Zombie City

Chapter 125: Small village! juvenile!

Naturally, Chen Fei would not think that all the people in the village had suffered accidents, because it could identify some traces of activities belonging to survivors.

Some of the cornfields closest to the entrance of the village were broken off recently, and there are clear footprints in the cornfields.

Thanks to this season, even if the food is robbed by Sun's gang, there is still a lot to eat in the field, so there is no need to worry that the villagers will be hungry.

Chen Fei is looking for Mu Meiqing's parents in every house. On the huge willow tree in the middle of the village, a thin figure is hiding among the dense willow branches and watching Chen Fei's every move.

This is a teenager who is only fourteen-five years old, with a thin body and tanned skin. His face that looks very immature already has the calmness and perseverance that does not belong to his age.

The boy’s clothes are very shabby. The cuffs of the sportswear are closely observed with dense stitches. On his back is a sharp hatchet. The handle is wrapped in layers of cloth, and he holds it in his hand. It's a toy telescope, the lens on the right side is broken,

Although there is a difference between the sky and the earth with the military binoculars in Chen Fei's hand, it can also allow the teenager to see farther, at least standing on the big willow tree in the middle of the village, you can see the concrete road into the village.

The boy's name is Zhang Heng, and the grandparents, uncles and aunts in the village are more accustomed to calling him by his nickname, Dog Dan!

Zhang Heng is very resistant to this nickname in his heart. After all, there are not many people who still have such a nickname these days, and he is often laughed at by his classmates when he goes to school.

Zhang Heng lost his father when he was very young. He was so young that he could only understand what kind of person his father was from his grandmother, and those were basically eliminated in his memory.

But Zhang Heng's mother couldn't bear the hard work of a person pulling the child. When Zhang Heng was seven years old, she followed a carpenter in the town to leave the village and went to a city in the south.

Zhang Heng didn’t know exactly where he was. He only knew that it was far, far away, to the point where the phone and letters could not be returned. He didn’t know until Zhang Heng became sensible. His mother just didn’t want to hold his oil bottle. I want to start a new life again.

There is no indelible hatred in Zhang Heng's heart, nor is there any longing that is too thick to dissolve. After all, the family relationship between him and his parents is very vague in his memory, so vague that Zhang Heng doesn't know whether it really existed.

Ever since Zhang Heng was sensible, all Zhang Heng could feel was the meticulous love of his grandmother, and he had always depended on his grandmother for life.

Zhang Heng is very smart, has a firm and tough personality, so his grades have always been the best and the best when he was in elementary school in the town!

At that time, Zhang Heng had only one idea. He had to study hard to be admitted to Tsinghua University and then respect his grandmother.

However, God seemed to think that this child was too strong and persevering, which brought a more difficult test. Grandma was paralyzed by a stroke when he was twelve years old.

Zhang Heng’s father is the only seedling in the family and has no siblings, so the job of taking care of grandma can only be done by Zhang Heng, so he resolutely chose to drop out of school and put his grandma’s farm work on the tender shoulders of 12 years old. .

A lot of farm work and housework Zhang Heng has been learning since then. Those uncles, grandparents, and grandparents who call him dog eggs annoy him, teach him patiently, help him with farm work, help him cook and take care of him. Grandma.

Zhang Heng didn't vowed to slap his chest to guarantee how he would repay him in the future, he just kept these in his heart, and she would use actions to reward everyone when there is a chance in the future.

Although Zhang Heng was young, he was very strong and refused to admit defeat. It only took him a year to master all kinds of farm work in the field and all kinds of housework at home, so he didn't need to trouble his grandparents and uncles and aunts in the village. They.

On Zhang Heng's slender arms, there were sickle cuts, stove burns, and hot oil scalds. The temper of these scars gave Zhang Heng a heart that was stronger and more determined than an average adult.

After the zombie virus broke out, Zhang Heng’s grandmother was not in good physical condition because she was bedridden all the time, so she could not escape the first wave of zombie virus outbreaks. If it weren’t for the paralysis of both legs, Zhang Heng would probably be Bitten by his only relative.

