Zombie King Opens a Restaurant in Her Last Days

Chapter 11

Fu Cao threw Lu Xun a long knife, about half a meter long: “Take the self-defense. Although the gold power can condense itself into a weapon, your current power level is too low, even the whole body is hardened. Not possible. “

Then take out the crystal nucleus and say: “A power can absorb the energy in the crystal nucleus. You can absorb the energy here to enhance your own abilities, but this is only an auxiliary effect.”

“Of course, I don’t know the specific way of promotion. I can only explore it myself.” Fu Cao shrugged his shoulders after saying: “OK, let’s go.”

“Thank you …” Lu Xun felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. He always felt that Fu Cao’s impatience was like chasing flies.

Because of the shortage of food, Zhang Zhongmin announced that he needed to go out to find supplies after just half a month of training. In fact, at the beginning of the training, everyone in the school vaguely knew that after the training, the next step was definitely Is to go out to find supplies.

But when this day came, everyone was very scared. But no one dared to speak.

Because we all know that there is not much food in the school. If you do not look for supplies, you will starve to death even if you are not eaten by zombies.

There are a total of 2,832 people in the school, which is aside from the old teachers in the school.

The school’s coach plus ten Zhang Zhongmin, five security team, one Lu Xun. Each led a class, so it was divided into sixteen classes.

There were 177 people in each class. Although the people assigned to the security team were not very happy, they were okay. Because the school’s security team retired from the army, although not as active as the soldiers, but no one is making trouble.

The class assigned to Lu Xun was upset.

“Instructor Zhang, why should Lu Xun bring a class? And why should we be assigned to Lu Xun?” The speaker obviously knew Lu Xun.

But this sentence also asked many people’s voices.

“Yeah, like us, he participated in training with us. Why did he let him lead the team, he led me to disobey!”

“I’m not convinced! Instructor Zhang, I know that the number of instructors is limited, but you can’t treat us like this. What is Lu Xun’s ability to lead us?”

“Yeah, so I dare not go out to look for supplies. A person like us will lead, and I feel completely insecure.”

The person assigned to Lu Xun’s class suddenly exploded.

If you say something to me, it’s hilarious, and the big playground is noisy.

In the exclusive restaurant, Fu Caoxiao’s eyebrows were curved, and pear vortex was sitting at the door with the corner of his mouth. The door at the door was already opened, and the vertical signboards that were all found were covered with a piece of white paper with large lines written on them.

And she was observing the school with her mental strength. She laughed even more when she heard someone questioning Lu Xun.

Lu Xun ’s ability is definitely no better than those of active duty soldiers, even if he has the ability, he will not become invincible at once. If Zhang Zhongmin didn’t know he had abilities, he didn’t know that his hole cards might suffer.

But once he knew what his powers were, Lu Xun’s gold powers, which hadn’t even broken through the second rank, were not Zhang Zhongmin’s opponents at all.

But from the time they started training, Fu Cao observed occasionally. Although Lu Xun has abilities, he is not arrogant at all. I’m also very serious when training.

It can be said that the training is very good, and the whole school is pulled out, and no one can compare with Lu Xun. Therefore, Zhang Zhongmin will let Lu Xun take a class alone.

Using mental force to ‘look’ at Zhang Zhongmin ’s dark face, his sharp eyes glanced at the people below.

Perhaps he was calmed by his eyes, and the sound below became smaller and smaller, and became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared completely.

“I know that everyone has doubts about this decision I made. There are doubts and even dissatisfaction.” Zhang Zhongmin said loudly after they were quiet.

Looking at the straight group of people standing below, the effect of the training during this time is still obvious.

At least the standards of standing are very standard. Even when I was noisy just now, I did not mess up with the formation.

“Why should I ask Lu Xun to bring a class alone? Because Lu Xun has so far been the most serious training and the most effective in these half months!”

“Of course, this is only the second, and more importantly. He can give everyone protection, and I don’t need to be poor. If he can’t help …” Zhang Zhongmin ticked the corner of his mouth gently: “Even me, I didn’t Method.”

In the past half month, Zhang Zhongmin has been observing Lu Xun. Say it’s observation, but also take precautions.

After all, he has abilities, which is different from ordinary people. People with superpowers, especially a young man, are children. It is easy to be arrogant and arrogant.

However, Lu Xun did not. He always maintained the same posture as before, and did not feel that he was superior to the power, which made Zhang Zhongmin appreciate it.

Secondly, when faced with danger and need to test the temporary response, Lu Xun responded quickly and was able to make the most beneficial decision in the shortest time.

If it were not in the last days, Zhang Zhongmin would definitely take such people to the army.

In short, half a month, training plus inspection. Zhang Zhongmin feels that Lu Xun is capable and has the qualification to take a class alone.

They are limited in number and energy. It is not impossible to divide into fifteen classes, but there are too many people in one class.

The following suddenly started whispering again.

