In the quiet town of Forks, Washington, a new mystery unfolds with the arrival of Raphael Egret, Bella's distant cousin. Harboring secrets, secrets even to himself, that were darker and even ancient, he attends Forks High School alongside Bella. Similarly to Bella, he's drawn to the enigmatic Cullen Family.
But Raphael brings his own shadows to this rainy corner of the world, a darker and even more ancient shadow that lays dormant beneath the surface, slowly awakening in the presence of the Cullens.
As Bella and Edward's romance blooms, fosters, and even sometimes stumbles, Raphael finds himself caught between his own dark shadow and an unexpected encounter with his own budding feelings.
Twilight: Petrichor novel is a popular light novel covering Book&literature genres. Written by the Author _Throw_Away_ . Read Twilight: Petrichor novel online for free.