Zombie City

Chapter 712: Beautiful scenery (preparing for double opening...)

Before getting off the bus, Chen Fei saw the most eye-catching and beautiful scenery!

The appearance of Mu Meiqing, Nangongjin, Wang Yuanyuan, Li Xinran and the four women standing side by side eagerly made Chen Fei's heart warm.

It took him half a month to go out of this mission. Although he tried to restrain himself from thinking about it, he was still very concerned about it. They all said that Xiaobie wins the newlyweds. Chen Fei and Nangongjin are only in the recent past. It took months to determine the relationship one after another.

"Haha! Go! Go and meet our heroes!"

Li Zhenbei smiled heartily, and then he was about to go down from the wall to meet Chen Fei. Just as he was about to do something, Chen Fei who had just got off the car was surrounded by Simei.

"Brother Chen!"

"Chen Fei!"


Li Zhenbei looked at himself, and it seemed that it was completely unnecessary for him to greet this old man...

With a soft dry cough twice, Li Zhenbei stood still, just staring at everything below from the top of the wall.

When Wang Yuanyuan faced Chen Fei, she was not a reserved woman, she would express all her emotions, so she was the first to jump up without any scruples, and rushed directly into Chen Fei’s arms, beginning with Wang Yuanyuan. Nangongjin and Mu Meiqing, who were not embarrassed by mutual humility in secret, also hurriedly got together, even Li Xinran did the same.

"Tsk tusk.....Big brother, this is the peak of his life in the last days! So hi!"

He Guantao squeezed his chin and said in a low voice with admiration.

"Yes! Brother, that is the ultimate goal of our struggle!

Peasant woman! Mountain spring! A little field! "

Zhou Fa scratched his tousled hair and agreed.

During this time, the busiest ones are he and He Guantao. The modification of the CMB is a bit difficult. In many places, He Guantao and Zhou Fa have to carefully discuss the best solution and use the best modification plan.

Basically, apart from eating and sleeping, the two are constantly designing modified vehicles at other times. Today, the fully modified minibus is simply a mobile fortress, or a mobile fort.

The biggest project is the doubling of its own weight caused by a large number of modifications. The weight will become a burden on the power of the car. The original engine will appear weak, so it is necessary to replace the engine with more powerful power.

Although the process was a bit difficult, He Guantao and Zhou Fa were very satisfied with the final modification results.

The ability and experience of the two to remodel and repair cars has improved by leaps and bounds during this period of time, and even some masters cannot compare with the two.

In addition to the largest project of the Minibus, He Guantao and Zhou Fa made use of the remaining thickened bullet-proof steel plates to modify some other vehicles twice or three times.

Because you know that you have to leave the safe zone or travel far, so the car has a vital role, and you must be careful.

Two large six-wheeled pickup trucks, due to their strong horsepower, were emphatically modified to make the front of them so that they could become two road cars when needed. As for other vehicles with limited materials, He Guantao and Zhou Fa carried out the most reasonable The transformation allows the car to play its best role when forming a fleet.

In the meantime... Liu Kuanglong and Li Yunfei also came to the survival team’s resident, mainly in exchange for the evolution potion, and because Chen Fei was away, he happened to see He Guantao and Zhou Fa refitting the vehicle, so the two also changed their teams. The car was sent over for modification.

There have been many cooperative relationships. Nangong Jin and the others, as the heads of the men after they left, agreed to Liu Kuanglong and Li Yunfei’s request, but this was not free. Liu Kuanglong and Li Yunfei needed to contribute half of the modification materials as hard expenses. .

"I'm going! Captain brother brought back another beauty!"

Xie San and Wu Gang stood together, their tone of voice was shocked, but their expressions had become accustomed to them.

"That is! Brother Xiao Chen is a self-seduce, no! It is a halo that attracts beautiful women!" Wu Gang laughed from the side.

Shi Rou, Liu Wei and the others got out of the car one after another. Shi Rou became the focus of sight almost instantly, which made Shi Rou very uncomfortable and could only lower her head to avoid her gaze.

"Sister! It's over! Your love rival has one more!"

Kong Yu's face was crying, and he looked as though he had been hit.

