A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)

Chapter 86: The Mandalore

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

In which things have not gone according to plan. Well, Tylo's plan anyways. Janga's on the other hand...


No, Tylo realizes. Rather, the true risk to the others wasn’t by not having them go all out, but by telling them to go all out. If Tylo had Aayla, Maris, Ahsoka, and Asajj all reveal their true nature in this moment, it would disrupt their group’s cohesion severely, and cause issues that would likely not be easily solved. More than that… Tylo had almost forgotten where he was standing and who they were fighting against.

Every single Mandalorian in this room was recording, and while such recordings could probably be wiped after they won, it didn’t change the fact that if even one recording of obvious Jedi interfering in Mandalorian Affairs made its way onto the holonet, things would get a lot harder for everyone involved.

Put simply, they couldn’t afford to go all out. That’s why Tylo gives the four female Force Users all a minute shake of his head before launching himself back into the fight, letting them know to hold back and avoid revealing their true nature, even now.

To their credit, they don’t hesitate to follow Tylo’s lead. In the case of Aayla and Maris, this means being thrown blasters by Ahsoka and Asajj, the two scantily clad alien women moving to hide behind the nearest cover… which is something that’s only really made possible by the fact that Death Watch doesn’t have them encircled thanks to the duel.

As for Ahsoka and Asajj who are both wearing armor, they pull out vibroblades and begin wading into the conflict, slicing at the weak points of any guards who get in their way.

There’s something else Tylo only realizes belatedly as the fighting begins in earnest. While the guards encircling him, Vizsla, and Janga had all raised their blasters the moment that Vizsla told them to take them all dead or alive, none had actually fired. Janga had been the first to shoot, in the end. Now, that might have been partially because Vizsla’s orders had been vague. He’d called for ‘dead OR alive’ after all.

But it wasn’t just that, Tylo is noticing. Not all of Death Watch is entirely happy with what’s happening here. Some of them are downright reluctant to fight, even. Of course, they’re having to fight anyways because Clan Vondin is rather gung ho about kicking their asses, but at the same time… there are at least a handful of Death Watch who clearly view Vizsla’s actions as cowardly and dishonorable. Which they are, to be fair.

By not having the Force Users reveal themselves, Tylo sees another path forward instead.

“Coward! Face me, Vizsla! Face me and fight like a man! Any true Mandalorian will cease this baseless assault on my Clan and let me finish my duel!”

Tylo’s voice rings out through the chamber, amplified by his helmet. At the same time, he runs for Vizsla, intending to take the fight to the wielder of the Darksaber, nonetheless. Seeing how Vizsla was distracted with Ursa Wren’s ‘treachery’, Tylo could have probably snuck in and maybe took him down with a sneak attack… but that wouldn’t have accomplished all of Tylo’s goals here.

Indeed, as anticipated, his words have a pronounced effect on not just the hesitating members of Death Watch, but even some that are fighting in earnest. Those who already recognized Vizsla’s dishonorable actions become even more reluctant to engage, while those who hadn’t quite yet realized what their leader had done here were now having it thrown rather blatantly in their faces.

The fighting doesn’t truly end, of course. In fact, the first member of Death Watch to step back and put his blaster on the ground gets shot in the back by one of his comrades. None of them retreat from the fighting after that display, but some definitely have worst aim than others, something that Tylo and his allies definitely notice.

As for Tylo himself… he lunges for Pre Vizsla, even as the Death Watch Leader whips around with Darksaber still held aloft.

I am sick and tired of this man! I will enjoy ripping his flesh from his bones, and then luxuriating in the wailing of his women as they learn their new positions in life beneath me and those loyal to me!

Yeah, at this point in time there wasn’t much of use in listening to Vizsla’s thoughts outside of being able to better anticipate his moves before he makes them. Tylo is able to dodge his opponent’s first swing with the Darksaber, and deflect the next, even as they begin to fight once more, albeit this time surrounded by blaster fire.

Still, Tylo has faith in the women he’s brought with him today. They will win, they will be victorious. As those thoughts flow through him, something strange begins to happen. It’s like a form of active meditation as he faces off against Vizsla and the Darksaber. He can feel the fighting all around them and he finds himself feeding off of it.

