Zombie City

Chapter 139: Spider mutant zombie

There was no error in the process of aiming and shooting, and it was logically impossible to make a deviation, but it was such a result that Chen Fei couldn't help but feel a little frustrated.

Then Chen Fei thought of something. He added a finger with the tip of his tongue, and then raised his finger. This is the bridge that Chen Fei saw in the movie, but it is very effective because the moist skin feels the wind. Be more obvious.

Feeling the cool breeze between his fingers, Chen Fei let out a sigh. If his shooting was within 100 meters, there would be no deviation even if there was a breeze shooting point. However, his shooting distance was almost 200 meters. The distance will already be affected by the wind, so it will deviate.

Fortunately, the results of the shooting made Chen Fei more satisfied. The next step is to recover the evolutionary crystallization of the mutant female zombie, but before that, he must also kill another mutant zombie.

Zhang Heng has been looking for the special zombies that Chen Fei said, but he searched for the location given by Chen Fei for a long time and did not see it. Just when he felt that he had missed something, he had already heard Chen Fei. The sound of the sniper rifle sounded from Fei, and Zhang Heng knew in his heart that Chen Fei had already started shooting at another mutant zombie, and he became anxious involuntarily.

Ok? what is that!

This.... Is this also a zombie? ? ?

Zhang Heng's eyes widened and his face was unbelievable. He had always preconceived that mutant zombies were in human form, but after hearing Chen Fei's previous combat experience, he knew that mutant zombies were not only humans, but also animals.

However, the target in the sight now turned out to be a spider with a human head! ! !

That's right! It's a **** spider! Except for the head, which is a human head, everything else is characteristic of a spider!

The size of this spider is exaggerated, but the length of the body is already more than one meter. If the eight stretched legs are also included, the maximum span of the body is probably more than three meters!

Just now, Zhang Heng had been searching on the ground of the location mentioned by Chen Fei, observing the wandering zombies one by one, without even noticing that there was a huge external wall on the third floor of a building next to the area. spider!

Moving his gaze, Zhang Heng saw that there was a huge dark red spider web in the gap between that building and the adjacent building! There are six huge red spider silk cocoons hanging on it. From the exposed legs, it is not difficult to guess that those must be survivors.

"Brother Chen Fei! See if this thing is a mutant zombie!"


"It's in the area you pointed out to me!"

"Don't see it?"

Although the sight of a sniper rifle can see a far target clearly, it has a big limitation, that is, the field of view is too narrow, only a specific area in the sight can be seen, so Chen Fei did not See the big net hanging in the air.

"Brother Chen Fei! You can watch directly without sight!"

Chen Fei was puzzled, don't need a sight to see? How big is a goal?

Chen Fei raised his head and looked away from the sight, and then he saw a huge black shadow on the third floor, and he could barely see the huge spider web in the sky!

"Damn! Do you want to be so disgusting! I hate spiders the most!"

Chen Fei couldn't help but vomit, and quickly used the sight to observe the mutant spider zombie carefully. Chen Fei smiled when he saw that it turned out to be a human head.

Judging from the gloss of this spider mutant zombie's black body, there is a layer of carapace on the surface of its body, and this layer of carapace can provide it with a certain defensive ability.

Anyone who has seen spiders knows that the ratio of the head and the body of a spider is very different. A huge body often has only a small head. If it is not for the eight eyes, it is not easy to distinguish the position of the head.

If so, the difficulty of shooting this spider mutant zombie will be greatly increased, but the surprise is so unpredictable, this spider mutant zombie has a human head, but it greatly reduces the difficulty of shooting. .

However, when Chen Fei was about to shoot, the spider mutant zombie suddenly turned its body, which made it impossible to see its head from Chen Fei's angle.

"Zhang Heng, shoot him! Remember not to headshot, leave it to me!"

As soon as Chen Fei gave the order, Zhang Heng had already pulled the trigger.

