Zombie City

Chapter 705: Speed ​​battle (two more! Seeking subscription, seeking votes)

This is an evolutionary whose speed surpasses the third-level speed-type mutant zombies! ! !

Chen Fei's brain made an accurate judgment almost in an instant.

And this result made Chen Fei's face gloomy involuntarily.

Although Chen Fei had never seen a speed-type evolutionary with a third-level physical enhancement, according to his calculations, the gap and a third-level speed-type mutant zombie would not be too large.

However, at this time, the young man next to the armored vehicle has a speed higher than that of the third-speed mutant zombies. It is even possible that the young man's speed is faster than his own!

This should not be an ordinary speed type ability!


Chen Fei frowned and said nothing. The young man at the window had already begun to gesture over there, as if to express something.

With regret, Chen Fei stretched out his left hand holding the pistol without warning, and then pulled the trigger almost at the same time without hesitation.

The fire snake at the muzzle spit out!

In the eyes of the speed of sound, the muzzle of the pistol seemed to be slowed down dozens of times, and he had the most time to dodge.

bang! ! !

Almost at the same time as the gunfire sounded, the speed of sound shifted his head, easily avoiding the bullet that was supposed to have a headshot.

Chen Fei was not surprised by this result. Before he could take any other actions, the young man raised his **** at his hands and rushed forward like a ghost.

In the darkness, Chen Fei clearly saw that the young man's hand was groping for something on his body, it seemed to be a grenade!


Chen Fei cursed in a low voice, squeezed the steering wheel with his palms, released the accelerator pedal, and stepped on the brakes quickly and continuously.

At the current speed of the armored vehicle, it is almost inevitable to slam the brakes and roll over.

If it is a sports car with a very low chassis, the stunt rider may also be able to reduce the speed to stop by drifting and removing the inertia when the road is wide.

However, the armored vehicle is not only high in its own weight, but its chassis height is also higher than that of a general off-road vehicle in order to be suitable for various terrain and road conditions.

All Chen Fei could think of was the little skill Nangong Jin had taught him before, and after brain speculation determined that it was feasible, Chen Fei chose to use this method.

Just as the speed of the armored vehicle dropped sharply, a grenade was thrown in the direction of loading. If Chen Fei hadn't decisively slowed down, the grenade would be thrown on the windshield impartially. What consequences would follow, Chen? Fei had just done it to the vehicle that was chasing him a while ago, so he knew it very well.

boom! ! !

The grenade bloomed in the darkness, igniting a fiery flame.

A series of crisp noises came from the direction of the windshield. Although they left the center of the explosion, the fragments of the grenade still had some impact on the armored vehicle. Fortunately, the impact was not significant.

Chen Fei clearly knew what would happen if he was dragged by someone at this time. Once the chasing soldiers came, it would be a fight of life and death.

In that situation, although Chen Fei had the strength to be confident that he could leave, he would have to give up Liu Wei and his three siblings, as well as Shi Rou.

Chen Fei is not an indecisive person, but he is also not a cruel, bloodthirsty person who does not put others' lives in his eyes. Everything follows his own heart.

This can be seen from the fact that he was able to kill Zheng Kai and the group of people without blinking, but finally left Hong Jiale behind, as well as Xie San before.

Chen Fei didn't kill people because of murder. He never felt that he had any right to decide the life and death of others, even if he had that strength.

This time I came to the City of Evolution to perform the task given by Li Zhenbei, and I was able to get here smoothly. Both Liu Wei and Shi Rou were indispensable. Chen Fei was very fond of his promise.

Now that he has agreed that unless his life is truly in danger, Chen Fei is absolutely impossible to leave them behind. This is a normal view of right and wrong and a clear attitude towards grievances and grievances.

Without solving this terrifying speed guy at the moment, Chen Fei will not be able to get rid of the chasing soldiers behind!

There are still about ten seconds left until the motorcycles chasing behind them catch up. Chen Fei has only these ten seconds to solve the person in front of him!


