care about Kids?” asked Julia, not able to understand how he could just treat it as an exchange.

“You need to shut up! How bloody new are you? You don’t get it. There is no way out of here. You look after yourself here. Alliances are temporary, fleeting, and not trusted. Let other folks worry about themselves. Kids will get to the grey fields at some point, regardless. The thieves will not waste resources. I’m getting them for the reward. Usd’ghi wants them returned, as it delivers her precious message. You get nothing, as she offered you up for this job. All in exchange for the knowledge you don’t have.”

“Knowledge I can’t trust you to give properly,” said Julia, trying to make her point clear.

“It’s a dilemma. What’s trust got to do with it, anyway? Your ‘friend’ paid for goods I’ll deliver or as you said, I’ll never get paid in advance again.”

“I’m sure she’s not my friend,” said Julia, wondering what hooks she’d swallowed by going to the Hag.

“Too bloody right. You’re an idiot getting mixed up with her,” Lêdhins said, making a familiar gesture with a circling finger.

Yeah, okay, so maybe I am looney tunes crazy.

“You’re mixed up with her too,” said Julia, unable to resist pointing it out.

“That’s cause I am a moron. Otherwise, I might not have ended up here. Just had to walk away, but no. Now shut up! You’ve got me talking about things I should have incinerated instead of burying.” said Lêdhins, apparently well and truly done talking. He turned, only just avoiding the low rock he’d ducked under earlier.

“Is this still our reality?”

“No. We’re in the Titan’s universe now. Last child of Kronos. This place plays by his rules. He’s the absolute authority. The Overgod. All the other Gods may play in the sandbox he made, by his rules alone. No idea why the lightning tosser and the other Grecian bitches could come play. No more questions like this. Find answers out of the Abyss. If you ever get a day pass.”

“But…” Julia didn’t even get the rest of it across her lips. She’d seen Lêdhins race towards the Portal, but that was a Sunday stroll compared to this afterimage. He hadn’t bothered to face back to her to answer, but with the last question, things just changed.

By the time reflex kicked in, it was already too late. Danger Sense didn’t have time to ping and somehow was still asleep even when she realised her state. His hand clamped over her mouth; fingers wrapped far around her skull, a restrained vice that didn’t crush. Then stone dug with its useless force against her skin. It was just there, pressing against her even as Julia tried to Blink and then Teleport away. The power of both just drained into his hand, as with the webbing at the Portal. Lashing out with fist, knees and kicks burning the last of Ki, and Mana against the bare flesh of his chest. Her strikes were as meaningless as the stone against her flesh.

{{Oh, baby. Be rough with us.}}

Thumbs gouging at eyes, awkward knee strikes into his crotch got her nothing. He merely waited, holding her pinned in place—the system mocking her with notification of failure to damage or drain.

{{He’s so hard. Bunny bounces, please.}}


Fuck. No.

Tilting his face to look Julia in the eyes, what she saw there wasn’t comforting. Rage and desire fueling the inferno of Heat burning within, and finally, after long minutes, words breathed across her face.

“Shut Up! I’ve been here too long. Hope is a poison that kills slowly. One etched weakness at a time. You can drink that Kool-aid all you like, but you will not involve me. Now. Hear me, and I’ll make it clear so you will shut up. This conversation is over. I’m not trustworthy. Ever. Do not tell me any of your plans, little Viper, J. Even your questions are dangerous here. Whatever randomness you could think to add. They speak of patterns. Of plans. Some put the most chaotic patterns into place here, like you’d solve a child’s puzzle. Our uniqueness makes us both hard to scry, impossible to mind read. But hard to scry isn’t the same as impossible. So if you wish to drink in Hope, don’t drink it around me. If only you’d been just another Succubus to fuck. Bloody Hag.”

He handled me with less effort than a doll. Fuck. I’ve been poking a fucking nuke, not a bear.

With the last Julia found herself set back lightly on her feet. With Lêdhins hand resting gently against her shoulder, Julia was able to find her balance before he completely let go.

“Rules. You start a fight with anything in here. You are the one finishing it. I’ll keep other things off your back as long as you’ve not attacked them. But you will sink or swim fighting on your own. You get in over your head or throw something that gets foes you find you can’t handle interested. Too bad. If you get sent back to your home plane. Too bad. Best keep your head low for a century. Not sure that’s possible for you, given how you run your mouth. Rest to recover your Mana, and whatever other energy you were trying to hurt me with. I’m sure it wasn’t Abyssal whatever ‘it’ said. We’ll move out when you’re done.”

The silence between them hung for a time, as Julia sat by the wall of the passageway.

“Anything else?” Julia asked, finally finding her voice.

“I’ve still got to teach you, so ask questions about Ternòx.”

“Nothing else?”

“Seriously, the questions you’ve already asked. By the unholy nine, no.”

“Unholy nine?”

