Zodiac University

Chapter 29: The Warning

After Virgo had made his shocking realization—that he was actually in love with Taurus and didn’t just have mere feelings for him—he realized the bastard hadn’t left him with a towel and was forced to crack open the door to ask for one as Taurus grinned cheekily at him.
Virgo rubbed his temples and sighed. “You forgot my towel.”
Taurus smirked. “I didn’t forget.”
Virgo felt his cheeks heating up and shot an icy glare at the brown-haired man. I can’t believe I’m in love with this jerk, he thought. I need help.
“Well, go get me a towel.”
Taurus’s smirk got bigger. “Come out here and get it. I’ve got some clothes ready for you, too.”
“You’re going to make me walk around your dorm nude?! What if your staff members see?”
“Then they’ll see. They already heard us fucking.”
Virgo gritted his teeth, his cheeks getting even hotter. He wanted to slap the idiot.
Virgo opened the door and revealed his naked body. Taurus stared at it, glancing at his lower regions and making sure Virgo saw it. Virgo glared at him again and limped back to the bedroom. His ass still hurt like crazy from Taurus’s ruthless behavior in bed. Taurus followed him, grinning all the way. He didn’t stop looking at Virgo as he got dressed and picked up his dirty clothes. But as Virgo was about to push past him and go downstairs, Taurus grabbed his shoulder, stopping him.
Virgo flinched and looked back. “Let go.”
Taurus gave Virgo a toothy grin. “Don’t you have something to say?”
Virgo blinked. “What?”
“You should apologize. Where are your manners?”
Taurus nodded. “I mean, you came storming over here at lunchtime and knocked on my door. Next thing we know, you were threatening, tackling, and punching me.” He made direct eye contact with Virgo, his gaze unwavering. “You should apologize.”
Virgo let out a snort. “You’re the one who threw the first punch. And I know full well that you were looking for me the whole time I was absent this week. Who should be apologizing here?”
Taurus went silent and then let go of Virgo’s shoulder. “Alright, I’ll apologize.”
Virgo was a bit surprised at this comment but smiled with triumph and crossed his arms. “Okay, then. Apolo—”
Before he could finish his sentence, Taurus leaned in and kissed him. It was a passionate embrace, with his tongue shooting around Virgo’s mouth and wrapping around his. Virgo dropped his hands in shock but couldn’t hold back the moan that escaped from his captured lips. Why was kissing Taurus so amazing?
After a few seconds, Taurus pulled back and Virgo felt strangely disappointed that the kiss was over. The brown-haired man grinned.
“There. I apologized.”
Virgo blushed and glared at him. “T-that wasn’t an apology, bastard!” It wasn’t a proper apology, but it had clearly shaken Virgo up, and that was what Taurus had been going for. Virgo knew this and hated himself for his feelings even more.
Taurus laughed. “Your turn.”
“Fuck you,” was Virgo’s response, and he stormed downstairs and left the building. Taurus watched him out the window as he faded into the night. We must’ve slept for a few hours, he thought, noting how dark it was outside.
No sooner had Virgo left when he heard ascending footsteps and saw Merida, his personal maid, entering the hallway cautiously.
“Sir,” she said, and Taurus turned around. “Uh…your parents want to talk to you.” It was then Taurus noticed she was holding up a phone, which had a call in progress.
Taurus shoved his hands in his pockets and tsked irritably. “Which one of you all snitched?”
Merida shook her head defensively. “No, sir, nobody told Mr. or Mrs. Campbell about your…um…”
“Boyfriend.” The words rolled surprisingly easily off Taurus’s tongue and he smiled at the sound of it.
“R-right,” Merida said. “We all know to stay out of your personal business. This is just Mr. Campbell’s monthly call.”
My old man really gets on my nerves, Taurus thought bitterly and went over to take the phone.
“Son,” the voice on the other end said. “I have news.”
Taurus sighed and walked over to the couch, flopping on it dramatically. “Make it quick, Dad. I’m busy here.” He wasn’t really, but he wanted to think about Virgo some more.
“There will be a transfer student arriving at Admirant on Monday,” Taurus’s father said.
Taurus raised an eyebrow. “So?” His father didn’t normally call about new students unless they were people to watch out for.
“This student is a girl named Gemini Origard-Diamond,” Mr. Campbell continued. “Her parents are elite members of our sector.”
“Okay…?” Taurus felt like he knew where this was going.
“Taurus, they have higher positions than us,” Mr. Campbell went on. “They also have more connections to higher roles. They are, to sum it up, extremely powerful…making them extremely dangerous to us. They’ve enrolled their daughter at Admirant possibly to knock us down a peg and destroy our family name.”
Taurus sat up. “What do you want me to do?”
“Just be on the lookout for Gemini. Don’t get involved with her. Stay away from her altogether, if possible. Oh, and Taurus?”
“Don’t even try threatening this girl. It’ll backfire completely if you do.”
Taurus snorted. “Whatever you say, Dad.” He hung up and tossed the phone back to Merida who caught it and quickly left the room.
Taurus scratched his stomach and pulled out his own phone to scroll social media. His thoughts were still on Virgo, but now they were starting to focus on his dad’s warning.
New girl huh? he thought, opening his internet browser and typing her name in the search bar. One who could potentially wreck our family name.
Sure enough, the Origard-Diamond name was nowhere to be found online, and Taurus had to do some digging and bypassing of protected sites to finally find her. She was a girl about his age, with long blonde hair and blue eyes. She was cute, and Taurus would’ve normally been interested in her…but he only had eyes for Virgo now. She was as insignificant as Cancer.
Taurus was, however, impressed by the amount of encrypting done to protect the information. There must be some skilled cybersecurity analysts in the Origard-Diamond group, he thought. Even his family didn’t have that level of skilled protection.
So, she’s arriving on Monday, huh? Taurus thought. She’s going to be popular, with those looks of hers.
Something told him life at Admirant was about to get a thousand times more interesting.

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