"Stay in the car and don't get off!"

Chen Fei gave a serious command and pushed the door to get out of the car!

The flat-headed youth not far away let out a long sigh, watching Chen Fei exaggeratedly said.


I really admire your courage!

Do you want to fight me head-on now?

Haven't you heard that the world of martial arts is unbreakable! Only fast is not broken! "

Chen Fei's eyes were like sharp knives. In just two seconds, he had multiple battle plans in his mind, all of which could solve the target in the shortest time!

"So much nonsense!"

Chen Fei unreservedly exploded directly at his limit speed, his figure resembling a ghost, appearing in front of the flat-headed youth like a teleportation!

Ok? ? ?

The pupils shrank at the speed of sound, and his face was full of incredible!

Seeing that the fist wrapped in the terrifying and breaking wind blasted towards his face, the speed of sound was also full at this moment!

When the fist was less than one centimeter away from the tip of his nose, the sonic figure disappeared, and he avoided Chen Fei's fierce punch!

"Fuck! It's dangerous!

Your punch is so scary, I almost got beaten up! "

The speed of sound took a long sigh, clutching his heart to comfort him, and then he looked at Chen Fei with an unusually excited light flickering in his eyes. Even the voice is full of excitement!

"You actually have the speed to compete with me! What an unexpected gain, today I will..."

Before the speed of sound was finished, Chen Fei on the opposite side rushed forward again!

"Fuck! Don't let people talk! What's wrong!"

Facing Chen Fei's continuous offensive, Sonic's heart was extremely annoyed. It was rare to meet a man who was as fast as himself, and wanted to exchange his experience. As a result, the other party saw him as if he had seen his father and enemy killed!


A strange battle is being staged on the country road under the pale red moonlight!

No figure was seen during the whole process, only the sharp whistling sound of the wind could be heard.

The previous battle between Chen Fei and Zhang Hexuan, who had the ability to transform into a demon, gave people the feeling of strength and speed, and the shock of fists and fists.

At this time, in the battle between Chen Fei and Sonic, it is difficult to find other adjectives except for weird and helpless.

The speed of these two people is too fast, and in the dark night, they can't see anything fast, only vague shadows. If it weren't for the sound of breaking wind, it might even make people suspect that these two had left long ago. Here.

Chen Fei became more speechless, and time passed by every second, and the sound of the motorcycle engine in the distance was getting closer and closer, and it would not be long before all those behind would catch up.

Chen Fei could see that the straight-headed youth in front of him didn't have any fighting skills, but with the advantage of absolute speed, he was always able to avoid Chen Fei's attacks dangerously and dangerously, which gave Chen Fei a headache.

Chen Fei once emphatically considered the importance of speed, and because neither zombies nor evolutionary threatened him during this period, these somewhat affected some of Chen Fei's judgments.

Now it seems that each item in the character attribute panel is very important. In the next addition, Chen Fei will still give priority to the speed and agility attributes, while the other three attributes choose to develop in a balanced manner.

Dominating the bloodline gave Chen Fei a lot of extra attribute points. As the evolution level increases, the accumulation of these extra attribute points is very impressive and even terrifying.

Bang! ! !

Chen Fei's leg and Sonic's leg had a head-on collision for the first time. What made Chen Fei different was that although he did not use all his strength, the attack with this leg was comparable!

The most exciting thing is the speed of sound. It is also rare for him to find such an opponent!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Then came a series of dull hits, each time evenly matched. As long as Chen Fei waved his fist, the speed of sound would dodge without hesitation, which directly exposed the usual flaws of his upper body strength.

In terms of combat experience, dozens of sound speeds combined are not as good as Chen Fei's. In addition, because of the study of knife skills, Chen Fei has a good understanding of fighting skills.

Chen Fei only revealed some flaws, and the speed of sound was like a fish unsuspectingly biting the bait!

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