A Song Of Fire and Ice


We been in Volantis for a half day setting up are home for the next 3 years it was a nice place not extravagant which was good it had everything we needed nothing more nothing less. Arthur, I said we are going to the Red Temple. He raised his eyebrow why would we go to that place with the fanatics that burn people alive to their red god he said. Yes, the very same I said. Why he asks. I want to visit see everything this city has to offer which was true. Alright but be careful my prince. I know Ser Arthur always keep your guard up. As we got to the temple, we were greeted by a red priest. Hello Son of Light we been waiting for you the High Priest and Reverend Mother are waiting for you. This put Arthur on edge as he draws his sword and ask how they found out we are coming. Are priest see many things in the fire Sword of Morning we wish no harm upon you or the Son of Light. I raise It's alright Arthur let's see what they have to say.

I present High Priest Benerro Flame of Truth Light of Wisdom First Servant of the Lord of Light and Reverend Mother Kinvara Mother Superior Nun of Fire R'hllor's Shadow the red priest. First thing I notice was there magic it was stronger than anybody I meant. I didn't pay much attention to the old man, but the women Kinvara had my attention she beautiful is all I could think she had long black hair that reach her ass bright green eyes clear skin and voluptuous body. Even her feet look perfect and smooth untouched by the environment. We have seen your greatness through the flames we are he to swear fealty to you Azor Ahai reborn he said before both kneed before me. Before I make a decision, I would like to know a few things. We are at your service they both said in unison. How much did the flames show about me I ask. Not much other than that you are Azor Ahai reborn, you plan to free slaves conquer Essos and have very strong magic.

I see well I am Aenar Targaryen son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark rightful heir to the 7 kingdoms the living embodiment of A Song of Ice and Frie I accept your fealty rise I said. As my first order I want you to establish spy network in both Westeros and Essos I said. ''Done they said'' my second order I you to find me allies with in the city who are willing to accept my rule and start getting rid of those who will fight me do it quietly I don't want them catching on until it's too late. ''Done they said again'' Good next we need the Red Faith to expand I will be creating a book called the Bible it be a book about R'hllor relationship we his humanity how people should act and live as a follower of R'hllor. I believe this book will help us expand the faith and gain more followers I will also be coming to the temple every day to master my magical talents do any of you have a question before I take my live, I ask? ''No but we have a gift for you said Kinvara'' I see chest being brought in they open it and to my surprise it was a dragon

The egg was crimson red that look a bit bigger than I expected I kneel down to touch it and was warm. This egg has been in temple since its creation. I thank you Kinvara this is a wonderful gift I would like to keep it in the temple for now and keep it warm. Now with this out the way we held back home. You have a question Ser Arthur I ask. How can you trust them my prince Ser Arthur ask. Have you heard of dragon dreams Ser Arthur I answer with a question. Yes, he said from your father Rhaegar was plague by dreams of the future he said. I see I had a dream of people in red robes following me to battle. Why didn't you tell me he ask? I shrug my shoulders I wanted to see if it was real and I'm telling you now plus I didn't want you looking at me like I was the Mad King born again. I see is all he said do your sister have dreams too he asked. Yes, but not as much as me. 

It's been a few days since we got here, I decided it's time to share some of my plans with the others, so I called a meeting with Ser Arthur, Oberyn, Ellaria and Rhaenys. This better be good you interrupted my time with Ellaria Oberyn said annoyed. Hello everyone, I get straight to the point of this meeting strategies to take back the throne and more. Seems the little prince been thinking said Oberyn said. You have always been a smart boy especially for age I wonder what you came up with said Ellaria said. Ser Arthur and Rhaenys stayed quiet waiting for me to continue. It's pretty simple conquer or liberate depending on who you ask is I said. Everybody had a shock expression on their faces at my words. Why Oberyn asked? Because I want to have an army that's truly loyal to House Targaryen, I do not want to rely on Westeros army's the lords are too fickle, and I don't plain on marrying for army and conquering Slaver's Bay will earn me a reputation.

How would you go about the conquest Ellaria said curiosity. Ideally, I would like to hire Wolf Pack and The Company of the Rose then marched to Astapor require the Unsullied free the slaves then take the city and reestablish a new government. How do you plan require the Unsullied and establishing a new government when the city has relied on slaves since the beginning of time is not easily said Oberyn. I know it want bee easily and I will face a rebellion for sure if successful but that's all necessary as far as buying the Unsullied my family has a secret account with the Iron Bank. That surprise Oberyn and Ellaria how much they ask. 6 million gold dragons I said. You're telling me since the rebellion you had that much money why is this the first time were hearing this said Oberyn as he look at Arthur. I'm a king's guard I protect their lives and secrets said Arthur. My prince why want you marry for alliance ask Arthur? Same reason I don't want to rely on Westeros army know them are trustworthy. Just as Oberyn was about to say something I cut him off I'll already to decide to marry Rheanys if she aspect if not than Daenerys since nobody knows I exist it make sense to marry one of the Targaryen females people know exist. 

This time I shock everybody especially Rhaenys who blushed which surprise me because I never seen her blush before. That makes sense even if you made it sound too easily said Ellaria. I agree said Ser Arthur. How do you feel about this Rhaenys Oberyn ask? I'm not sure I know he wouldn't make me marry but I wasn't expected this I need to think about it said Rhaneys. Any other questions or words of wisdom. When do you plan to start this conquest, your grace asks Arthur. In 2 years. A boy of 1 in 2 going out for conquest that's to young said Ellaria. I can't afford to wait any longer in plus I'm know normal boy conquering is in my blood and something else. What else are going to reveal to said Ellaria chuckling. But none of them are ready for what came next as my fist catch on fire. That was the last great surprise of the day after an hour of explain some of my powers and another hour of getting yelled at by sister for not telling her we all started to go back to are rooms to think about today's talk

2 weeks later Oberyn and Ellaria had gone back to Westeros to find any Targaryen loyalist. Me my sister and Arthur were going to the red temple to try and hatch a dragon egg. Me and my sister where excited Arthur was nervous probably thinking about Summerhall. Brother do really believe you can bring back the dragons asked my sister. Yes, I said without hesitation not only that but we both be dragon lords in the future. But there's only one egg said my sister. Don't worry have I ever led you astray before sweet sister just be patience. As we arrived at the temple greeted by Kinvara enter going straight for the dragon egg. In order to awaken this dragon, I need a sacrifice but can't be anybody do you any suggestion Reverend Mother I ask? That honor is for me your grace said Benerro. I was going to ask what he meant but my magical sense reach out then I understood your dying I said. Yes, I am your grace, and my last wish is to sacrifice myself to bring this dragon back to life fire made flesh it my life purpose please grant me this wish Son of Light. At first, I didn't say anything just look into his eyes than I gave nod. Thank you, Son of Light, said Benerro.

The ritual took place in the temple Benerro burned but did not scream at all he looked peaceful as if he had accomplished all he wanted to in this life perhaps he did. Arthur and Rhaenys look uncomfortable after all the were watching a man burn alive. Kinvara was watching with childlike glee in her green eyes after the ritual the egg didn't change much but look hotter the people who had been trusted to be here looked disappointed CRACK!! Everybody eyes went to the eggs as several cracks appeared on the egg then a crimson red baby dragon with a serpentine-like body long neck wings on is legs and golden eyes. I lock eyes with the baby dragon, I felt a deep bond between us I walk toward the dragon it does the same I pick it up and show him to Rheanys. You really brought the dragons back said Rhaenys as she touches the dragon scales. Now I've seen everything said Ser Arthur. 


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