Grandma turned into a zombie, which didn't put Zhang Heng down. Instead, Zhang Heng bravely rushed up when he saw Grandma Chen next door being chased by the zombie daughter-in-law.

Even if Zhang Heng is only 15 years old now, but because of his long-term farm work, his thin body contains power that cannot be ignored. At the same time, he also has the ability to reach out and respond quickly. The villagers rescued by Zhang Heng that day As many as seven!

However, what makes people feel helpless is that the village chief and several highly respected people in the village have not been spared from the zombie virus. They have become zombies that chase people when they see them, and bite them when they see them.

Because there is no one who can stand up and organize the villagers together, these villagers who are so simple and even ignorant have no idea what to do and what to do in the face of such a situation.

In normal times, I just don’t know if I can call the police for help, but now let alone whether the phone can be used, the village has been power-off for a full week.

The villagers in the village generally treat zombies naively and think that these villagers are only suffering from a strange disease, so they bite or even eat people. As long as they can get medical treatment, they can return to normal people.

However, such thoughts are based on the premise that those who become zombies have no serious injuries as a whole.

When they saw that the villagers were still able to move normally after they had been cracked, their eyeballs burst, or their faces had disappeared, they didn't know what to do for a while.

Because rather than being sick, these villagers are more like the kind of fraud after death that the village said, and they are no longer humans.

Because the group of dragons has no leader, there is no leader. This is the half month that caused the zombie virus to break out. The villagers in the village are like a piece of scattered sand. They will only share their worries, fear, cry together, and despair together every day. .

In this situation, it wasn't until Sun Datou brought a group of people to the village to beat, smash, and rob, that some changes had taken place, and the villagers had to face the dangerous and crazy world again.

However, the price paid by the villagers was too great. Not only were the rice, white noodles, and all kinds of food stolen from every household, but also many young wives who looked pretty charming, and even Three girls aged fourteen or five were not spared.

The girl's mother watched her daughter's only relatives be taken away, and went up and desperately, but what responded to her was the tragic end of the cold blade cutting off the artery and throat.

Only one person was killed, and the remaining surviving villagers became lambs to be slaughtered.

Seeing the desperate appearance of the villagers, Zhang Heng could only choose to stand up. He began to direct everyone to collect the remaining food as much as possible and hide them in a hidden place.

Zhang Heng knew in his heart that even if he brought the whole village together, he would not be able to fight against the wicked Sun Datou, so all he could think of was to protect the elderly and children as much as possible, and to use the villagers’ familiarity with the village to bring these people together. Both the food and the food are hidden in a secret place that people from outside the village can't find.

Every day, Zhang Heng and two other teenagers who were one or two years older than him would take turns to watch on the largest and tallest big willow tree in the village. Once they found the situation, they would use the cuckoo's voice to send a signal.

The last time Sun Datou came to the village to grab things was three days ago. At that time, because two children in the village were sick, Zhang Heng just realized the importance of medicine.

As a result, Sun Datou's arrival ransacked the village's small health center. Because no food was found in every household, Sun Datou kicked the nearest grandfather Mu to the ground, punching and kicking to vent his emotions.

Until now, Grandpa Mu was lying on the kang because of a broken leg and couldn't get off. There were no medicines in the village, and no people who knew medical skills, so he could only grit his teeth on the kang and endure a little bit of pain to recuperate and recover.

An hour ago, Zhang Henggang and the juvenile on guard changed their shifts and continued to perform guard duties on the tree.

Ten minutes ago, Zhang Heng heard a sound like firecrackers coming from the direction of the town. When he was curious, he soon saw a car entering the village and driving all the way to the west of the village.

The car stopped four people. These four people stayed in a yard on the west side of the village for a while, and then one person came out and started looking for something from house to house, thinking that he was looking for food.

Zhang Heng naturally regarded the four of them as Sun's big head group. He hated them in his heart, but he didn't have the strength to resist and protect the village.

Zhang Heng can only watch so quietly, hoping that these people will leave the village as soon as they can't find anything. He doesn't want anyone to be injured or snatched away...

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