At first, Tylo worries that it’s of the Dark Side, whatever is happening. But the more he sinks into this new meditation, the less Dark it feels. In fact, while Ventress’ presence in the Force is still a sticky, corrupted black, the others are shining brightly and yet Tylo doesn’t feel any need to shy away from them. Movement becomes smoother among his allies and choppier among his enemies, and the fighting goes from favorable for Tylo and ‘Clan Vondin’ to incredibly one-sided in their favor.

Finally, with Vizsla all but frothing at the mouth… Tylo ends it. He ducks the Darksaber and then brings his own lightsaber up through the weak spot between Vizsla’s gloves and vambraces, severing the man’s hands from his body at the wrists. Then, reaching out with one hand, Tylo catches the Darksaber as it starts to fall.

Vizsla drops to his knees, staring down at his stumps for a moment before Tylo swings with the Darksaber, feeling the sharpened edge of the glowing black blade slice right through the Death Watch Leader’s neck.

As Vizsla’s helmeted head drops from his body, silence falls in the chamber. Tylo looks up to see everyone staring at him, including those members of Death Watch who were still standing. There’s not many of them left, but there’s enough that his jaw clenches. Especially when he sees that while none of his allies have fallen, that doesn’t mean some haven’t taken wounds. A few are nursing blaster burns at this point.

“The Head of Clan Vondin has claimed the Darksaber! He is the new Mandalore!”

Ursa Wren’s voice suddenly cuts through the tension like a knife, all eyes flicking over to her as she sweeps her gaze across them all before looking at him.

You better back me up on this, Vondin.

“Well? Vizsla wielded the Darksaber. He was Mandalore, as he said. And Vondin challenged him for the right, as was acceptable. Their duel was blades only, but when Vizsla disgraced himself, he did not surrender the Darksaber as he should have, but instead compounded upon his dishonorable conduct. Now… now he is dead. And without ever once dishonoring himself in the process, the Head of Clan Vondin has claimed the Darksaber!”

There’s some quiet shuffling at that. Nobody on Death Watch’s side seems to know quite what to do. Probably because despite the fact that Ursa had turned on Vizsla when he’d ordered their capture, she was still one of the highest ranking members of Death Watch in the room thanks to Rook Kast’s desertion. If these words had come from Tylo or any of his so-called Clan, there might have been more of a dispute… but as it is, no one still standing seems to know what to say. They’re waiting… waiting for him.

Shutting off his actual lightsaber and tucking it away, Tylo ascends the steps of Vizsla’s dais, stopping just short of the actual throne that the Governor had been sat upon. Then, he turns and regards those in the chamber, holding the Darksaber above his head just as Vizsla had done. This hadn’t been his intention coming here today. Not by a long shot. But… he couldn’t back out now, could he?

“I am Tylo Vondin of Clan Vondin. I wield the Darksaber, having taken it from Pre Vizsla in honorable combat, at least on my part. While the duel might have grown… murky, I am sure that the recordings on all of your helmets will see me vindicated.”

That gets the attention of the Death Watch still standing. They look at one another and then at their downed comrades… and then at the helmeted members of Clan Vondin, standing there looking quite menacingly. Talya for instance, has her magnetic tongs and gravity hammer crossed in front of her as she takes up quite the stance, surrounded by the men she’d slain with her tools. It makes for a very intimidating pose.

Yes! This is perfect! I will be the wife and Armorer of the Mandalore! Our children will be the children of the Mandalore! Yes, yes, YES!

Fortunately, no one but Tylo could hear her inner thoughts, otherwise the intimidation factor might have been slightly diminished as she all but squeals with glee internally.

“… With this, I am the Mandalore. Rightful ruler of the Mandalorian People. I claim this title here and now before you all. If any would challenge me for it, say so now. Speak up and make your claim and we will fight with honor and without interruption… as Pre Vizsla should have.”

As he speaks, mostly mimicking Vizsla’s words from earlier outside of the last part, Tylo shifts his gaze to Janga Fett, staring her down as she looks back at him from under her helm. This wasn’t for him. He wasn’t supposed to be Mandalore. She needed to step up and challenge him, whether she revealed her true identity or not. She needed to step in so he could lose gracefully to her and they could put a damn bow on this whole debacle by wrapping things up nice and clean.

Janga Fett might not be a mind reader like he is, but she can clearly read his intent as he stares at her… because while she says and does absolutely nothing, her thoughts take on an amused tint to them.

Oh no, Tylo Vondin. I had my time as Mandalore. I’m through trying to lead these ungrateful ingrates. You can teach a foundling the Resol’nare, but you can’t force them to armor up.

