Zombie City

Chapter 697: The last link (come on, brothers!)

Chen Fei also had to be forced to join the battle. This was a good opportunity for him to hide and disguise himself.

However, it seems that Chen Fei has been fighting, but Chen Fei is the kind who can't work hard. He doesn't want the chaos to be calmed down prematurely.

As more and more people from the four major forces rushed over, the crisis that was about to further expand was soon brought under control, and the corpses of those zombies were piled together and prepared to be disposed of together.

"How did the zombies come in in the city?"

"I do not know!

Is there any foreigner who carried zombie virus on his body, but was not found during the inspection, and then the corpse changed in the city of evolution? "

"It is possible. It seems that the city is not absolutely safe, but you have to be more careful in the future. You can't die easily if you survive until now!"

With Chen Fei’s hearing, he could hear the whispers of some evolvers around him. Those zombies killed were cremated on the spot. On the one hand, it was to prevent the further spread of the virus. On the other hand, it was also for the survivors to see and use practical actions Tell these survivors that the city of evolution is still safe.

"Combatants from all forces, please gather in the Eastern District!

Attention, combatants of all forces! Hearing the broadcast, assemble quickly to the Eastern District. A first-degree mutant zombies appeared in the Eastern District. They must be killed before the casualties spread further! "

Hearing this broadcast made Chen Fei’s face a faint smile. Now it seems that his plan has been half-successful. After his death, Huang Qiushan has become a very reliable good for Chen Fei. My partner, trying his best to create chaos for Chen Fei, attracting enough attention.

After more evolutionists gathered in the Eastern District, it didn't take long for the first-level mutant zombie Huang Qiushan to be caught and killed on the spot!

As for his corpse, he needs to be sent back to the laboratory for research and analysis to find out the root cause of the corpse.

This is not a small safety hazard, and it involves the core members of the laboratory, and it must be carefully analyzed.

At first, everyone speculated that Huang Qiushan might have injected himself with necropsy medicine to make himself an autopsy. As a result, after the results of the laboratory analysis came out, everyone was speechless, judging from the missing flesh on Huang Qiushan's arm. , This Huang Qiushan was bitten by a zombie before, and it became a zombie because he was infected with a zombie virus.

In this way, the misfortune that happened to Huang Qiushan was treated as a research accident, and the laboratory also took this opportunity to deal with some zombies used for research in the laboratory. The simplest and limited method is to extract the teeth of these zombies, or Just remove the chin.

After the joint efforts of the four major forces, everything in the City of Evolution finally returned to normal after three o'clock in the afternoon.

Shi Rou could not help but breathe a sigh of relief in a laboratory when she heard two laboratory researchers talking about this matter. Only when Huang Qiushan can be completely dealt with can she truly relax and complete her task.

Using the cover of identity and personal settings, Shi Rou's everything went smoothly, especially when the people in the laboratory learned that Huang Qiushan had become a mutant zombie, which created enough opportunities for Shi Rou.

Under the cover of routine cleaning, Shi Rou successfully copied some top-secret research materials to the USB flash drive. Here, the copy speed of Shi Rou's surprise also played a vital role in the USB flash drive, which greatly shortened the copy. The time for the data also reduces the risk of copying the data.

And at the speed of Shi Rou's work, after completing the examination of the materials, he could still leave those laboratories at the same time on weekdays.

When the experimenters all gathered to plan Huang Qiushan's body and analyzed the reason why Huang Qiushan became a zombie, Shi Rou even copied the data from the computers she knew to the U disk in one fell swoop. Shi Rou also took photos of the information on paper with a camera.

Before the evening, Shi Rou had basically completed her task, and she almost figured out a way to take out a corpse transformation potion and a beast evolutionary potion.

This was also the relatively most difficult part of the operation. The room where the vaccines and medicines were kept was the only room in the entire underground laboratory that Shi Rou did not enter.

In addition, because of what happened today, two more people have been stationed there. Under such circumstances, as long as Shi Rou gets close there, the two will be alert. This requires Shi Rou to find a way to be smart.

Shi Rou pretended to pass by unintentionally and went to observe the two people stationed in front of the storage room. Both of them were tall and vicious, and it was hard to deal with at first sight!

Originally, Shi Rou was still thinking about it. She took the risk and chose to go in and take out the medicine before leaving get off work, and then leave quickly, but because of the appearance of these two people, she had to think of other ways.

Neither Shi Rou nor Chen Fei knew that this sudden martial law was actually due to Chen Fei's small negligence.

A core member of the laboratory suddenly became a zombie. This itself has many doubts that can be considered. However, after inspection by the four major forces at the time, they found that Huang Qiushan's identity card was missing, of course, whether it was deliberately or deliberately. If the ID card is lost in the chase, the laboratory must be more cautious.

Of course, more people think of just protecting the medicines, and they don’t take the research materials at heart, because in their opinion, even if they are obtained by others, they don’t have an entire professional team, no professional equipment, and it’s just waste paper. That's it.

Shi Rou found that she seemed to be in a deadlock and couldn't find a breakthrough at all.

In contrast, Chen Fei's progress was very smooth. He and Li Mingze had a meal, and he followed Li Mingze to kill the zombies. To a large extent, this was equivalent to creating sufficient alibi for Chen Fei. , Enough to get rid of suspicion.

After returning to the residence, Chen Fei and Liu Wei waited in the yard for Shi Rou, who was responsible for the most important part of the plan!

As long as Shi Rou succeeds, they can drive out the door openly in the second half of the night, and even if they cause suspicion and obstruction, Chen Fei can easily solve it.

After some thinking, Chen Fei finally decided to leave the East Gate at night.

It was also that Liu Wei saw the door opened in the Eastern District before. It seemed that it should be the most guarded exit, but Chen Fei felt that it was an easy place to escape.

In addition, Chen Fei also carefully studied the route outside the east gate and found that the road conditions there were not very good. This was also in line with his wishes. Good road conditions meant that his chances of being overtaken would be greatly increased. Bad road conditions are better for them.

Chen Fei can arrange some small surprises along the way, such as dropping a few mines in some narrow places where vehicles can only pass one-way through, and blowing up a few vehicles at random can limit the speed of chasing vehicles, and also make the chasing behind. Soldiers dared not chase too tightly.

Half an hour after the laboratory sent Huang Qiushan to the planer, the situation of Huang Qiushan has been accurately analyzed.

Huang Qiushan was infected by a zombie virus, and it was ruled out that it was because of private injection of corpse chemical agents.

Although many people are still wondering why Huang Qiushan's arm was bitten by a zombie, suffering from no other clues, they can only silently accept this fact.

Seeing that the remaining time is getting less and less, Shi Rou's heart is a little anxious. She doesn't want to take the two people away, so she can't make the last step, and she can't get the medicine, and she doesn't completely complete her task.

"Little mute, go and clean the bathroom!"

At this moment, a voice sounded from behind Shi Rou. When she heard this voice, Shi Rou quickly stopped thinking and said nothing. He walked towards the bathroom with a bucket and a mop with a dull expression on his face.

The two goalkeepers were very cautious and responsible, and it was not easy to disengage them.

After cleaning the bathroom, Shi Rou had a bolder idea and decided to take a chance!

Shi Rou found a half bucket of swill that had not yet been treated in the canteen of the underground laboratory. After scrutinizing the feasibility, Shi Rou took the half bucket of swill and left.

She chose the passage closest to the storage room. When she was on the way, Shi Rou suddenly staggered, and then she lost the balance of her center of gravity. Under the gaze of the two guards, she poured all the small bucket of swill on In the corridor!

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