Zombie City

Chapter 35: Elite Security Plan

The cleaning operation on the second day started at 10 o’clock in the morning. Compared with yesterday, there were four helicopters hovering in the sky today, and the gunfire was more intense than yesterday. According to Chen Fei’s judgment, today’s cleaning operation has increased the number of troops. Firepower!

In fact, the number of soldiers dispatched in today's cleaning operation is still 1,000, but today the commander ordered not to fortify at the intersection of the toll station, and all 1,000 soldiers participated in the battle!

They are more fully prepared than yesterday and today, and their ammunition reserves have more than doubled compared to yesterday, especially for the scope of destruction weapons such as grenade.

This army is a soldier from the Tienan Military Region, which is the closest to Zhongnan City. It is a military region of a certain size in the surrounding area, with a total of 100,000 elite soldiers.

However, when the zombie virus broke out, many of the soldiers became zombies. The physical fitness of these soldiers was much stronger than that of ordinary people. After becoming zombies, they did not fear and tirelessly, just like super soldiers.

The result was that in the military district with 100,000 elite soldiers, there were only less than 10,000 left in the end, and even most of the leadership was killed and turned into zombies.

After a few days of trimming and adapting, half of the soldiers with less than 10,000 were ordered by their superiors to go to the surrounding four cities for cleaning operations, while the remaining soldiers had to concentrate on one place.

After the zombie virus broke out, the government decided to establish a safe area for survivors in the Xiaosang Mountain Scenic Area, 700 kilometers away from Zhongnan City. The surrounding cratered mountains were used as a natural barrier in the early stage, and manpower and material resources were concentrated together. Build high walls for defense.

The same construction of safe areas is being carried out in many places across the country. To a certain extent, such a decision means that the country has already given up the city, and at this stage does not intend to regain those occupied by zombies. city.

The reason for this decision is that the country’s best team of experts predicts that this virus will not end in a short period of time. Mankind must be prepared for a long-term struggle and must protect as much as possible. Many survivors!

At present, the safety zones in various places are under construction 24 hours a day, and the early construction only needs to do one thing repeatedly, that is, build a high wall that can withstand thousands of zombies.

After the construction of the high wall is completed, the internal construction does not have to be so stressful. You can first use tents to house the survivors, or even let the survivors join the construction of the interior of the safe area.

The reason for issuing such an order is also because of lessons learned.

As the center of the country, after the zombie virus broke out in Kyoto, Kyoto, with a population of tens of millions, the speed of the spread of the virus, even the use of terror and horror, is indescribable.

In this case, the senior management issued an order to completely clean up the Dongcheng District. As a result, hundreds of thousands of soldiers used their lives to fill the Dongcheng District of Kyoto.

During the construction period of the wall, the bodies of millions of soldiers were used as the wall, and they had to fight with zombies day and night to ensure the smooth construction of the wall.

After all, Kyoto represents the lifeblood of the country. If even Kyoto becomes a base for zombies, then the hopes in the hearts of most survivors will be shattered little by little, so the top leaders will decide to clear out Dongcheng District at any cost.

The only advantage of this is that only the construction of the wall needs to be completed, and other buildings can be put into use after some maintenance. After that, the Dongcheng District of Kyoto will become the largest safety zone in the country, the Kyoto Safety Zone!

In addition to the high-level leaders in the Kyoto Safety Zone, there are some technical and scientific talents. These people are brought together to ensure that civilization will not be easily destroyed.

In this way, even if Kyoto is the largest safe area, there will not be too many survivors. This is a secret plan of action after careful consideration, an elite preservation plan!

I would rather divide one-tenth of the East City safe zone into animal species zones than to receive one extra survivor. The reason for this is also for the earth's species and human civilization.

Therefore, in Dongcheng District every day, there are helicopters in the sky hoisting iron cages to rescue giant pandas, sika deer, tigers, and antelopes, but it is difficult to see helicopters rescuing survivors.

Unless the survivor has a special identity, such as an authoritative expert in a certain field, or a people's teacher with special qualifications, as well as elites in all walks of life.

Further down, even the family members of these elites will also enjoy the treatment of entering the safe zone and being protected. It can be said that this is a modern one person who has ascended to heaven!

Almost every country in the world has adopted different response plans. Everything is for the continuation of the country, the continuation of civilization, and the continuation of mankind.

