Zombie City

Chapter 114: Worries

The scent of Fatty Wu Er's cooking that woke everyone up early the next morning was still the smell of cooking.

Looking at the obese figure at the busy breakfast, Chen Fei felt that it would be very good to have a cook in the apocalyptic team, because this greatly improved the quality of life of the team members.

"Hey? Brother Xiao Chen, you are awake!"

Wu Gang was holding the dumpling and humming a pop song that might have been seven or eight years ago. When he turned his head inadvertently, he caught a glimpse of Chen Fei behind him, grinning slightly in surprise on his face.

Wu Gang’s usual appearance is always a silly smile, but once he does it, he is as fierce and invincible as an angry King Kong. After this time of getting along, Chen Fei also sees Wu Gang’s character and his Since he wants to join the team, he is also a reliable teammate.

"Fat brother, beware of you before, don't take it to heart. Who told you to appear suddenly like a **** soldier, and the fighting power is so fierce. If you want to try to usurp the throne and chop me off, I can only I went down and cried."

Wu Gang smiled and replied:

"That will not happen, I just want to find a reliable team to live with, with the pig teammates in the tannery, it is really tiring, there is no passion for cooking!

Brother Xiao Chen, you are the captain, and each of your orders is related to the entire team, so it should be cautious! "

Chen Fei rolled his eyes, holding his shoulders and replied:

"Sure! Just say this to you, you will be the core member of our apocalyptic survival team in the future!

Um... As for your positioning... it is equivalent to the double position of the Royal Kitchen and the 4th Grade Knife Guardian. I will issue you new weapons and bullets in a while. "

Wu Gang's heart warmed. Chen Feineng completely accepted him in such a short period of time. This was a kind of trust in him, and he was responsive to his brother Wu Gang, and he could help his brothers desperately at any time.

Wu Gang grinned and replied when he saw Chen Fei's cool and tugging appearance:

"Okay! Brother Xiao Chen! With me, you can eat and drink every day, and I will not stand behind when there is battle. I will definitely advance and retreat with you."


Last night, Zhuzi, Mingyang and Uncle Jianguo went to the old village chief’s house to discuss the closure of the village. There might have been major issues to consider, but when the old village chief learned that Uncle Gen was bitten, he made a cruel decision.

Of course, the most important thing is the trust in Zhuzi and Mingyang!

In fact, up until now, the old man Zheng knew in his heart what these two college students had done for the surviving villagers in the village. All of these are obvious to all, and his old village chief just made some of them as the village chief. The decision becomes more dynamic, so that the cooperation of the villagers can be more positive.

When I opened my eyes in the morning, the first thing the pillar saw was Mingyang sleeping on the other side of the kang. When I turned over the pillar, I fell on the family portrait hanging on the wall.

There are old parents and grandmothers with pillars, and pillars with grinning silly smiles.

On the day when the zombie virus broke out, Zhu Zi’s father and mother went to the fields to weed. There were only pillars and a kind grandma at home. The silent outbreak of the virus did not affect them.

Compared with the probability of a zombie virus outbreak in Zhongnan City, less than one-fifth of these people in the village became zombies after a full-scale outbreak of the virus on the first day.

Of course, he didn't know the pillars themselves, and thought it was the case in all parts of the country, but if he knew it, he could only think that the air ecology in the village was relatively better and the population was not dense, so the virus spread less.

Originally it was something to be happy that no one in the family was infected, but now Zhu Zi would fall into deep self-blame every time he thinks about it.

At that time, he was lying on the kang playing mobile games, and when he heard the shouts next door, he thought it was the third uncle and the third aunt quarreling again, so he didn't care.

However, grandma was eager to persuade her and went to the next door. Pillar still didn't pay attention to it. It was only after a while that Pillar suddenly realized the seriousness of the situation when grandma came back with her **** arm.

The same scene spread rapidly in the village, screaming and crying endlessly.

Pillar went to the health clinic to find Dr. Zhang to bandage his grandma, only to see Dr. Zhang chasing and biting people like a mad dog.

