Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 20 - Now start to explain

Sike, who didn’t know the catastrophe was about to come, was sitting in the room sorting out his supplies. His left hand was wrapped in layers of bandages, and he seemed to be seriously injured.

Because of the injury on his hand, he cleaned up for a while and felt a thin layer of sweat oozing from his forehead.

When the door was knocked when he was about to sit down and rest for a while, Si Ke was slightly taken aback, a little strange.

He usually doesn’t have any guests here.

“Who?” After receiving the materials into the space twice, Si Ke got up and walked to the door to ask.

“Is it the Merchant Sike? I would like to learn more about the person you reported in the transfer city.” A hearty voice came from outside the door, which sounded full of sunshine, with a faint smile.

Who did he report to? Si Ke immediately thought of the ink text, he smiled, and when he thought that the handover city would send someone to solve the madman now, he felt that his whole body was not comfortable. Looking out through the cat’s eyes on the door, he couldn’t help but let go of his heart when he saw that the person was not looking brutal and evil, but he still didn’t open the door.

“Can you open the door?” Zui Wuye said again patiently, “Because this incident has already attracted the attention of the above, so we must learn about it with you to be safe.”

“Will you kill him if you find him?” Si Ke finally said aloud, he asked faintly, a kind of distorted excitement instantly surged into his heart.

“Of course.” Zui Wuye raised his eyebrows without blinking.

Hearing that Xiuqi glanced at him sideways, he gave a cold snort but didn’t say anything.

Si Ke was completely relieved. He unscrewed the doorknob before he had time to speak, and felt a pain in his calf bone. When he looked down, he found a barbed chain that was quickly entangled in him as if consciously. Lap.

Before he turned his head, an extremely feminine young man pushed the door in, stepped into his eyes and knocked him out with a punch.

The punch accurately hit Si Ke’s abdomen, and the tearing pain instantly shrank him into a ball.

“Fist up as soon as you come, a little bit of connotation, okay?” Zui Wuye walked in behind Xiu Qi, and he pretended to wait for me to shook his head, closed the door calmly, and locked it by the way.

Xiu Qi didn’t say much, he clasped Si Ke’s abdomen with one knee, pulled the other end of the chain and directly wrapped Si Ke’s hands, regardless of whether his left hand was broken or broken.

The skin of his wrist was cut by the barb, and blood poured out in an instant.


Si Ke let out a scream like a ghost, his face was completely twisted together, and a heart-piercing pain came from his fractured left hand, and the irritating feeling made him almost fainted in darkness.

Zui Wuye watched Xiu Qi skillfully trap Si Ke, smiled, but he didn’t do anything. He was very comfortable leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets.

“Where is the ink text.”

After Xiu Qi was sure that Si Ke was not in a coma, he started interrogating coldly.

“Who are you!” Where would Si Ke answer Xiu Qi’s question, his eyeballs were bloodshot, his lips were chapped and bloody, and he looked extremely oozing.

“I’m asking you, where is Mowen?”

Seeing that Si Ke was unwilling to cooperate, Xiu Qi lowered his head expressionlessly, and tightened the chain harder and harder.

Because the barbs on the chains were deeply trapped in Si Ke’s flesh and blood, Xiu Qi pulled a layer of flesh and blood with such a pull.

“Ah!” Si Ke screamed again, not even breathing smoothly.

“If you don’t want the skin and flesh of your whole body to be ripped off like this, just tell me where the ink text is!” Xiu Qi’s eyes grew colder, he pinched Si Ke’s neck with one hand and the chain with the other. , His complexion was cold.

“Cough, cough!” Si Ke coughed a few times after being pinched, which caused his breathing to become more rapid while affecting the wound on his body. “Didn’t I say that I was in the third district of the land of death!”

“What I want is the detailed situation.” Xiu Qi snorted coldly, “tell me all his exact location and current situation!”

“I have reported these too…” Si Ke said weakly, his eyes widened sharply, staring at Xiu Qi’s icy eyes and getting cold all over, “Aren’t you…you are from the handover city?!”

“Of course not.” Zui Wuye, who had been watching the show, suddenly said. He slowly drew a dagger from his boots, knelt down and chopped off a finger of Si Ke with a smile.

The pain of detachment of the finger was brief, but intense. Si Ke was trembling with pain, her teary face was full of panic, and there was faint hatred mixed in it.

“What is your relationship with that lunatic?!”

“This is the index finger. Then if you answer my question obediently, I will protect your other nine fingers.” Without answering Si Ke’s questioning, Zui Wuye gently squeezed Si Ke’s severed finger. Seeing the blood spilling out without hindrance, smiled, “If you want to survive, you must be obedient. I like good obedient children.”

Although there was a smile in Zui Wuye’s voice, Si Ke was still keenly aware of the killing intent.

“I said! I’ll say whatever you ask!” Si Ke yelled in panic, he could not care about any hatred now, he just wanted to survive in the hands of these two lunatics of unknown origin.

“Have you washed your hands before?” Zui Wuye didn’t ask about Mo Wen, he took up his **** fingers, looked at Si Ke expectantly after a while and asked.

Si Ke was stunned, and shook his head subconsciously.

“Ah? That’s a shame.” Seeing that Drunk Wuye sighed with some regret, he threw his finger out of the window in a wicked way.

Si Ke who was pinned to the ground was unclear, so Xiu Qi raised his eyes and said disgustingly, “You haven’t had enough for dinner tonight?”

“I’m full, I just want to eat some snacks suddenly.” Zui Wuye showed his big white teeth, and the sun’s appearance was extremely deceptive. “Xiu Qi, you haven’t eaten it, so you don’t know. The fat on your body tastes like It’s eating cooked cheese, and if you eat it with bread…”

Listening to the conversation between Zui Wuye and Xiu Qi, Si Ke only felt the chill spread from his back to his whole body, and there was no even the slightest temperature at the roots of his bones.

“Shut up, disgusting.” Interrupting Zui Wuye’s enthusiastic words, Xiu Qi frowned and continued to interrogate Si Ke.

However, Zui Wuye’s eyes became a bit cold after Xiu Qi’s “disgusting” words, he played with the dagger in his hand, and finally concealed the killing intent in his eyes.

Except when necessary, he will never touch his “companion”.

He didn’t have enough strength to come and go alone in this last days, so he chose to join forces with the “kind”.

In this organization that only belongs to them, they are on guard against each other, and they are full of unfriendly killing intent, but no one has ever dared to kill each other within their organization.

Even he dare not.

Because of their leader, these perverts and lunatics who take pleasure in killing people are in awe from the bottom of their hearts.

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