A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 94: Telling ‘truths’ (1)


"It is you who must decide whether to stay or go."

– Master Oogway, [Kung Fu Panda]


"Rudeus Rudeus, wake up. We need to talk." A female voice tried to wake up the deep in-sleep young god.

"Mmm, five more minutes." He mumbled in his sleep.

Rudeus would have continued to sleep like that but the sound of booming thunder soon broke him up from his reverie. "I am up. I am up. I really hate thunder. What's happening?" He asked after waking up.

But his bad mood didn't persist for long since the scene that he got to see in front of him put him into a really good mood.

Rudeus was lying on his bed in his mansion and beside him Ororo was lying as well completely naked, her sensual bare body only covered by a single bedsheet. The exotic beauty was looking erotic and sexy as hell. He could even notice some love bites on her neck and her hair was a complete mess.

"How drunk was I last night?" Ororo asked both Rudeus and herself as she felt her lower body aching. She couldn't remember anything from last night and wondered how drunk would she have to be to actually wake up naked beside Rudeus in the condition she was now.

Truthfully Rudeus also wanted to say that he was equally as drunk as Ororo and he too didn't remember anything that happened but the thing was he couldn't get drunk. He remembered perfectly what happened last night and he was as sober as he could be when he banged Ororo all night last night.

"I think we were both not in our right minds last night," Rudeus said carefully not mentioning the fact that he couldn't get drunk due to his godly immunity.

"Is that a handcuff on my hands?" Ororo asked as she looked at the pink handcuff on her left hand.

"..." Rudeus didn't even know what to answer at that. He had no excuses. He had more than happily banged Ororo after she got drunk and came onto him trying to seduce him with those big boobs of hers. He remembered having his way with her body and enjoying it as much as he possibly could, even moving on to hardcore BDSM for a time.

He was even sure that there was a storm last night after Ororo lost control of her emotions and as a result her powers, from the immense pleasure he gave her.

"Do you regret what happened last night?" Ororo asked when she realized that he was avoiding speaking about last night.

"Do you wanna hear the truth?" Rudeus sighed and asked seriously.

"Yes," Ororo said, scared of his rejection.

"I don't. Not at all. In fact, I am glad of what happened between us last night. I just wish that you were less drunk at the time and you could have remembered our first experience. The first of many that is, unless you don't want to anymore." Rudeus said as he looked at Ororo with expectant eyes.

"I don't regret it. In fact, I am quite happy that it happened. I remember some things but just bits and pieces of it like the time when you ate me out an-and also the time when you entered into my other hole." Ororo blushed as her dark chocolate skin seemed to glow red around her cheeks.

Rudeus couldn't help but laugh awkwardly at this.

"Yeah, that was a good experience. By the way, Ororo I need to tell you something. I was trying to delay telling you this but I think both you and the members of X-men deserve to know this.... Jean, may not be dead." Rudeus dropped a huge bomb on Ororo she stopped moving and just stared up at him.

"You want to say that Jean Grey, our Jean Grey is still alive. She didn't die that day in the dam?" Ororo tried to clarify what she was hearing.

"Nope, she didn't. She survived. It seems she was stronger than she let on. There was a hidden power in her that became active during her death. I call it the Phoenix force. It's like a cosmic entity and it chose Jean as its incarnation, its host. So Jean with its help survived the alkali lake incident. But this entity might have been corrupted due to the professor messing with Jean's mind and it might have become twisted. In fact, it might have been Jean under the influence of this dark phoenix that screwed with Sott's mind and sent him into a coma." Rudeus tried to explain.

"Then why didn't you say it before? Why did you keep it a secret till now? We all suffered thinking that she died because of us." Ororo said a little angrily as she felt hurt that Rudeus would keep this from her.

"I was not sure before. I had some doubts but I could not give you all new hope on the basis of a doubt. But my new 'magic teacher' recently informed me that Jean is the new host of the phoenix force and that she had turned into the dark phoenix and left the planet for some reason after awakening from her hibernation. That's why I am informing you now." Rudeus lied through his teeth. He wasn't a saint and didn't want to speak complete truths that would just hurt everyone involved.

"I see. But will she come back to us? Will we ever get her back?" Ororo asked conveniently ignoring the fact that Rudeus said that Jean had escaped to space. It was like going away to space was just another Monday morning for her.

"I promise you. I will bring her back, no matter what." Rudeus said as he cupped Ororo's cheeks and slowly kissed her on her lips.

He had done a good deed by informing Ororo about Jean and now he was going to claim his reward. It was a good thing that Ororo was still wearing her handcuff, that would make Rudeus' job way easier.


"What did you want to talk about my family?" Lorna asked. She had a headache due to her hangover since both she and Anna had drunk too many glasses of whiskey after Ororo left the party with Rudeus due to some emergency that came up.

"Well, it's about your father. I don't know how I can tell you this but... *sigh* you are Magneto's daughter and the sister of both Pietro and Wanda." Rudeus said directly without bulsh*tting.

"WHAT? What do you mean? My father is not my biological father? So I have been living a lie for all these years. I never even met my father." Lorna had tears in her eyes as she believed Rudeus' words easily without questioning him since he didn't have any reason to lie to her.

In fact, she had been wondering herself if she had any relation to the metahuman terrorist due to the similarity between the nature of their powers.

"I am sorry Lorna but I promised your father to take care of you before his death. I took responsibility for your well-being and so it is my duty to tell you the truth even if it is sad for you." Rudeus tried to appear like a good selfless person.

"I get it Rudeus. Thanks. Thank you for telling me." Lorna said as she hugged him.

"It's alright. Just remember that Magneto might have been your biological father but your real parents are the ones that care for you, that take care of you. You can still be their little princess. I promise that if you don't tell anyone, nobody else will ever know of this secret." Rudeus promised, of course without mentioning the fact that he might have already told some people.

"Thanks, Rudeus," Lorna said as she continued shedding tears while hugging him tighter.

'Now, I just need to tell one more bad news and I'll be done. I really hope that Bobby can take me being a straight person, well.' Rudeus hoped as he continued hugging Lorna's soft feminine body which reminded him that he was one hundred percent a straight male."


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