Zombie King Opens a Restaurant in Her Last Days

Chapter 30

“Squad leader, why are you here?” Xiao Bin also said that no one was found everywhere, but he was sitting by the truck.

“It’s okay, I just want to sit here, why are you here, this big night.” It’s not too late at night, but the sky is dark and there is no electricity, and the outside can only be illuminated by a bright moon.

But the moon’s light is much dimmer than it was before the end, so it has little effect.

Xiao Bin rubbed his hands, and he began to whisper in his heart. The squad leader was still sitting by the truck? But he came here to tell the truth.

“Before there were many people, I still have nothing to tell you.” Xiao Bin said in earnest: “Lin Zhibin of the third squad and three squads was scratched by the zombies today, but no one found.”

“I also discovered it accidentally after I came back before. He had a fever and the injured place was inconspicuous. He did not say that he was injured. I think we have to pay attention to this matter.”

It’s nothing to discover this time, next time? Such important things, big and small, are sloppy.

Zhang Zhongmin heard the words and his face became serious: “What about people?”

“Tied in an empty classroom, I went to see Weiwei when I returned to the bedroom. I still have a fever, and my consciousness is chaotic. I don’t know if I can support it.” Xiao Bin sighed.

But regardless of whether he could hold it on, he had no good feelings for Lin Zhibin in his heart.

Was injured by the zombies, as long as he has not become a zombies. No one will ignore him, but he chose to hide. He clearly knows that there is a great possibility that he will be turned into a zombie if he is scratched by the zombie.

The chance of becoming a power person is very small.

“Tomorrow will not go out to collect supplies. Tomorrow, we will organize everyone to gather in the grove. I think this matter must have a response.” After a pause, Zhang Zhongmin thought of Qiu Yinlan, and was even more uncomfortable.

“There is also the protection of women in the school.” Zhang Zhongmin said solemnly: “Even at the end of the day, I don’t care what other places look like, but at least here, I don’t allow anyone to lose their humanity.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Zhongmin stood up: “Xiao Bin, you go to notify the class monitors, we will go to the school conference room for a meeting.”

“Yes.” Xiao Bin didn’t expect Zhang Zhongmin to call an emergency meeting because of what he said. Thinking of Du Weiwei who was still waiting for him in the bedroom, there was no time to notify her.

Zhang Zhongmin strode out of the school and went to find Lu Xun in Fu Cao.

Lu Xun is also one of the squad leaders. Naturally, he is also going to attend this meeting. To put it bluntly, this meeting is really important, they are now gradually taking shape of the base, but there are many loopholes.

The number of students in schools has increased dramatically. If these problems are not dealt with now, these problems will become more serious in the future. When the time comes to think about it, I may be overwhelmed and underpowered.

Lu Xun was talking to Fu Cao, and Fu Cao looked at the man standing at the door and smiled: “Monitor Zhang.”

A glowing battery lamp was placed on the table. Fu Cao had collected some in the supermarket before, but did not remember it for a while. Plus at night she can see clearly even without lights.

Zhang Zhongmin looked at the lamp: “Lu Xun told you?”

Fu Cao looked at Zhang Zhongmin and said with a smile: “I know that it is not easy for you to get a generator. You will help me install the generator tomorrow. How about I promise to cook for the whole school once?

She thought that Zhang Zhongmin didn’t explain clearly, so she went on a trip by herself.

Fu Cao understands that she can find the generator in a short time by herself, and can easily bring it back. However, even if she is strong in spirit like a generator, she will not install it.

They worked hard to get the generator back and helped her install it. Although the number of people in the school has increased. However, when the rice cooker can be used, it is actually more convenient.

However, Zhang Zhongmin blocked it inexplicably.

But still agreed: “That line, just the end of this month.”

Occasionally give everyone a delicious meal, so that they can be full, but not always like this. The last time was a thousand crystal nuclei, this time it was a generator. No one knows if there will be another next time.

They can never let them get into the habit.

“Okay, no problem.” But Fu Cao saw Zhang Zhongmin’s eyes fell on the battery-powered desk lamp. Although the energy-saving light bulbs use batteries, the brightness is still acceptable.

Seeing his intent look, Fu Cao’s eyes lit up suddenly. This thing is not useful to her, but very useful to humans: “Monitor Zhang likes this desk lamp? I still have a lot here.”

Under that white light, Zhang Zhongmin clearly saw the flash of light in her eyes.

Just now, my heart was still blocked, but at this time Zhang Zhongmin felt a little funny: “I want a lamp, how many crystal cores do you want?”

Although during the meeting, just listen to the sound. But he felt it was better to have lights, to see who was sitting where, and the expression on everyone’s face.

“Not many, five crystal nuclei.” Fu Cao smiled and reached out his hand.

Five … Zhang Zhongmin looked at her: “Don’t you say that every cake has only one nucleus? Now in this world, food is more important than this lamp.”

“I also said that the price is only temporary, everything depends on my mood.” Fu Cao said indifferently.

Her price is now set so low, entirely for the sake of these humans. But when the second-order zombies and the third-order zombies appear in the future, it will naturally be different again.

Zhang Zhongmin slightly twitched his mouth, but nodded and agreed: “I will give it to you when I send the generator tomorrow. Can I take the desk lamp now?”

Fu Cao directly gave him the lamp on the table: “The battery should be given away.”

“…” Zhang Zhongmin.

