A mind beyond Marvel

Chapter 11: Ch11-ASCENSION

"Alfred? How long has it been ?"

"It's been 5 hours, since you passed out?"

"call my mom", I said as I walked towards the monitor

She picked up the call, "Hello" she said her voice echoing through the cave.

"Hey mom I am at a party so I will be late"

"Wait what!?", she asked, "Where are you?"

"I am going to a friend's house"

"Which friend are we talking about? I didn't think your friends were party people.", I checked all my friend's locations on the monitor and decided to go with Peter.

"…it's Peter he invited me to a party with Harry. I will be home at 11", I told her, right now the time is 7pm

"Ok, don't drink alcohol, Love you", my mom said

"Love you too, bye mom", I said as I hung up the call.

Then I asked Alfred to contact Peter who was with Harry, and explained them, although Peter was nervous, Harry said it's alright and he would cover for me. I thanked them and cut the call.

I extended my arm and a machine took out some of my blood, I had changed the needle to a steel-titanium alloy or else it might not have been able to pierce my skin. As soon as the needle left my body I noticed a red tint on my shin and the injection mark was gone.

"Alfred, run diagnostics", I ordered him

I went to a Hydraulic press that I made to test my strength, This particular hydraulic press can exert a weight of 50 tons. I mean even normal Hydraulic presses can exert a force of 20 tons. I lied under it and started lifting. I did so 10 times and in the last rep I used all my strength.

"Sire, you can lift 16 tons, and in the last set you lifted 20 tons", Alfred commented.

"How much Physical strength improvement did the original serum provide?", I asked

"About 3 tons lifting strength.", replied Alfred

That makes sense this is a much more perfected version and I have yet to check out the Compound V effect . I am much stronger than Spider-man who in most versions can lift about 9 – 12 tons. We went ahead and conducted all the necessary tests. The results were as follows

Lifting strength – 16-20 tons

Running speed- 170 to 200 kmph

Regen factor – can regrow hand below elbow in 37 seconds.

Durability – bullet proof to small Caliber bullets.

"sire, I have discovered your new mutation caused by the improved Compound V "

"And what is it ?"

"Your bio field is generating an extreme amount of dipole-dipole force." Replied Alfred

"I understand the situation", I extended my arm towards a chair 10m away from me and it came flying towards me

"Understand, you have ", replied Alfred mimicking Yoda. "You also have the upgraded version of the fire breathing ability of Extrimis. You can freely release plasma from any part of my body".

I decided to try heat vision. I focused on releasing the energy inside my eyes but it came out as a flashlight instead of a laser. I guess I will have to work it up, I raised my hand cand conjured fire. It was as if my hand was burning. I instantly knew that I could control the temperature of the heat. I could make it from mildly warm to "Alfred what is the temperature of my heat?"

"The one you released right now was 700C but by analysing your blood I believe you can go up to 1500C, if you could concentrate your heat vision you may even go further. The upper limits are unknown.", He clarified.

"I see, Alfred. I could use the Force to shape my Plasma". I raised my hand and generated flames, I used the Force to focus the plasma and concentrate it in the centre. I tried a few times but I failed.

"This is going to take while Alfred, I cannot create a plasma ball, it might be due to my uneven application of the Force, I will have to train my force.", I said to Alfred . We did some more experiments on the Force, I asked Alfred about the results, "What are the upper limits of the Force how much can I lift?"

"Sire you can lift 15 tons using force, but the thing is the more precise use the less strength you can use, the more strength you use the less precision. As for the control, you can cut an apple but not peel it.". I heard Alfred. This upgrade not only had given me new abelites but I can use more percentage of OFA. "It seems that it takes a high tool for using the force". I was feeling extremely tired.

Earlier if I used my Intuitive skill too much or with higher potency. I used to get migraine. I channelled more of my powers as now I could take more of it without harming myself. My brain was working even faster than before. I was subconsciously counting the dust particles in front of me, I decided to phase through gravity. I did the necessary calculations in my mind and freed myself. Earlier, I could only do it for 30s before passing out. Another problem was that I was just a floating blob I couldn't control my direction.

My feet were floating a meter above the ground. I used the force to push myself of the ground and I started flying freely. I went around the cave phasing through everything and flying. "Alfred is any one nearby the mine.", I asked Alfred "No, master Grant, there is no one, I have already hacked into the CCTVs, You can enjoy. ". as soon as I heard this I went straight up.

Passing through the ground. I went up floating. Before I knew I was already near the clouds. I looked at the bright serene moon. It looked magnificent in the night sky I looked below and saw the buildings that looked extremely small from up there I took a deep breath but the air just phased through my mouth. I couldn't feel the wind nor the cold. If I made even my skin tangible I will fall. Maybe I can fly just with the force, but it takes quite a drain. I became tangible again and fell towards the ground. I could feel the chill, I could feel the wind of the night sky. I phased through the cave and slowly slowed down. "Alfred, analysis?"

"I would say you can fly 2hr, your flying speed is also not too fast around 150kmph, which is slower than your running speed. ", He answered, I checked the time it was already 10:40. I decided to head home.

I got to reached home and my mom came and gave me a hug. "Please do not hug her", Alfred reminded in a serious tone. I knew I shouldn't hug her. I have little control over my strength and might end up accidently crushing her.

"Goodnight, mom", I said as I headed towards my room.

"Goodnight, Honey", she replied.

I lied on my bed, and started deciding the next thing I need to do. I can access more of Forge/ Sage's intellect and make even better things. I can now say that I am probably the top 5 smartest person on this planet.

"Alfred I need to create something so that I get the hang of using my strength." I told him.

"That is indeed true, sire. It may take you a month to naturally get the control of your strength." He replied.

I closed my eyes to get some sleep.


Drop a comment, guys I was wondering what should I give him from Compound V. I decided to give him the Force. 

p.s. I don't want to make him way too op too fast. There are a lot of ways to gain more strength.

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