“See that there alone. Just don’t. Nine layers of Hell. Alright, I need to know how old? Why do you know so little?”

“I’m not sure. Time is weird here.” Julia replied, still not knowing what to think. “Didn’t you say not to trust you?”

“I don’t want you telling me secrets. Yet you’re just too new. What’s you Abyssal and Demonic Lore?”

“Isn’t that a secret?”

“No point hiding them on an imprint. It would raise too many questions. Just keep them showing below Master if they get towards there.”

“Abyssal Lore is apprentice-level one. Demonic Lore is apprentice-level twenty three,” said Julia, eyes watching him carefully to gauge a reaction. Not glad at the wince that he showed before she was done speaking.

[Preception (20->21)]

“Both apprentice, geez even harem whores likely have higher than that within months.”

“I’ve been busy surviving. Not fucking and sharing pillow talk.” Julia said, her tone of voice turning edged.

“Point. So you coalesce energy fast. How fast?”

“Isn’t that a secret?” Julia asked, her nerves prompt her to prod him. Yet she wanted to bite her tongue the moment the words were out of her mouth.

“Do I have to peek under your hood? I’m clumsy at it, but I can check your power levels. You won’t like how it feels. Not unless you like clumsy fingers in intimate places.”

“You tell me yours first,” Julia said,

“I'll show you mine if you show me yours. Oh, Baby, yes. Fine. One a month; Sometimes less. Which is on the high side.” said Lêdhins, his voice shifting from lightly mocking onto serious as he went on.

“For me, it seems to depend on what I kill,” said Julia, wondering what his reaction would be.

“Fuck. Now I wish I hadn’t asked,” said Lêdhins, shaking his head slightly.

“Great. What Tier are you?” Julia asked.

So note to self: just tell him No for stuff if I think it's bad news.

“Named. Which is as high as I’ll go,” said Lêdhins, his tone a firm absolute.


“I don’t want a cult of worshippers,” said Lêdhins, his tone edged with sharp self-disgust.

“What do you mean?”

“They need cults to the start Ascension to power for Lords and Ladies. It not just needing shards, they need mortal belief before they can compress their Abyssal energy. They need acknowledgement from mortals, either for worship or just appeasement, kind of like fisherman offering sacrifices to sea deities. Please don’t come and sink my boat. You’re a dick, but the waves are yours. The evil, unpredictable bastard that you are.”

I need people to fear me? No. What did they say I needed to become a Demon Lady? Why would they recommend that?

“You need to get your acting better. I can see things all over your face even with your Aura going. Aura sucked it up; I take it?” Lêdhins asked.

“Yes. How did you know?”

“Lost my cherry that way years ago. Just mine’s a battlefield thing. Not a come and grovel at my feet.”

“Is that what it feels like to you, that you want to grovel at my feet?”

“Not hardly. I just saw how the transport crew looked at you whenever your arse went by.” Lêdhins said, shaking his head. Hand rising to mouth and gesturing like he intended to wolf whistle through his fingers.

“Fuck!” stated Julia, the word coming out with clear disgust.

“Yeah, that sums it up. We were travelling together, you yelled at me, and I didn’t slap you into place. Most likely they figured I’d object to other deals.” Lêdhins said, pausing for a moment before he continued. “Let’s change the subject. Oh, acting. You need to get it high enough you could take any stage by storm, not just one like the marketplace. This is a dangerous habit.”


“Talking freely even if it's about subjects that are safe.”

“How long have you been...”

“No,” said Lêdhins, his tone of voice snapping sharp with edged command.

“What is your main class?” Julia asked, raising her eyebrow at him, hoping it was a safer question.

“That’s safer. Stormblade. It’s a focused version of Spellblade. I unlocked Lightning, levelled Wizard, just with it. Merged Wizard and Fighter into Stormblade and then got another Affinity. I can use the other affinity outside of Melee. But in Melee, I can throw off Lightning magic and fight at the same time.”

“Anything else?”

“Thief. Just because sometimes you need to take the kitchen with you. Black Knight, just because, well combat bonuses and powers. Things like that charge I caught you with just before. I can’t Teleport or Blink, but I have a few options that let me move fast in line of sight when I need it.”


“No, I’m known about the place. Enough battlefield tales people know the range of what you can do. So they know the base stuff. I just try to keep tricks up my sleeves. Or just kill foes in ways that people don’t know it's you. Too many words, cycle your mana and recover now. I’m tapped out for conversation, and you asked nothing about Ternòx. Unless you want simple words like grind it, baby.”


“Wise. Shush,” said Lêdhins, still standing in the middle of the corridor as if he could wait forever.


Julia waited for the Ki pool to show some signs of life. Without the Ki, the effectiveness of the Meditation seemed significantly less, but she returned to her basics. Letting her focus concentrate on the movement of flexing fingers.

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