Looking at them even coming and going, Lu Xun always felt something was wrong. After looking at Zhang Zhongmin, he was called away by Zhang Zhongmin.

After Zhang Zhongmin left, Fu Cao closed the door.

She first went to the space and looked at it. There was a lot of food in the space, but the food collected from the supermarket seemed to be useless during this time. After all, Zhang Zhongmin went back and collected a lot.

The doomsday soil has also deteriorated, and the planted things cannot be eaten. However, they found a plant that can adapt to the soil of the last days. They have been tested and can be used by humans without poison.

It’s just that the plant has a bad taste and was later made into a nutrient solution, which is said to be difficult to drink.

Fu Cao vaguely remembered the appearance of the plant, but he didn’t know where they found it. Fu Cao took off his contact lenses and looked at the **** eyes in the mirror unclearly.

This in the end is why?

It was almost the same as human beings just after being reborn. Basically, no one except her herself knew that she was a zombie, but after becoming an eleventh-order zombie, her eyes actually turned red again.

Can’t help but touch the corners of her eyes, is she going to evolve, and will all the zombie features appear one by one?

Leaving the space, Fu Cao went out of the window like a residual image. She returned to the villa she had bought in a short time.

Just at the door of the villa, Fu Cao stopped.

Someone inside!

Conference room of D City University.

Sixteen squad leaders, as well as Li Yun, are now the ministers of the school’s logistics department, counting the number of schools and daily temperature measurement are the elderly led by Li Yun to do these things.

The school’s conference table is very long, with a total of ten people on both sides and two ends. Now that seventeen people are obviously unable to sit down, everyone moved the stool and sat on it.

In fact, although there are not many places, the 17 people sitting here are not crowded.

“Let everyone come over today, there is a very urgent matter to discuss with everyone.” Zhang Zhongmin sat in the first place, put his hands on the table and glanced at the sitting people.

Although the white light in the middle of the conference table did not allow him to see everyone clearly, it was not too blurred.

“Liu Guoan responded to me one thing before, that was in school. Someone had committed rape. Rape. This evil behavior!” Zhang Zhongmin said, looking up at everyone’s expression.

Apart from insiders Li Yun and Liu Guoan, everyone else was shocked.

Even Xiao Bin did not expect that he thought Zhang Zhongmin would say about Lin Zhibin, but did not expect to report such a horrifying thing: “Who is it?”

“Squad leader, who is it?” The hearts of the people below float, but without exception, they all hate such people.

“Who it is, we don’t know yet.” Zhang Zhongmin saw that their expressions weren’t fake, and he gradually relaxed a little. As long as this person is not in this group, he is at ease.

“It’s very difficult to check now, but we shouldn’t just sit back and ignore them and take corresponding measures.”

“Today, Xiao Bin discovered that someone accidentally got injured when he went out on a mission, but tried to hide it and almost made a mistake! So, at this evening’s meeting, do you have any good suggestions for the measures taken in response to these two things?”

“If we can’t find the murderer of rape, we must take preventive measures. Including such things as going out to work and hiding things, we must also take measures.”

Everyone you look at me, I look at you.

Xie Bajin, the monitor of the eleventh class, finally spoke.

Xie Bajin was not one of Zhang Zhongmin’s class before the end of the day, but one of the school’s security teams. In fact, the university security team is relatively idle.

When he is okay, he likes to watch movies or novels to pass the time.

He had no response to the **** case, but he had seen this in the novel before concealing the injury.

“Squad leader Zhang, I suggest that every person who goes out of the task must have a routine inspection. So it is necessary to organize a medical team to be responsible for inspection and isolation. It is best to get out of a quarantine area. If there is an injury or illness Temporarily isolate people when they are infected. “

Zhang Zhongmin nodded: “Squad leader Xie’s suggestion is very good. Does anyone have anything to add?”

He thought about the feasibility of what Xie Bajin said.

Xiao Bin looked at him: “Squad leader, I think the quarantine zone said by squad leader Xie is very good. But it is recommended to keep the quarantine zone outside the school. After all, if it is in the school, no one knows whether there will be any danger.”

“But if it’s outside, those isolated are not very dangerous?”

“We can increase the number of people guarding in turns at the gate to ensure the safety of those who are quarantined. The gate of the school was originally guarded 24 hours a day.”

“Every time we go out, there are sixteen classes. A small team from each class will go out. If it is a routine inspection when we come back, will there be too many people, and the inspection is too slow?”

There are nearly 20 people in one class, and more than 200 people in 16 classes. When can you check one by one?

In the huge conference room, it was a real excitement, and they all discussed the suggestions made by Xie Bajin.

Du Weiwei had been waiting for Xiao Bin to see that he hadn’t come back, and he was worried. But I thought that Xiao Bin wouldn’t go out and there would be no danger.

He didn’t come back, Du Weiwei couldn’t sleep. After opening the door, the air conditioner suddenly turned in, and quickly closed the door.

The darker the sky, the colder it is. Du Weiwei returned to bed and wrapped herself in a quilt, her teeth trembling.

Worrying about Xiao Bin, Du Weiwei couldn’t help but think of Qin Long.

Qin Long was left because of Fu Cao, making Du Weiwei a little uneasy. But she also saw today that the girl was pulling Qin Long without pretentiousness. That sweet smile didn’t dislike Qin Long or fear Qin Long?

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