Kong Xue made a rare joke, pinched the flesh of Kong Yu's waist with her slender palm and replied in a low voice:

"No worries about debts! If there are too many lice, it is not itchy!

Sister is not afraid! The long march of 25,000 miles has just begun, and Lu Yao knows the horsepower for a long time to see people's hearts! "

Kong Yu twitched the corner of his mouth, and secretly gave a pair of thumbs to Kong Xue!

"Sister! Come on! I really want to have this brother-in-law!"

Within half a month of Chen Fei’s absence, Kong Xue’s body has been restored to its original level because of sufficient food and nutrition. With the addition of all skin care products, the state of his skin has also recovered, and Kong Xue has also recovered. Become more confident, of course, the fact of double A still cannot be changed...

Shi Rou saw the four women crowded in front of her, her expression unbelievable, she only understood now why Chen Fei didn't look at her like other men with two flames of desire.

It turned out that Chen Fei didn't need it at all!

Each of these four women is of the kind with excellent figures, and there are two women whose faces are very pretty and beautiful even for Shi Rou.

However, this also made Shi Rou in the bottom of her heart, and gave Chen Fei the label of Huaxin Big Carrot!

Even Shi Rou's heart in the last days still expects men to be single-minded.

Originally, Chen Fei could score 90 points or more in Shi Rou's mind, but because of this, Chen Fei's favorability in Shi Rou's mind plummeted, and now he barely scored 75 points.

Although Shi Rou's hair is uneven, her facial features are as exquisitely crafted, with picturesque eyebrows and a kind of tenderness, so no one would doubt the fact that Shi Rou is a big beauty.

"Chen Fei! Don't you take everything I say to your ears?"

There was no obvious change in Nangongjin's expression, but the voice of her words revealed a bit of chill, and there was also a flash of fire in her eyes...

Chen Fei's eyelids jumped wildly...

Wang Yuanyuan, who lay in his arms like a sloth, pouted dissatisfiedly.

"Um... go back and explain to you, but I was able to complete the task smoothly this time, thanks to Shi and Liu Wei and the others!"

Facing the true fragrance warnings from the four beauties, Chen Fei hurriedly worked hard and sincerely explained.

After the security check, Liu Wei and Shi Rou followed Chen Fei and other members of the Survival Team into the high wall that was somewhat spectacular in their eyes.

Li Zhenbei only appeared in front of Chen Fei at this time, knowing that the person who came was the number one leader of the military headquarters in the Xiaosangshan Safety Zone, and the rest of the survival team also honestly shut their mouths.

"Chen Fei! You did a good job this time, and you completed the task brilliantly!"

Chen Fei is not a person who likes to take credit alone. Even in the face of Li Zhenbei, he still tells the contribution of Shi Ruan and Liu Wei to this mission.

Seeing that Li Zhenbei had something to say, Chen Fei asked Nangongjin and the others to take Liu Wei and Shi Rou back to the Survival Team’s station, and he followed Li Zhenbei to the military headquarters. Li Xinran was also followed. Sister Li.

In Li Zhenbei's office...

Chen Fei first reported the information he told Li Xinran to Li Zhenbei again.

Hearing the experiment of using soldiers to make medicine in the City of Evolution again, Li Zhenbei's face was pale, and anyone could see that he was suppressing the anger in his heart at this moment.

"Chen Fei! It's really hard for you this time! Since you have completed the task well, I will show you the map, but the time limit mentioned before cannot be changed, and it is impossible to make a copy for you! Make it clear to you, besides... you must never disclose the information on this map to others. This already involves state secrets! I hope you can understand!"

Chen Fei put away his smile and nodded solemnly to express his affirmation:

"Don't worry, Chief! I will strictly follow it!"

Li Zhenbei deliberately slammed his face:

"There are no outsiders, so let's call me Uncle Li, but I have given you my daughter!"

Chen Fei scratched his head in embarrassment, and Li Xinran didn't hesitate to wrap Chen Fei's arm on the side.

Li Zhenbei glared at Li Xinran, but there was a smile of relief on his mouth.

"Come with me, I will time you personally!"

Li Zhenbei walked to the file cabinet next to the desk, unlocked the lock on it, and took out rolls of maps from the cabinet...

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