Chapter 12: Ch12- ONSLAUGHT
[Gray POV]
Its been 2 days since I increased my strength. This world feels like it's made of cardboard, which I know is not true. I don't know how superman controlled his strength. But I am surely getting the hang of it. I am trying to make a VR machine that will help me train. Tomorrow I have my date with Gwen.
"Gray, come down for dinner.", came a shout from the kitchen.
"COMING", I shouted in annoyance, abruptly stopping my blueprint. I stood up and went for the dinner.
My mom was the usual – tired.
"Mom, next week we are going at Oscorp.", I told my mom about the school trip.
"For more party? Listen I know you ar--", she said before I cut her off
"for a field trip"
"Oh, I see, ok sure", She said calmly.
We finished off are dinner and headed to our rooms. I sat down at my computer,
"Alfred any News about Killgrave?"
"Kevin Thompson was a man who was experimented on by his parents since his childhood in order to treat a neurodegenerative disease, he gained a hypnosis mutation maybe telepathy.", said Alfred guessing as he didn't know the details.
"Any Idea about the location? ", I asked him
"No, sir he is rather careful but he took a flight from UK to NYC. He might still be in New York.", replied Alfred.
Kill grave AKA the purple man, was a very dangerous individual. I don't want to kill people but he is on my hitlist. Someone as dangerous as him is roaming around the city where my friends and family live. I can't let that happen.
"Alfred prepare the armour", I commanded.
I slipped into the ground and headed towards my cave. I wore my suit and took out my batpod or maybe I should just call it pod as I don't want to go full on batman. Time to make my debut, I guess my debut was when I fought the abomination.
"Alfred trace the CCTVs near the New York airport, and get me a general idea of where he could be.", ordered Alfred as I was phasing through the ground.
"He kept on changing the taxis, that made it difficult to track him. He kept using his abilities so no one knows where he went but at one point of time he did go to Chinatown.", Replied Alfred.
"Stop, I want you to investigate and track a PI named Jessica Jones.", I told him.
Since I am already here let me investigate the place. "Alfred tell me the Taxi's Locations, the one he took."
"He changed over 10 rides, only 2 got caught into in the CCTVs, I have sent you the locations of the taxis.", replied Alfred
Alright let's check the taxi's, I resurfaced to the ground in the middle of the road and headed towards the Taxi owners. I noticed that people were looking at me. Afterall I need to show up myself to the public. I phased back in the ground and came out again at random intervals. As I headed to the isolated parts of Chinatown
Jordan Kyle and Dave Brown were the names of the drivers . I found them near a warehouse. I stopped my pod and turned it into cloaking mode.
'Why would these taxi drivers come to a warehouse?', I wondered as I noticed over 6 Taxis. I turned on my infrared mode and looked around I noticed a few people around the warehouse. I looked inside the warehouse and found my equipment glitching. I activated advanced detection mode and started to listen to the conversation between a group of people who were sitting out of the ware house, they were wearing masks no doubt they were from the inner demons, and the malfunctioning equipment is probably because of a corrupted that is inside the warehouse
"Hey man …..zzz how do you think boss made this big of an empire…."
"zzz… I know, but we still … to rival kingpin"
"we have 20% … drivers…"
I heard and analysed the information in bits and pieces. It appears that 20% of taxi drivers are under Li's payroll. They have been creating connections and selling weapons through the custom taxi's that have a hidden compartment.
Alright time to make my debut. Again.
[Silva POV]
I am small time gangster from Hell's kitchen, trying to extend my reach to Chinatown because it was nearly impossible to further extend my territory in Hell's Kitchen and lower Manhattan because of Kingpin.
I thought it would be easy for me to unite the gangs in Chinatown and take over. However things went south when I met the Inner Demons. I am at a warehouse with 2 of my men beaten to a pulp in front of me was standing a tall man about 7 feet. Behind him were over a dozen men armed and dangerous. I was given 2 choices either to come under the banner of the inner demons or perish.
I had given up hope. Bound and bruised, I slumped against the cold concrete pillar, my breath shallow, my mind a dull haze of pain and despair. The men who had taken me—twenty, maybe thirty of them. Their weapons crackled with unnatural electricity, arcs of black and white energy snapping between their fingers like living things eager to be unleashed.
I was about to surrender when all of the sudden all the lights went black. The Inner Demons became agitated all of a sudden and threw a table . The table touched him and broke apart.
And then I heard it.
The first sound was a strangled gasp, sharp and brief, followed by the thud of a body hitting the ground. Then another. And another. In the consuming darkness, something moved—something fast, something precise. I couldn't see it, but I could hear the dull, sickening crunch of bone shattering, the wet gurgle of air escaping ruined throats.
Panic spread like wildfire. Men shouted, their voices rising in fear. The black and white electricity flared, desperate arcs illuminating glimpses of the massacre. A masked figure wove through them like a shadow given form, a force of nature wrapped in flesh and cloth. He moved without hesitation, without resistance. I have seen him somewhere, his physique vanishing and reappearing as the lighting brightened the place in short bursts.
A demon in front of me raised his weapon, his hands trembling as he fired blindly into the darkness. In the flashes of his own lightning, I saw the masked man appear beside him, too close, too sudden. A hand shot out, fingers like claws grasping his wrist. A snap. A scream. The weapon clattered to the floor.
Another man lunged with a blade wreathed in white energy. The masked man sidestepped effortlessly, twisting the attacker's own momentum against him. I heard ribs break, a wheeze of stolen breath before the man crumpled to the ground.
They tried to surround him, to overwhelm him with sheer numbers. It didn't matter. He slipped through their defences like water , his movements precise, brutal. A knee shattered a jaw. An elbow caved in a temple. A single punch lifted the leader off his feet before he collapsed in a twitching heap.
The last few tried to run.
They never made it.
One by one, they fell. The darkness swallowed their bodies, leaving only silence in its wake. And then the lights flickered back on.
He went to their leader and took of his mask, he then picked him up by the neck and spoke in a deep rumbling voice.
"Where are you supplying these weapons?"
"…WHERE !!?"
The inner demon didn't say anything. The masked man grabbed the wrist of the demon and –
Came the loud voice of the demon screaming. The masked man pressed his hand on the ribcage and asked again.
"TELL ME", he shouted staring the shit out me. I averted my gaze in fear.
"UGHH… Hell's Kitchen has a devil, he…. Stopped the supply of kingpin's guns. We are …aagh just trying to fill up the gap", the leader told him in broken sentences
The masked man dropped the leader to the ground and looked around the warehouse.
I dared to look up at him.
The room was painted in violence. Groaning bodies twitched on the floor, weapons lay broken, their crackling energy flickering and dying. And in the centre of it all, standing amidst the carnage, was him.
The mask betrayed no emotion, no humanity. Just a smooth, expressionless surface staring back at me with red glowing eyes.
He tilted his head slightly, as if studying me. And then, without a word, he turned and walked away, his footfalls eerily soft against the blood-slicked floor.
I heard the sirens outside. I stood up and raised my hands as I slowly walked towards the cops. I never thought that I would feel so relieved after seeing the cops.
"Help.. ", I shouted as they came towards me and took me in their custody
I still don't know if he was a man. Or something far, far worse.
I had trouble starting the chapter but I hope it ended well. I didn't show all the MCs abilities because they are his trump cards.
Drop a comment and tell me any errors that i may have made.