This is also the fundamental reason why there has been no rescue after the zombie virus broke out.

At this stage...the most important task of the country is to establish safety zones everywhere. Only when safe zones are successfully established can survivors be properly settled.

Even the fastest small safety zone takes half a month to complete the construction of the wall, while the large safety zone takes a month or more.

During this period, the task of the soldiers is to ensure that the safe area can be constructed normally, excluding soldiers with special tasks, only a few soldiers will go to various cities to perform cleaning tasks, and make preliminary preparations for subsequent survivors to escape.

For various reasons, the number of soldiers that can be sent to clean up a city is only a thousand at most!

There are also restrictions on equipment. The helicopters, tanks, and armored vehicles that can be dispatched also need to be allocated in strict accordance with regulations. Today, one more helicopter can be used, or it is because Zhongnan City is the largest city in the surrounding area.

And the section of the road that was just cleaned up yesterday has been re-packed with dense zombies, mostly attracted by the sound of gunfire and the roar of helicopters.

During this period of time, the soldiers began to be afraid and confused, facing the hesitation of zombies pulling the trigger for the first time, and now they are shooting to a numb state. Everyone is like a precision-operated machine, constantly. Repeat the action of aiming and pulling the trigger.

In the morning, Chen Fei and Mu Meiqing conducted basic training. Mu Meiqing's target was the already riddled dart target on the wall. In the afternoon, Mu Meiqing directly asked for actual combat training with zombies.

So Chen Fei and Nangong Jin took Mu Meiqing to clean the zombies in the stairwell. Every time they encountered zombies, Chen Fei and Mu Meiqing first cleaned the zombies to only one or two that can be easily controlled. Mu Meiqing resolved.

As a result, Mu Meiqing's performance was significantly different from Chen Fei's first use of a crossbow to kill a zombie. She didn't react any nervously. With the help of an infrared sight, she accurately shot through the eyebrows of the two zombies.

After the zombies in the stairwell were basically cleaned up, Mu Meiqing could already shoot at close range without using an infrared sight.

Mu Meiqing calmly pulled the trigger to shoot a set of zombies. Chen Fei's mouth was twitching unconsciously. He also planned to take the opportunity to have another intimate shooting instruction at night. It seems that it is completely unnecessary!

This Nima is the legendary person than the popular dead person!

What I have to say is that with Mu Meiqing's participation, the three-person team is easier to deal with zombies than the two-person team, but everything has two sides, if you gain, you must lose, although it is safe for three people to fight together. It is higher, but what cannot be ignored is that the number of zombies that Chen Fei can kill is less, which directly affects the speed at which he can upgrade his level.

What might have been done in only one month was doubled into a few months or even longer. This is a very serious problem facing Chen Fei.

Chen Fei's current situation is a polished commander, an older orphan whose parents have both died, and the whole family is not hungry.

On the day when the zombie virus broke out, Nangong Jin broadcasted the tragedy of her father attacking her mother after becoming a zombie. Now she is basically in the same state as Chen Fei. The two of them wanted nothing more than to collect supplies and then be in the apocalypse. Stay alive, there is no clear idea about other things.

But when Chen Fei rescued Mu Meiqing back, everything changed!

Mu Meiqing's return seems to be to force Chen Fei and Nangongjin to add a main line. First of all, Mu Meiqing said that she would return to the hospital to rescue nurse Xiaomei if she could, and even rescue more people incidentally.

The second is to go to Wusan Town, more than 200 kilometers away from Zhongnan City. There is Mu Meiqing’s hometown. After the zombie virus broke out, Mu Meiqing talked to her parents on the phone to confirm that the two elders were not infected, and told them to hospitalize. Keep the door closed and don't go out no matter what happens.

Chen Fei is still able to accept this point about saving Mu Meiqing's parents. After all, he will leave Zhongnan City after a while.

Going to a more remote place means that there will be fewer zombies. Even if a small village and town becomes all zombies, the number of zombies is limited, and the risk facing them is very low, which can be regarded as giving Chen Fei a choice.

And to go to the hospital to rescue nurse Xiaomei, this made Chen Fei a little speechless. He knew very well what was going on in the hospital. It was a concentration camp for zombies. If you went there to rescue people, you would probably put yourself in. Chen Fei was hesitant to say no. , Mu Meiqing moved out of humanity, which made Chen Fei unable to refuse...

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