Zombie City

Chapter 165: The same bag?

After waiting for an hour, it was finally Chen Fei's turn. The physical examinations were carried out in two slab rooms at the door.

The appearance of Nangongjin, Mu Meiqing and Wang Yuanyuan, the appearance of the three beauties quickly attracted the attention of the male staff. Seeing that they looked like they seemed to wish them to give Nangongjin and the others a physical examination.

On the one hand, the physical examination is to check whether there is any trauma or fever symptoms on the body. On the other hand, it is also for fear of someone hiding weapons in order to prevent them from affecting the order of the safe zone after being sneaked into safety.

Not surprisingly, Chen Fei and their pistols and daggers, these weapons were all confiscated by the staff in the name of temporary custody, and there was no even a perfunctory registration process.

The problem of not even knowing which things belong to whom, and how to return them, is basically the result of the meat buns hitting the dogs.

Chen Fei's car was driven to a huge open space near the wall and stopped. The military truck could be ignored. Eighty-Chengdu was to be taken back by the army because it was the property of the army.

The young man who helped Chen Fei park his car had a greedy look after seeing these two modified Ford Raptors, because such a car has always been the favorite of those in the Evolver team. If it were traded, it would be a big gain.

Chen Fei locked the car. When the young man said he wanted to leave the key to move the vehicle, Chen Fei pretended to honor the young man’s half-pack of cigarettes, but actually quickly removed the key from the young man when he handed the cigarettes. Chen Fei's hand passed over, blocked his sight, and put it into the storage space. When the young man was looking for it, Chen Fei also looked through his clothes very cooperatively, and almost took off his clothes.

The young man knew he was calculated by Chen Fei. He stared at Chen Fei fiercely and turned and walked away quickly. If it weren’t for the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the safe zone, Chen Fei would definitely take the initiative to educate this greedy and careful thinking. Guys.

Instant noodles are the most popular thing in the safe zone. Although it has no nutritional value, it is a top delicacy that the survivors of the outer zone can hardly eat.

So when they saw that Chen Fei and the others actually had two boxes of instant noodles, the staff in charge of the inspections thought about it again. There was no way to forcibly detain them. They once again became housing agencies and began to sell the board room vigorously.

In fact, these slab houses in the outer area were originally intended to live in for the elderly, weak, women and children, but the people above used their authority to deduct and not distribute them. They must be exchanged for food and some scarce living materials.

The things obtained need to be offered layer by layer, and finally distributed to the hands of these workers. Two boxes of instant noodles are only divided into two bags for one person.

Chen Fei decisively rejected the sales promotion of these staff members. In order to retaliate against Chen Fei, these staff members could be allocated four tents, but they directly deducted two tents, and only two tents were allocated.

Wu Gang almost couldn't help his temper. Fortunately, Chen Fei stopped Wu Gang in time. In the evening, he was really afraid that Wu Gang would directly hack the staff to death with a chopper.

After entering the tall gate of the A safe area, Chen Fei and the others, led by two soldiers, were taken to an area under the wall surrounded by iron fences. This is a temporary observation area. Newly entered survivors need to Stay here for 12 hours before leaving.

Standing here, Chen Fei saw dense green tents built in the woods that had been cut down for most of the time, and there were busy figures almost everywhere.

Xiaosangshan Scenic Area itself is a forest park. The most indispensable thing is some huge old trees that have been in the old age. Because of the lack of construction materials, it is safe to use wood on the spot to build wooden houses.

There are no distinctions between men and women, no distinction between young and old. Everyone is working hard to get more food. Mu Meiqing's face is obviously disappointed when he sees this scene. If they come here, then What's the point of living such a life, such an insecurity? Don't you let your parents get enough for three meals?

Chen Fei looked into the distance. There was a circle of tree trunks surrounded by iron fences to form a simple fence. The man with dark glasses also mentioned this before, and behind it is the inner area of ​​the safe zone.

Almost a month has passed so far. In addition to strengthening the walls, the collected building materials have been used to build buildings in the safety zone.

With some buildings in Xiaosangshan as the center, it was expanded to the surrounding area. Officials lived there. They were responsible for the overall management of the safe area and promulgated and created rules to restrain survivors.

