Zombie City

Chapter 118: Evolution beast

The orange diamond mark appeared on the zombie radar, which made Chen Fei completely messed up, and soon he found the answer in the zombie statistics under the zombie radar.

Evolution beast level one: 1

Evolution beast?

This is the first time Chen Fei has met, and it feels like another new species besides zombies.

"Slow down, stop first!"

Chen Fei hurriedly gave an order to Nangong Jin, and continued to immerse himself in the dominance system of the last days.

What is the evolution beast in the end?

System: Evolution beasts are similar to human evolvers. They may be poultry or beasts. After the cells are fused with zombie viruses, they can evolve into higher-level life forms. Zombies can be classified as defective products that have failed evolution.

The evolutionary energy contained in the flesh and blood of the evolutionary beast is edible. The evolutionary eating will slowly strengthen the evolutionary body cells, help the evolutionary speed up the level, and also help the evolutionary accelerate the recovery of the consumed physical strength and evolutionary energy.

Ordinary people can improve their physical fitness by eating the evolution beast, and at the same time can strengthen the cells in the body, thus accelerating the speed of evolution.

The evolution crystals in the evolution beasts are more refined than the evolution crystals in the mutated corpses. At the same time, it is more convenient to absorb and purify, and it can even be slowly absorbed by wearing it next to the body and drinking it in water.

Hearing the detailed introduction at the end, Chen Fei just felt his eyes shine.

This evolution beast is obviously a mythical beast full of treasures!

During the period of Chen Fei's contemplation, Nangong Jin on the side had been waiting quietly. Although he did not know the condition of the pickup truck, no one urged the maintenance vehicle and agricultural vehicle behind him.

At this time, Chen Fei saw the red diamond-shaped mark and the orange diamond-shaped mark representing the mutant zombies from the zombie radar, and they separated for a while and gathered together.

Naturally, Chen Fei would not think that they were playing and connecting with each other, so there is only one explanation that can be explained!

They are fighting!

After thinking about it, Chen Fei can understand the reason, mutant zombies and evolution beasts, these two powerful existences are like natural enemies.

Mutant zombies are the strengthened products after the zombie virus dominates the cells.

The evolutionary beast fully absorbs and controls the zombie virus so that the cell can evolve.

And when the winners and losers stand together, they naturally cannot get along with each other in peace.

Chen Fei's eyes rolled, and now this is the situation where the snipe and the clam are fighting, he will make a decision right now if he wants to be this fisherman!

And the answer must be yes!

With a decision in his mind, Chen Fei looked at Nangong Jin on the side and said with a serious expression:

"Sister Jin, there may be danger ahead, I will check it out first, you are here waiting for my signal"

Chen Fei took out a walkie-talkie, adjusted the channel, and told the person in the car behind him again, and then pushed the door to get out of the car in Nangongjin's worried eyes.

Chen Fei is always preparing to fight. He has used one person's time to open all the airdropped material boxes in the storage space. On the one hand, it is because the space in the storage space is tight, and on the other hand, it is also because he wants to advance the bullets. Integration.

He filled all the drum magazines and the remaining bullets were sorted and placed by him.

The space in the storage space is becoming more and more tense, so Chen Fei has to make repeated adjustments in order to maximize the use of space.

Chen Fei's steps are very light, but his walking speed is very fast. He moved quickly along the gravel road and soon he reached the place with three zombies.

The three zombies have almost never moved since they appeared on the zombie radar interface. When they got closer, Chen Fei suddenly discovered that none of the three zombies were intact, some were cut off, and The ones are split diagonally at the shoulders, and they are almost immobile except for a little crawling.

by! ! !


Chen Fei let out a low curse from the muzzle of a sniper that had been cut in two on the ground.

Sniper rifle! This is a sniper rifle!

The powerful attack distance is far, if Chen Fei can have a sniper rifle, he may only need to hide away when he is fighting the giant zombie, find the right time to pull the trigger, and then he can kill the giant zombie with one shot.

But now it was such a gun that could be called a magic weapon, but it was cut into two ruthlessly!

However, Chen Fei did not get nothing. He found the guns they had left not far from the three zombies, which were two 81 bars and a 92 type pistol. Unfortunately, all the bullets were empty.