Because although training during this time, Lu Xun is indeed very good. But I think Teacher Zhang’s words are too exaggerated. None of the people present felt that Lu Xun was comparable to Instructor Zhang.

No, it should be that Lu Xun could not compare with any instructor, not even the security guards.

So this led to the groaning of 177 people who were assigned to Lu Xun’s class.

“I know you don’t believe it, but all of you who have trained with Lu Xun know it. You can’t beat him, right?” Zhang Zhongmin narrowed his eyes.

“Of course, if we fight alone, I am indeed better than Lu Xun. But …”

Zhang Zhongmin drew a dagger from his waist and directly attacked Lu Xun behind him.

There was a cry of excitement from the audience. I didn’t expect Teacher Zhang to say that he would do it. There was no sign at all.

A group of people who had stood behind him backed away, and no one came to block it. Let them have enough space. Without any warning, Lu Xun froze for a moment.

But the conditioned reflex began to block Zhang Zhongmin’s attack.

He did not know what abacus Zhang Zhongmin was playing, nor did he know how to deal with it. So they can only defend and dare not attack. But over time, Lu Xun’s forehead secreted dense sweat.

With a look of emotion, although he didn’t know what Zhang Zhongmin wanted to do, he showed no mercy. Lu Xun, who is only defensive, can’t bear it.

Suddenly his eyes changed, he changed his defensive strategy and started to fight back.

Zhang Zhongmin also had some surprises, but did not expect that Lu Xun could persist for so long.

What he didn’t know is that the abilities not only have one more ability than ordinary people, but also have better physique than ordinary people.

Just as the dagger in Zhang Zhongmin’s hand crossed Lu Xun’s arm, some timid below could not help but whispered.

However, all eyes are on the ground. Lu Xun’s arm turned into a metallic color directly. The dagger made a clear noise as it crossed.

The audience suddenly became silent.

Those who saw clearly were stunned.

Zhang Zhongmin wiped the sweat from his forehead, put his dagger away and turned his head to look at the following group of people: “Yes, Lu Xun is still a power man.”

Lu Xun quietly put back the metalized nails just now.

This is the result of his secret training at night during this time, although there is no way to make a knife or the like. But you can metalize your fingernails and turn them into sharp weapons.

This is also thanks to his understanding of gold powers when he read novels.

The three words of abilities are like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

All the people in the audience were stunned. Who doesn’t know the abilities of the younger generation? Has anyone ever read a novel?

Qiu Yingying was the most shocked.

She had observed before to see if there were any abilities around her, but to her disappointment, the people around them had no abilities at all.

Every time she sees that everyone is drinking water but dare not drink too much, she has an urge to say that she is a water power.

But thinking that there are no abilities in school, she does not want to be treated as alien. So I don’t dare to say that I just endured it, and every time I drink water, I drink as carefully as they do.

When I returned to the bedroom, I dared to drink.

However, Zhang Zhongmin now says that there are abilities in the school. Instructor Zhang also knows that they are also gold abilities in the combat department! Qiu Yingying covered her mouth, it was hard to believe.

While she was carefully hiding her powers, Lu Xun exposed her powers without mind.

“Now, do you have any opinions about the person who let Lu Xun lead? If so, you can submit it. Now if you don’t believe him, just stand on the right and I will reassign you to other classes in a while . “

Zhang Zhongmin’s strong voice rang on the playground.

People in the sixteenth class, that is, Lu Xun’s class, have you look at me, I look at you, but no one spoke.

There is still some fanaticism in the eyes.

That’s a power man! I do n’t know if Lu Xun ’s power is still a first-order power, and can only harden a small part of the body. Now it’s not easy to metallize nails as weapons.

So everyone’s eyes looked at the land with a trace of enthusiasm.

People at other classes began to envy Lu Xun’s class at this time.

Zhang Zhongmin nodded with satisfaction: “Since there is no opinion now, I don’t want to hear any questions about your squad leader again, understand?”

“Understood!” More than two thousand people said in unison.

“Now, the squad leader of each class divides your class into several teams, and then starts the training of each class. Two days later, we set off to collect supplies!” Zhang Zhongmin said.

“Yes!” The audience was fierce.

Fu Cao looked down at the vertical sign, and dragged in silently.

She had already finished the crystal nucleus that Lu Xun had obtained before. After eating the crystal nucleus, the raw pork again felt very unpleasant. She misses the taste of crystal nuclei.

Now she doesn’t want to eat pork as long as she is not hungry.

Originally thinking that they were about to leave, Fu Cao was also prepared to put the signboard at the door to attract their attention, and the result was good. There are two days left!

Each class is divided into ten teams, there are seven teams of eighteen, and three teams of only seventeen. The captain of each team was selected separately.

Of course, because they are not very familiar, they are only temporary captains and may change in the future.

Then the sixteen classes don’t open for the last two days of training.

The university in City D is still very large and basically can be separated from each other after being separated.

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