Zombie King Opens a Restaurant in Her Last Days

Chapter 36

“…” How did this courage protect the group of children by himself? Fu Cao’s mouth twitched slightly, though he was unhappy, but he knew.

I don’t seem to be afraid of Long Ge’s girls, almost …

Seeing Fu Cao’s eyes, Lin Yiyi smiled a little embarrassedly, got up from the ground and told Fu Cao that there was a steaming cabinet in the school. You can use the school’s steaming cabinet to steam rice.

So Fu Cao asked Lin Yiyi to find Zhang Zhongmin and let people get the steamed rice cabinet out.

Everyone knows that you can eat a big meal today, so that when training is a bit overwhelming. Zhang Zhongmin now only catches newcomers who have just entered the base. Everyone else opens their eyes and closes their eyes. Anyway, if they want to live well, they must seriously train to kill the zombies.

Besides, everyone is very serious. Occasionally on such a day, Zhang Zhongmin doesn’t think it’s a bad thing.

When I heard that I was going to take out the steamed rice cabinet of the school, many people immediately expressed their enthusiasm and said they would help move things.

The adults were lazy, and the children who had been training seriously on the side could not hold back. Lin Xiaoya was a simmering child, and finally ran to ask Zhang Zhongmin, only after Zhang Zhongmin’s approval agreed to enlarge the family to rest for a day.

As soon as Qiu was disbanded, he happily ran to Qiu Yinlan.

The children were disbanded, and those who were lazy and untrained were disbanded one after another. Zhang Zhongmin simply asked them to help Fu Ke.

But the exclusive hotel is too small to accommodate so many people. So most of them are still a rare day off.

After the dissolution, Qiu Yinlan leaned against the tree, chanting words. Fu Ke, who was busy at this time, had no intention to pay attention to the school.

Moreover, during this time, Fu Cao looked at Qiu Yinlan when she had time. Although she thought she was strange, she found nothing.

Lin Zhibin disappeared, and there was no big storm in the base. Xiao Bin felt that he should be relying on his own abilities, and was afraid of being punished in the base, so he did not want to stay in the base.

In all fairness, even if Lin Zhibin had the ability, the thought of hiding the fact that he was injured. Xiao Bin couldn’t help it.

“Mom.” Qiu Tiao ran happily.

A little smile appeared on Qiu Yinlan’s serious face. He squatted down and hugged Qiuya and nodded his nose: “Play with your children, come back after dinner.”

“Well, good!” Qiu Cheng left obediently.

After Qiuya left, the smile on Qiu Yinlan’s face gradually disappeared: “What made me complete my task? Lin Zhibin is dead, but Qiuya has not grown up yet.”

If Fu Cao noticed Qiu Yinlan at this time, he would find that Qiu Yinlan’s pinna had a virtual transparent thing clasped at this time.

“Yes, your task has been completed. Now there are more important things to be given to you. We have already negotiated with Qiu Yinlan. Anyway, Lin Zhibin is dead, and without Lin Zhibin, Qiu Qi will grow up without problems. “Voice came from the communicator.

Qiu Yinlan was very dissatisfied, but took a few deep breaths: “Yes, so what is the more important thing?”

“I think you have discovered that someone in Qiu Yinlan’s time and space has caused a change. You need to eradicate this stranger. Of course, I know that your duty is not here, we will arrange people as soon as possible. You only need assistance. it is good.”

misfortune? Qiu Yinlan raised her eyebrows slightly: “Are you talking about Fu Cao?”

She had long felt that something was wrong. Qiu Qiao in the previous life did not come here so early, and there were very few people who survived, only a few children.

Lin Yiyi did not survive.

They were brought back by Liu Guoan in the last life, but this time they became Fu Cao.

“Yes, it’s her.” The voice in the communicator said.

“Which way did she change?” Qiu Yinlan’s tone was a little bad: “001, even if she caused the change, it is also going in the good direction. So far, I haven’t seen her doing anything harmful. Use To eradicate her? “

“707, is this the tone you speak to me? You just have to obey the command, understand?” The voice in the communicator became dangerous.

“Yes, obey the order, but what is wrong with Fu Cao?” Qiu Yinlan didn’t understand.

“According to the original development, Lu Xun will become a corpse instead of becoming a power. Lin Yiyi will die. Chen Ju and Lin Xiaoya’s mother and daughter should be eaten by zombies in the supermarket …”

“Her appearance changed those people who had no future. Understand? She caused a change in this world and must die.”

001 said seriously and seriously that the 707 was not performing this eradication task. But this time, to eliminate Fu Cao, we really need 707 to help.

“But Fu Cao saved them! If this is called the cause of change, then I helped Qiu Yinlan kill Lin Zhibin and protect Qiu. Didn’t it also cause the change?” 707 asked indifferently.

“How can this be confused?” 001 was annoyed: “Qiu Yinlan’s changes were exchanged for her at a price!”

707 hasn’t spoken for a while, and she has been proud of her profession to help those poor people. But for the first time she was a bit suspicious.

Paid the price? She never knew she would help others, and others would have to pay the price.

What price can one pay after a person dies?

She feels ridiculous, she can change the lives of others. Only because others paid the price. And Fu Cao saved people because he did n’t pay the same amount of money?

Chest was suffocated, and 707 was silent.

“Just like you, Qiu Yinlan can pay the price to change the destiny of the people she wants to change. But you can’t intervene in things other than her. One reason, understand?” 001 saw her silence and her voice soft. Down.

for a long time.

707 just nodded: “I see.”

