Chapter 1: Prologue
my name Andrew Harris I was 12 years old Orphan when I died protecting a girl from getting robbed. As I lay dare dying everything faded to black as I died never to this world again. I open my eyes confused I thought I died but suddenly I see a being bright light appear before me. ''Hello mortal I am what your people call gods I am here to give you an offer to transmigrate in a version of ASOIAF world with three wishes, but your wishes will have an effect on the world you're going to as for why It's entertainment for me'' said the god.
I accept your offer for my first wish I want to be immortal in both body and soul. ''Smart with that wish you want go mad'' said the god. For my second I wish to have the infinity magical potential. ''Another smart wish you have a path to the top'' said the god. For my last wish I want the power to be able give others immortality and superpowers that I could take back anytime. ''Good you know you can't do everything yourself and you can ensure loyalty good now begone to your new world'' said the god.
Be before I could thank you, I was teleported away to new world. It felt like I awoke from a dream, but I know it wasn't because as soon as I look at my new body, I was clearly in a child body my skin was pale white like a ghost I garb a coup of water to see my reflection I had sliver-gold hair and stormy gray eyes. Suddenly 5 years of information enter my head as I cried out in pain, I was the order twin brother of Jon Snow or Aemon Targaryen my name was Aenar Targaryen son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark heir to the Iron Throne.
I was moved across the narrow sea because of my Targaryen looks but I wasn't alone to my surprise I was with Ser Arthur Dayne he had survive the fight with my uncle and his host. But that was not the only surprise Rhaenys Targaryen daughter of Eila Martell and sister survive she was saved by Targaryen loyalist. But not before she what happy to her mother and brother. We live in Lys for past five years my sister was eight name days she beautiful brown skin black hair and purple eyes she was very protective of me make senses considering what to happen are family.
It was the hour of the wolf, which was good for me, I wanted to try out warging into a rat I saw after a few minutes I was successful I could see through the rat's eyes, not just the eyes but all 5 senses. Now that was over, I started to think what should I do with new life. Got it I will become Emperor of the world and build a harem. Never saw myself as leader but I was a Targaryen, and I was too powerful to listen to anybody else so I would have to learn to lead. I want to be good leader because it's easier to lead people who love you, he didn't understand tyrants being cruel will only get you so far. I decide to go back to sleep excited for future.
[5 years Later] I was now 10 years tall for age and lackey, but I was building muscle training everyday with Ser Athur and my sister. My sister now 13 was wielded a sear she was very skilled more skilled than me with a sword I could beat her with my enhanced strength but that would be cheating and plus it would only help as a warrior. My powers were progressing nicely I could warg into almost any animal and had my own falcon named luna I was also immune to fire and could manipulate fire and shadows, but the abilities didn't end there I had a combination of greenseer and dragon dreams very potent power I refrained more seeing the future all the time I preferred to see the past I also had a healing factor, telekinesis, empathy, telepathy.
I hadn't tired giving someone superpowers yet, but I had plans and experiment in mind. We still lived in Lys supported by House Martell are only allies so far. The Usurper Robret and his allies new my sister lived but could not found her easily after all she was a brown girl in Essos, and they had no idea I existed, but we stay aware going to be going to Volantis soon I was glad because this was a chance to gain another ally the Red Faith. I they were going to be my most loyal allies they were going to be easily convince considering my magic and bloodline. We were going to be escorted by Oberyn Martell and 30 dornishmen, he visited throughout the years my relationship with him was all right a bit distance but that was to be expected didn't matter all that much we all had the same goal anyway. Ellaria Sand was not the most beautiful women, but she had this aura that attracted men and women alike and she was always nice to me if ever got the chance I'd definitely fuck her
Me and my sister had great relationship we trained and learned together all are lives with won goal reclaim the throne I was plaining on giving her superpower related to water I want people to think she is Mother Rhoyne reborn in the future. My plan for my empire was coming along nicely I was going to conquer Slaver's Bay when I turn 13 the red faith would sow the fall of Volantis leadership when I have both under my control and squashed inevitability rebellion's most of Essos will join willing. I didn't need all of Essos just most of it I wanted to get to Westeros before the Red Wedding of courses I also wanted to hack dragons but was the easiest part of the plan so focusing on another task. Suddenly I heard knock on the door then a familiar voice of my sister and future queen
''Brother, are you ready everybody is ready to go'' said Rhaenys. Yell lets go I'm ready sis are you excited for the move I said. Yes, I can't wait to see the Valyrian architecture among other things I although I hate the slavers Rhaenys said. I know sister I don't like them either sister but there nothing we can do for now not till were strong enough I said. Your right brother somehow you always know what to say with that sliver togue of yours she said. Of course, I have to keep my lovely sister happy anything for you I said sincerely. Kiss me on the cheek her lips were soft and warm made feel nice inside. It we be a long trip lets go you better be careful Rhaenys on less you walk in on Oberyn and Ellaria again I said she gave me an annoyed look.
Don't remind me those two are too lustful even for us dornishmen I just wanted some tricks on how to use my spear better. Instead, I see Uncle Oberyn fucking Ellaria from behind while some random whore was licking his ass like was born to do and Ellaria sucking the cock some random buff guy her tits bouncing up and down Ellaria did have a nice body though, she said. I burst into laughter she kicked me in the knee after that I ask didn't know you were into women. I'm Dornish was all she said as we continue to talk ready for the days to come.
let me know what you think of my story first time writer btw