Then, because nobody is saying a word and silence has permeated the chamber… Janga raises her fist into the air.

“The Mandalore is defeated! Hail the Mandalore!”

There’s a beat of hesitation before everyone, including the Death Watch who still live, raise their fists and copy her.

“““Hail the Mandalore!”””

… Fuck. What had he done?


First things first, they had to clean up the bodies. Pre Vizsla wasn’t just the hidden leader of Death Watch, he was also the Governor of the moon of Concordia, after all. Fortunately, this entire meeting had been under the table and completely off the books, so it wasn’t like there would be a conspicuous “Clan Vondin meets with Governor Vizsla and then he dies” digital trail to follow.

Second, the rest of Death Watch needed to be handled. That was where Tylo felt like he had to place a call, because this was starting to get out of hand. At the same time, despite being entirely unwilling to take the mantle for herself, Janga was staying glued to his side. So when he finally found the moment to call the Duchess, she was right there with him, both of their helmets removed and set aside as they wait for the holocall to go through.

“Just here to make sure you don’t fuck it up, Vondin.”

Tylo scowls at Janga for that, feeling the flavor of her amused thoughts across his mind.

“Then why aren’t you wielding the Darksaber, Fett?”

“Ain’t for me. You’re the Mandalore now, Jetii.”

Before he can respond, the holocall finally goes through and Satine Kryze appears alongside Bo-Katan. Satine looks confused, while Bo-Katan looks anticipatory but also concerned. Unfortunately, with this much distance between them, Tylo can’t read their thoughts. He’s just going to have to deal though.

“Knight Vondin? Janga Fett?! What… what is happening? What did you two do?”

Janga’s answer is a toothy grin as she stands back with her arms crossed over her chest. Tylo, meanwhile, is a little hurt that the Duchess is immediately jumping to asking what they’d done. Alright sure, they’d definitely done something, but it wasn’t fair for her to just assume! That said…

“… The secret leader of Death Watch is dead, Duchess Satine. I’m calling so we can coordinate the arrest of the other Death Watch commanders who can’t be trusted to stand down and stop their terrorist activities.”

Satine blinks rapidly for a second before her brow furrows in confusion.

“Death Watch had one central leader? Who?”

“Pre Vizsla, Governor of Concordia. Sending evidence of his Death Watch connections now.”

Rather than sending them over the holocall, Tylo sends them to Bo-Katan in particular. The armored up of the Kryze Sisters steps up to her unarmored sister’s side and shows Satine the data on her vambrace. There’s silence for a moment as Satine reads the evidence before letting out an explosive breath.

“I… I see. I thought Pre was one of my allies. I thought him to be… to be a friend. This is shocking, to say the least.

“It’s not just him, Duchess. There are more Death Watch sympathizers and leaders who are fairly high up in your government. But together, we should be able to take them all down.”

The Duchess grimaces at Tylo’s words, but slowly starts to nod… before stopping and frowning.

“… What was it you said before? You wished to coordinate the arrest of ONLY the Death Watch Commanders who can’t be trusted to stand down? What does that mean? Stand down?”

Tylo sees understanding dawn on Bo-Katan’s face even as Satine looks more and more confused. Before he can respond however, Janga Fett suddenly leans in close to the holocall with a happy half-grin, half-sneer on her face.

“It’s simple, Duchess. Pre Vizsla had the Darksaber and claimed the title of Mandalore before our eyes. Then, he opened the floor to challenges.”

Satine’s eyes widen at that, and then narrow as she grits her teeth and clenches her hands into fists at her side.

“So you killed him then Fett. And now that you’ve claimed the Darksaber, you are trying to retake your place as Mandalore. Is that it?”

It’s clear Satine is working herself up into quite a state. But before she can continue, Janga laughs, cutting her off.

“Nah. I didn’t challenge Vizsla. The Jedi Knight did. And he won. I’m not the Mandalore, and I’m certainly not the new leader of Death Watch. He is.”

Janga thrusts her thumb at Tylo, even as Satine and Bo-Katan both look at him in shock. Sitting there at the table in front of the holo emitter, Tylo resists the urge to shove his face into his hands and groan.


The Vote:

[ ] Stick to Tylo's POV - 22%

[X] Switch to Satine Kryze's POV - 50%

[ ] Switch to Bo-Katan's POV - 22%

[ ] Switch to Janga's POV - 7%


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