In the Sinnoh region, 12 years before Lucas embarked on his adventure...
Cynthia, the future of Sinnoh, finally began her journey as a bonafide trainer. However, due to certain twists of events, she meets Maguro, a fellow newbie Pokémon trainer.
A rivalry sparked between the two as they learn about each other, eventually leading to a Pokémon battle. Being one of the most brilliant geniuses of their generation, Cynthia was surprised that Maguro could not only hold his ground, but even overpower her Gible.
'Clearly, he is more than meets the eye...' she thought. The more Cynthia tried to learn about him, the more puzzled she was. His actions were enigmatic, and even Maguro himself felt like a mystery.
Just what secrets lie within that trainer? Follow the adventure of two trainers, one being an upright and just while the other embarks on a darker path as their destinies only continue to intertwine...
The Renegade Trainer novel is a popular light novel covering Video games genres. Written by the Author YumeShumi . Read The Renegade Trainer novel online for free.