At the end of the call, the virtual communicator on the pinna gradually disappeared. Qiu Yinlan’s posture remained unchanged, leaning against the big tree behind for a long time.

“Dinner, why are you still here, Sister Qiu?” Qiu Yingying walked over and pulled a child in her hand.

“Mom, it’s time to eat. Let’s go too soon!” Qiu Ying let go of Qiu Yingying’s hand and ran to hold 707’s hand.

707 smiled when she saw Qiuya’s consciousness, but looked up at Qiu Yingying: “What’s wrong with you? His face is not very good.”

Qiu Yingying shrugged her shoulders: “I went to help in the past. I washed rice and steamed rice and used too much water. I almost couldn’t get it. If there was Fu Ke, I wouldn’t be able to do it.”

With that, her eyes were shining: “It’s not easy to upgrade abilities. I didn’t expect that I was so wasteful. Seeing Fu Cao uses so much water for cooking and cooking, what stage do you say Fu Cao’s abilities?”

Seeing her curious look, 707 shrugged: “Who knows?”

The tricycle transported back the white rice plate by plate, and then went back to pull the dishes back. A lot of people are strong. After a while, they are pulled by the car, and a few people lift it.

It was much faster than the last time, and all of them got into the cafeteria in a while.

When you share the meal, you get excited one by one.

“Steamed dumplings! There are steamed dumplings. Mommy, I want to eat steamed dumplings.” When Qiu saw the steamed dumplings, his eyes lit up and his saliva almost fell out. Shouted 707.

There are only twenty bags of steamed dumplings, even if one person is unevenly divided.

It happened that Zhang Zhongmin heard Qiu Tong’s voice, and immediately let people leave the steamed dumplings to the children.

This time the dish was a hodgepodge made by Fu Cao with reference to the hot pot.

Several large-mouth stainless steel cauldrons, poured a lot of hot pot ingredients and water. Because there are so many people who help, Fu Cao let them chop the ribs, chop the chicken, chop chicken, hairy belly, pork belly, heart and pig intestine.

There is a lot of meat and vegetables, and it is the mustard bags collected from the supermarket that give them meals. He directly divided a bag.

At noon, eat like a New Year’s Day. The weather is very hot, eating this hot soup is even hotter. But no one complained, and all smiled.

“It would be nice if I could eat real hot pot next time, preferably at night …”

“You think it’s really beautiful, and some of them are good to eat. What daydreams are you doing?”

“Hey …”

Several people squatted and squatted to eat while talking, but Zhang Zhongmin moved in his heart, eating while eating and walking away.

“Squad leader Zhang, where are you going?” Lu Xun also came over with his meal.

The sun was dizzy under the scorching sun. Abilities are better, and ordinary people feel uncomfortable. But fortunately, it was uncomfortable at first, and now I am slowly getting used to it.

“Go to Fu Cao.” Zhang Zhongmin smiled on his face.

“I’m going with you.” Lu Xun said and went out with him, but Zhang Zhongmin stopped, “What are you going to do?”

The smile on Zhang Zhongmin’s face disappeared, making Lu Xun somewhat strange. He blinked: “If you don’t do anything, you want to go and see Fu Cao. Squad leader Zhang, what did you do in the past?”

Lu Xun somehow felt a little hairy, under the scorching sun, he would actually feel a bit cold on his back. In the blue sky, can’t you see the ghost?

“…” Zhang Zhongmin looked at Landing Xun with some confusion, but Lu Xun was inexplicable.

In the end, Zhang Zhongmin went silently and didn’t want to speak anymore. It’s just a tight heart, but I can’t figure out why I don’t want Lu Xun to join him.

In fact, he still likes Lu Xun very much. He felt a little bored at this time.

Exclusive restaurant.

Fu Cao’s honey abalone was brought out and placed on the table. Below the abalone were the hot fans, and the abalone was neatly arranged on it.

The abalone is not small, and it is also bloomed with a knife.

The red peppers were chopped and then sprinkled with hot oil, sprinkled with green onions. Finally, pour the sauce of honey abalone on top.

There is a lot of garlic in the honey juice, the aroma is pungent.

“Fu Cao, you can sit down and eat.” Looking at the seafood on a table, Mo Zaiting swallowed his mouth and said a little embarrassedly.

Although they all gave the crystal nucleus, Qin Long was lucky. He always felt that those crystal nuclei could not be exchanged for these things at all, so he secretly thought that he would get more crystal nuclei to come over and give Fu Cao.

Always take advantage of others, do they have to shame their faces?

“Yes, yeah, Fu Cao, please sit down. You have worked hard.” Lin Jing diligently pulled the chair beside to let Fu Cao sit.

Jane also quickly went to get the tableware.

“No, you eat. I’m not hungry yet.” Fu Cao waved his hand with a smile.

“You have been tired for so long, how come you are not hungry? We are embarrassed if you don’t want to eat.” Jane took the tableware round and put it, his face was very serious.

“…” Fu Cao was so embarrassed that she would say that she would have diarrhea after eating. Will these people believe it?

And it’s not just diarrhea, it can’t be digested anyway. Uncomfortable, uncomfortable, remembering the misery of eating something that humans ate in the last life, Fu Caojing Xie Unmin.

“Okay, Fu Cao had eaten it just now. It is estimated that she is not hungry now.” Qin Long said: “She estimates that she can’t eat any more now. Isn’t there something to say? Tiangan hasn’t been hungry for three years.

He said solemnly that the other three were stunned. Then he burst out laughing.

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