The sound of the sniper rifle resounded in his ears. Zhang Heng first shot the abdomen of the mutant spider zombie. Although the body of the mutant spider zombie was not bulletproof, it was greatly reduced. The damage from the sniper rifle bullet.

The sniper rifle shot through its body and did not burst its stomach, but left a bullet hole, and dark brown viscous blood slowly flowed out of the bullet hole.

"Zhang Heng! Don't hit him in the stomach! Hit him on the leg with me! Limit his actions!

It can climb walls, and there is no place to restrict its movement in the county, and it will be troublesome if it runs away! "Chen Fei's voice came from the intercom.

The mutated spider zombie, which had been lying motionless on the building before, activated the animal's crisis instinct after being hit by a bullet, and moved at high speed to the top of the building, reaching the seventh floor in the blink of an eye.

However, it only paused for a while, and there were two gunshots that sounded in two directions indiscriminately, because the spider mutant zombie's legs were relatively thin, which increased the difficulty of shooting to some extent.

Zhang Heng played normally because of the close distance, and shot through the left front leg of the spider mutant zombie without any suspense, and that leg was interrupted by the shot.

Chen Fei’s distance is too far and because of the interference of the breeze, the difficulty of shooting is beyond the range that Chen Fei can control. However, Chen Fei’s feel today is exceptionally good. I don’t know if it’s very Tailai. After a deadly escape, he The goddess of luck seems to be back!

In short, he accurately hit the target with this shot, breaking the left hind leg of the spider mutant zombie from the position of the leg root, so that the spider mutant zombie has four legs on one side and two legs on the other side. The legs of non-mainstream spiders have the effect of restricting its movement to a large extent.

The enraged spider mutant zombie let out a weird roar, and kept turning on the building.


Zhang Heng calmly continued shooting, and the bullet interrupted the second leg on the right side of the spider mutant zombie!

However, Zhang Heng was too late to cheer, because he saw the face of the spider mutant zombie staring in his direction, and his red eyes were unusually clear in the sight.

The spider mutant zombie quickly moved its body from the big net to the top of another building, and it looked like it was rushing towards Zhang Heng.

The spider’s legs turned into black afterimages during the high-speed movement, which made Zhang Heng more difficult to shoot, but his current angle was the best position for the spider mutant zombie’s headshot. Zhang Heng had a percentage. Two hundred grasps to hit the target.

However, Zhang Heng thought of Chen Fei's previous instructions not to attack the mutated zombie's head. He could only give up the idea of ​​headshots.

The spider mutant zombie did not give Zhang Heng too much time to think, but in a moment it reached the building closest to Zhang Heng's signal tower.

The body of the spider mutant zombie suddenly shrank into a spherical shape, and suddenly opened and bounced in Zhang Heng’s unidentified eyes. It turned out to jump directly towards the signal tower, and landed on the signal tower lightly from the top of the building. bottom.

Chen Fei was stunned!

This mutated spider zombie looked very cautious, and now he deliberately rushed over to retaliate devastatingly against the people who hurt it!

"Zhang Heng! Hurry up and adjust the position to the side of the signal tower at my angle. It will definitely move with you. I will try to shoot from the side. If you miss it, you can snipe it at close range!"

Zhang Heng couldn't answer, his body had already started to move on the signal tower according to Chen Fei's instructions, and at the same time the huge mutant spider zombie began to climb up towards the top of the signal tower.

As Chen Fei expected, the mutated spider zombie moved with Zhang Heng on the top of the tower, always staying on one side with Zhang Heng, as if it was bound to be eaten by Zhang Heng.

Although Zhang Heng believed in Chen Fei unconditionally, he must also prepare with both hands to prevent any unexpected accidents. He tore off the climbing rope wrapped around his body.

This climbing rope was given to him by Chen Fei a few days ago, because considering that a sniper often has to climb some commanding heights, some even more dangerous places that are not easy to focus on, a safety measure must be taken.

So Chen Fei gave Zhang Heng a piece of climbing rope. Zhang Heng had carefully tied the climbing rope to his body before the action. At this time, he could use it!

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