Unlike those in the inner area where a family is crowded into a tent, people living in the inner area don’t care about the size of the house. Everyone can be assigned a separate house, even if it’s a simple log cabin or mobile. Board house, but compared to a tent, it can be regarded as a luxury house.

When Chen Fei and the others were looking at everything in the safety zone with their own minds, an untimely voice suddenly sounded.

"Hey? Beauty! Meeting is fate, tell me your name, I think we can make friends, and I will try my best to take care of you during the safety period in the future!"

The man who was speaking was a slightly fat man standing next to Nangong Jin, with the hypocritical smile of a successful person on his face.

When Chen Fei and his party entered, he noticed three tall and slender women, Nangong Jin Mu Meiqing and Wang Yuanyuan.

Mu Meiqing and Nangong Jin, who have the highest looks, are equally attractive. It is really difficult to decide which one of them is more beautiful.

However, Mu Meiqing's indifferent expression on the iceberg queen will discourage many men. In contrast, Nangong Jin's charming and **** face is more popular.

Nangong Jin was indifferent to the palm of the man's stretched out hand, and after looking at Chen Fei with a smile on her face, she slowly said:

"This is my boyfriend, I think you guys are also very fate!"

Chen Fei's heart was speechless, but since the other party dared to dig the wall brazenly, naturally there was no need to give him a good face.

Chen Fei stepped in front of Nangong Jin, watching the man in front of him only said one word.


After being scolded in front of so many people, the man turned into anger from his **** for a moment, and a pair of frog eyes stared at Chen Fei forcefully:

"Something without education!"

When Chen Fei was about to attack, Wu Gang's tall and fat body came in forcefully. He pushed the man away and said with a smile:

"Hehe...then you teach me what is parenting!"

The man was pushed back by Wu Gang three or four steps before he stopped.

Immediately there were five young people wearing dirty old suits, rushing over to support the man.

"Hey! Why are you hitting our boss! Our boss just wants to make friends with that beautiful woman, so you have to hit someone?"

Wu Gang didn't know where the skinny young man came from. He had the courage to confront him. He suppressed his smile and grabbed the young man's collar as soon as he stretched out his hand, and then lifted the young man with one hand!

"You are paper? You can't stand it with a push? Do you want me to let you see what beating is now!"

Wu Gang's voice was low and low, and he gave the people in front of him a deterrent without anger.

Lin Bao and Zhao Xiaoping also walked over at this moment. From the cuffs rolled up from the south, you can see the tattoos on their arms. Lin Bao's looks are fierce. Zhao Xiaoping looks white and clean, but he has a pair. Eyes like wolves, murderous in the eyes.

The aura of the three of them easily overwhelmed these people on the opposite side, scared them to keep backing away. The soldiers guarding outside the fence had been watching outside with cold eyes. They had no intention to stop them. Instead, they had to let them go. People resolve conflicts on their own.

The survivors waiting in the observation area thought it was going to be a lively watch, but they didn't expect it to be such an anticlimactic ending, and they all despised these guys in suits in their hearts.

At this time, Chen Fei began to look at the survivors who were in the observation area with them. The male to female ratio is basically 7 to 3, which means that only three of the ten people are women.

Most of these people came together in groups of three to five, but one young man in clean black sportswear sat alone on a small wooden pier in the corner.

The appearance of the youth is ordinary, the type that has no impression after seeing the second meeting.

The young man’s eyes were always on the busy survivors in the safe zone, and from time to time he would look up at the high wall around him. He took out bread and milk from a black backpack on his body, and then took them out after eating. I made a vacuum-packed chicken drumstick, and the smell of the drumstick made everyone around him look at him and swallowed his saliva subconsciously.

The young man seemed to sense the gaze of the people around him, and he turned his head and nodded with everyone embarrassedly. When his gaze came into contact with Chen Fei, he only smiled.

Chen Fei also smiled, as if turning his head to ignore it, but secretly staring at the young man without leaving a trace.

Looking at the young man's black backpack, Chen Fei was lost in thought, telling him instinctively that the young man was weird, but he couldn't tell where the weirdness was.

However, this entangled atmosphere was easily broken by He Guantao's words, causing Chen Feiru to be struck by lightning.

"Big brother! Is that kid's bag the same style as your previous one? It obviously looks flat, but it feels like there is endless food in it, so I really want one!"

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