At that time, Zhu Zi did not immediately associate this symptom with the zombies in the movie. In a panic, he just took some gauze and sterilized alcohol cotton from the health clinic to go home.

When I returned home, I found that my parents who had gone to work in the fields had also returned home, and both of them had panicked expressions on their faces.

The scene in the night was something that the pillar could not let go of until now. The grandmother, who had a high fever, suddenly sat up and bit her mom and dad who took care of her.

It was at that time that Zhu Zi realized that the symptoms of these people were exactly the same as those of the zombies in the movie, but it was too late by then.

Whenever I think of these pillars, I regret my hindsight at that time. He and Mingyang saved many people in the village, but they failed to save their parents and relatives. This is a regret for their lives.

Glancing at Ming Yang, who was still in his sleep and chattering, the pillar shook his head helplessly. Now, except for not living together, the people in the village usually eat three meals together at the old village chief’s house. The breakfast is made by the village chief’s daughter-in-law’s wife. And some young wives with babies.

Zhu Zi glanced at the wall clock on the wall, picked up the pistol beside him and fiddled with it for a while. This was the trophy he had seized last night.

The reason why Zhu Zi was so excited after getting the gun was not to say that it was for the convenience of the battle, but that he had the confidence and strength to frighten and guard against others.

Pin the pistol to the waist, put on the shoes and leave the house with the long dagger. Although this long dagger is much shorter than those sickle and hoes, it is more suitable for fighting zombies than those farm tools. Just grab it. The timing will be able to kill with one blow!

At this time, there was still half an hour before the meal time set by the village chief. Zhu Zi wanted to use this time to see the current situation of the wandering zombies in the village, and also wanted to see how to use the village's buildings to complete the village.

The pillars walked cautiously along the alleys of the brick and tiled room, their sights have been moving around every corner, ready to face the zombies that suddenly sprang out.

From time to time, he still wields the long dagger in his hand, familiar with the feeling of fighting with the dagger, thinking in his heart what movements and angles to use when fighting zombies to be safer and more secure.

With the passage of time, the expression of the pillar changed from being cautious to being puzzled, because he had not seen a wandering zombie in most of the village.

But I saw a lot of zombies lying motionless on the ground. Most of these zombies were fatal by one blow. Most of the wounds were in the position of the eyes. If it is one or two, it can be understood, but 30 or 40 zombies are all. This kind of death is too unexpected.

In order to prevent the decay of the corpse from causing the virus and bacteria to spread again, Zhu Zi and Mingyang suggested that the villagers kill the zombies and throw them into the pit to burn them, and finally bury them.

Every time someone kills a zombie, someone will drag the zombie away. It stands to reason that only he and Mingyang, Uncle Jianguo, and Uncle Gen have fought and killed three zombies last night. The untreated corpse should be only that. Three are right.

All the zombies in the alleys in front of you now indicate that a master secretly killed all these zombies last night, and those with such strength and courage must not be villagers in the village.

Zhu Zi's heart stunned!

Some people from outside the village came over last night and silently killed all the wandering zombies!

Zhu Zi frowned subconsciously. People with this kind of strength must not be able to overcome by a large number of people alone, and the village is not said to be the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, but the vast majority of people are indeed elderly, and Women account for more than half, and those who can get started are men in the village between 30 and 50 years old.

In the eyes of the strong, these survivors are no different from the fat sheep, even if they have the mind to resist, they have no ability to resist.

Thinking of these pillars subconsciously touching the pistol at his waist, he can only hope that the pistol at his waist can effectively shock the opponent.

While having breakfast in the yard of the village chief’s house, the old village chief announced the decision to close the village and also said about Uncle Gen’s misfortune.

Except for a few people who find it inconvenient to close the village for farm work, most people show no objection to what the old village chief said.

For a farmer, they cannot leave their fields alone at any time.

After thinking about it, Zhu Zi told everyone about his findings in the morning.

The zombies in the alleys outside. In the morning when the villagers came to the old village chief’s house from various houses, almost everyone saw it, but no one cared that they thought it was made by other villagers. After all, the zombies are disgusting It looks like no one will stare at them and appreciate them, and they will not notice the wounds that killed the zombies...

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