Chen Fei didn't care about this. The munitions depot was not far away. He didn't need to think about bullets when he got the contents. At least he was qualified to implement his idea of ​​using bullets to make a sharpshooter.

Moving on, Chen Fei found the second green-skin armored vehicle, in a pit on the side.

And further ahead are two green pickup trucks that carry people and goods commonly used by the military. I think this should be the original plan to pull military supplies.

Roar! ! !

Bang! Bang! Bang!

As Chen Fei continued to deepen, he could already faintly hear roars and fighting sounds.

Chen Fei swallowed hard, and the closer he got to the center of the battle, the more nervous he became. After all, there was a guy who wiped out the soldiers, so Chen Fei couldn't help being careless.

After advancing a distance of about fifty meters, the widened gravel road entered a big bend around the foot of the mountain. After turning this bend, Chen Fei saw the destination of their trip.

In the col at the foot of the mountain, there is a yard made of red bricks that looks a little shabby. On the sign hanging on the wall of the yard gate, although it has been corroded a bit by the years, Chen Fei still Can vaguely see the words above.

The 16th War Preparations Depot in Zhongnan City,

There is also a faded red warning on the brick wall: no fireworks, no entry

The nearly three-meter-high wall was hung with barbed wire full of iron thorns.

Looking inward from the gate, there are two buildings in the courtyard. One is a row of brick houses connected together. There are about six or seven rooms. The specific ones can only be seen after entering the courtyard.

On the other side of the yard, there is this square building. Although it is made of bricks, the outside is flat and plastered with cement. The whole building is blue-grey. I think this should be the military depot where the war equipment is placed.

The roar in the courtyard was extremely fierce. Chen Fei held his breath and approached cautiously. In order to see the battle clearly, he climbed up a huge elm tree.

This magical tree species of elm is a paradise for caterpillars in summer. There will be more caterpillars on it to an outrageous level. It used to be a nightmare for children living in the countryside.

However, Chen Fei didn't care about so much at this time, and could only ignore the caterpillar slowly crawling on the huge branch above the elm tree.

Fuck! ! !

Chen Fei cursed secretly in his heart, threw off the fur on his body, and looked intently at the courtyard.

The two figures in the courtyard were already entangled together at this time, a giant python with the thickness of a cyan bucket and a strange-looking human-shaped zombie.

The appearance of the giant python is quite normal, and the strangest thing is that it has a small golden horn on the triangular head.

On the other hand, the mutant zombie's appearance made Chen Fei take a breath.

This zombie is not as tall and strong as a giant zombie. It is about two meters tall and has a brick red skin. The forearm of his left arm is all black, shaped like a huge machete, exuding a metal-like appearance. Glossy, almost touching the ground when the left arm is hanging down.

"Nima! So fierce!"

Seeing that the mutant zombie cut a stone pier in the courtyard into two pieces at once, Chen Fei was so shocked that his jaw could fall from the tree.

Recalling the corpses of the soldiers he had seen just now, it was obvious that this mutant zombie with its own weapon was the one that wiped out the soldiers.

After watching the battle on the tree for a while, Chen Fei felt more and more that this mutant zombie was terrifying. He even went to look at the statistics in the zombie radar more than once, because he felt that this product had exceeded the category of first-level mutant zombies.

This mutant zombie is the kind of comprehensive mutant zombie that Chen Fei is most afraid of appearing. Whether it is speed, strength, or defensive ability, it is very balanced, and because of that weird machete left arm, its attack Ability has been greatly improved.

Generally speaking, in a multi-faceted integrated and unilaterally specialized battle, the gap should be 50-50, but it must be in the case of a lot of equal settings between the two sides.

Compared with humans, zombies have a big gap in intelligence, but they are forcibly pulled to the same starting line by their survivability roots, and even become the party that widens the gap.

Zombies can still fight even if their bodies are full of holes, but humans can't. Compared with zombies, human lives are still fragile.

At that time, Chen Fei was fighting with giant zombies because of his absolute speed advantage. However, the mutant zombie he sees now is almost twice the speed of ordinary zombies, which is roughly equivalent to the agility 2.0 of Chen Fei's attribute panel.

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