A New God’s life in Marvel

Chapter 93: New god goes to Party


"Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present." –

Master Oogway,  [Kung Fu Panda]


"This is funking amazing. Is that a chocolate fountain and is that a small pool of champagne? Wow, is that a steak museum in here and that is an entire exhibition on different types of salad? And that is the biggest funking bonfire in the world. This is the best party eveeeer." Pietro sped up all over the place in excitement as he thrust all types of food into his mouth as fast as possible.

"Pietro behaves, and also language." Wanda chastised him.

"It's a pity we are not allowed near the alcohol," Lorna grumbled.

"Well, he is not wrong. When Rudeus talked about having a party, I really thought that it would be like a house party or something but this, this is like the mother of all parties. This is AWESOME." Kitty said in wonder as she looked at the big party with barely hidden excitement in her eyes.

They weren't exaggerating. The party was truly too lavish. Rudeus had given the responsibility to organize his party to his trusted assistant, Zoya and she as a loyal and obsessed AI had proven herself by going all out with the party.

She had invited the best chefs, connected with the best planners, and spent the ultimate money to organize one of the most memorable and lavish parties ever for Rudeus in just a few hours.

"I am glad you are all enjoying the party. Just make sure to not get drunk if you are underage or Ororo will probably kill me before she kills you all." Rudeus joked.

He began to talk and socialize with all of the teenagers that had come to the party which was almost the entire school. He met a lot of people for the first time like Angel, Jubilee, and even Sage. A lot of the mutants that had joined the school were not only recruited by using the Cerebro but also many of them were recruited by Meta International directly or even by Hellfire Club which was now controlled by Meta International.

"Hey Rudeus, come and join us here," Blade called Rudeus.

Teachers and Students were not the only ones invited to the party. Many important members of the nation of Genosha as well as his own organization and his company's important and close members were also invited to the party including Lilith and Blade.

"Yo Blade. How are you doing? Do you like your new job?" Rudeus asked after going to where Blade was sitting with Wolverine, Forge Hank, Ororo, and a few others whom Rudeus didn't know or didn't consider important enough to know while drink drinking what looked like whiskey.

"Yeah, I actually am. I get to hunt evil vampires, werewolves, and other killer monsters while actually getting paid for it. It's like doing my favorite hobby while earning money from it. Although, I think you should consider changing the name of your organization. The Vermillion name is too old-fashioned and whenever I tell people I am from Meta, they normally think I am an investment banker since Meta is the biggest investment company currently. It's actually getting a little annoying." Blade huffed.

"I have thought about giving my organization an official name and I have actually even decided on one. But I will reveal that later. But what I want to concentrate on right now is how you would look in a suit. Maybe it's not a bad idea for you to take investment banking as your day job, you know like a civilian identity." Rudeus teased.

"Blade as an investment banker? Hahahahaha. Are those people blind or something?" Wolverine laughed after he imagined Blade wearing a suit and discussing numbers with people on the phone. He seemed to have already become friends with the vampire hunter.

"That shit is not funny man. Anyways, I actually wanted to introduce you to someone." Blade said as he wrapped his hands around a woman sitting beside him who Rudeus hadn't noticed before. "This is my fiance, Saffron Caulder. I'll be marrying her, after all, she is gonna be the mother of my child soon" Blade had a smile on his face, a smile which perfectly represented the immense happiness he was feeling as he placed his hand on Saffron's stomach.

"Oh, congratulations to you both. You should have told me before. I would have prepared some sort of gift." Rudeus smiled as well at the happy couple. He knew that he had a great role in their relationship progressing so quickly since he was the one who offered Erik Brooks, aka, Blade a stable job and his wife some much-needed protection and lodging that Rudeus' company and organization gives to all his employees' family.

"No gift is necessary honey. What you did for us was plenty of a gift. In fact, I want to thank you for your help." Saffron spoke up as she seemed to speak from her very heart.

"Okay, this is getting emotional now. I am not really good at emotions, I just want to clear that up. So if anybody cries, don't expect me to cry with you." Forge said as he finished up his glass.

"You are still a jerk as ever, aren't you Forge? I guess some things never change." Hank growled a little. It seemed the blue guy didn't like Forge that much.

"By the way, that reminded me. What the hell happened to Mystique and Gambit? I thought they left with Magneto after the battle with Apocalypse. But after we freed Genosha, I never saw them. Did they die in battle or something?" Rudeus asked Forge as he suddenly remembered about the two mutants.

"Well, a lot of metahumans betrayed Magneto and fled during the battle with the sentinels. But no, the two were not part of them. Those two had disappeared way before, about sometime after the battle in Egypt. If I were to simply go by their character, I would say that they found a more capable person to be lackeys for." Forge snickered as it looked like he didn't have a favorable impression of the two.

"You know what. Doesn't even matter. Out of sight, out of mind." Hank interjected with annoyance. He was angry that he had a crush on Mystique which she never answered and thus didn't want to ruin his good mood by talking about her.

"Well, actually I agree with Hank on this one. Whether good or bad they made their choice, we made our own. Now we will all have to deal with the consequences of our choices, whatever they might be." Ororo sighed as she looked at Rudeus in a thoughtful and longing manner, seemingly thinking deeply about something.


A sound came from a little far away. Everybody sitting there was startled. Their first reaction was to prepare themselves for battle. Even Rudeus' muscles tightened on instinct as he wondered how the enemies could have come inside the island since Selene's barrier spell was protecting the country's borders from attacks or any people with ill intent.

But it turned out that it was just some of the students trying out their power. They were actually trying to make it snow by Bobby throwing up ice blasts in the air and Pyro shooting his own fire blasts to blow up the ice attack and make it snow.

"Hahahaahaha." All of them laughed aloud at this as they calmed down. They were not in any danger. They could just chill out, relax and enjoy their time. They were currently among friends after all.

Soon they just let go of all of their worries and drank themselves silly while the underaged people which didn't include Rudeus since he had already given them some b.s reason about him being a god and not limited by age, began to sing and dance happily too, all the while they were still trying to steal some alcohol.

'I guess this is what I truly fight for, my real drive... besides my other wish to rule the world and be the strongest and potentially have multiple loyal beauties at my beck and call. This here is my primary motivation...., well at least one of my top five reasons of motivation. I hope this lasts forever.' Rudeus thought as he fondly looked at everyone enjoying the party like a very big, dysfunctional family.


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